Научная статья на тему 'Tendencies of national economy socialization'

Tendencies of national economy socialization Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Grinevskaya S.M.

The theoretical and scientifically methodical questions of tendencies of national economy socialization. Social and economic indexes which characterize of economy socialization. Directions of improvement of the conceptual providing of social orientation of economy are offered.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Tendencies of national economy socialization»

UDC 331.1

S. M. Grinevskaya,

PhD (Economics),

Institute of Industrial Economics NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv TENDENCIES OF NATIONAL ECONOMY SOCIALIZATION

Socially oriented market economy, as the special model of the regulated economy, is characterized by such socio-economic institutes, which stipulate functioning of all the elements of this system in the direction of achievement of aims of social justice, protection, high level and quality of life. Economic interests of Ukraine, which mean economic advantages, enriching, economic independence and competitiveness for a country, unfortunately, remained at the level of strategic orientation. Achievement of social interests of population is not possible through economic barriers and origins of new social dangers, conditioned by modern transformation processes. Social factors have a considerable influence on development of economy of modern Ukraine and appear in the different spheres of economy, causing the change of pattern of public requirements and types of economic activity. At presence of characteristic signs of socialization of economy in Ukraine, the processes of social orientation of economy have nonsystem and unregulated character.

At high demand of government control and presence of practical principles of providing principles of social market economy there is the insufficiency of theoretical and methodical developments on the problems of social orientated economy forming and providing. In general, is there a question what social orientation of economy is, does it exist, are these processes regulated by the state, is it the classic example of the self-development processes? Ukraine acquired a status of the state with a market economy, although a world experience shows, that an effective market economy does not exist without government control. Only the aims, tasks, volumes and forms of this adjusting change. Most modern doctrines are determine a process of the market adjusting as the one that stipulates the origin of contradiction between achievement of economic and social aims of, which requires obligatory government control of economic and social spheres. The search of model of managing, which would meet the necessities of effective economic and social development, providing both balanced intercommunication and co-operation, defined the necessity of forming of the socially oriented economy, the purpose of which is providing economic development and economic growth in terms of achievement of strategic social aims. Basic signs of social orientation of economy are the object of discussions of scientists and specialists. They are taken to descriptions of co-operation of economic and social spheres in meeting the requirements

of balance, safety, efficiency and development. Theoretical generalizations enable to ground the essence of author's determinations of concepts [1]. The increase of competitiveness of economy of Ukraine means the development and realization of the real strategy of forming and providing of social orientation of economy for creation of the proper terms for permanent growth. In this context a question of development of the proper public policy is significant in relation to providing of social orientation of economy and steady development in the modern socio-economic terms existing in Ukraine.

Socio-economic transformations in Ukraine have an objective of forming of the socially oriented economy of the state for the increase of efficiency of public production, growth of welfare of population and providing a steady development. Socially oriented market economy, as the special model of the managed economy, characterizes the set of such socio-economic institutes, which stipulate functioning of all the elements of this system in the direction of achievement of aims of social justice, protection, high level and quality of life.

Significance of the question of government control of social orientation of economy for providing a steady development of country grows in the modern terms of economic transformations which negatively influence economic activity and growth of welfare of population in middle- and to long-term periods. Foreign experience of leading countries of the world testifies the expedience of increase of role of the state and specification of its functions at providing the mechanism of realization of social orientation of economy. Forming and functioning of the socially oriented economy stipulates the subsequent perspective scenario of steady development of country. In this connection a problem of determination of priority directions and perfection of mechanisms of government control of processes of social orientation of economy is significant.

Works by the Ukrainian scientists A. Amosha, O. Vlasyuk, V. Grishkin, M. Dolishnij, J. Zaycev, S. Mochernij, O.Novikova, M. Chumachenko are devoted to the problems of the social orientation of economy, and also by well-known representatives of Russian science L. Abalkin, I. Buzgalin, I. Diskin, T. Za-slavskaya, V. Inozemcev, K. Mikul'skij, V. Radaev, N. Rimashevskaya, V. Slezinger etc. However, despite many scientific researches in this issues, the question

in relation to directions of government control of social orientation of economy is not investigated enough.

The purpose of the article is determination of directions of improvement of government control of social orientation of economy.

