Перспективы Науки и Образования
Международный электронный научный журнал ISSN 2307-2334 (Онлайн)
Адрес выпуска: https://pnojournal.wordpress.com/2022-2/22-03/ Дата публикации: 30.06.2022 УДК 371.123
Е. Н. Кролевецкая, Е. А. Карабутова, Д. И. Михайлова, С. И. Остапенко
Новый профессионализм педагога в контексте развития полисубъектности личности
Введение. Актуальность исследования обусловлена высокими требованиями к уровню профессионализма современного педагога, который вынужден действовать в условиях неопределенности и неоднозначности, решать постоянно возникающие новые и неожиданные задачи, проектировать и реализовывать собственные личностные и профессиональные маршруты, соответствующие меняющимся профессиональным и жизненным ситуациям Цель исследования заключалась в осмыслении сущности понятия нового профессионализма педагога в контексте многообразия его профессиональных траекторий и в аспекте полисубъектности личности. Эмпирическая задача состояла в диагностике преобладающих профессиональных траекторий будущих педагогов на заключительном этапе подготовки в вузе (в сфере «Я-реальное» и «Я-идеальное»).
Материалы и методы. В анкетировании приняло участие 186 студентов 5 курса Белгородского государственного национального исследовательского университета. Использовался качественный анализ рефлексивных суждений студентов в осмыслении феноменов нового профессионализма и полисубъектности, методы математической статистики (симметричный коэффициент корреляции Пирсона).
Результаты исследования. В исследовании представлены особенности педагогического профессионализма, связанного с процессом развития полисубъектности личности педагога как способности занимать активную субъектную позицию в многомерной профессиональной действительности. Результаты показали преобладание в сфере «Я-реальное» будущих педагогов традиционных профессиональных траекторий «педагог-предметник» (среднее значение 4,07) и «педагог-воспитатель» (4,00), а также обусловленной массовым переходом к дистанционному формату обучения в вузе в связи с пандемией траектории «цифровой педагог» (3,86). В сфере «Я-идеальное» актуальными для будущих педагогов являются траектории «педагог-наставник» (среднее значение 4,65), «педагог-воспитатель» (4,53), «педагог-методист» (4,51), «медиа-педагог» (4,47). Профессиональная траектория «цифровой педагог» имеет самую сильную корреляционную связь в паре «Я-реальное» - «Я-идеальное» (г = 0,758, при р=0,05).
Вывод. Полисубъектность педагога интегрирует в себе все уровни существования и становления педагога, его субъектные качества, профессиональные смыслы и ценности; позволяет педагогу быть автором своей профессиональной траектории, по сути являясь основой нового профессионализма педагога.
Ключевые слова: профессионализм педагога, полисубъектность личности, профессиональная траектория, профессиональная подготовка будущего педагога
Ссылка для цитирования:
Кролевецкая Е. Н., Карабутова Е. А., Михайлова Д. И., Остапенко С. И. Новый профессионализм педагога в контексте развития полисубъектности личности // Перспективы науки и образования. 2022. № 3 (57). С. 10-22. сЬк 10.32744/р$е.2022.3.1
Perspectives of Science & Education
International Scientific Electronic Journal ISSN 2307-2334 (Online)
Available: https://pnojournal.wordpress.com/2022-2/22-03/ Accepted: 30 February 2022 Published: 30 June 2022
Teacher new professionalism in the light of the personality polysubjectivity development
Introduction. The relevance of the study is due to the high requirements of the society on the professionalism of a modern teacher who has to perform the activity under flux and ambiguity conditions, to solve new and occasional tasks, to design and implement personal and professional routes in accordance with the changing professional challenges and real-life situations. The research is aimed to perceive the essence of the concept "new teacher professionalism" in the context of the diversity of teacher professional trajectories and in the aspect of personality polysubjectivity. The empirical problem is to diagnose the dominant professional trajectories of future teachers at the final stage of the university training course (in the "Self- real" and "Self-ideal" spheres).
Materials and methods. 5th-year students (186 persons) of Belgorod State National Research University took part in the survey. The study is based on analyses of students' reflective judgments quality data concerning new professionalism and poly-subjectivity phenomena, methods of mathematical statistics (Pearson symmetric correlation coefficient).
