Научная статья на тему 'Teaching English colloquial speech within space-time approach'

Teaching English colloquial speech within space-time approach Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
language space / language time / English-language communicative space / communicatively oriented behaviour in foreign-language communicative space / space-time approach. / языковое пространство / языковое время / англоязычное коммуникативное пространство / коммуникативно-ориентированное поведение в иноязычном коммуникативном пространстве / пространственно- временной подход.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Goncharova Natal’Ya Aleksandrovna, Kretinina Galina Vyacheslavovna

he article considers the opportunity to attract the main regulations of the space-time approach in the Englishlanguage education process. Special attention is paid to the space-time reference points of the standardized English language and its regional standards and socio-cultural dialects. Adequate communicatively oriented behaviour in the English-language communicative space is provided by the knowledge of the key attributes of the standardized, regional and socio-cultural use of verbal/nonverbal communication means that act as communicative reference points.

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В статье рассматривается возможность привлечения основных положений пространственно-временного подхода в процесс англоязычного образования. Особое внимание обращается на пространственно-временные ориентиры нормированного английского языка и его региональных стандартов и социокультурных диалектов. Адекватное коммуникативноориентированное поведение в англоязычном коммуникативном пространстве обеспечивается знанием ключевых признаков нормированного, регионального, социокультурного употребления вербальных/невербальных средств общения, выступающих коммуникативными ориентирами.

Текст научной работы на тему «Teaching English colloquial speech within space-time approach»


Гончарова Наталья Александровна, Кретинина Галина Вячеславовна



В статье рассматривается возможность привлечения основных положений пространственно-временного подхода в процесс англоязычного образования. Особое внимание обращается на пространственно-временные ориентиры нормированного английского языка и его региональных стандартов и социокультурных диалектов. Адекватное коммуникативно-ориентированное поведение в англоязычном коммуникативном пространстве обеспечивается знанием ключевых признаков нормированного, регионального, социокультурного употребления вербальных/невербальных средств общения, выступающих коммуникативными ориентирами. Адрес статьи: www.gramota.net/materials/472019/2/10.html


Педагогика. Вопросы теории и практики

Тамбов: Грамота, 2019. Том 4. Выпуск 2. C. 51-55. ISSN 2500-0039.

Адрес журнала: www.gramota.net/editions/4.html

Содержание данного номера журнала: www.gramota.net/materials/4/2019/2/

© Издательство "Грамота"

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9. Наставник «по жизни» [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://www.khuka.com/vyipuski/5-vyipusk/idei-i-mneniya/ nastavnik-po-zhizni (дата обращения: 16.06.2019).

10. Наставничество [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://nsportal.ru/shkola/obshchepedagogicheskie-tekhnologii/library/ 2017/05/10/nastavnichestvo (дата обращения: 16.06.2019).

11. Непомнящая Н. Тьюторство в образовании - это что такое? [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://www.syl.ru/ article/324088/tyutorstvo-v-obrazovanii—eto-chto-takoe-opisanie (дата обращения: 19.06.2019).

12. Никитина В. В. Роль наставничества в современном образовании [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/ article/nrol-nastavnichestva-v-sovremennom-obrazovanii_(дата обращения: 04.07.2019).

13. Об обеспечении выполнения поручений Президента России по итогам заседания Государственного совета 23 декабря 2015 года [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://government.ru/orders/selection/404/21427/ (дата обращения: 04.07.2019).

14. Паспорт национального проекта «Образование» [Электронный ресурс]: утвержден президиумом Совета при Президенте РФ по стратегическому развитию и национальным проектам (протокол от 24.12.2018 № 16). URL: http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_319308/ (дата обращения: 14.06.2019).

15. Паспорт федерального проекта «Современная школа» [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://new.avo.ru/ documents/33446/1306658/Современная+школа.pdf/82dc2bfl-04ce-9d57-5f14-6f94d1bce9aa (дата обращения: 14.06.2019).

16. Паспорт федерального проекта «Учитель будущего» [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://xn--80aavcebfcm6cza.xn--p1ai/upload/iblock/0fd/Uchitel-budushchego-_obnov.-red_.pdf (дата обращения: 04.07.2019).

17. Педагогическая система Я. А. Коменского [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://psychology-konspect.org/?content= 3706 (дата обращения: 04.07.2019).

18. Пинская М. А. Новые образовательные результаты: навыки 21 века [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://docplayer.ru/ 68013714-Novye-obrazovatelnye-rezultaty-navyki-21-veka-pinskaya-m-a-k-p-n-vedushchiy-nauchnyy-sotrudnik-niu-vshe-g-moskva.html (дата обращения: 16.06.2019).

