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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Tyunnikov Yu., Maznichenko M., Kazakov I., Krylova V.

The article substantiates the need for a humanitarian vector of studying the use of media and digital resources in education, addressing the phenomenon of the teacher’s potential to use such resources. The identified risks of inadequate realization of such potential are: risks related to misunderstanding by teachers of goals, values and meanings of the use of media and digital resources; the risks of reducing the creative component in the work of the teacher; the risks of overload and professional burnout of a teacher; risks to over-valuate the capacity of media and digital resources; risks of reducing the educational component and losing the orientation of the educational process. The conditions to reduce risks are revealed: formal and informal training of teachers, aimed at revealing the capacity of media and digital resources in achieving the goals of education and training that are significant for teachers; providing teachers with freedom to use such resources, the possibility of choosing both the content and methods of their application; time management for teachers, providing them with assistance from the administration in mastering new functions, stimulating a high level of self-organization; training teachers in the methods of integrating traditional and digital technologies in solving pedagogical problems, pedagogizing of the digital tools; identifying and implementing of educational opportunities and mastering the use of media and digital resources by the teacher; attracting students to create digital educational content, problematization of training; expanding the teacher’s understanding of the capacity of media and digital resources not only in solving pedagogical problems, but also in personal and professional self-improvement, overcoming professional difficulties.

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Copyright © 2021 by Academic Publishing House Researcher s.r.o

* " * I

Published in the Slovak Republic Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie) Has been issued since 2005 ISSN 1994-4160 E-ISSN 2729-8132 2021. 17(1): 153-165

DOI: 10.13187/me.2021.1.153 www.ejournal53.com

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Media Education ( Mediaobrazovan ie )

Factors, Risks and Conditions for Implementing the Potential of Teachers in Their Use of Media and Digital Resources

Yurii Tyunnikov a , *, Marina Maznichenko b, Igor Kazakov b, Valentina Krylova b

a Institute for Strategy of Education Development of the Russian Academy of Education, Russian Federation

b Sochi State University, Russian Federation


The article substantiates the need for a humanitarian vector of studying the use of media and digital resources in education, addressing the phenomenon of the teacher's potential to use such resources. The identified risks of inadequate realization of such potential are: risks related to misunderstanding by teachers of goals, values and meanings of the use of media and digital resources; the risks of reducing the creative component in the work of the teacher; the risks of overload and professional burnout of a teacher; risks to over-valuate the capacity of media and digital resources; risks of reducing the educational component and losing the orientation of the educational process. The conditions to reduce risks are revealed: formal and informal training of teachers, aimed at revealing the capacity of media and digital resources in achieving the goals of education and training that are significant for teachers; providing teachers with freedom to use such resources, the possibility of choosing both the content and methods of their application; time management for teachers, providing them with assistance from the administration in mastering new functions, stimulating a high level of self-organization; training teachers in the methods of integrating traditional and digital technologies in solving pedagogical problems, pedagogizing of the digital tools; identifying and implementing of educational opportunities and mastering the use of media and digital resources by the teacher; attracting students to create digital educational content, problematization of training; expanding the teacher's understanding of the capacity of media and digital resources not only in solving pedagogical problems, but also in personal and professional self-improvement, overcoming professional difficulties.

Keywords: media resources, digital resources, education, reducing risks, teachers, media.

1. Introduction

Modern society lives in a world of digital technologies and media resources. They penetrate the economy, medicine, education, art, manufacturing and services, and everyday life of people, and in the future this trend will only increase. Generation Z, which modern teachers have to work with, is a generation that cannot imagine life without the Internet, gadgets, YouTube and social networks. Digitalization and active use of media resources are becoming a key trend in the development of modern education.

* Corresponding author

E-mail addresses: tunn@yandex.ru (Yu.S. Tyunnikov), maznichenkoma@mail.ru (M.A. Maznichenko), i333@list.ru (I.S. Kazakov), valensiyaletter@mail.ru (V.V. Krylova)


Despite the obvious difficulties, Russia is already actually living in a digital environment, as it ranks first in Europe and sixth in the world in the number of Internet users (Dzhandzhugazova, Kabelkaite-Vaitkiené, 2018). The introduction of digital technologies in various spheres of the economy, including education, is a strategic task of the country's socio-economic development, set out in the national priority project called "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation" and the Federal project "Digital Educational Environment" (2019-2024).