Results. The article presents the features of teacher professionalism associated with the process of a teacher polysubjectivity development as an ability to take an active subjective position in multidimensional professional sphere. The results showed the dominant traditional professional trajectories "subject teacher" (average point - 4.07), and "teacher-educator" (4.00) in the "Self-real" sphere of future teachers, as well as the "digital teacher" (3.86) trajectory due to the transition of the university education process to distance learning format in the pandemic conditions. The trajectories "teacher-mentor (coach)" (average point - 4.65), "teacher-educator" (4.53), "teacher-methodologist" (4.51) and "media-teacher" (4.47) are specific for future teachers in the "Self-ideal" sphere. The professional trajectory "digital teacher" is mainly correlated to the contradiction "Self-real" - "Self-ideal" (r = 0.758, p = 0.05).
Conclusion. Teacher polysubjectivity integrates all the levels of teacher formation and development process, subject-field-driven features, professional values; it allows the teacher creating personal professional trajectory, which is the basis of new teacher professionalism.
Keywords: teacher professionalism, personality polysubjectivity, professional trajectory, future teacher professional training
For Reference:
Krolevetskaya, E. N., Karabutova, E. A., Mikhailova, D. I., & Ostapenko, S. I. (2022). Teacher new professionalism in the light of the personality polysubjectivity development. Perspektivy nauki i obrazovania - Perspectives of Science and Education, 57 (3), 10-22. doi: 10.32744/pse.2022.3.1
Jn the light of the radicalization of international relations, the political and economic crisis, the UN position set out in the sustainable development program remains relevant regarding the world in which universal "respect for human rights and human dignity, the rule of law, justice, equality and non-discrimination, respect for racial, ethnic and cultural diversity are ensured; the world of equal opportunities that allows fully unleashing the human potential and contributing to universal prosperity" [1, p. 4]. Recognition and acceptance of the unconditional right of every person to life, their culture and the language is the basis that will allow overcoming the global crisis, disunity and eventually build a new harmonious society.
The modern historical period characterized by turbulence and social disorientation inevitably leads to serious changes in the education system. It is extremely important to involve personnel who possess new competencies and are highly motivated, who, according to the Strategy for the Development of the system of life-long Teacher Education in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 [2], will be ready to serve the public trust, to develop volunteer, socio-pedagogical and cultural-educational activities, to perform pedagogical activities according to the principles of subjective and person-oriented, reflexive and multicultural approaches.
High level ambiguity, complexity and dynamism of the ongoing political, economic and social processes change inevitably the role of a teacher and revise personal professional competencies, as well as functionality and value system of pedagogical activity. The traditional role of a teacher as a "transmitter of knowledge to a younger generation" in a technological information and multipolar society is transformed into a flexible multi-turn set of teacher professional trajectories. Due to the modern labor market principles a teacher has a chance to perform not only the activities of a subject teacher or a classroom teacher, but also to work as a mentor, a manager, a researcher, a digital teacher, a media-teacher and an entrepreneur in education system. Therefore, teacher multicultural competency, conceptual foresight ability, managerial and led managed features, team morale, entrepreneurial skills, information and technical, animation, psychological (facilitator, mentor), smart and media competencies are becoming relevant. In our opinion, such competencies reveal the teacher ability to perform the subject professional activity, characterize a person who is ready to master a flexible repertoire of in-demand professional skills, as well as roles and trajectories. In this regard, theoretical and empirical study of teacher new professionalism in the context of personality professional trajectories diversity and in the individual polysubjectivity aspect seems to be relevant.
In the light of contemporary researches a new concept "teacher professionalism" is determined and defined not only due to the fundamentality, deep subject matter knowledge and a multi-track mind of a teacher, but also due to his/her ability to arrange educational activities for school students on the basis of the subject matter, to manage and support the educational process, to create and implement a student-centered learning process [3], to organize project-based activities [4], to be a friend and a psychologist for school students, as well as to be a mentor and a coach for colleagues, to do research and implement the innovation-based activity [5]. New teacher professionalism refers to the ideas of "open-type professionalism" [6] and "ecological professionalism" [7]
concepts, according to which a teacher, performing the activities in conditions of the variety and multiplicity of relations, on the one hand, respects the real world, current social requirements and challenges, and on the other hand, tries to realize personal ideas, values, competencies in the professional sphere.
