TEACHING METHODOLOGY OF GREEN CHEMISTRY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Hagverdiyev Kamil Nasir

This article explores integration of green chemistry teaching, with other subjects, promotes development cognitive processes in an education direction. Integrating green chemistry into classroom lab experiments and lessons not only creates safer, more engaging lessons, it also prepares students for the workforce and allows them to think creatively through practical problems. Chemicals are an essential part of science curriculum, but can be dangerous to students, staff, and the environment. Green chemistry is an active approach to pollution prevention and it targets pollution at the design stage, before it even begins. Environmental Science identifies sources, elucidates mechanisms and quantifies problems in the earth’s environment. Green Chemistry seeks to solve these problems by creating alternative, safe technologies. Green Chemistry is not Environmental Chemistry. Green Chemistry targets pollution prevention at the source, during the design stage of a chemical product or process, and thus prevents pollution before it begins.

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Национальная ассоциация ученых (НАУ) # 68, 2021




Hagverdiyev Kamil Nasir

Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry, Associate Professor

Baku State University, Baku


Ахвердиев Камил Насир оглу

Кандидат химических наук, доцент Бакинский Государственный Университет, г. Баку


This article explores integration of green chemistry teaching, with other subjects, promotes development cognitive processes in an education direction. Integrating green chemistry into classroom lab experiments and lessons not only creates safer, more engaging lessons, it also prepares students for the workforce and allows them to think creatively through practical problems. Chemicals are an essential part of science curriculum, but can be dangerous to students, staff, and the environment. Green chemistry is an active approach to pollution prevention and it targets pollution at the design stage, before it even begins. Environmental Science identifies sources, elucidates mechanisms and quantifies problems in the earth's environment. Green Chemistry seeks to solve these problems by creating alternative, safe technologies. Green Chemistry is not Environmental Chemistry. Green Chemistry targets pollution prevention at the source, during the design stage of a chemical product or process, and thus prevents pollution before it begins.


В этой статье изучено интеграция обучения зеленой химии с другими предметами способствует развитию познавательных процессов в образовательном направлении. Интеграция экологической химии в лабораторные эксперименты и уроки в классе не только создает более безопасные и увлекательные уроки, но и готовит учащихся к работе и позволяет им творчески решать практические задачи. Учителя помогают познакомить с концепциями зеленой химии и дать студентам возможность взглянуть на область химии с другой точки зрения. Химические вещества являются неотъемлемой частью учебной программы по естествознанию, но могут быть опасны для студентов, сотрудников и окружающей среды. Зеленая химия - это упреждающий подход к предотвращению загрязнения, и он нацелен на загрязнение на стадии проектирования, еще до того, как оно начнется. Зеленая химия стремится решить эти проблемы путем создания альтернативных безопасных технологий. Зеленый Химия - это не химия окружающей среды. Зеленая химия нацелена на загрязнение предотвращение у источника, на этапе проектирования химического продукта или процесса, и таким образом предотвращает загрязнение еще до того, как оно начнется.

Key words: chemistry, green chemistry, ecology, environmental preservation, green chemistry teaching methodology, green chemistry teaching methodology, algorithms in green chemistry teaching, principle, waste-free production, integration

Ключевые слова: химия, зеленая химия, экология, сохранение окружающей среды, методика обучения зеленой химии, методологии обучения зеленой химии, алгоритми в обучение зеленой химии, принципи, безотходный производство, интеграция

During the last years, the teaching methodology of green chemistry continues to evolve. Today, green chemistry is taught in educational institutions. Integration of green chemistry teaching, with other subjects, promotes development cognitive processes in an education direction. Integrating green chemistry into classroom lab experiments and lessons not only creates safer, more engaging lessons, it also prepares students for the workforce and allows them to think creatively through practical problems.

Teachers help to introduce the concepts of Green Chemistry and to give students a chance to think about the field of chemistry from a different perspective.

If chemists are taught to develop products and materials in a manner that does not use hazardous substances, then much waste, hazards and cost can be

avoided. Green Chemistry is designing chemical products and processes that reduce or eliminate the use and generation of hazardous substances.

First of all teacher must explain the question "What is Green Chemistry?"

Chemicals are an essential part of science curriculum, but can be dangerous to students, staff, and the environment. Green chemistry is an active approach to pollution prevention and it targets pollution at the design stage, before it even begins.