Exposition of basic material. The estimation of the legislative and legal provision of intercommunication of economic and social policy discovers the absence of integral legal mechanism which would coordinate the processes of management the social orientation of economy. From Constitution of Ukraine to the legislation of Ukraine in national safety, public regional policy, social standards and state social guarantees etc., certain regulation of positions of the social orientation of economy is distinguished. The analysis of maintenance of Programs of activity of governments of Ukraine, lectures of President of Ukraine for years independence of Ukraine testifies to the presence of necessity of state administration in achievement social reorientation of economy. On the whole the legal providing of process of social orientation of economy is nonsystem, uncomplex and is determined by the unbalanced positions. Realization of state social guarantees and standards, which is determined by the proper legislation of Ukraine becomes impossible because of lack of government control of this process, in the Budget code the proper positions in relation to practical actions in this direction are unregulated. Possibilities of development of legislation of Ukraine about national safety in relation to providing balanced achievement of social and economic interests by means of the insulativity of subsystems of economic and social security in the system of national safety are not used. A conceptual and legal base of providing social orientation of economy must go out from positive experience of the developed countries, realization of national interests in economic and social spheres and requirements of integration to the best world systems.

The socially oriented economy is the system of managing, which is subordinated to achievement of social interests of personality, society, state at inhibition of requirements of safety, effective and balanced development in economic and social spheres [1]. The social orientation of economy is defined as an activity that provides becoming and functioning of the socially oriented economy by market self-organization in terms of regulative roles of the state. Government control of social orientation of economy is an organization of successive actions, connected and interactive by means of structural elements, which determine an order, methods and instruments of the directed public authorities' influencing socio-economic processes in the different levels of management with the purpose of providing of social orientation of economy. Government control of social orientation of economy is determined by the activity of the state which is directed to forming of the conditions and possibilities of providing

of the balanced socio-economic development with priority of achievement of social aims. Exactly successive, purposeful activity of the state in relation to functioning and development of economic and social spheres at the removal of contradictions in behalf of social aims at determination of strategies and forming of mechanisms of their achievement, stipulates forming of the government control system of processes of social orientation of economy by means of the influencing the state on socio-economic development, with the purpose of achievement of social aims at warning of origin and display of economic dangers, carries out the effective becoming of social orientation of economy. Frequently the social orientation of economy is considered as a form of menage, the primary objective of economic activity of which is providing of the economic growth and social development. The strategy of national safety of Ukraine is the priority of national interest that is the creation of the self-sufficient socially oriented market economy, which is the connection of achievement of priorities of human development and economic independence.

The social orientation of economy is characterized as a subsystem, which is built in the system of national safety, where creation of the self-sufficient socially oriented economy and providing of permanent growth of standard of living and welfare of population is a priority national interest both in economic and in social spheres. A social orientation of economy as priority national interest is the reference point of the state and society in relation to the receipt of economic advantages with the purpose of upgrading life and providing human development. Legislative determination of social orientation of economy as a competitive, market economy, which provides permanent growth of standard of living and welfare of population [2], not specified for the system of state and regional administration in well-organized purposeful activity.

International experience testifies that countries with the socially oriented economy are the effective competitive states that can serve as a standard for creation of the similar system in other countries. Theoretical and practical generalizations of foreign experience are valuable, but national differences in socialization of modern market economy make it's application impossible and need the proper adaptation to the national terms. One more important point is an awareness of the fact that a task not only in stabilizing of economy of Ukraine, but also a problem of wide system economic, social, institutional transformations. A modern socioeconomic situation needs search of conceptual decisions of socio scale, systematization of new experience, combination of elements of scientific novelty and absolute applied direction [3, 4]. The social orientation of economy must involve such bases of market economy, as a private ownership, competition, enterprise;

equal rights and social guarantees must be provided to all the members of the society.

The purpose of social orientation of economy is achievement of high level and quality of life of population, human and social development on the basis of balanced social and economic policy. The essence of this purpose is conditioned by the increase of role of human factor in socio-economic development and providing of public progress of the country. A high level of economic development is the guarantee of its realization. The realization of purpose is affected by the principles which it will be gained by, that is why their maintenance must meet certain requirements: not to abolish market values (freedom, competition, property and etc.); transference of many social functions, directed to the defense of vulnerable people, - to the state; providing of human development and realization of social prospects of society.

A social orientation of economy is strategic direction of public policy, which is determined by Constitution of Ukraine, by a legislation of national safety, domestic and external policy. In the programs of activity of every government of Ukraine, state and regional conceptions, strategies, programs the necessity of its providing is determined. In the present economic terms it is important to define priorities of state development, which must become the basis for the national programs, for realization of innovative socio-economic development and providing steady development in Ukraine and its regions.

