TECHNOLOGICAL PLANTINGS IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова
size / external / internal / stepped / gap (shelf) / tension.

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Yusupov A.R.

The property of joints should ensure the exact position or movement of parts and welded joints, reliability of use, ease of repair. Therefore, the connections of structures may be different and different requirements may be imposed on them. While in some situations it is necessary to create a slotted joint that allows movement, in other situations it is necessary to form a slotted fixed joint. The gap and tension are estimated not by the accuracy of the dimensions of some of the resulting parts, but by the ratio of the sizes of the contacting surfaces. The prop gap erty of connecting two parts that differ in size before assembly is called fit.

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УДК: 004

Yusupov A.R., candidate of technical science

associate professor Fergana Polytechnic Institute



Annotation. The property of joints should ensure the exact position or movement ofparts and welded joints, reliability of use, ease of repair. Therefore, the connections of structures may be different and different requirements may be imposed on them. While in some situations it is necessary to create a slottedjoint that allows movement, in other situations it is necessary to form a slotted fixed joint. The gap and tension are estimated not by the accuracy of the dimensions of some of the resulting parts, but by the ratio of the sizes of the contacting surfaces. The prop gap erty of connecting two parts that differ in size before assembly is called fit.

Keywords: size, external, internal, stepped, gap (shelf), tension.


Therefore, the compounds of structures can be different and have different requirements for them.

In certain situations, it is necessary to form a serrated joint that allows movement, while in other situations it is necessary to form a cipsed, Immobile joint.

Materials and methods

This includes empirical methods such as modeling, fact, experiment, description and observation, as well as theoretical methods such as logical and historical methods, abstraction, deduction, induction, synthesis and analysis. The research materials are: scientific facts, the results of previous observations, surveys, experiments and tests; means of idealization and rationalization of the scientific approach.

Results and discussion:

When the hole size (D) is greater than the val size (d), a subtraction occurs between the S (S) - hole and the val size:

S = D-d(1)

The largest, smallest, and mean slits can be calculated by the following expressions:

Smax Dmax-dmin; Smin Dmin-dmax; Sm (Smax+Smin)/2

Or Smax=ES- ei; Smm = EI-es; Sm = Em-ei(2)

When the chipset n-val size is 3catta from the hole size, the subtraction between the val and the hole sizes is found as follows: N-S = - (D-d) = d-D(3)

The largest, smallest, and average jeeps are calculated by the following expressions:

Nmax dmax-Dmin;Nmin dmin-Dmax Nm = (Nmax+Nmin)or

Nmax = es-EI; Nmin = ei-ES; Nm = em-Em(4) If we analyze the expressions presented above, Nmax = - Smin;Nmin = - Smax (5) it seems to be.

Slits and jeeps are estimated not by the accuracy of the dimensions of certain obtained details, but by the relationship in the dimensions of the adjacent surfaces. The coupling property of the two details, which differ in size before assembly, is called a groove. The details on which the grooves are attached characterize the freedom of relative movement or the ability to resist large displacement. Depending on the location of the orifice and val insertion areas, the grooves are divided into the following three types:

The serrated groove ensures that the joint has a serrated edge (the serrated area of the orifice sits above the Val's serrated area) (Figure 1).



-a E—

■ S S M

Figure 3. Sheep area of intermediate ditches

The complete groove provides cohesion in the joint (the valve seam area is located above the hole seam area) (Figure 2)).


■ S3




T3 H


Figure 2. The sheep area of the slit-free ditches is.

The intermediate groove provides the possibility of a groove or density formation in Suitable details determine the amount (permissible scattering) of possible variations of their true dimensions, that is, indicate the given accuracy of the preparation of the details, and are a positive-signal quantity. As the handle increases, the difference between the actual dimensions of the fit details increases.

The designer constructor must assign as large as possible to the details within the specified accuracy of processing. the joint (the sheath fields of the hole and shaft

overlap each other) (Figure 3)). +


> < t -T3

8 = > 1 ^ f

> f > t

\ t > k

Es=Td > < > <

Figure 3. Sheep area of intermediate ditches Conclusion:

Because this situation makes the productivity of work in processing and assembly gain a product quality indicator, while reducing the cost, serving positively in the selection of machines, control methods and tools for the details to be prepared [1].


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