There are similarities and differences between Environmental Science and Green Chemistry. Both areas of study seek to make the world a better place. The two are complimentary to each other. Environmental Science identifies sources, elucidates mechanisms and quantifies problems in the earth's


Ha^OH&ibHaa ассоцнацнн yneHbix (HAy) # 68, 2021

environment. Green Chemistry seeks to solve these problems by creating alternative, safe technologies. Green

Chemistry is not Environmental Chemistry. Green Chemistry targets pollution

prevention at the source, during the design stage of a chemical product or process,

and thus prevents pollution before it begins. [3] It is very important integrate green chemistry incorporated into a teacher education curriculum. How are Chemists taught Green Chemistry?

One method of teaching green chemistry is the algorithmic study of each of the following principles of green chemistry.

1.Prevention. This principle is the most obvious and over-arches the other principles. It is better to prevent waste than clean it up after-the-fact. 2Atom Economy

This principle gets into the actual chemistry of how products are made. As chemists, atoms are assembled to make molecules. The molecules are assembled together to make materials. This principle states that it is best to use all the atoms in a process. And, those atoms that are not used end up as waste. The atom economy is a simple calculation that can be used when teaching stoichiometry and chemical reactions.

3.Less Hazardous Chemical Synthesis

This principle is focused on how we make molecules and materials. The goal

is to reduce the hazard of the chemicals that are used to make a product (the reagents). Throughout the history of how we have invented products and developed the process for making them, chemists have traditionally not thought about what reagents they are using and the hazards that are associated with them. Chemists have traditionally used whatever means necessary. Today we are finding that less hazardous reagents and chemicals can be used in a process to make products and, many times they are made in a more efficient manner!

4.Designing Safer Chemicals

The previous principle was focused on the process. This principle focuses on the product that is made. Everyone wants safe products. Everyone also wants products that do what they are supposed to do. This principle is aimed at designing products that are safe, non-toxic and efficacious. A good example of this is pesticides; which are products that are designed to be toxic. Many researchers are focused on created pesticides that are highly specific to the pest organism, but non-toxic to the surrounding wildlife and ecosystems.

5. Safer Solvents and Auxiliaries

Many chemical reactions are done in a solvent. And, traditionally organic solvents have been used that pose hazards and many are highly toxic. They also create volatile organic compounds (VOC's) which add to pollution and can be highly hazardous to humans. This principle focuses on creating products in such a way so that they use less hazardous solvents (such as water). We use solvents regularly in our daily lives (cleaning products, nail polish, cosmetics, etc.) and in the chemistry laboratory.

6.Design for Energy Efficiency

Today there is a focus on renewable energy and energy conservation. We use energy for transportation purposes and to provide electricity to our homes and businesses. Traditional methods for generating energy have been found to contribute to global environmental problems such as Global Warming and the energy used can also be a significant cost. This principle focuses on creating products and materials in a highly efficient manner and reducing the energy associated with creating the products, therefore reducing associated pollution and cost.

7. Use of Renewable Feedstocks

90-95% of the products we use in our everyday lives are made from petroleum. Our society not only depends on petroleum for transportation and energy, but also for making products. This principle seeks to shift our dependence on petroleum and to make products from renewable materials that can be gathered or harvested locally. Biodiesel is one example of this where researchers are trying to find alternative fuels that can be used for transportation.

8. Reduce Derivatives

This principle is perhaps the most abstract principle for a non-chemist. The methods that chemists use to make products are sometimes highly sophisticated. And, many involve the manipulation of molecules in order to shape the molecules into what we want them to look like. This principle aims to simplify that process and to look at natural systems in order to design products in a simplified manner.

9. Catalysis

In a chemical process catalysts are used in order to reduce energy requirements and to make reactions happen more efficiently (and many times quicker). Another benefit of using a catalyst is that generally small amounts (catalytic amount versus a stoichiometric amount) are required to have an effect. And, if the catalyst is truly a "green" catalyst it will have little to no toxicity and it will be able to be used over-and-over again in the process. Enzymes are wonderful examples of catalysts that have been proven to perform amazing chemistry - our bodies are wonderful examples! Green chemists are investigating using enzymes to perform chemistry in the laboratory in order to obtain the desired product. Many times enzymes will

have reduced toxicity, increased specificity and efficiency. [2]

10. Design for Degradation

Not only do we want materials and products to come from renewable resources, but we would also like them to not persist in the environment. There is no question that many products we use in our daily lives are far too persistent. Plastics do not degrade in our landfills and pharmaceutical drugs such as antibiotics build up in our water streams. This principle seeks to design products in such a way so that they perform their intended function and then, when appropriate, will degrade into safe, innocuous by-products when they are disposed of.