The use of digital and media resources opens up new prospects for both the teacher and the students, as well as for modern education in general: expanding citizens' access to education through the implementation of open mass online courses, training platforms, distance forms of open education; individual educational trajectories and personalization of learning; the opportunity to use the best educational practices, exchange pedagogical experience, without traveling to another city or abroad, through participation in webinars and open lectures of domestic and foreign professors, in professional Internet communities, communication in social networks; expansion of academic mobility through the study of individual modules and courses by schoolchildren and students using distance technologies in other educational organizations; new pedagogical practices that allow one to visualize educational information, make it accessible and easy for one's perception, develop independence and self-organization of students, provide high-quality and continuous feedback; new technologies for evaluating educational achievements that allow one to ensure the objectivity of such an assessment, carry it out without direct contact between the student and the teacher; optimization, simplification of the teacher's performance of a number of functions, and much more.

At the same time, as the rector of the Higher School of Economics Y. Kuzminov rightly noted "digitalization entails a restructuring of the entire education system" (Osnovnoy..., 2019): changing the position of a teacher from being a source of information to a guide to the digital world, expanding its functions (development of electronic educational content, creation of online courses, selection and use of media resources, communication with students and parents in social networks and messengers, etc.), creating and supporting an electronic educational environment, introducing digital tools in the management of an educational organization, etc. Such radical changes are not always understood by the participants of the educational process and cause a number of problems that reduce the quality of digital and media education. One of the main problems is the insufficient implementation of the potential of teachers to use the media and digital resources, because the use of such resources in itself does not guarantee an improvement in the quality of education. And even on the contrary, digitalization and mediatization of inefficient pedagogical processes, ineffective educational practices only increases their inefficiency.

Despite the active use of media and digital resources by teachers, which was further strengthened by the pandemic, the potential of teachers to use of media and digital resources is not fully realized, as evidenced by:

- negative attitudes of many teachers towards the use of digital technologies: "The training and education is impossible without live dialogue", "I will develop an online course, and I'll get fired", "Digital technology turns people into soul-less robots", etc.;

- anti-innovative barriers, the reluctance of many teachers to actively and creatively use media and digital resources, as it requires large amount of time and effort;

- inefficient use of digital and media resources by a number of teachers, when such resources automate inefficient pedagogical practice, which further increases its inefficiency, or traditional pedagogical practice is mechanically transferred to a digital format, without taking into account the specifics of its implementation in an online format;

- some teachers and students lack of the necessary conditions for the use of media and digital resources, such as the availability of high-speed Internet, access to the necessary training platforms, webinar rooms, etc., competence in the use of media and digital resources, their pedagogization, knowledge of their capabilities, teachers lack time and motivation to develop high-quality electronic content, etc.

This situation requires a scientific study of the potential of the teacher's use of media and digital resources, the factors and risks of its insufficient implementation and the conditions for their optimal use, which is the purpose of this article.

2. Materials and methods

To achieve the goal, the following methods were used:

- analysis and generalization of domestic and foreign works on the problems of digital and media education, the use of media and digital resources in education, the readiness of teachers to use such resources, the conditions for the formation of such readiness; identification of relevant research areas;

- comparative analysis and generalization of scientific definitions of the concepts of "potential", "pedagogical potential", identification of the main ideas that express the scientific understanding of this term, their application in order to understand the essence of the teacher's potential in the usage of media and digital resources;

- selection and classification of pedagogical functions and tasks solved by the teacher with the use of media and digital resources, skills and qualities required of a teacher to effectively solve them;

- survey of teachers and students in order to identify expectations and key problems of the use of media and digital resources during the implementation of educational programs;

- forecasting the risks of insufficient application of the teacher's potential to use the media and digital resources;

- design of pedagogical conditions for the full realization of the potential of teachers to use the media and digital resources.

We used the following methodological approaches:

- a humanistic approach to the study of media and digital resources and their application by a teacher, aimed at studying the psychological, pedagogical, ethical and social aspects of digitalization and mediatization of education;

- the theory of developmental learning, according to which the realization of the potential of the teacher to use the media and digital resources should be aimed at the personal and professional growth of the teacher and towards the improvement of his pedagogical activity, to focus on the zone of the nearest development of the teacher.