19. Современное наставничество в России: 7 идей и решений [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://mentori.ru/about/ news/46 (дата обращения: 18.06.2019).

20. Яковлев Е. В., Яковлева Н. О. Супервизия как педагогический феномен [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://cyberleninka. ru/article/v/superviziya-kak-pedagogicheskiy-fenomen (дата обращения: 04.07.2019).


Vitvar Oksana Ivanovna, Ph. D. in Pedagogy, Associate Professor Krasnoyarsk Territorial Institute of Educationalists' Professional Development and Vocational Retraining (Branch) in Norilsk


The article considers the essence and characteristics of modern pedagogical tutorship and identifies its development trends.

The author analyses the peculiarities of tutorship in successful regional education systems where the emphasis is made on new

subjectivity (a child's active position causes a teacher's active position). The researcher identifies relevant forms of pedagogical

experience presentation and distribution within the framework of the municipal educational forum as a key area of teachers' professional communication. The paper considers a potential for the development of the traditional forms of tutorship in education.

Key words and phrases: teacher-tutor; tutorship; modern forms of tutorship; ways to develop tutorship; education; educational forum.

УДК 37 Дата поступления рукописи: 25.05.2019


The article considers the opportunity to attract the main regulations of the space-time approach in the English-language education process. Special attention is paid to the space-time reference points of the standardized English language and its regional standards and socio-cultural dialects. Adequate communicatively oriented behaviour in the English-language communicative space is provided by the knowledge of the key attributes of the standardized, regional and socio-cultural use of verbal/nonverbal communication means that act as communicative reference points.

Key words and phrases: language space; language time; English-language communicative space; communicatively oriented behaviour in foreign-language communicative space; space-time approach.

Goncharova Natal'ya Aleksandrovna, Doctor in Pedagogy

Kretinina Galina Vyacheslavovna, Ph. D. in Pedagogy, Associate Professor

Michurinsk State Agrarian University nata-alexa@mail. ru


Modern life conditions in the post-industrial or information society require that a person should have self-determination, be able to solve vital problems related to specific areas, conditions and situations of communication. New educational goals are being put forward, aimed at preparing a graduate of any level for successful independent life activity in the conditions of the modern society's uncertainty. The foreign-language educational practice changes

accordingly, the transition from the mono-patterned form of education to a variety of educational forms, schools and pedagogical concepts takes place.

The conditions of uncertainty of the modern information (post-industrial) society require that vocational training should be oriented not so much to acquisition of foreign-language knowledge but to the adequacy of applying the acquired knowledge in various fields, conditions and situations of foreign-language communication fixed by certain time and space. This allows us to speak about the need for a linguistic university graduate to develop foreign-language communicatively oriented competence, which, in accordance with the common European project TUNING, includes "knowledge and understanding" (theoretical knowledge of the academic field, ability to know and understand), "knowledge how to act" (practical and operational application of knowledge to various fields, conditions and situations), "knowledge how to behave" (values as an integral part of the way of perception and life with others in social context) [1].

In addition, a university graduate is required to be prepared for the solution of constantly emerging new and unexpected language problems reflected in various fields, conditions and situations of foreign-language communication, when information is exchanged using not only the standardized language, but regional and sociocultural forms of the language as well. In connection with the above mentioned, the design and implementation of new components of the education system and the use of new approaches to teaching foreign languages in accordance with the changing life and professional situation becomes a reference point for the vocational training of Master's course graduates who know a foreign language, namely standardized English in its British variant and linguistic phenomena of the British English fixed by regional standards and sociocultural dialects.

The fact of using English in its standardized form, as well as in the form of regional and sociocultural dialects, inevitably turns us to space-time relations in the language, which are expressed in various spheres, conditions and situations of the English-language communication. We believe that such education permeated by the idea of spacetime relations determining the independence and responsibility of Master's course graduates for their own education and professional development becomes open and heterogeneous thereby contributing to the development of a Master's course graduate's thinking focused on solving non-standard language problems that have arisen under the influence of using not only the standardized British language, but regional and sociocultural forms of the modern English language as well in the acts of the English-language communication, which is quite natural for real future professional activity of a Master's course graduate.

Arguing about the design of the process of the English-language education with the use of the space-time approach, one should keep in mind advances in the methodological science and, according to the existing opinion, search for and apply new components, methods, approaches keeping all the positive from the old, tried and tested, ones that gave positive results [12]. Thus, the use of the space-time approach in the process of teaching students is substantiated by the idea of the continuity of space and time, which constitute the space-time continuum.

