ТАМОЖЕННАЯ ПОЛИТИКА В УСЛОВИЯХ ГЛОБАЛИЗАЦИИ Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
customs policy / foreign trade / customs service / economic interests. / таможенная политика / внешняя торговля / таможенная служба / экономические интересы.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Zahrakhanum Samadova

The customs policy determines the directions of purposeful activity on the state regulation of the move-ment of foreign trade turnover across the customs borders of goods and means of transport through the estab-lishment of appropriate customs regimes. The mechanism of customs policy is a set of institutions involved in the formation and implementation of customs policy, as well as the methods of its implementation, the use of methods of customs regulation by the competent authorities. The customs policy of the Azerbaijani state serves to ensure its economic security. Economic security issues include the state of the economy, which can ensure a sufficient level of social, political, defense and progressive development of the republic, ways to solve balanc-ing problems, possible external and internal threats, independence of its economic interests from external in-fluences and sufficient protection.

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Таможенная политика определяет направления целенаправленной деятельности по государствен-ному регулированию перемещения внешнеторгового оборота через таможенные границы товаров и транспортных средств путем установления соответствующих таможенных режимов. Механизм та-моженной политики представляет собой совокупность институтов, участвующих в формировании и реализации таможенной политики, а также методов ее реализации, применения компетентными орга-нами методов таможенного регулирования. Таможенная политика Азербайджанского государства служит обеспечению его экономической безопасности. К вопросам экономической безопасности отно-сятся состояние экономики, способное обеспечить достаточный уровень социально-политической, обо-роноспособности и поступательного развития республики, пути решения проблем сбалансированности, возможных внешних и внутренних угроз, независимость ее экономических интересов от внешних воздей-ствий и достаточная защита.


«етуушшим-шишаи» #2®m)), жш / economic sciences


Захраханум Самадова к.т.н., доц. проф., Бакинский Государственный Университет DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2022-21144-47-50 ТАМОЖЕННАЯ ПОЛИТИКА В УСЛОВИЯХ ГЛОБАЛИЗАЦИИ

Zahrakhanum Samadova

Ph.D,Assoc.Prof, Baku State University



Таможенная политика определяет направления целенаправленной деятельности по государственному регулированию перемещения внешнеторгового оборота через таможенные границы товаров и транспортных средств путем установления соответствующих таможенных режимов. Механизм таможенной политики представляет собой совокупность институтов, участвующих в формировании и реализации таможенной политики, а также методов ее реализации, применения компетентными органами методов таможенного регулирования. Таможенная политика Азербайджанского государства служит обеспечению его экономической безопасности. К вопросам экономической безопасности относятся состояние экономики, способное обеспечить достаточный уровень социально-политической, обороноспособности и поступательного развития республики, пути решения проблем сбалансированности, возможных внешних и внутренних угроз, независимость ее экономических интересов от внешних воздействий и достаточная защита.


The customs policy determines the directions of purposeful activity on the state regulation of the movement offoreign trade turnover across the customs borders of goods and means of transport through the establishment of appropriate customs regimes. The mechanism of customs policy is a set of institutions involved in the formation and implementation of customs policy, as well as the methods of its implementation, the use of methods of customs regulation by the competent authorities. The customs policy of the Azerbaijani state serves to ensure its economic security. Economic security issues include the state of the economy, which can ensure a sufficient level of social, political, defense and progressive development of the republic, ways to solve balancing problems, possible external and internal threats, independence of its economic interests from external influences and sufficient protection.

Keywords: customs policy, foreign trade, customs service, economic interests.

Ключевые слова: таможенная политика, внешняя торговля, таможенная служба, экономические интересы.


After gaining independence the main task of Azerbaijan in the field of foreign economic policy is the equal integration into the system of world economic relations based on the benefits of the international division of labor. It should also be borne in mind that the modern world trading system imposes strict requirements and restrictions on foreign economic policy against all countries. For this reason, the structural regulation of the national economy must be based on the fact that the object of regulation consists of a single developing organism. It should be noted that the need to use complex and complementary instruments of economic policy in the process of influencing import-export operations is one of the main features of the system of regulation of foreign economic activity. In the practice of foreign economic activity, the distinction of 5 groups of instruments is accepted:

1. Means of economic regulation: customs duties, levies, balancing border taxes, financial assistance to national commodity producers;

2. Means of administrative regulation, export and import and restrictions, import licensing, quotas, export restrictions

3. Technical means, standards and technical norms. Methods of determining compliance with standards, safety rules and norms, product certification systems, sanitary, health norms, environmental measures;

4. Measures to assist national exporters and commodity producers in export;

5. Currency and financial measures.

The measures taken in the framework of economic reforms to liberalize foreign economic activity, the transition from administrative to economic methods of management have created conditions for the transfer of regulation of foreign economic activity to market principles. Therefore, the fact that the customs policy of our republic is very strong and perfect is one of the main factors for the development of our republic.

Azerbaijan's customs service is formed on the principles of the country's transition to a market economy.

