TEACHER'S PEDAGOGICAL SKILLS IN ENSURING THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Мировая наука
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Ключевые слова
skills and abilities / quality of education / pedagogical technology

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Asqarova S.T., Khakimova S.M., Isomudinov G.G.

Pedagogical skills - a high level of mastery of pedagogical activity, a complex of special knowledge, skills and abilities, professionally important personal qualities that allow the teacher to effectively manage the educational and cognitive activities of students and to carry out purposeful pedagogical influence and interaction.

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УДК 37.02

Asqarova S. T. teacher Khakimova S.M.

teacher Isomudinov G. G.


Kuva Abu Ali ibn Sina public health preservation high school



Annotation: Pedagogical skills - a high level of mastery of pedagogical activity, a complex of special knowledge, skills and abilities, professionally important personal qualities that allow the teacher to effectively manage the educational and cognitive activities of students and to carry out purposeful pedagogical influence and interaction.

Key words: skills and abilities, quality of education, pedagogical technology.

The problem of the formation of pedagogical skills of the teacher in our pedagogy is studied quite actively. Pedagogical skill is such a high level of professional and pedagogical activity, which achieves the unity of the polished skills and skills of applying psychological and pedagogical theory in practice and the formed personal properties of the teacher, which determine the effectiveness of the pedagogical process. Pedagogical skills are manifested, first of all, in pedagogically appropriate actions and actions of the teacher, in the honed skills of effective organization of educational and cognitive activities of students and the formation of pedagogical communication with all participants of the educational process, as well as in the skills and skills of self-improvement of their pedagogical abilities and other significant professional and pedagogical properties and qualities. Such an understanding of the essence of pedagogical skill is of great importance. It allows us to comprehend pedagogical skills as a very complex activity-personal phenomenon of a teacher, to reveal its internal structure in more detail and to correctly outline the ways of its effective formation.

But in modern Russian education, criteria for evaluating effectiveness are being formed and new requirements for the methods of building pedagogical activity are being developed. Pedagogical activity, like other spheres of human activity, is undergoing changes at the beginning of the twentieth century. In these changes, modern researchers identify the following trends: teachers strive for self-analysis of their activities, the process and results of their activities, the knowledge intensity of pedagogical activity increases, and at the same time, the creative position of the teacher in professional activity becomes established.

"Мировая наука" №4(49) 2021


The identified trends are reflected in the new state standards of higher professional education: for bachelors who are awarded the qualification "teacher", the following requirements are imposed on the graduate, in particular: must know the scientific foundations of the organization of the educational process in a university, teacher training college, college; must be able to solve problems corresponding to their qualifications; must be able to apply progressive methods of teaching, various forms of organization of creative activity, methods of psychological and pedagogical research, processing and analysis of materials, methods of their design.

The purpose of the study: systematization of theoretical and methodological material on pedagogical skills.

Research objectives:

- theoretical analysis of the conceptual foundations of pedagogical skills;

- empirical studies of the formation and development of pedagogical skills.

In this situation, a teacher who wants to work professionally, creatively needs

to rethink their own activities in order to improve it, to find and discover effective ways and methods of pedagogical activity.

Research hypothesis: the fundamental study of the basics of pedagogical skills and the implementation of this knowledge in practice will contribute to the formation of a teacher-master.

The structure of pedagogical skills includes the main pedagogical skills: the ability to see a pedagogical problem, select, adapt and convey didactic material to students, and organize creative educational cooperation on the basis of a parity dialogue. Among the most important pedagogical skills are the ability to understand the internal position and state of students and on this basis to individualize the educational process. The most important feature of the teacher-master is the presence of his original individual style, as a system of techniques and methods of educational work that adequately meet the peculiarities of the individuality of the subjects of educational activity.

Mastery is a complex of personality traits that provides a high level of self-organization of professional activity. Such important properties include: the humanistic orientation of the teacher's activity, his professional knowledge, pedagogical abilities, pedagogical technique.

Since "pedagogical skill" is a system, it is important not just to characterize the set of components, but to trace their relationships. Every system has a system-forming factor, the core, the framework that permeates the entire system. Such a system-forming factor of pedagogical skill is the humanistic orientation of the teacher's personality. The humanistic orientation is based on the mechanism of cooperation, which is characterized by common interests, equal forces, relations of trust and respect.

From the point of view of humane pedagogy, the task of the teacher is not to impose, but to understand the interests of the student, to help him correctly, undistorted to realize them and express himself.

"MnpoBaH HayKa" №4(49) 2021 science-j.com

The pedagogical orientation of the personality of each teacher is multifaceted. Its constituent value orientations are as follows:

1) on myself - self-affirmation-to be seen in me as a knowledgeable, demanding, real teacher;

2) on the means of pedagogical influence;

3) for students, the student body;

4) for the purposes of teaching activities.

For the teacher, the leading focus on the goal (humanistic orientation) is important, with other types of orientation being harmoniously adjusted.

The central component of pedagogical skill is considered to be a developed psychological and pedagogical thinking, which determines creativity in pedagogical activity. The thinking of the master of pedagogical work is characterized by independence, flexibility and speed. It is based on the developed pedagogical observation and creative imagination, which are the most important basis of foresight, without which the pedagogical art is impossible.

Creativity is recognized as the main thing in pedagogical skill. Most often, creativity is manifested in the ability to apply various methods and forms of education and training, professional knowledge and personal qualities in the educational process in a new and reasonable way, with maximum efficiency. At the same time, it is expressed in the creation of pedagogical ideas, ways of teaching and educational activities, and in the ability to solve atypical tasks. As a rule, skill is associated with a great experience of an employee who has mastered his profession perfectly.

A teacher is not only a profession, the essence of which is to transfer knowledge, it is a high mission of creating a person, establishing a person in a person. In this regard, it is possible to distinguish a set of socially and professionally determined qualities of a teacher: high civic responsibility and social activity; love for children, the need and ability to give them your heart; spiritual culture, the desire and ability to work together with others; readiness to create new values and make creative decisions; the need for constant self-education; physical and mental health, professional performance.

However, a teacher, to a much higher degree than an artist, must influence his audience, promote the formation of the worldview of his wards, give them a scientific picture of the world, awaken a sense of beauty, a sense of decency and justice, make them literate and make them believe in themselves, in their words. At the same time, unlike the actor, he is forced to work in the feedback mode: he is constantly asked a variety of questions, including insidious ones, and all of them require exhaustive and convincing answers. A real teacher, a Teacher with a capital letter , is a person who gives birth and forms other personalities (ideally, together with the family). To do this, he needs not only attention and respect from his students, from the whole society

The theoretical analysis of the literature on the problem of pedagogical skill has shown the multiplicity and heterogeneity of approaches to understanding the

"MnpoBaH HayKa" №4(49) 2021 science-j.com

essence of pedagogical skill, the presence of the problem of its formation and development.

The teacher-master can bring to the educational process all the new things that have been accumulated in theory and practice, taking into account the specifics of specific pedagogical circumstances. The developed pedagogical self-awareness contributes to the acquisition of their own individual style of work.


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