Научная статья на тему 'Task-based assessment grids for the evaluation of oral interaction of esp students'

Task-based assessment grids for the evaluation of oral interaction of esp students Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Poghosyan N.V.

In the given article the characteristics of task-based language assessment grids in an ESP instruction have been thoroughly elaborated and introduced. Detailed description of task-based grids used to assess oral interaction of students specializing in “Business and Tourism” can help LSP (Languages for Specific Purposes) teachers to work out effective task-based language tests and assessment grids for the development and evaluation of their students’ professional communicative linguistic competence.

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Шкалы оценивания устного взаимодействия студентов в курсе английского для специальных целей

В данной статье тщательно разработаны и представлены особенности шкалы оценки на основе задач в курсе английского языка для специальных целей. Детальное описание шкалы оценки устного взаимодействия студентов, обучающихся по специальности «Бизнес и туризм», может помочь преподавателям «языков для специальных целей» разработать эффективные тесты по развитию и оцениванию профессиональной языковой коммуникативной компетенции учащихся.

Текст научной работы на тему «Task-based assessment grids for the evaluation of oral interaction of esp students»

УДК 81.34

Н. В. Погосян

кандидат педагогических наук, доцент каф. преподавания иностранных языков и педагогики, Ереванский государственный университет языков и социальных наук им. В. Я. Брюсова, Армения; e-maiL: nairapoghosyan@yahoo.com


В данной статье тщательно разработаны и представлены особенности шкалы оценки на основе задач в курсе английского языка для специальных целей. Детальное описание шкалы оценки устного взаимодействия студентов, обучающихся по специальности «Бизнес и туризм», может помочь преподавателям «языков для специальных целей» разработать эффективные тесты по развитию и оцениванию профессиональной языковой коммуникативной компетенции учащихся.

Ключевые слова: английский язык для специальных целей; обучение языку на основе задач; обучение по специальности «Бизнес и туризм»; шкалы оценки; устное взаимодействие; языковая коммуникативная компетенция.

N. V. Poghosyan

PhD (Education), Assistant Professor, Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and SociaL Sciences, Armenia; e-maiL: nairapoghosyan@yahoo.com


In the given articLe the characteristics of task-based Language assessment grids in an ESP instruction have been thoroughLy eLaborated and introduced. DetaiLed description of task-based grids used to assess oraL interaction of students speciaLizing in "Business and Tourism" can heLp LSP (Languages for Specific Purposes) teachers to work out effective task-based Language tests and assessment grids for the deveLopment and evaLuation of their students' professionaL communicative Linguistic competence.

Key words: EngLish for Specific Purposes (ESP); task-based Language teaching (TBLT); speciaLization of Business and Tourism; assessment grids; oraL interaction; communicative Linguistic competence.

Ideally, in a university context every testing situation should also be a learning situation, and past experiences tell us that in task-based testing every testing situation becomes a learning situation, both for the students and for the teacher.

Since the implementation of task-based language teaching model is increasing in university language teaching, the development of task-based assessment grids is a logical next step.

After an extensive collaborative effort, the GULT (Guidelines for task-based university language testing) project team of the ECML (European Center for Modern Languages) published a manual in which the task-based university language assessment and testing issues are thoroughly analyzed and introduced. The general construct of the GULT exam follows an interactionalist perspective, which implies that task-based testing should focus on the interaction of the learners in a communication context.

Following the given ideology, our aim in the current article is to thoroughly elaborate and introduce assessment grids for the evaluation of the pragmatic, linguistic communicative competences of the ESP students with the specialization of Business and Tourism.

In order to make a test or exam as authentic as possible, ideally only the productive skills are assessed. As the problem of texts, both spoken and written, is obviously based on the analysis of written and aural texts, namely on reception. If the learners do not understand the texts, they cannot present a proper solution to the problem. In fact, in real-life situations in the workplace there are no listening and reading tests, apart from occasional summaries of the problem in the question. Therefore, in the most authentic testing situation receptive skills would not be tested separately, but integrated into the parts focusing on the productive skills [Chouissa, Dugovicova, Fisher, Virkkunen-Fullenwider 2011, p. 27]. Thus, in an ideal task-based LSP exam the four skills are tested individually, but in an interrelated situation, which acts as a compromise between an authentic linguistic situation in real-life and existing test traditions.