The implementation of the state customs policy is important in determining the long-term development of the state, depending on the balanced economic policy and the level of modernization of the customs service. The customs policy of the republic serves to determine the purposeful activities of the state regulation of the foreign trade turnover of the republic (volume, structure and conditions of import and export) through the



customs border by determining the appropriate customs regimes.

The concept of the customs policy mechanism is a set of institutions involved in the formation and implementation of customs policy, as well as methods of its implementation, the use of methods of customs regulation by the competent authorities.

The customs policy of the Republic of Azerbaijan is one of the main components of the state regulatory system of the country's economy. Customs policy focuses on expanding customs cooperation. In addition, the main task of customs policy is to ensure the economic interests of the Republic of Azerbaijan and economic security within its competence. And the customs policy of the Republic of Azerbaijan is based on customs and customs clearance, collection of goods and transport, customs duties, strengthening customs control, strengthening control over smuggling and the correct solution of such problems.

The customs policy of the Republic of Azerbaijan must serve to ensure the economic security of the state. Ensuring economic security is one of the important functions of the state. The problem of economic security has never existed by itself it is a derivative of economic growth at every stage of society's development. The specific content of this problem varies depending on the internal and external conditions formed during the period.

Customs policy is based on the activities of the customs service, which is the main basis for its implementation. It should be noted that it is a mistake to equate customs regulation only with the activities of customs authorities. The formation and implementation of customs policy is a very complex process that can be carried out with the direct participation of all three branches of government - the legislature, the executive and the judiciary, as well as the business community interested in this matter. Clause 2 of the Customs Code states that the Republic of Azerbaijan pursues a single customs policy, which is an integral part of the domestic and foreign policy of the state. The requirements and objectives of this policy are determined by the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Cabinet of Ministers on the basis of the Customs Code and other sources of customs law. and it aims to address trade and political issues, stimulate the development of the national economy, and address key issues of state economic policy to protect the domestic market through the regulation of trade in the customs territory of the republic and the effective use of customs control. Customs policy is an important area of the country's foreign economic activity.

The following forms of customs policy are mostly used to protect the domestic market and create favorable conditions for the development of the national economy:

1. Protection - (protectionism);

2. Free trade - (freetradism)

The protectionist customs policy is aimed at creating more favorable conditions for the development of local production. This policy is achieved by applying a higher level of customs duties and taxes on imported

goods. The free trade policy envisages a minimum level of customs duties and encourages more foreign goods to be attracted to the domestic market.

Implementation of customs policy is important to ensure the country's economic security, protect the domestic market and support the country's production. Only by trying to balance the weak protectionist measures that stimulate the involvement of Azerbaijani entrepreneurs in international cooperation and promote fair competition with foreign industrialists can positive changes be achieved in the economy.

Purposeful customs policy can change the structure of imports in favor of high-quality relations, helping to reduce the price not only of imported products, but also of domestic products. The biggest functions of the customs authorities are export control and assessment of the quality of goods. The fiscal function is still one of the priorities of the customs service. There are many factors that threaten the economic security of Azerbaijan: dominance of raw materials in exports and loss of markets for mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, chemicals and other products, attempts of different countries to control the strategically important raw materials market of Azerbaijan, the growing dependence on the import of many types of consumer goods, the growing weakness of the economy in the event of economic and political pressure from abroad, the difficulties of import-export loading and transportation due to the strengthening of the positions of the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran, in the reconstruction of the economy, the country's dependence on foreign loans, which limits its room for maneuver, criminal business related to foreign economic activity.

Azerbaijan's customs policy is built taking into account all the factors affecting the economic and political situation in the country. Today, almost all administrative means of export regulation have been abolished. However, the abolition of export quotas and duties does not mean that customs authorities should ignore export transactions. The flow of capital from the country cannot be prevented only by economic methods. The problem of returning export production remains one of the most important problems.

Taking into account the characteristics of the national structure of production and consumption, the level of economic development of the country, as well as the impact of various objective and subjective factors requires a comprehensive approach to the system of foreign trade regulation, its leasing mechanism:

First, the national economy is highly dependent on foreign economic relations.

Second, the historically established economic relations with the countries of the former USSR, as one of the priorities in this area, require the development of economic integration within the CIS.

Third, Azerbaijan, like other developing countries, must simultaneously address the issue of raising the level of economic development and integration into the world economic system.



Fourth, the current system of world trade imposes strict requirements and restrictions on foreign economic policy for all countries, which are especially difficult for developing countries, including Azerbaijan.

Fifth, the Azerbaijani economy must carry out structural restructuring, which will allow it to raise its technological level and create competitive production complexes in the world market.