The history of the formation of the space-time approach has several generations in the development of scientific thought. The universal properties of space are the object of a number of fundamental works [5], and at the present stage of knowledge, they are also considered by the linguistic, psychological, pedagogical and other sciences, where researchers talk about propositional, lexical-semantic, sociocultural, mental, educational and other spaces, as well as phenomena and processes occurring within the named spaces [2; 4]. This fact indicates possible identification of other spaces and their characteristic reference points, namely the identification of the English-language communicative space (hereinafter the ECS) and its reference points as linguistic phenomena represented by verbal/nonverbal means of communication. At the same time, the statics of the English-language communicative space is provided by the structural features of the language, where penetration into the structure of the language compresses human cognition to a formula, model, scheme, pattern [11], in which the essential properties of reference points - verbal/nonverbal communication means - are reflected.

Imagining one of the sides of the space-time continuum, space is inseparable from time as duration, sequence of the existence of successive phenomena [13]. It is known that the modern understanding of the category of time includes, in particular, the idea of cyclical time and linear time [5; 8], where cyclical time is associated with a sequence of repetitive events and phenomena of the same type, and linear time is associated with unidirectional progressive irreversible movement from the past through the present to the future, which is linked to the idea of the time arrow in the original sources [5]. In contrast to the static characteristics of space, the dynamism inherent in the concept of time is reflected in the coordination of successive objects in the same place in space [13]. Knowledge of the universal properties of time is necessary to identify the dynamics of the processes and phenomena occurring within the boundaries of space, among which, on the one hand, the presence of the synchronic, or speech, time mode in the space, and, on the other hand, the existence of diachronic, or linguistic, time. Both synchronic, or speech, time, and diachronic, or linguistic, time are fixed by the corresponding reference points of time and space, i.e. spacetime reference points, which are embodied in communicative behavior, i.e. in speech.

Since historically the language develops and functions in the space formed by it, the occurring linguistic phenomena can probably act as reference points of linguistic space, which, within the framework of the methodological focus of the study, opens up the perspective of using both reference points with the features of the standardized English in its British variant and reference points with the properties of the linguistic phenomena of the British English language fixed by regional standards and sociocultural dialects.

Based on the postulate of the dialectical unity of the space-time continuum, which takes in all the material objects without exception, as well as stating the existence of a number of spaces, we can attempt to identify the space formed by the functioning of the English language in colloquial speech and state the presence of reference points of this space

endowed with the essential features of the standardized, regional, sociocultural use of verbal/nonverbal means of communication acting as communicative reference points and contributing to the formation of readiness and ability for the manifestation of adequate communicatively oriented behavior within the English-language communicative space.

Indeed, the characterization of a language as a material basis of speech represented by signs of any physical nature that exist in space [5] suggests the idea of the existence of linguistic space, which, as one of the "particular" spaces [2], appears and forms around a man. Since space is a property of matter with physical characteristics, we can apply the known quantitative characteristics of physical space to linguistic space and reveal the boundaries of linguistic space, the dynamics of which is provided by the process of the movement of linguistic matter in time, which borders on the process of using a language in speech, because speech is qualified as an action and its product as a process of language implementation aimed at communication [7]. Consequently, the communicative function of a language, implemented in space, allows us to designate the original space as a linguistic communicative space. Accordingly, with the use of the process of foreign-language communication, or a foreign-language communication process, within the given space, linguistic communicative space can be qualified as foreign-language communicative space. It seems that the ECS has all the inherent properties of these categories, the cognition of which can be realized by mastering specific reference points of this space embodied, as it has been mentioned above, in the diachronic and synchronic refraction of the linguistic phenomena that have significant features of the standardized, regional, sociocultural use of verbal/nonverbal means of communication in colloquial speech.

The ECS, which is formed by linguistic phenomena, represents certain notions of this or that linguocultural community in the linguistic worldview. In turn, such notions as "global mental units" [10, c. 21] determine the standardized, regional and social originality of the linguistic phenomena objectified in the ECS by verbal/nonverbal means of communication revealing the semantic content and lexical-grammatical structure of a notion. Associated with a number of cultural and social space-time factors, notions reflect inevitably the patterns of the development of physical time and space, and therefore, the patterns of the ECS development. Since the space surrounding a subject of communication is a space of language, it is natural that the cognition of this space should also include the development of ideas, knowledge, skills and abilities.