Among the factors influencing the characteristics and dynamics of changes in teacher professionalism the researchers highlight digitalization of education which is forced by the pandemic [8; 9]; the need to bridge "the digital gap" of a teacher and students [10], as well as teacher cybersocialization [11]; to focus on the specifics of the "digital" generation ("clip" thinking, poor skills when working with complex texts [12], multitasking [13], good online interaction skills, less developed social skills etc.) [14]; the changing demands of parents, pupils, employers, the society and the state for educational outcomes expressed by teacher competencies and functional literacy [15; 16]. The fact is, the teacher competencies and functional literacy change the requirements on the educational process and its personal orientation is considered to be the most important one [5]. In student-centered education process a learner becomes a subject of his/her development and a teacher, being a subject of personal professional development, acts as a navigator, creating and implementing individual educational trajectories for school students.
The growing complexity of teacher functions, the variety of roles, types of teacher activities and the need to be involved in many spheres of social life raise the problem of teacher personal polysubjectivity. The researchers dealing with the problem of personality polysubjectivity (I.V. Vachkov, S.P. Ivanova, E.V. Falunina) consider it the highest personal subjectivity development, which is characterized by the harmonic manifestation of cognition, relationship, transformation [17] and ensures efficiency of a teacher in the modern education space [18; 19]. Theoretical understanding of the category of personal polysubjectivity draws a strategic vector for the development of new teacher professionalism, which allows forming unique conditions for subject-field-driven activity reflecting the complexity and diversity of the subject.
In our opinion, a teacher personal polysubjectivity is the ability of a teacher to perform a multi-turn, multifunctional professional activity, to use a wide and flexible repertoire of effective teacher roles, to develop professionalism and in-demand career skills in accordance with the variety of chosen directions. It refers to professional teacher Self-competency, integrates all levels of teacher formation and development, specific qualities of the subject, professional senses and values; it allows a teacher creating personal professional trajectory, to carry out free choice-based "Self-construction".
Eventually, L.M. Mitina mentions a teacher polysubjective position and describes polysubjective behavior of a teacher characterizing a wide range of different professional and extra-professional roles, caused by a special combination of integral personal characteristics (flexibility, competency, purposefulness). The author mentions the following psychological features of teacher multi-turn behavior: wide range of effective teacher roles; combination of different types of pedagogical purposefulness with the dominant humanistic orientation; social (role-based) competency; flexible and spontaneous behavior providing to change the roles easily; diversity of defense mechanisms with dominant well-established defenses; focus on creative ego-states in communication process; internality specific for behavior [20].
In this regard, a modern teacher realizes himself/herself when taking various activity-based positions and performing social roles, which he/she changes depending on event-spatial life situations and career conditions. A teacher becomes mobile not only spatially, socially, professionally, culturally, but also acquires arbitrariness correlated to his/her own
identity; he/she realizes himself/herself through the taken positions and chosen roles [21; 22]. The development process of such personal characteristics as high life conciseness, experience and sophistication, self-interest, understanding of the value of subjectivity development and the ways of this quality realization, strong-willed potential for extreme situations, the ability to empathize with people and to take criticism [23] allows forming the basis for the teacher polysubjectivity development. A teacher obtaining a complex of integral personal characteristics and showing high subjectivity level is able to communicate to learners in order to develop spiritual and social value systems [24], to collaborate with other colleagues doing team job [25], to be a responsible person and a distributed leader of the teacher community [26; 27].
Future teachers, when being trained in higher education institutions (HEIs), should be involved into a variety of activities and relations, obtain new social and professional roles, values and goals, correlated, on the one hand, with conscious, active and responsible development of personal, social and professional competencies, and on the other hand, with active search of "Self" in the professional sphere and in the real-life situations. Personality polysubjectivity development of a future teacher is caused by the professional Self-competency, the correlation of the "Self-real" and "Self-ideal" spheres, the compliance of real students' abilities with the life prominence. Teacher professional Self-competency is an important image of personal professional "Self" which psychologically provides a future teacher with the trajectory to move from the "Self-real" sphere to the "Self-ideal" one [28]. To reach the goal successfully a future teacher needs to be enrolled in various spheres of professional subjectivity, using the developing socio-cultural educational environment of higher education institution and mastering a wide range of actual professional trajectories: subject teacher; teacher-educator; teacher-facilitator (tutor); teacher-methodologist; teacher-mentor (coach); teacher-researcher; teacher-manager; teacher-entrepreneur; digital teacher; media-teacher.