Difficulties in the first stage of economic reforms have left their mark both in the field of tariffs and have led to the introduction of export tariffs in customs regulation. Foreign trade regulation, including customs regulation, should be aimed at using the opportunities for the export of raw materials for economic development by all means, while gradually increasing the export potential of high-quality products and diversifying the commodity structure of exports. Fulfillment of such tasks is impossible without an effective export control system. The conditions for the country's full integration into the world economic system should include diversification of exports, raising the level of processing of export goods, and the scheme of international production cooperation. The solution to the problem lies in the active structural regulation of the economy, purposeful stimulation of the development of promising areas, the use of export incentives in the world practice and the influence of tariff and non-tariff methods on the volume and structure of foreign economic relations. During the transition period, it is necessary to develop a scheme that would allow Azerbaijan's economy to integrate into the world economic system in a short period of time, using various tools of foreign economic and foreign trade policy. Foreign trade regulation is an integral part of structural regulation. It would be premature and harmful to completely abandon the quantitative restrictions on foreign trade. WTO member countries still impose such restrictions on trade in certain goods. The possibility of applying such a tool in principle cannot be ignored in the near future.

The role of foreign trade instruments in the overall mechanism of structural regulation should be as follows:

- to assist in the import of products necessary for the development of promising areas;

- Limit the import of products that compete with promising areas in the first stage of development; to create conditions for the gradual restructuring of non-competitive areas and the gradual reduction of those who are unable to do so to minimize the negative social consequences of the process;

- to ensure sufficient supply of goods in the domestic market if this cannot be achieved by other means of economic policy;

- to provide protection to domestic producers from unfair competition of foreign exporters;

In this context, a positive result can be achieved through a balanced application of tariff and non-tariff methods of regulation. Structural regulation of the economy is an important function of customs tariffs. High differential tariffs are able to reduce the average reasonable level of duties by reducing the protection of those who need it in the first place. For this reason, tariff policy should become an integral part of structural

policy. It is necessary to develop an action plan, which can be an integral part of each of the most important areas of industry, the dynamics of customs duties. The normative level of customs tariffs should not be too high. They must be sufficient to protect the national market of the relevant product. Diagnosis of changes in tariffs should be made in such a way that it is possible to quantify them and at the same time allow the government to react to changes in the national and world markets.

At present, one of the main directions of customs policy is the correct organization of customs issues related to Azerbaijan's membership in the World Trade Organization, so that both the country's economy and the state budget can get the maximum benefit from it. In this regard, the adoption of a new differentiated customs tariff system of the Republic of Azerbaijan can be considered a particularly important step. During the development of the new system, raising customs tariffs was not the main task. The main task was to achieve the function of tariffs not only to ensure budget revenues, but also to regulate domestic production. This system can be considered optimal for the period from now until Azerbaijan's accession to the WTO. Our country's accession to the WTO is a stage of integration into world economic relations. By joining the WTO, Azerbaijan will be able to realize the comparative advantages of its economy, improve trade conditions, increase and diversify exports, stabilize and expand sales markets, and create favorable conditions to stimulate product quality. There are a number of positive aspects of Azerbaijan's membership in the WTO:

- By becoming a member of the WTO, Azerbaijan will not only have the opportunity to participate more widely in world trade, but also to participate in its development, taking into account our national interests;

- Our exporters and importers will be able to use a single legal space based on various agreements, as well as be provided with international legal protection in trade with other countries. That is, our country will be legally protected from unjustified discrimination measures of other states;

- There will be a favorable basis for our country to join international production cooperation and other forms of international business cooperation, there will be ample opportunities for cooperation, from the establishment of joint ventures to the exchange of intellectual property;

- There will be a real legal basis for resolving possible disputes and contradictions in this area, and the participation of local producers in healthy international competition will play a stimulating role for them.

All this will ensure Azerbaijan's faster integration into world reproduction processes, and on this basis, promising areas of production focused on foreign economic activity will further develop. On the other hand, the import opportunities of modern production and management technologies will be further expanded and the flow of direct investment to our country will increase.

In the current situation, the evolution of new economic relations in the country, its accession to the international division of labor and the system of world



economic relations, preparation for membership in the International Trade Organization demonstrates the development and improvement of the customs system on the basis of a program-targeted approach. In this regard, there is a need to create a program for the development and improvement of the customs system in our country.

It should be noted that no country in the world, even the most developed, can effectively produce a new multi-faceted modern product. Of course, individual countries or groups of countries produce exactly the same range of products that they have the most favorable conditions here. On this basis, the specialization and cooperation of countries is built. In this case, they produce this or that commodity in such a way that it meets the needs of the domestic market, and then it is exported to foreign markets. On the basis of this, the exchange of goods arises and develops, a single world economy is formed. In this sense, it can be said that international trade, on the one hand, determines the international division of labor, and on the other hand, increases the efficiency of the domestic economy of the participating country. The Azerbaijan Republic currently has international trade relations with more than 150 countries.


Improves communication and understanding between customs organizations and the business community, and promotes the development of strategic partnerships between government and business associations. Therefore, any initiative aimed at simplifying and harmonizing customs procedures is very important, and thus trade simplification should help its development at

the international level. Customs authorities have recently succeeded in accelerating the better integration of security aspects into customs procedures. Today's customs must exercise effective control over the international supply chain, creating conditions for the normal flow of foreign trade.


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