11. Real-time Analysis for Pollution Prevention

HaunoHanbHaa accounauna yneHbix (HAy) # 68, 2021


This process is similar to what chemists have to do when they make products. How long do they allow the reaction to run for? When do they know it will be "done"? If there was a way to see inside the reaction and to know exactly when it would be

done, then this would reduce waste in the process and ensure that your product is "done" and is the right product that you intended to make.

12. Inherently Safer Chemistry for Accident Prevention

This principle focuses on safety for the worker and the surrounding community where an industry resides. It is better to use materials and chemicals that will not explode, light on fire, ignite in air, etc. when making a product. There are many examples where safe chemicals were not used and the result was disaster. When creating products, it is best to avoid highly reactive chemicals that have potential to result in accidents. When explosions and fires happen in industry, the result is often devastating. [1]

The principles are general, and they are primarily geared to the bench scientist. For successful implementation of green chemistry within industry and in our society is education. There is a great need for organized efforts to integrate green chemistry and sustainability into methodology of teaching chemistry. [4] But there is still much to do. New materials, processes and methods must be invented. To find

solutions, we need new perspectives, ideas, and problem-focused methodologies. Collaboration on green chemistry and chemical policy can be effective if it is carried out through well planning, strategy and methodology. By developing the educational system to reflect the true needs of industry and society, we can ensure that the next generation of scientists in the workplace is far better equipped to create materials and products that are truly sustainable.


1. Anastas PT, Warner JC. Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice. Oxford University Press, Oxford England, New York 1998. p.35

2. Beletskaya I.P, Kustov L.M Catalysis is the most important tool in "Green chemistry". Uspekhi khimii 2010. V. 79, no. 6. - S. 493515. - ISSN 1817-5651.

3. Eilks, Ingo; Rauch, Franz. Sustainable development and green chemistry in chemistry education. Chem. Educ. Res. Pract. 2012, 13, p.57-58.

4. Shikhaliev K.S, Krysin M.Y, Stolpovskaya N.V, Zorina A.V. Environmentally friendly synthetic methods in chemistry: teaching aid for universities. Voronezh. Voronezh State University 2012. p. 26


Nurgaziev Yermek

Post-graduate student, Bishkek State University named after K. Karasayev, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic


The article examines the ways of teaching geography to schoolchildren using modular technologies. The paper reveals the issues of the need to change the education system of our country. The article describes the realities of the modern society of the XXI century-the time of new technologies, new information flows, with which only specialists with the necessary skills and qualities can interact. In this connection, the paper discusses the task of teachers to cultivate highly qualified specialists at all levels of education. In addition, the article presents the ways of organizing and using innovative technologies in geography lessons, examines the structure and methodology of the approach, and highlights the main problems faced by a teacher at school when implementing innovative technologies.

Keywords: modular technology, geography, teaching, methods, interactive, students.

In the scientific literature on the problem, many studies have appeared that have considered the precedent of the emergence and development of innovative technologies in relation to economic development. But over time, researchers have come to the conclusion that the problem of assessing the quality of innovative properties in various fields cannot be fully studied only from the point of view of economic theory. There was a need for a different approach to the consideration of innovations, which included not only scientific and technical parameters, but also factors of management, law, education, and culture.

The theoretical and methodological level of innovation, taking into account and analyzing the structure, essence and classification of all internal

processes, was actively studied by such scientists as M. M. Potashnik, N. B. Pugacheva, A.V. Khutorskoy, V. I. Zagvyazinsky.

M.M. Potashnik, professor at Moscow State University, has conducted numerous studies on the innovative approach to teaching lessons. So, in the course of lectures "Lesson of the XXI century", the author raised the main problem of modern pedagogy: the lack of interest in learning among students. In his work, Potashnik considered the reasons for children's disinterest in learning, on the basis of which he developed clear criteria for a high-quality modern lesson, which involves innovative technologies. In addition, the study describes the features of using

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