Absence of long-term state strategy of economic and social development in Ukraine, conception of the social state, social code, presence of lacks of operating legal base in relation to definiteness of priorities, directions and mechanisms of achievement of social orientation of economy, determines the sharp necessity of arrangement of determination of legal positions from the social orientation of economy. Government control must provide co-ordination of legal positions of national safety and social policy in relation to determination of positions directed to the national safety threats abolition in social and economic spheres. At the same time it is necessary to provide co-operation of the legal positions of Strategy of national safety of Ukraine related to the connection of interests, threats and directions in economic and social spheres with the purpose of achievement of aims of social orientation of economy. It is suggested to define prospects of forming of legal regulation in the socially oriented economy at forming National strategy of development, including the improvement of legal base in national safety and stimulation of development of regions etc.

Pre-condition of acceptance of effective administrative decisions in the system of state administration in relation to providing of social orientation of economy is their scientifically grounded determination, high-quality estimation and methodical providing of meas-

uring of social orientation of economy. In Ukraine there is no officially ratified method of estimation of social orientation of economy and the proper system of indexes that prevents the introduction of high-quality administrative decisions in the state administration sphere. Theoretical generalizations of the problems of estimation of social orientation of economy defined the requirements of their further settlement. Problems of measuring of social orientation of economy are achievements of negligible quantity of scientific developments. The general approach to the estimation of the state and problems of social orientation of economy must be supported and grounded by optimal variants of administrative decisions as for providing social orientation of economy. For the exposure of risks of achievements of social and economic aims it is expedient to conduct a high-quality analysis which determines optimal correlation of social charges of the state and providing of the economic growth.

Government control of social orientation of economy means the application of indexes which determine the safe state of functioning of economy and make for forming the terms of economic and social development. Its realization becomes possible at application of threshold (maximum) socio-economic indexes, neglecting which stipulates negative influence of social factors on development of economy, and vice versa. The system of indexes must determine achievement of aims of social orientation of economy and be directed to providing possibilities of measuring, watching its development and realization of estimation of efficiency of the taken measures. The methods of estimation of social orientation of economy [5] is based upon symbiosis of important economic and social indicators of providing of national safety in economic and social spheres, and also on the analysis of indexes of social orientation of economy on the different stages of its development. It is suggested to estimate [6] efficiency of government control of social orientation of economy: by expenses on social measures in the structure of the state budget, which include expenses on health protection, spiritual and physical development, education, social defense and public welfare; by the level of payment of labour of the hired workers in the structure of GDP; by investments in the basic capital. Optimal correlation of these expenses, sufficient level of public and financial welfare of population, will make for the economic growth.

Expenses on social aims actually are one of indexes of social orientation of economy, and their correct increase has a positive influence on the economic growth. According to calculations [6], budget expenses on social aims grew faster than GDP. For determination of measure and direction of connection, existing between indexes, econometric double and plural models were used, that were realized on the basis of algorithm of double and plural cross-correlation regressive

analysis. The optimal form of connection between application of indexes of GDP and budget expenses on social aims is a parabolic regression that represents interdependence with the high level of statistical exactness and authenticity. In the analysis of foregoing intercommunications important is not only an absolute value of the proper indexes of social orientation of economy that is the size of social expenses of the state budget and increase of GDP, but also their relative correlation. The optimal form of connection between the indexes of GDP and expenses of budget on social aims is set. It shows that at the real terms that appeared at forming of rate of growth of GDP and budget expenses on social aims, the sum of charges must not exceed a maximum value which is about 20 % in attitude toward the volume of GDP in actual prices [6]. Increase of sum of expenses in attitude toward GDP outside the defined threshold values, can be accompanied by decelerations of rates of GDP growth.

Payment of labour has a stimulating function in forming of terms of the economic growth, it means that in the conditions of extensive type of economic development, increase of its specific gravity is accompanied by speed-up growth of GDP both in actual and compared prices, that is confirmed by the empiric coefficients of elasticity. Every percent of growth of payment of labour of the hired workers is accompanied by GDP growth (in compared prices) on the average on 0,94%, here specific gravity of payment of labour in the structure of GDP must not be below after 39%.