The professional trajectory of a student-future teacher is a professional training trajectory, an educational route that corresponds to student's capabilities, abilities, interests, values, personal and professional potential and involves high motivation, individual choice, goal-setting and planning of personal professional development [29]. Each professional trajectory is characterized by a specific result expressed in a dominant set of competencies (competency-based profile), personal-professional experience, which reflects the value system priorities for future teachers (Table 1).
Table 1
Future teacher professional trajectories and corresponding competency-based profiles
Professional trajectory Competency-based profile
teacher-subject teacher • priority of psychological, pedagogical and methodical competencies; • emphasis on high level subject competencies mastery; • priority of practice in real-life activities; • diverse in-demand career skills development at a basic level
teacher-educator • priority of psycho-pedagogical and socio-cultural competencies; • well developed communication and personal competencies; • managerial skills mastery; • experience of organizing and participating in children's events and children-adult communities
teacher-facilitator (tutor) • priority of psycho-pedagogical competencies; • supporting technologies mastery; • emphasis on the development of goodwill, empathy and non-conflictuality in pedagogical communication process; • experience in pedagogical support for children of different ages and those with special developmental needs
teacher-methodologist • priority of methodological competencies; • emphasis on the development of cognitive skills and high level mastery of subject competencies; • experience in performing professional societies activities
teacher-mentor (coach) • priority of psycho-pedagogical and methodological competencies; • focus on leadership development and collaborative job doing competencies; • acmeological competencies possession; • experience in expert communities participating, building trusting and long-term relationships with people (networking)
teacher-researcher • priority of research competencies; • cognitive and well developed scientific research skills; • information technologies mastery; • transdisciplinary competencies mastery; • active scientific community member, scientific researcher, publications writer
teacher-manager • priority of management competencies; • possession of project competencies; • developed cognitive skills and personal competencies; • experience in being an active member of the different level self-government bodies
teacher-entrepreneur (innovator ) • priority of entrepreneurial competencies; • emphasis on high level business skills, project-based activity skills, educational marketing competencies; • developed digital competencies; • experience in projecting real business
digital teacher • priority of digital competencies; • proficiency in distance learning activities; • developed digital communication skills; • experience in designing digital learning environments
media-teacher • priority of digital and communicative competencies; • developed socio-cultural and personal competencies; • proficiency in cybersecurity, media literacy; • experience in real media projecting
A conscious and responsible choice of professional track enables a future teacher to get a unique competency-based profile and to be more competitive in the labour market.
The research is aimed to perceive the concept "new teacher professionalism" in the context of the diversity of teacher professional trajectories and in the aspect of personality polysubjectivity. The empirical problem is to diagnose the dominant professional trajectories of future teachers at the final stage of the university training course (in the "Self- real" and "Self-ideal" spheres).
Materials and Methods
An empirical research aimed to diagnose the dominant professional trajectories of future teachers was conducted at Belgorod State National Research University. 186 fifth-year students of the "Teacher Education" profile of Teacher Training Institute of Belgorod State National Research University were involved in the survey. The survey based on the self-assessment techniques was aimed to identify and compare the dominant trajectories (subject teacher; teacher-educator; teacher-facilitator (tutor); teacher-methodologist; teacher-mentor (coach); teacher-researcher; teacher-manager;
teacher-entrepreneur; digital teacher; media-teacher) of the students in the "Self-real" and "Self-ideal" spheres. Future teachers, using a 5-point scale, had to assess how each professional trajectory corresponds to their personal abilities, desires and senses -"Self-Real" ("I feel myself at this stage of my life", "I am at the moment") and reflects the desirable future - "Self-Ideal" ("I would like to implement this position in the future", "I want to be", "I aspire"). The results were evaluated according to a 5-point scale: from 1 point ("I am not in the present period" / "I do not want to be in the future") to 5 points (the dominant trajectory "in the present" / "in the future").
The research methods were as the followings: comparative analysis, analysis of normative documents, interview, analysis of students' reflective judgements quality data concerning the phenomena of new professionalism and polysubjectivity, and methods of mathematical statistics.