3. Discussion

The use of media and digital resources in various areas of life is the subject of psychological, sociological, cultural and pedagogical research. Currently, there are two main vectors of such study:

- technological, whose representatives focus on the study of ways of internal organization of media and digital resources, tools of digitalization, their capacity in various areas of life;

- humanitarian, aimed at studying social problems catalyzed by "deep mediatization" (Hepp, 2019) and digitalization, ethical, social, psychological and pedagogical aspects of the impact of digitalization and mediatization on people and society as a whole, on personal development, mental health, axiological sphere, communication.

Several researches, carried out both in Russia and abroad in recent years, substantiate the relevance of the humanitarian aspects of the study of digitalization and mediatization. Back in 1960 E.V. Ilyenkov warned about the danger for people to be "seized" by computerization and technologization, turning automation tools into "idols" (Ilyenkov, 1968). In recent years, the number of studies elaborating on this idea has increased significantly. Thus, K. Drotner justifies the need to change the vector of scientific research of media resources from technological to humanitarian (Drotner 2020). J. Turow and N. Couldry predict the demise of researches of media resources as being mere databases, where the main methods are observation and interpretation; they emphasize the relevance of studying media resources as means of transforming communication (Turow, Couldry, 2018). H. Bruun and K. Frandsen write about the danger of a situation where media become more important than a person who is considered as a "service personnel" for the media infrastructure and talk about the need to destroy such infrastructure (Bruun, Frandsen, 2019). R. Kabha summarizes studies on the cognitive, emotional, social, and cultural aspects of the use of media resources in education (Kabha, 2019). C. Fuch and J. Qiu highlight the following current areas of research in the field of digital communications: communication research in a rapidly changing digital media environment, critical communication research; ways to eliminate power imbalances in knowledge production (Fuchs, Qiu, 2018).

The problem of humanitarization of scientific study and pedagogical application of media and digital resources is also raised in pedagogy. Scientific works and educational practices that focus on digital and media resources are being criticized, especially the ones where the focus is mainly on the very fact of the use of digital resources. And, conversely, the number of works that study the humanitarian aspects of digitalization and mediatization of education is growing. N.F. Rodichev

and E.O. Cherkashin, considering the problem of preparing high school students for professional and life self-determination in the modern post-industrial society, note the need to study the ethical, psychological, pedagogical and organizational-pedagogical circumstances of using the digital tool of the "personal trajectory", the risks of active intervention of the digital manipulator in all spheres of human life, including - in the processes of vital navigation (Rodichev, Cherkashin, 2019). The authors note the importance of creating non-digital niches of live communication in the form of hiking trips, clubs, volunteering, etc. J.C. Plantin and colleagues studied the aspects of using Google and Facebook platforms for educational purposes. The study showed that when using such platforms, teachers need to take into account the age, gender, emotional and cognitive characteristics of students' perception of information obtained through these platforms, their personal experience; to adapt the learning situations to the cognitive and affective characteristics of students (Plantin et al., 2018). I. Zvarych and colleagues conducted a comparative study of the impact of teachers' use of gamification tools on stimulating students' learning activity in universities in the United States and Ukraine (Zvarych et al., 2019). A number of studies consider the pedagogical, psychological and social aspects of the influence of various films on personal development (Filimon, 2018; Graham et al., 2018).

From the standpoint of the humanitarian approach, in our opinion, it is necessary to study the problem of the teacher's use of media and digital resources and readiness for such use. At the same time, it is more productive to consider readiness as a potential that has certain risks of insufficient use, therefore, requiring the creation of certain organizational and pedagogical conditions by the administration of an educational organization in which the teacher works, by university teachers who train future teachers, by the teachers themselves. However, researchers most often turn to other terminology: the teacher's readiness to use media in their work (Protopopova, 2009), the teacher's media competence (Fedorov, 2014), computer literacy of teachers (Sidenko, 2020), digital competence of nowadays teachers (Grebenyuk, 2020), teacher's digital literacy (Nikulina, Starichenko, 2018), the teacher's digital culture (Gnatyshina, 2018; Usacheva, 2020). Digital literacy of a teacher is understood by T.V. Nikulin, E.B. Starichenko as "clarity in the structure and content of digital reality, which determines clarity in the control and interaction with the teacher and students by means of digital technologies" (Nikulina, Starichenko, 2018).

