AunÎ Лт te)
январь, 2022 г.
DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2022.94.1.12950
Bobir Olimov
Assistant of the Department of Chemistry of the Bukhara Institute of Engineering-Technology,
Uzbekistan, Bukhara E-mail: chemistry292 [email protected]
Mashhura Sadiqova
Assistant of the Department of Chemistry of the Bukhara Institute of Engineering-Technology,
Uzbekistan, Bukhara
Islom Beshimov
Master degree student of the Bukhara Institute of Engineering-Technology,
Uzbekistan, Bukhara
Олимов Бобир Баходирович
ассистент кафедры химии Бухарского инженерно-технологического института, Республика Узбекистан, г. Бухара
Садикова Машхура Идилоевна
ассистент кафедры химии Бухарского инженерно-технологического института, Республика Узбекистан, г. Бухара
Бешимов Ислом Акмалжонович
Бухарского инженерно-технологического института, Республика Узбекистан, г. Бухара
Today, the prevention of corrosion in the oil and gas industry is one of the most urgent problems. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the production technology of effective corrosion inhibitors. This article shows the technology of obtaining surface active substances that store aromatic groups in themselves.
Сегодня предотвращение коррозии в нефтегазовой отрасли является одной из наиболее актуальных проблем. Поэтому необходимо совершенствовать технологию производства эффективных ингибиторов коррозии. В данной статье показана технология получения поверхностно--активных веществ, накапливающих в себе ароматические группы.
Keywords: vinyl ether of diatomic phenols, methanal, sodium bisulfite, MEA, hydrocarbon chains, raw materials
Ключевые слова: виниловый эфир двухатомных фенолов, метанaл, бисульфит натрия, МЭА, углеводородные цепи, сырье.
Experience in the use of equipment and communications in oil fields shows that the development of anti-corrosion measures can only be
carried out with careful control over the corrosion rate and aggressive component composition of metal equipment [1-2].
Библиографическое описание: Olimov B.B., Sadiqova M.I., Beshimov I.A. TECHNOLOGY OF OBTAINING EFFECTIVE CORROSION INHIBITORS IN THE OIL AND GAS INDUSTRY // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 1(94). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/12950
AunÎ Лт te)
январь, 2022 г.
Most of the known methods for determining and controlling the corrosion of metals are associated with a very wide variety of external environmental conditions, which requires the correct selection of the test method and the control of the corrosion rate. The rational fight against corrosion in most cases depends on the individual properties of the metal and the corrosive properties of the environment [3-5].
At present, the reservoir water of the oil and gas fields has a slightly acidic environment, the composition of which includes sodium, calsium, magnesium chloride, a certain amount of sulfates, sometimes bicarbonate and microelements (iodine, bromine, etc.), as well as hydrogen sulfide, which is caused by the activity of sulfate-reparative bacteria. This reservoir water has high corrosion ability compared to oil and gas equipment and pipe network [6-7].
As is known, many surface active substances, especially aromatic, unsaturated hydrocarbon chains, compounds with polar and polar fragments, as well as sufficient molecular weight, have an inhibitor effect [8].
The technological process of obtaining new corrosion inhibitors synthesized includes the following
stages: preparation of raw materials, implementation of synthesis, separation of the resulting substance, drying, crushing, sifting and packaging of finished products. It is possible to organize the technological process of production of corrosion inhibitors and compositions for metal composites and metals without changing the technologies on the basis of the production of other inhibiting additives. The organization of this type of production at enterprises where various wastes are generated allows solving urgent environmental issues and creating low-productivity technologies [9].
The technological scheme for the production of corrosion inhibitors SMKI and AMKI, obtained by the action vinyl ether of diatomic phenols with methanal and sodium sulfite, as well as methanal and monoethanolamine, is shown in Figure 1.
The reactor is equipped with P1 (a vertical cylindrical apparatus equipped with a mixer, heater and return coolant) from the measuring vessels C1 and C2, C3, C4 in the required amount of vinyl ether of diatomic phenols, methanal, sodium bisulfite or MEA.
Figure 1. C1 and C8 - capacitors; P1 - reactor; K1 and K4-pumps
The ingredients put in the reactor are heated to a temperature of 353-363 K with stirring, for 7 hours. Then the reaction mass is cooled to 293-297 K and sent to R2 for filtration. Adding ethanol to the reaction mass,
the mass that started the reaction is precipitated. The sediment is sent to the S8-container and once again washed, the remaining sediment is dried and sent to the packaging. The product yield is 86-88%.
Table 1.
Cost of consumable materials for the production of 1 ton SMKI-branded corrosion inhibitor
Reagents Cost of one unit, sum Initial substance consumption for 1 ton, kg The price of 1 t (1000 kg)
Resorsinol 67 500 100 6 750 000 sum
Calsium carbide 10 000 100 1 000 000 sum
methanal (formaline 37%) 6000 300 1 800 000 sum
Sodium bisulfite 5400 345 1 863 000 sum
Water 1100 155 170 500 sum
Total 11 583 500 sum
№ 1 (94)
январь, 2022 г.
Thus, vinyl ether of diatomic phenols-based corrosion phenols -based corrosion inhibitors will increase the
inhibitors have successfully passed production testing. service life of oil and gas industry materials.
As a result, the application of vinyl ether of diatomic
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