An idea in linguistic space is nothing but a schematized and generalized image of phonetic, lexical, grammatical, test structures, patterns, models of language, and thus creates a basis for the development of knowledge and skills of using particular linguistic phenomena. Thus, the process of cognition of linguistic space is carried out in the direction from the general to the particular, from the cognition of the general patterns of space-time reference points located in the depths of consciousness to the cognition of particular patterns that are on the surface of a speech act; from penetrating into the specifics of deep reference points abstracted from particularities to penetrating into the specifics of superficial reference points fixed by the material shell of a verbal/nonverbal sign.

Focusing on linguistic space, we, on the one hand, turn to holistic ideas about a language, which is fixed by the essential (general) properties of the space-time reference points of a standard, and, on the other hand, to specific, particular ideas about a language, which is reflected in specific (particular) properties, regional and sociocultural reference points. At the same time, a more general space of holistic ideas about a language incorporates a more specific space of particular ideas, which correlates with the way a person enters the space of holistic ideas about a language and presupposes the identification of the material shell of a space-time reference point with the image of this reference point available in linguistic consciousness (scheme, structure, model) thereby ensuring the ability and readiness for the adequate communicatively oriented behavior of a subject of communication in linguistic space.

In the methodological aspect of the work, ideas are a basis for the development of knowledge, skills and abilities. In the logical context, ideas are characterized as the initial stage in the development of notions. For the present study, a notion, not being specifically considered in the methodological plane as a result of the generalization of objects of a certain type and the mental selection of a set of distinctive features for them, is of particular interest, since "in each notion, there is content, which is understood as a set of distinctive features, the core of which are the essential features and the scope as a set of the objects displayed in this notion. Correlation between the content and scope of a notion is determined by the law of inverse relation between the content and scope of a notion, according to which the scope of a notion decreases with the increasing content and vice versa" [6, c. 457]. The correlation postulated by this law conditions, on the one hand, the idea of classifying space-time reference points on the basis of their essential features, and, on the other hand, it opens up the perspective of developing methods for teaching adequate communicatively oriented behavior in foreign-language communicative space, the importance of which is obvious for the educational process of adequate orientation, since the formation of notions realized on the basis of ideas is fixed in the language. Obviously, the more distinctive features a reference point cognized by a student (the content of a notion) has, the smaller the range of reference points (the scope of a notion) denoting a particular linguistic phenomenon that students should master must be. This law is consistent with the general scientific principle, according to which the application of the general provision to a particular case pushes the boundaries of the knowable, in our case, the boundaries of the English-language communicative space.

From the specific literature, it is known that the logical component of the cognitive process allows us to represent it as a kind of the structured process [3] and highlight a number of key points, among which, in particular, we can name the development of knowledge through the comprehension of stable and variable characteristics of the surrounding reality and through the consideration of the general and particular properties of a systemic object. The context of this study allows us to represent the system of language as an object consisting of subsystems of stable and variable, general and particular elements, the comprehension of which is subject to the patterns of the cognitive process. Being

represented in the ECS, the designated subsystems form the structure of space, in the center of which is the core represented by the stable characteristics of standardized English, and on the periphery, there are variable language forms embodied in regional standards and sociocultural dialects. It is obvious that penetration into the structure of the ECS is possible through the cognition of the general and invariable properties of the language and the specifics of the particular and variable manifestations of linguistic forms.

The law of inverse relation between the content and scope of a notion contributes to the methodological substantiation of the specificity of teaching adequate communicatively oriented behavior in a foreign-language communicative space, which implies the possibility of relying on space-time reference points as essential and methodologically significant phenomena of the language. This fact provides the advancement of knowledge from the general features of reference points to particular ones, which is also conceptual for developing the space-time approach to teaching adequate communicatively oriented behavior in a foreign-language communicative space to students. Readiness to comprehend the patterns of the surrounding space and time, to manifest adequate communicatively oriented behavior is seen as such.

There is a viewpoint that human perception would imply neither contours, nor images, background, objects and, as a result, would be perception of "nothing", and, finally, it would not happen at all if a subject of perception were not a view that grasps things only on the condition of their definite orientation. Orientation in space and time is not some random feature of an object, it is a means by which this object is recognized and clarified as one among others [9, с. 325]. It is obvious that a certain reinterpretation of the term "orientation" in the direction of increasing the range of meanings reflects the cognitive essence of human existence in space and time, which is based on the search for appropriate supports or reference points necessary for adequate orientation in the process of cognition of the surrounding space and time in general and for adequate communicatively oriented behavior in a foreign-language communicative space in particular.