E.V. Gnatyshina considers digital culture of a teacher from the standpoint of a value-oriented concept and defines it as "universal worldview positions that allow a teacher to actively improve their skills throughout their professional activity, constantly develop their competencies in the conditions of an information digital environment" (Gnatyshina, 2018). Grebenyuk examines the digital competence of a teacher from the standpoint of the concept of individuality and systematizes it in relation to the seven mental spheres of a teacher, which serve as a manifestation of his/her individuality - intellectual, motivational, emotional, volitional, subject-practical, existential and self-regulation (Grebenyuk, 2020).

We have not found any studies that consider the potential of a teacher to use the media and digital resources. The conventional studies examine the teaching and educational potential of the media and digital resources themselves, as well as the potential of media education, but not the potential of the teacher to use these resources. Thus, R. Faizi, A.E. Afia and R. Chiheb studied the potential of social networks in education (Faizi et al., 2013). G. Van Doorn and A.A. Eklund substantiate the didactic potential of social networks in establishing synchronous communication, systematic feedback between teachers and students (Van Doorn, Eklund, 2013). The Ministry of Education of New Zealand prepared a review of studies of the role and potential of information and communication technologies in preschool education; it concluded that such potential is in the development of thinking and creativity (The role, 2004). I.A. Butorina considers the pedagogical potential of media education as a means of information protection of the younger generation (Butorina, 2013), M.V. Guzeeva - pedagogical potential of the media in the media education implementation (Guzeeva, 2016).

The concept of "potential" (from the Latin "potential" - power) is widely used in various fields of science and practice. In general, potential is understood as:

- sources, opportunities, funds, reserves that can be used to solve any tasks, achieve a certain goal (Dal, 2012);

- the combination of cash, opportunities in a certain area, a certain relationship (Popov, 1927);

- a qualitative characteristic of a particular natural or social system, reflecting the presence of any real opportunities (capacities) associated with the preservation (adaptation, reproduction), functioning or development (self-development) of this system (Sikorskaya, 2010).

In pedagogy, the concept of "potential" is considered in relation to social phenomena (as the possibility of their pedagogization), means of training and education (the possibilities of these means in solving pedagogical problems) and subjects of education and training (their personal capabilities in solving pedagogical problems). In pedagogical science, the following understanding of potential is present:

- Hidden (latent) opportunities for solving certain pedagogical tasks contained in any subject or phenomenon. Thus, D.V. Grigoriev defines the upbringing potential of the subjects of the educational establishment as "opportunities that can be revealed by the teacher in the process of joint educational and cognitive activity with the child" (Selivanova, Stepanov, 2017). P.V. Stepanov understands upbringing potential as a set of available opportunities in the field of education. The author notes that various social subjects interacting with the child can have their own upbringing potential; various types of joint activities of children and adults, forms of their interaction, objects of their environment, associations in which they are included (Stepanov, 2016).

- A set of personal resources. Thus, E.V. Bogdanova considers the pedagogical potential of volunteer activity of students as a set of axiological, cognitive, pragmatic, communicative, emotional, cultural, organizational, and personal resources (Bogdanova, 2013). At the same time, S.L. Lenkov, N.E. Rubtsova, and T.B. Matsyuk differentiate the concepts of "potential" and "resource": they understand a resource as a potential actually realized (Lenkov et al., 2018).

- The presence of certain properties and qualities in the subject or phenomenon. Thus, N.V. Gruver understands the personal potential of volunteer activity in the educational space of the university as "properties and qualities that ensure the development of the student's personality as a future specialist and the corresponding level of his educational achievements" (Gruver, 2018: 13).

- The existence of competitive advantages in comparison with other subjects or phenomena. Thus, A.M. Yakovlev reveals the potential of the student groups movement in the preparation of a competitive specialist, which is expressed in a number of competitive advantages: personal growth, acquiring additional profession, regular training, friendship, communication, relationships, constant team work, getting different experiences, the relationship of generations, etc. (Yakovlev, 2014).