The correlation analysis (Pearson symmetric correlation coefficient), which was calculated in the IBM SPSS Statistics software package, was used to find connections in the "Self- real" and "Self- ideal" spheres specific for each professional trajectory.
Research results
The research results can prove that the dominant professional trajectories of the fifth-year students in the "Self-real" sphere are the traditional ones: "subject teacher" and "teacher-educator" (Table 2, Figure 1). The educational process at Teacher Training Institute, based on the professional standard of a teacher and FSES HE (3++) specific for "Teacher Education" profile, is arranged in accordance with the traditional ideas and types of pedagogical activity.
The third line choice of students refers to the trajectory of "digital teacher" due to the transition of the higher education institution process to the distance learning format caused by the pandemic period [30]. In such conditions the future teachers master digital learning tools and digital communication methods, thus an integrated educational process has become relevant.
Table 2
The results of BelSU students' self-assessment concerning dominant professional trajectories in the "Self-real" and "Self-ideal" spheres (average point and the difference A, Pearson correlation coefficient for the pare "Self real"-"Self ideal")
Professional trajectories Spheres subject teacher teacher-educator teacher- facilitator (tutor) teacher-methodologist teacher-mentor (coach ) teacher-researcher teacher-manager teacher-entrepreneur digital teacher media-teacher
"Self-real" 4,07 4,00 3,37 3,37 3,40 3,44 3,40 2,91 3,86 3,65
"Self-ideal" 4,42 4,53 4,12 4,51 4,65 4,35 4,42 4,05 4,40 4,47
A 0,35 0,53 0,74 1,14 1,26 0,91 1,02 1,14 0,53 0,81
r, significance point p=0,05 0,749 0,735 0,752 0,505 0,434 0,598 0,474 0,568 0,758 0,724
The last line in the "Self-real" sphere sector refers to the trajectory "teacher-entrepreneur" (average point - 2.91). Having analyzed the university curricula it's possible to conclude that
the educational process for future teachers is poorly focused on the development of their entrepreneurial competencies, business skills, and educational marketing competencies. Evidently, not every future teacher is enrolled in business project-based activity, or is a member of a team creating educational start-ups within the framework of the activities of BelSU Business Incubator. Consequently, only a small number of fifth-year students try to perform the activities of a teacher-entrepreneur and to understand the main ideas of such job. However, the large gap between the average points for the "Self-real" and "Self-ideal" spheres (A=1.14) indicates that this trajectory is popular among students.
In the "Self-ideal" sphere the desirable future is marked by the following indicators: "teacher-mentor" (4.65), "teacher-educator" (4.53), and "teacher-methodologist" (4.51). Having chosen the popular "teacher-mentor (coach)" trajectory many students consider mentoring to be an ideal model for their future profession in the field of andragogy, as well as in the media space. Modern students' ideas about their future profession can be reflected in their self developed online courses and educational blogs on social networks, i.e. their future career activity is correlated to the "media educator" track.
subject teacher 4,42 ...
"Self-real" —^"Self-ideal"
Figure 1 Dominant professional trajectories for future teachers (BelSU students) in the "Self-real" and "Self-ideal" spheres
The "teacher-mentor (coach)" trajectory is characterized by the difference of the indicators in the "Self-real" and "Self-ideal' spheres (A=1.25). The mentoring competencies specific for the future teacher university training program do not meet the objectives of real future teacher practice and the needs of students, do not reflect the skills of effective communication and non-conflict relationship, and the ways to use supportive technologies. Also the difference between the indicators of the "Self-real" and "Self-ideal" spheres in
the "teacher-methodologist" (A=1.14) and "teacher-manager" (A=1.02) trajectories testify to the contradictions between the needs of future teachers in methodological, as well as in high level collaborative job and leadership competencies, and insufficient educational process quality for methodical and managerial aspects.
The smallest point (A=0.35) is specific for the "subject teacher" trajectory: future teachers accept this professional trajectory for the present period and take it as the indicator for the future career.