Thus, within the framework of the space-time approach, which is a strategy for teaching adequate orientation in the ECS, a set of historically developing and functioning in time and space reference points is fixed in the communicative space by verbal/nonverbal means of communication characterized by the specificity of using the linguistic forms of standardized English in colloquial speech, as well as linguistic forms of regional standards and sociocultural dialects. Reference to the regulations of the space-time approach in the process of teaching students allows us to consider space and time as reference points of cognition of the surrounding reality, i.e. reference points of cognition of the ECS patterns. Reflected adequately by linguistic consciousness, fixed by verbal/nonverbal means of communication, space-time reference points cause active penetration of a subject of communication into the ECS, and, therefore, into the semantic essence of an utterance, which is possible with the adequate use of these reference points, i.e. with the adequate communicatively oriented behavior of a subject of communication within the boundaries of communicative space. Due to the research methodology, the space-time approach allows defining the foreign-language communicative space as a subject-object substance embodied in actual speech acts characterized by the specifics of the standardized, regional, sociocultural use of linguistic phenomena; determining the hierarchy of the ECS levels; considering the characteristic features of the core and peripheral areas of space; tracing the syn-chronic-diachronic patterns of the ECS development and identifying the space-time reference points of the ECS. The concept of the space-time approach allows the use of communicative space-time supports fixed by verbal/nonverbal means of communication as reference points of the English-language communicative space, which is relevant for developing the methods of teaching adequate orientation in the ECS.


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Гончарова Наталья Александровна, д. пед. н. Кретинина Галина Вячеславовна, к. пед. н., доцент Мичуринский государственный аграрный университет nata-alexa@mail. т

В статье рассматривается возможность привлечения основных положений пространственно-временного подхода в процесс англоязычного образования. Особое внимание обращается на пространственно-временные ориентиры нормированного английского языка и его региональных стандартов и социокультурных диалектов. Адекватное коммуникативно-ориентированное поведение в англоязычном коммуникативном пространстве обеспечивается знанием ключевых признаков нормированного, регионального, социокультурного употребления вербальных/невербальных средств общения, выступающих коммуникативными ориентирами.

Ключевые слова и фразы: языковое пространство; языковое время; англоязычное коммуникативное пространство; коммуникативно-ориентированное поведение в иноязычном коммуникативном пространстве; пространственно-временной подход.

УДК 37.022 Дата поступления рукописи: 27.04.2019


В статье рассматриваются особенности обучения сотрудников силовых структур тактике применения физической силы, анализируются деонтологические установки профессиональной морали. Выявлены аспекты использования потенциала воспитательных целей учебного занятия, направленного на подготовку обучающегося к реализации приемов борьбы, в рамках которого применяется методика моделирования практических ситуаций. Авторы стремятся раскрыть идеи морально-психологического сопровождения образовательного процесса сотрудников силовых структур в связи с необходимостью внедрения в педагогическую деятельность практико-ориентированных заданий для развития у обучающихся навыков и умений формирования спектра индивидуально выработанных способов реагирования.

Ключевые слова и фразы: профессионально-нравственное воспитание; деонтологические установки профессиональной морали; профессионально-прикладная физическая подготовка; боевые приемы борьбы; педагогические методы и приемы; тактика; моделирование практических ситуаций.

Старков Михаил Александрович

Пенионжек Евгения Владимировна, к. филос. н., доцент

Уральский юридический институт Министерства внутренних дел Российской Федерации, г. Екатеринбург mikhailstar 7@gmail. com; penionzhec@yandex. ru

Гареев Дмитрий Ринатович, к. пед. н.

Уральский институт Государственной противопожарной службы Министерства Российской Федерации по делам гражданской обороны, чрезвычайным ситуациям и ликвидации последствий стихийных бедствий, г. Екатеринбург dimagario@yandex.ru


Профессионально-нравственное воспитание сотрудников силовых структур формирует аспекты профессиональной морали, которая помогает ориентироваться в многообразной и сложной сфере охраны правопорядка, а также решать многие вопросы повседневной служебной деятельности [3, с. 74]. Деонтологические установки профессиональной морали идейно, ценностно и нормативно обеспечивают реализацию моральных требований общества к деятельности ведомств, персонал которых реализует действия по охране общественного порядка. Деонтология отвечает на вопрос о том, характеризуется ли система нравственных ценностей конкретного человека объективно высшей целью, которая может выступить в качестве приоритетного довода при принятии организационного решения [1, с. 205]. Профессиональная мораль предъявляет повышенные требования к моральному и профессионально-этическому облику сотрудника каждого силового ведомства, признавая особую ответственность перед государством и обществом, поэтому средства деонтоло-гического характера используются в рамках специфического воспитательного воздействия при обучении сотрудников силовых структур тактике применения физической силы.

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