4. Results

The analysis of the concept of "potential" in relation to the use of media and digital resources by a teacher allowed us to develop theoretical foundations for understanding and implementation of the potential of teachers to use the media and digital resources:

- The potential of the usage of media and digital resources by the teacher is the ability of the teacher to effectively solve the problems of education and training with the help of media and digital resources.

- The potential of the teacher to use media and digital resources is determined by the potential of these resources themselves in solving the problems of training and education, professionalism, professional competencies of the teacher in the usage of these resources, as well as personal qualities of the teacher, including his/her attitudes, values, attitudes towards such resources and motives for their use.

- For the scientific description of the teacher's potential to use the media and digital resources it is necessary to determine the composition of the teaching tasks that a teacher can solve using these resources, and composition of skills necessary for a teacher to tackle these tasks. The potential of the teacher to use the media and digital resources is revealed in the pedagogical activities carried out by him/her, including both the development of organizational and methodological support for education and training, and their direct implementation, interaction with the child. The teacher can use media and digital resources in the performance of all basic pedagogical functions. Therefore, we have identified these tasks and skills based on the main functions performed by the teacher (according to N.V. Kuzmina (see Table 1).

The potential of the teacher to use media and digital resources is determined in relation not only to the teacher, but also in relation to a targeted area of reality (potential being viewed as opportunities for what or for whom). In our case, such a targeted area is the solution of problems of training and education (for what) and students (for whom). Therefore, the implementation of the

teacher's potential to use the media and digital resources should take into account the needs and expectations of students. However, as our survey showed, this does not always happen.

Table 1. Pedagogical tasks that can be solved by a teacher using media and digital resources, and the pedagogical skills necessary for this.

Teacher functions Pedagogical tasks that can be solved using media and digital resources Pedagogical skills needed to solve problems

Gnostic Search and application of new knowledge relative to the possibilities and ways of pedagogical use of media and digital resources Search for new media and digital resources to solve current problems of education and upbringing Improving pedagogical skills of how to use media and digital technologies Ability to find new sources of knowledge about media and digital resources and their pedagogical capabilities Ability to find and create pedagogically relevant media and digital resources Skills of professional improvement in the field of digitalization and mediatization of education

Design Providing students with assistance in developing and implementing individual educational paths with using media and digital resources; Design of author's educational programs using media and digital resources; Designing of online training courses; Drawing up plans for conducting lessons, lectures and educational activities with using media and digital resources; Designing digital educational practices; Selection and use of media for educational and didactic purposes; Design of scientific and methodological support for online education, including electronic educational content Skills to assess the didactic and educational potential of media and digital resources; Skills in selecting media and digital resources for solving specific didactic and educational tasks; Skills of integration of traditional and digital technologies in solving didactic and educational tasks; Online course design skills; Skills in designing online lessons, online lectures, and other forms of learning and education using media and digital resources; Skills in developing scientific and methodological support for online education (development of electronic educational and methodological complexes, textbooks, electronic educational content); Skills in designing funds to evaluate tools implemented by using media and digital resources

Communicative Organization of pedagogical communication in a virtual environment; Pedagogical correction of virtual communication of students; Organization of educational communications of students in a virtual environment; Ensuring the optimal combination of virtual and offline communication; Creating conditions for students to comply with social and moral norms in communication with the use of media and digital resources Ability to organize pedagogical communication in real and virtual environments; The ability to correct unproductive communication models of students in a virtual and real environment from the standpoint of humanistic norms and values; The ability to develop students' critical thinking, critical assessment of information gathered on the Internet; Ability to provide an optimal combination of real and virtual communication; The ability to fill the virtual communication of students with socially significant values and meanings

Organizational Organization of various activities for children in the social and digital environment, allowing to effectively achieve the goals of education and training; Formation of educational motivation and The ability to organize various types of joint activities with children in a real and virtual environment, using traditional and digital resources; The ability to shape students' motivation for learning and self-development by

motivation for self-education, self-improvement; Distribution of roles and functions of children; Formation of a student team; The ability of self-organization using media and digital resources; The ability to involve children in the creation of media and digital educational resources, electronic educational content; The ability to use media and digital tools for the rational distribution of roles and functions of students, the formation of a student team; The ability to organize your own work in a virtual environment, to use media and digital resources, to prevent professional burnout