The correlation analysis (Pearson symmetric correlation coefficient) allowed noting that the professional trajectory "digital teacher" is mainly correlated to the contradiction "Self-real" - "Self-ideal" (Pearson correlation coefficient r = 0.758, significance point p=0.05). Future teachers are involved in digital learning process; they are actively trained for performing "digital" teacher activity through higher education institution activities and students understand that it will inevitably happen in their future career. Also strong correlations in the pair "Self-real" - "Self-ideal" were revealed for the trajectories "teacher-facilitator (tutor)" (r = 0.752), "teacher-subject teacher" (r = 0.749), "teacher-educator" (r = 0.734), "media-teacher" (r = 0.723) with a significance point p=0.05. The strength of the connection in similar pairs for the remaining tracks have, according to the Cheddock scale [31], medium (noticeable) (0.5 < |r | < =0.7) and weak (moderate) (0.3 < |r| < =0.5 ) values.
The analysis of students' reflective judgments regarding their understanding of the essence of new teacher professionalism and its polysubjective context showed that students have the definite ideas about multidimensionality and multifunctionality which are specific for their future profession and can realize the variety of opportunities to develop their skills through teacher career activities. We are giving some students' points of view to prove that.
Irina D., a 5th-year student of the Mathematics and Science Education Department, noted: "When teaching school students, it is extremely important for a teacher to be a professional, to be a competent and a highly qualified psychologist and educator. A teacher has to do a lot of obligations except arranging classes. A school teacher does a lot of jobs... But it's possible for a teacher to take positions in institutions of some other profiles. Nowadays a teacher has a variety of choices to make his/ her career".
Daria A., a 5th-year student of History and Philology Department, said: "A teacher-professional should be able to "conceptually foresight" the future, since he/she works with the future generation representatives - children. A teacher should be initiative, flexible, dynamic, competent and skilled, be able to constantly learn, to master new roles and use new technologies".
It's important to mention that the future teachers consider the concept "polysubjectivity" to be associated with the development of competencies which are relevant for a teacher in the modern dynamic society:
Victoria P., a 5th-year student of Mathematics and Science Education Department, said: "I understand the development of my polysubjectivity as the process of my competencies development. A modern education system is a multipurpose sphere, welcoming a teacher who is able to implement a huge variety of professional functions".
Anna T., a 5th-year student of Foreign Languages Department, noted: "Multi-subjectivity is revealed in a teacher's competency, his/her great energy, personal courage and responsibility".
Anastasia B., a 5th-year student of Mathematics and Science Education Department, mentioned: "Beeing a 5th-year university student, I realize my polysubjective professional position and my skills and competencies which allow interacting with the other subjects of
a school educational process. Beeing involved in student life activities, I realize myself not only as a student, but also as a counselor, a teacher, a researcher, a volunteer, an organizer, a participant of concerts, sports events and meetings".
It's important to mention, the future teachers-the survey participants understand polysubjectivity as professionalism of the highest level, perfect teaching skills, personal and professional development.
The research findings are largely in line with previously published research results that consider new teacher professionalism to be a set of competencies, as well as personal and professional positions to be individual educational priorities specific for a teacher professional activity [3; 32]. Our research complements the theoretical ideas about teacher professionalism and correlates with the opinions of modern authors who study this concept as an opportunity to embody a subjective position [20; 33]; to develop personal values, openness, authorship [6; 7]; to create a professional educational trajectory within pedagogical activity performance, focusing on individual needs and personal professional needs of a teacher, personal experience and handling competency [34]. Moreover, teacher professionalism is considered in the light of the individual polysubjectivity development as a multidimensional subjective activity, which is characterized by the ability to choose professional options, and use them to determine life prospects and to find professional perspectives.
We have considered the professional Self-concept as the essential core of the polysubjectivity of a personality of a teacher. Our position does not contradict the views of I.S. Cohn, V.V. Stolin, I.I. Chesnokova and others, who studied the Self-concept within the framework of self-consciousness theory. We share the opinion of V.V. Stolin, that the development of self-consciousness is heterogeneous and polymodal, and different systems of human relations generate different aspects of self-consciousness; consciousness of "Self" takes the form of personal constructs, peculiar bricks of the cognitive system that represents "Self" to the subject [35]. Moreover, polysubjectivity does not just verify the complexity of the Self-concept, but implies understanding of the diversity and challenges of one's inner world.
We have studied the professional Self-concept of a future teacher focusing on the ideas about it as a multidimensional image of one's own professional self, including various variants of professional trajectories, studied in the dichotomy "Self-real" - "Self-ideal". This research approach is congruent to the researchers considering the system-forming component of the professional Self-concept of a future teacher to be the point to transform and improve the professional "self-image" [36], and the discrepancy between the "Self-real " and the "Self-ideal" spheres to be a source for development [37].