We shall hereafter introduce the "task-based test" which has been initially developed for the ESP students with the specialization of Business and Tourism.

The "task" is to choose a famous "Tourist Destination" and prepare a short presentation using the following vocabulary:

• Climate: humid, chilly, frozen, warm, hot, sunny, cloudy, windy...

• Transport: tram, coach, underground, cab, train, bus, bicycle, car.

• Entertainment: nightclub, show, concert hall, fairground, play at the theatre, firework display, discotheque, opera house.

• Food and Drink:

o vegetables, fruits

o meats and poultry, fish, eggs, nuts and seeds, beans

o grain (cereal) foods, mostly wholegrain and / or high cereal

fiber varieties o milk, yoghurt, cheese and / or alternatives o beer, wine, brandy, gin, liqueur, rum, tequila, vodka, whisky, soda.

• Sightseeing:

o Leisure tourism: holidays, health and fitness, sporting events,

education and training, culture and religion o Business Tourism: professional meetings, exhibitions and

trade fairs, conferences and conventions, incentive travel o VFR: visiting friends and relatives

o Excursions: riding, sailing, biking, cruising, expedition, voyage, ...

• Public Holidays: national holidays, public holidays, federal holidays, ecumenical holidays, secular holidays [Harding 2007, p. 21].

The ESP teacher also gives the following instructions for the preparation of a good presentation:

"When preparing a presentation in English remember"

• Make notes of your ideas

• Select the best ideas and organize them into a logical order

• Prepare any pictures you need

• Check you have all the vocabulary you need

• Practice makes perfect, practice reading the presentation.

The following phrases are useful when making a presentation

• Recommending: the best time to go to. is., it is a good idea to., don't miss., . is well worth seeing, etc.

• Describing places: it's famous for., the most interesting place is., the museum houses.

• Transport: buses / trains run every., you can get there by., the journey takes.

• Using photographs: this picture shows., in the foreground / background is., in the top / bottom corner is.

The following evaluation grids refer to the assessment of oral interaction skills of ESP students (CEFR level B2) in a given task. With the

help of these grids the ESP teacher can clarify certain questions referring to whether the students are able to

• express themselves orally in an appropriate manner concerning a variety of cultural and subject-specific topics;

• actively participate in discussions, using complex sentence structure and subject-specific vocabulary [Chouissa, Dugovicova, Fisher, Virkkunen-Fullenwider 2011, p. 78].

Criteria Level B2 Passed Failed

Situation Manages the role given in oral interaction adequately.

<u u Content Uses varied and relevant arguments, based on the documents provided, maybe adding personal ideas.

Pragmatic Competen Interaction Is able to interact. Takes his / her turn and the initiative when suitable, knows how to restart an oral exchange when necessary.

Fluency Is able to express his / her ideas fluently without longer pauses (some hesitations acceptable).

Pronunciation His / her pronunciation and intonation are sufficiently clear in order to be understood.

<u c n e t e p Grammatical Accuracy Masters the grammar sufficiently to avoid errors that might cause misunderstandings (some non-systematic errors tolerated).

E o C <j « '3 g Coherence Is able to use the necessary linguistic devices in order to link, accentuate and adapt his / her speech.

Lj Vocabulary Uses a varied vocabulary appropriate to the task.

Evaluation of Content and Pragmatic Competence

According to the specific level standards excellent TD О О satisfactory о о insufficient

Content of the presentation / pragmatic competence 1 2 3 4 5

Task accomplishment • The student identifies the problem / the task and is able to deal with it correctly. • The student shows the ability to discuss the issue. • The content is presented clearly and convincingly. • The student's own opinion and outlooks are presented in a detailed and convincing manner. • The student is able to apply general knowledge to the chosen subject.