Evalua-tive Use of digital and electronic tools for assessing students' academic achievements; Ensuring the objectivity of assessment of students' achievements using media and digital resources; Self-assessment of the effectiveness to use media and digital resources in solving pedagogical problems Ability to select digital tools for current and final assessment of students' academic achievements; Ability to develop self-assessment templets using media and digital resources; Ability to use media and digital tools to assess students' academic achievements; Ability to provide objective assessment of students using media and digital means

59 teachers of different age groups and with different teaching experience and 57 students of various years and courses of the College of Economics and Technology of Sochi State University took part in the survey. The survey was conducted by means of anonymous filling out of electronic Google forms by students and teachers. Respondents could choose one or more of the suggested answers or enter their own answer. Most of the questions were mirrored for teachers and students, which allowed us to compare their opinions and assessments. Comparing the responses of teachers and students we formed a picture of the most frequently used and unpopular digital technologies among teachers and students (see Table 2).

Table 2. Assessment by teachers and students of the usage of digital technologies in the implementation of intermediate vocational education (IVE) programs

Digital technologies Evaluation of the application, %

teachers students

Digital educational and methodological complexes and electronic textbooks 78.9 not included in the student questionnaire

Digital technologies for storing, transmitting and processing educational information 59-6 43.6

Learning management technologies (LMS platforms, Moodle, electronic journal, diary) 36.8 16.4

Technologies for organizing educational communications (Zoom, Skype, etc.) 36.8 85.5

En-masse open online courses 21.5 14.5

Digital technologies for evaluating learning outcomes (e-portfolio, proctoring, digital footprint tracking, etc.) 10.5 3.6

Author's online courses 8.8 0

Gamification technologies 7 5.5

Virtual (augmented) reality technologies 5.2 3.6

Design technologies using specialized devices, robotics 0 9.1

Interesting results were obtained by comparing the assessment of the didactic capabilities of digital technologies by teachers and students (see Table 3).

Table 3. Comparison of teachers' and students' assessment of didactic capabilities of digital technologies

Didactic capabilities of digital technologies Understanding of the didactic possibilities, %

teachers students

Development of intelligence, thinking 52.8 38.5

Formation of competencies defined by the Federal State Educational Standard IVE 54-7 28.8

Students' acquisition of knowledge and skills defined by the educational program 56.6 44,2

Ensuring the practice-oriented approach of the educational process 47.2 30.8

Development of creativity 52.8 23.1

Development of digital literacy and digital culture of teachers 49.1 61.5

Ensuring the personal orientation of the educational process, meeting the individual educational needs of students 35.8 36.5

Increase interest in learning, fun 31.3 46.2

We compared the assessment of combining traditional and digital technologies in the implementation of IVE programs by teachers and students (see Table 4).

Table 4. Evaluation of combining traditional and digital technologies in the implementation of IVE programs by teachers and students

Methods used by teachers to combine traditional and digital technologies Distribution of responses, %

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teachers students

Enhancing traditional technologies with digital 45.4 34.6

Consistent application of digital and traditional technologies 43.6 36.4

Introduction of new pedagogical practices based on the integration of digital and traditional technologies 9.1 32.7

Replacing traditional technologies with digital ones with a higher didactic effect 1.8 19.2

Replacing traditional technologies with digital ones with the same effect 0 63.5

Do not combine 0 3.8

As can be seen from Table 4, more than half of the students (63.5 %) indicated that teachers often simply replace traditional technologies with digital ones with the same effect. Teachers themselves do not recognize the presence of such effect in their work. This suggests the need to prepare them for the productive integration of digital and traditional technologies.

The survey identified the main problems of both use and integration of traditional and digital technologies in the implementation of IVE programs: the use of a limited range of digital technologies by teachers, underestimation of their didactic capabilities, disunity in the use of traditional and digital technologies, lack of conditions for the introduction of digital technologies in terms of material and technical base, high-speed Internet and software, methodological support, digital literacy and digital culture of teachers.