According to calculations that the influence of factors «payment of labour» and «investments in the basic capital» in models are practically identical, their increase stipulates growth of GDP. Thus, at the extensive type of reproductive processes in Ukraine providing of social orientation of economy becomes more intensive with growth of payment of labour and increase of fund of payment of labour in the structure of GDP, and volumes of social expenses, as a factor of the economy growing and simultaneously as descriptions of level of social orientation of economy practically are exhausted, in the modern terms of development of economy. The high coefficients of elasticity of investments in the basic capital, testify that potential possibilities of the economy growing must be connected with the investment constituent.

The conducted calculations show that taking into account the tendencies of changes of GDP future growth of budget expenses on social aims practically exhausted backlogs for providing of the economy growth. It is confirmed by the implementation of budgets of previous years and by the fact that the increase of level of consumer and investment expenses was financed due to the considerable cutback of the future spending and accumulation of surplus volume of external debt of Ukraine, that resulted in prolongation of debt. Also calculations found out considerable disbal-

ance of actual values of indexes of social orientation of economy that are actual indexes or indexes considerably below limit necessary for the economy growing, or exceed them. Government control of social orientation of economy must be extremely rational and self-weighted, and an effective salvation is bringing in of potential of the domestic saving and use of internal loans.

A problem in relation to rationality of financial payments on the decision of social questions grows in connection with low economic feasibilities of their decision. For providing balanced achievement of economic and social security it is suggested to set and use the threshold values of indexes for acceptance of high-quality administrative decisions with preventing risks in economic and social spheres. Achievement of social aims must take into account the necessities of providing of the economy growing through the system of budget policy which is the important instrument of government control of processes of economic and social interests. Optimization of social expenses is the certificate of the high-quality planning of national expenses and profits. Transformation of budget policy and state financial planning in certain directions will provide conditioning for providing social orientation of economy. Government control of budget policy needs its forming and realization on principles that meet general strategies of development of the state with the socially oriented economy and national features.

The mechanisms of realization of social orientation of economy must be provided by forming of the newest instruments of state's implementation of it's traditional functions in the socio-economic sphere. For effective realization of the regulative functions the state disposes such levers, as a legislation of country, national budget, system of taxes etc. In a social policy it is necessary to complete a transition from the paternalistic to the subsidiary model of the state which means availability and free of chargeness for all of citizens of such base social services, as education and health protection, redistribution of social expenses directed only to the vulnerable groups of people with simultaneous reduction of help to wealthy people; reduction of social inequality; giving the citizens a possibility of higher social level of consumption is due to their own profits. It is necessary to distinguish two aims: first, to protect vulnerable groups of people from the hard action of market which can not do without social support of the state; second, to make for economic activity of different layers of population by a social policy. In connection with the above said, the financial providing of social policy must contain such strategic directions:

An improvement of institutional environment in relation to providing of the budgetary financing of social policy;

Improvement of mechanisms of realization of social policy with the purpose of reduction of the unjustified budgetary spending and their rational use;

An increase of investments in a human capital;

Development of matrix of types of social support and holding the audit of types of social help and privileges with the claim of list of items of budget that can not be reduced, in particular pension, social perks to the invalids, expenses on education and health protection, reeducation of unemployed, expenses on address social payments;

Introduction of indirect methods of evaluation of profits of citizens, which apply for a social support with creation of the unique base of the recipients of all types of social support, unique informative environment for the organs of labour and social defense of population, Pension fund, State tax administration;

Prevention a decline of the real wage in the conditions of speed-up inflation by the development of practical mechanism of indexation of payment of labour;

Self-restraint of the state with the purpose of reduction of uneffective interference with an economy and social sphere, and also decline of the tax loading on entrepreneurial activity;

Introduction of mechanism of government social order for providing of competition for budgetary facilities for the state's money and municipal services in the field of social defense, health protection, education and culture, taking into account the features of functioning of these industries;

An increase of efficiency of budgetary expenses on social aims through active application of program-aiming method and achievement of effectiveness of the medium-term budgetary planning;

Correlation of dynamics of expenses of social direction and rates of the economy growing.

Directions of improvement of government control of social orientation of economy must be directed on achievement of social aims and to stipulate forming of the proper measures which determine the mechanisms of their realization. Theses are providing socioeconomic self-weight of the state and local budgets, development of contractual relations of center and regions, improvement of the system of estimation of activity of organs of state and regional administration, socialization of economic policy etc.

Conclusion. Forming of the system of government control of processes of social orientation of economy must be carried out through the influence of the state on socio-economic development with the purpose of achievement of social aims, preventing emergence and display of economic and social dangers with the use of corresponding indexes-indicators.