The results of our empirical research have shown the dominant traditional professional trajectories "teacher-subject teacher" and "teacher-educator" in the "Self-real" sphere of future teachers, as well as the "digital teacher" trajectory caused by objective technological changes in the educational process. Evidently, the "teacher-mentor", "teacher-methodologist", "media-teacher" trajectories, reflecting the andragogy field, are of great social and academic demand. The "teacher-educator" trajectory takes high
position not only in the "Self-real" sphere, but also in the "Self-ideal" one from the points of view of future teachers. This fact highlights the "Child" phenomenon in the value system of a future teacher. Interviews and analysis of students' reflective judgments allow proving that future teachers understand the multidimensionality of their career, associate their professionalism and pedagogical competency with polysubjectivity.
Thus, our theoretical and empirical study allows concluding that new teacher professionalism is associated with the process of polysubjectivity development of a teacher as an ability to take an active subjective position in the sphere of professional "Self", to act as a subject of purposeful relations and interactions specific for career, to make a professional choice. This process reflects the set of complex professional functions for modern teachers, the need to learn to live in flux social conditions, to be able to solve new and occasional tasks, to master relevant competencies, to create and implement their own educational and professional routes corresponding to changing professional challenges and real-life situations.
The period of professional training of future teachers should maximally contribute to the development of student's personal polysubjectivity as a basis for new professionalism in the new socio-economic and political conditions. In general terms, the implementation of such training in higher education institution, in our opinion, implies the following features:
• implementing individual educational trajectories and flexible curricula in the university future teacher training course;
• "enhancing" the training process on the chosen professional tracks through special courses, MOOCs (massive open online courses), and the system of extended professional education;
• incorporating research-based practice, socio-pedagogical (volunteer) practice, management practice, business practice in education sphere in accordance with the professional track chosen by a student;
• functioning of tutoring and mentoring systems in the "senior students - freshmen" community in higher education institutions;
• involving future educators in interdisciplinary team real-life projects;
• enrolling students in diverse communities ("polysubjects") within socio-cultural educational environment of higher education institution.
The results of the theoretical analysis and empirical research are not exhaustive and they will be refined and supplemented through scientific discussions.
The research has been carried out within the framework of the Belgorod National Research University State Assignment No. 0624-2020-0012 "Justification of the integrative methodology of higher professional education: The dominants of the formation of universal competencies, prosocial attitudes and polysubjectivity of a future teacher" for the period 2020-2022.
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Информация об авторах Кролевецкая Елена Николаевна
(Россия, г. Белгород) Доцент, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент
кафедры педагогики Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1312-3638 Scopus Author ID: 57190879019 ResearcherlD: ABH-1883-2020
Карабутова Елена Александровна
(Россия, г. Белгород) Доцент, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков и профессиональной коммуникации Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2014-3570 Scopus Author ID: 56922117900
Михайлова Дарья Ивановна
(Россия, г. Белгород) Кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры педагогики
Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8760-2383 Scopus ID:-Researcher ID: -
Остапенко Светлана Ивановна
(Россия, г. Белгород) Доцент, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент
кафедры математики Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7949-2754 Scopus Author ID: 57211290921
Information about the authors
Elena N. Krolevetskaya
(Russia, Belgorod) Associate Professor, Cand. Sci. (Educ.), Associate Professor of Pedagogy Department Belgorod State National Research University E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1312-3638 Scopus Author ID:57190879019 ResearcherlD: ABH-1883-2020
Elena A. Karabutova
(Russia, Belgorod) Associate Professor, Cand. Sci. (Educ.), Associate Professor of Chair of Foreign Languages and Professional Communication Belgorod State National Research University E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2014-3570 Scopus Author ID: 56922117900
Daria I. Mikhailova
(Russia, Belgorod) Cand. Sci. (Educ.), Associate Professor of the
Department of Pedagogy Belgorod State National Research University E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8760-2383
Svetlana I. Ostapenko
(Russia, Belgorod) Associate Professor, Cand. Sci. (Educ.), Associate Professor of Mathematics Department Belgorod State National Research University E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7949-2754 Scopus Author ID: 57211290921