Potential is not viewed as something that is available in a "ready-made" form, but a source of opportunities that may or may not be realized. Therefore, the study of potential is associated with assessing the degree of its implementation, identifying factors and risks and determining the conditions for reducing such risks. Thus, A.I. Grigorieva, considering the educational potential of professional activity of teachers of additional education of children, on the basis of regional monitoring identifies four groups of teachers, depending on the degree of realization of the above-mentioned potential: the first group - do not want and cannot carry out the process of education according to the established standards; the second group - can work with interest in the field of education, but do not see the point in this, the named potential is expressed by their mastery of the

sum of certain algorithms of educational activity; the third group is capable of changing their attitudes, opinions, habits, to the development of their educational activities, seek funds for solving problems of education; the fourth group - their constant quest solving of educational tasks leads to the emergence of their professional positions to be a teacher (Grigorieva, 2019).

With regard to the potential of the teacher to use media and digital resources, we consider it important to identify not so much the levels of realization of this potential, but the risks of its insufficient implementation and the conditions that must be created by the educational organization and the teacher himself to reduce these risks.

Risks associated with teachers' misinterpretation of the goals, values and meanings of the use of media and digital resources. In some cases, teachers consider the use of such resources as a way to ensure access to education for students who do not have the opportunity to attend classes in person, or as a means to make the learning process bright, emotional, attractive, and to some extent even entertaining. But this is not quite correct: digital and media resources are used along with traditional means of teaching and upbringing and are designed to help the teacher more effectively achieve the goals of education and training, defined by educational standards and programs. It is also wrong for teachers to understand the media and digital resources only as a way to make the educational process more innovative. It is unproductive to use media and digital resources by the mandatory orders from the administration of an educational organization. Therefore, an important condition for preventing this risk is the organization of formal and informal training of teachers (advanced training courses, mentoring, counseling, etc.), aimed at revealing to them the possibilities of media and digital resources in achieving the goals of education and training that are important for them.

Risks of reducing the creative component in the work of the teacher. In some cases, the administration of an educational organization or the teacher himself/herself seeks to reconcile the use of media and digital resources. For example: when developing an online course, use the Zoom platform, divide each lecture into precisely 6 fragments, a video clip for each fragment of 15 minutes, and an evaluation tool - tests for each lecture with the choice of one correct answer. This approach deprives the teacher of freedom, creativity, independence, does not allow them to express their uniqueness, and as a result, the use of media and digital tools can reduce the quality of education. Therefore, an important condition for realizing the potential of a teacher in the use of media and digital resources is to provide him/her with freedom in the use of such resources, the possibility of choosing both the content of such resources and the ways of their application.

Risks of overload and professional burnout of the teacher. The use of media and digital resources requires much more effort and time from the teacher than the use of traditional resources and means: it is necessary to study the available media and digital resources, choose suitable ones, think about how to use them, integrate with traditional technologies and methods, it is necessary to spend more time checking students' work, communicating with them in a chat about their performance, etc. The use of media and digital resources also requires teachers to master new professional functions (use educational platforms, develop electronic educational content, record online lectures, develop electronic assessment tools, use infographics, and much more). Responsible teachers spend a lot of time on all this. As a result, he/she does not have time to rest, to devote time to their family, in cases when it is not possible to achieve the desired result they may get into stress and frustration. All this leads to professional burnout. Therefore, an important condition for realizing the potential of a teacher in the use of media and digital resources is the rational organization of his time, assistance from the administration in mastering new functions (for example, assistance from a computer operator, web designer, video director, drawing up memos and instructions, consulting), as well as stimulating both teachers and students to a high level of self-organization.

Risks of overestimation by the teacher of the efficiency of media and digital resources. Sometimes teachers perceive media and digital resources as a "panacea" for all problems, as a replacement for insufficiency of traditional means. However, digital tools are not pedagogical tools in themselves - most often they simply help automate traditional pedagogical tools. Therefore, an important condition for the full realization of the teacher's potential in the use of media and digital resources is the productive integration of traditional and digital means and technologies. The techniques of such integration should be taught to teachers.

Risks of losing the educational component of the educational process. By transferring training to an online format, teachers often begin to pay less attention to solving the problems of

educating students: emphasizing the moral component of the content of education, organizing educational interaction and communication, group work, etc. Even sometimes the opposite is true: they establish total control over their students with the help of digital means. However, with the transition to online learning, the need for education increases. Successful online learning is impossible without self-organization, discipline, and responsibility. Therefore, an important condition for realizing the potential of teachers in the use of media and digital resources is the identification and implementation by the teacher of the educational capabilities of such resources.