The most significant issues of modern economic development of a country are a surplus load of social obligations of the state, support of paternalistic mood of a population, disorientation of public policy on so-

cial strategy forming that implies that expenses on social aims do not burden an economy but stimulate economic development. For providing balanced of economic and social development of country during modernization of economy it is necessary to strengthen government control of such processes in a budgetary sphere by means of:

An improvement of state financial management through introduction of the medium-term planning;

Introduction of the system of monitoring and evaluation of efficiency of the budgetary programs;

Determination of standards of monthly publicity of state information about implementation of budget and off-budget funds, in particular in the Internet;

Introduction of limits of the government spending of budget;

An increase of efficiency of ebudgetxpenses on social needs;

A concentration of resources on priority directions of socio-economic development;

Claim of list of the items of budget that can not be reduced, in particular pension payments, social perks to the invalids, expenses on education and health protection, reeducation unemployed, expenses on address social payments;

Introduction of norms of account of budgetary expenses that enable to watch profits, obligations, payments and assets of all of organs of state administration;

Necessity of clear determination of all the sources of budget accounts;

Making of criteria of begging, their introduction and establishment of clear and rapid order of selection of address social help;

Prevention of decline of the real wage is in the conditions of speed-up inflation by development of practical mechanism of indexation of payment of labour;

Establishment of size of living wage, as a base social standard which provides a recreation and development;

Leadthrough of the annual monitoring and estimation of efficiency of realization of the programs of the state investing and support of economic, scientific, innovative, social projects.

Necessary to hold a policy of hard effectiveness of budgetary costs - the structure of charges of budget must consist in expressly certain priorities of socioeconomic development of Ukraine and adhere to the optimal economic policy through diminishing of particle of the direct financing of social necessities and increase of particle of financing from the side of population, on the basis of increase of all of profits, above all things ettlings, pension, other types of social perks. It is possible on the principles of the use of innovative mechanisms of state financial management and new

well-organized and system normatively legal legislation.

Further researches in relation to the association of the problems of social development and budgetary processes are significant because the problems of methodological and methodical character in relation to government control of social development and his mechanisms, above all things budgetary, with the purpose of harmonization of activity of all of branches of power for providing of national priorities of social policy on all of levels of management are unsolved. Therefore a development of methodological principles of the unique approach in relation to a social and budgetary policy is necessary, also scientific development of concept and function of budget from position of determination of his role as regulator of socioeconomic development and his providing by budgetary mechanisms is to be investigated.

One of the main questions of modern transformations in Ukraine is a creation of the socially oriented economy for achievement of steady development of the state. Government control of social and economic processes in Ukraine is uneffective, and possibilities and terms for improving the situation exist. Government control of social orientation of economy requires from the state legislative and executive support of social human, effective economic measures rights and self-weighted state economic, budgetary, social policies for the system of providing steady development of a country. Researches of problems of social orientation of economy as a station-temporal process are interesting and perspective, and although there is the impression, that there is no possibility to interfere in this process as a result of his scale and incomprehensibility of many socio-economic processes, it is necessary to try to regulate them.


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Гршевська С. М. 3aKOHOMipHOCTi сощ^за-цп нащонально'1 економжи

Розкрито теоретичн та науково-методичш пи-тання щодо закономiрностей cощалiзацiï нащона-льно1 економши. Визначено сощальш та економ1чш показники, що характеризують соцiалiзацiю еконо-мши. Запропоновано напрями удосконалення концептуального забезпечення соцiальноï спрямовано-ст економiки.

Ключовi слова: cоцiалiзацiя економши, соща-льна спрямованють економiки, державне регулю-вання.

Гриневская С. Н. Закономерности социализации национальной экономики

Раскрыты теоретические и научно-методические вопросы относительно закономерностей социализации национальной экономики. Определены социальные и экономические показатели, которые характеризуют социализацию экономики. Предложены направления усовершенствования концептуального обеспечения социальной направленности экономики.

Ключевые слова: социализация экономики, социальная направленность экономики, государственное регулирование.

Grinevskaya S. М. Tendencies of National Economy Socialization

The theoretical and scientifically methodical questions of tendencies of national economy socialization. Social and economic indexes which characterize of economy socialization. Directions of improvement of the conceptual providing of social orientation of economy are offered.

Keywords: economy socialization, social orientation of economy, government control.

Received by the editors: 24.11.2014

and final form 23.12.2014

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