Correctness of content • The design of the content matches the task. • The content is relevant and presented correctly. • Certain aspects are discussed or analyzed critically. • The presented approach to the solution is reasonable and convincing. • Good examples are given.

Logic and coherence of the presentation • The presentation is structured clearly. • The introduction is good. • The arguments are structured and linked in a felicitous way. • The conclusion and the last transition are used effectively and are well formulated and evident. • The student successfully initiates a debate.

Accordingly, the ESP teacher can evaluate the learners' ability to discuss and debate arguments and furthermore: the linguistic and paralinguistic competences of the ESP students.

Evaluation of the Ability to Debate

Discussion and debating of arguments Ability to scrutinize the opinions of others

• The student asks critical questions about the opinion of his / her fellow students.

• The students' questions are clear and precise.

Discussion and debating of arguments Ability to defend one's own opinion

• The student reacts adequately to the comments of his / her fellow students and answers their questions clearly and convincingly.

• The student is able to defend his / her position, to specify it and to avoid misunderstandings.

• The student is able to pick up a previous debate and extend it.

Evaluation of Linguistic Competence

According to specific level standards:

Phonetics / fluency

• The content is presented fluently.

• The pronunciation is correct.

• Intonation and stress are correct

• The volume is good.

Grammar / morphosyntax

• Morphosyntax and syntax are correct.

• Contextual constructions are used correctly.

• The student shows grammatical flexibility.

• The student is able to spontaneously react to questions and comments in a grammatically correct manner.


• The student makes use of a broad range of vocabulary.

• The student makes use of a variety of subject-specific terms.

• Subject-specific terminology is used correctly.

Speech competence

• The student shows his / her ability to speak fluently and to make use of the complexity of the language.

• Modal particles and discourse particles are used competently.

• Weaknesses in speaking are overcome and false starts are adequately corrected.

• Pauses are used consciously and reasonably for planning, emphasizing and correcting.

Register / style

• The presentation and contributions to the discussion match the register of corresponding professional and university situations.

• The style matches the corresponding professional / university situation.

Evaluation of Paralinguistic Aspects / Presentation Technique

Gestures / facial expressions

• Gestures and facial expressions are used according to the target language.

• Gestures and facial expressions appear natural and convincing.

• Gestures and facial expressions emphasize the statement.

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Body language

• The student uses a body language that is appropriate to the situation.

• The student is able to emphasize statements through his/her body language when necessary.

Presentation techniques

• The content is presented freely.

• Eye contact with the audience is existent and supports the attention of the audience. Use of visual aids

• The student uses Power Point effectively.

• The use of graphics and tables visualizes the content of the presentation.

• The student uses other aids convincingly.

• The student engages with the audience through the use of visual aids.

Final Grade for the Speaking Task

Content of the presentation / pragmatic competence 30 % -

Discussion and debating of arguments 20 %

Linguistic competence 40 %

Paralinguistic aspects and presentation techniques 10 %

Final grade for the speaking task 100 %

There are a number of practical concerns and challenges related to the implementation of a task-based testing and assessment, which university teachers basically face; for example, they are justifiably concerned about the increased workload that task-based testing demands. It is quite clear that, for teachers, task-base testing means:

• initially more work in test development, and also

• initially more correction work [3, p. 37].

It should be noted in conclusion, that the characteristics of task-based language assessment of ESP learners analyzed in the current paper may surely help LSP teachers to develop and administer task-based language tests and assessment grids for the development and evaluation of their students' professional communicative linguistic skills.


Branden K. Task-based Language Teaching: from Theory to Practice. Cambridge :

Cambridge University Press, 2006. 512 p. Harding K. English for Specific Purposes. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. 170 p.

Chouissa C., Dugovicova S., Fischer J., Virkkunen-Fullenwider A. Guidelines for

Task-Based University Language Testing, ECML, CE, 2011. 123 p. StruttP. English for International Tourism. Intermediate Students' Book. Longman, 2010. 144p.

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