Risks of losing the developmental orientation of training. Many media and digital resources available in the Internet space are of a reproductive nature, aimed more at the search and assimilation of factual information by students and do not involve its problematization, critical evaluation, extraction of personal meanings, generation of new knowledge. Electronic versions in comparison with live communication with the teacher are "dry" (compare, for example, a live lecture and a video lecture). This risk can be reduced by involving students in the creation of digital educational content, problematization of learning, orientation of educational tasks to the zone of immediate development of students.

The risk of limited use of media and digital resources. They are mainly used to automate training. At the same time, their opportunities in education, in overcoming professional difficulties of the teacher are reduced. In the work (Marcus et al., 2018), the possibilities of using films by teachers, in which the stories of teachers are presented, are revealed. We believe that the analysis of such films can help to overcome the factors that reduce the effectiveness of the teacher's use of media and digital resources in their activities, such as self-doubt, innovation barriers, low motivation. As an example, the film "Before the class", which presents the story of a young man who was able to realize his dream - to become a teacher, despite the presence of Tourette's syndrome (involuntary barking). Scientific analysis of films about the school, including those that present teachers' stories, is one of the pedagogical possibilities of media resources, which, as a rule, is not used by teachers.

5. Conclusion

The study presented in the article allowed us to draw the following conclusions:

- Currently, the importance of the humanitarian aspects of studying digitalization and mediatization of education has increased.

- It is more productive to consider the teacher's readiness to use media and digital resources as a potential that has certain risks of insufficient use and requires the creation of certain organizational and pedagogical conditions by the administration of the educational organization and the teacher himself. However, researchers most often turn to other terminology - media competence, digital competencies, digital culture, computer literacy.

- The potential of a teacher to use media and digital resources should be understood as a set of skills and personal qualities that allow a teacher to effectively solve the problems of education and training with the help of media and digital resources.

- The mentioned potential is determined by the capacity of media and digital resources in solving the problems of training and education, the professionalism of the teacher to use these resources, as well as his/her values and attitudes towards such resources and the motives for their use.

- Despite the active use of media by teachers, the potential of teachers to use such resources is not fully realized, which has further been strengthened by the pandemic. The main problems of their application are the use of a limited range of digital and media resources by teachers, underestimation of their didactic, developmental and educational capabilities, disunity in the use of traditional and digital technologies, lack of conditions for the introduction of digital technologies in terms of material and technical base, high-speed Internet and software, methodological support, digital literacy and digital culture of teachers.

- The potential of a teacher to use media and digital resources is not something that is available in a "ready-made" form, but a source of opportunities that may or may not be realized. Risks of inadequate implementation of such potential are: the risks associated with the wrong understanding by teachers of the goals, values and meanings of the use of media and digital resources; the risks of reducing the creative component in the work of the teacher; the risks of overload and professional burnout of a teacher; risks of teachers to over-valuate the possibilities of media and digital resources; risks of losing the educational and developing components of the educational process, implemented in the conditions of digitalization and mediatization.

- To successfully deal with those risks and fully implement the studied potential, the administration of educational organizations and teachers must observe the following conditions: organization of formal and informal training of teachers (training courses, mentoring, advising, etc.), aimed at revealing the possibilities of media and digital resources in the achievement of important goals for teacher education and training; providing educators the freedom to use such resources, the choice of content and methods of their use; rational organization of teachers' time, providing them with assistance from the administration in mastering new functions, stimulating a high level of self-organization; training teachers in methods of integrating traditional and digital technologies in solving pedagogical problems, ways of pedagogizing digital tools; identifying and implementing educational opportunities and developing the use of media and digital resources by the teacher; attracting students to create digital educational content, problematization of training; expanding the teacher's understanding of the possibilities of media and digital resources not only in solving pedagogical problems, but also in personal and professional self-improvement, overcoming professional difficulties.

6. Acknowledgements

The study was carried out as part of the state assignment of the Institute for Strategy of Education Development of the Russian Academy of Education.


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