DEVELOPMENT DIRECTIONS OF AZERBAIJAN'S FOREIGN TRADE REGULATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Gambarova Ruhiyya Mantig, Gambarova Sevil Arif

Foreign economic relations include foreign trade, foreign lending and borrowing, attraction of foreign investment, participation in international production cooperation, implementation of joint research programs, etc. is a system of economic relations. The development of national economies of countries trying to build a market system in modern times is closely linked not only with domestic opportunities, but also with the effective use of foreign trade, which is the main form of international economic relations. In this regard, the article shows and analyzes the current state of the country's foreign trade relations.

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DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2020.7.78.1026 Gambarova Ruhiyya Mantig


Azerbaijan State Agrarian University, Ganja Gambarova Sevil Arif


Azerbaijan State Economic University


dos.Qambarova Ruhiyya Mantiq qizi

Az3rbaycan Dovbt Aqrar Universiteti bakalavr:Qambarova Sevil Arif qizi

Az3rbaycan Dovbt Iqtisad Universiteti


Доц. Гамбарова Рухия Ментиг кызы

Азербайджанский Государственный Аграрный Университет Бакалавр Гамбарова Севиль Ариф кызы

Азербайджанский Государственный Экономический Университет


Foreign economic relations include foreign trade, foreign lending and borrowing, attraction of foreign investment, participation in international production cooperation, implementation of joint research programs, etc. is a system of economic relations. The development of national economies of countries trying to build a market system in modern times is closely linked not only with domestic opportunities, but also with the effective use of foreign trade, which is the main form of international economic relations. In this regard, the article shows and analyzes the current state of the country's foreign trade relations.


Xarici iqtisadi munasibatlar bir olkanin digar olkalarla xarici ticarat, xarici kreditla§ma va borclanma, xarici investisiyanin calb edilmasi, beynalxalq istehsal kooperasiyasinda i§tirak etmak, birga elmi-tadqiqat proqramlannin hayata kegirilmasi va s. ila bagli iqtisadi munasibatlar sistemidir. Muasir dovrda bazar sistemini qurmaga gali§an olkalarin milli iqtisadiyyatlarinin inki§afi takca daxili imkanlarla deyil, ham da beynalxalq iqtisadi munasibatlarin asas formasi olan xarici ticaratdan samarali suratda istifada edilmasi ila six alaqadardir. Bu baximdan, maqalada olkanin xarici ticarat alaqalarinin movcud vaziyyati gostarilmi§ va tahlil edilmi§dir.


Внешнеэкономические связи - это система экономических отношений страны с другими странами, связанная с внешней торговлей, иностранным кредитованием и заимствованием, привлечением иностранных инвестиций, участием в международной производственной кооперации, реализацией совместных исследовательских программ и т. д. Развитие национальных экономик стран, пытающихся построить рыночную систему в наше время, тесно связано не только с внутренними возможностями, но и с эффективным использованием внешней торговли, которая является основной формой международных экономических отношений. В связи с этим в статье показано и проанализировано современное состояние внешнеторговых связей страны.

Key words: foreign economic relations, trade, import, export, economic development, investment, etc.

Afar sozlar: xarici iqtisadi alaqalar,ticarat, idxal, ixrac, iqtisadi inki§af, investisiya va s.

Ключевые слова: внешнеэкономические связи, торговля, импорт, экспорт, экономическое развитие, инвестиции и др.


Development of foreign economic relations and, on this basis, ensuring the effective integration of the country's economy into the world economic system is one of the main directions of the socio-economic development strategy of countries that have recently regained their independence, including the Republic of Azerbaijan.

For a long time, agricultural products produced in Azerbaijan have been an important object not only for the domestic market, but also for export. The country's cotton, silk, saffron, and many other agricultural

products were exported to many western and eastern countries by ancient caravan routes.

Foreign economic relations play an important role in the development of the agrarian economy in the country, the formation of the market and the provision of an effective mechanism of action. It is known that the agriculture of our country has a strong production potential and this potential has been used at different levels in different years.

Azerbaijan has great potential for active participation in the system of international economic relations. The country's economic reforms, the

transition from administrative management to a market economy, the liberalization of foreign economic relations play an important role in accelerating socioeconomic development. Due to the integration of Azerbaijan into the world economy, a legal framework has been created due to the regulation of import and export operations, in short, relevant laws were adopted by the National Council to regulate foreign economic activity, presidential decrees were signed, orders were issued, and relevant normative-legal documents were adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic. [4] It should be noted that the country has sufficient qualified personnel and the country's large energy, mineral resources, unique climate potential create favorable conditions for the rapid development of the national economy and the expansion of economic trade relations with world countries on mutually beneficial terms.

As can be seen from the table, the foreign trade turnover in 2018 will increase by 45% compared to 2015, of which 24.4% falls on imports and 59.5% on exports. Compared to 2015, in 2018 there was a positive balance about 3 times. The reason for the increase in foreign trade turnover in 2018 was a significant increase in exports. Such an increase in oil and oil products, which account for about 90-95% of exports, has led to an increase in exports in terms of value.

Much has been done in our country in recent years to improve the quality of a number of products and increase export potential. The work started within the framework of the State programs of socio-economic development of the regions of our country continues. Also, the main goal of the "State Program of socioeconomic development of the regions of the Republic

One of the most important problems facing the country in the context of rapid modernization is the steady growth of foreign trade turnover and increasing economic efficiency. This, in turn, requires the structural improvement of foreign trade relations, the production of competitive goods and services through the effective use of the achievements of scientific and technological progress, ensuring their free access to world markets. [5]

Azerbaijan has opportunities for effective integration into the world economic system. The effective use of such opportunities has a great role in solving the socio-economic problems of the country. It can also have a positive impact on sustainable economic growth and a competitive economy. We know that the role of foreign trade relations in the country's foreign economic activity is great. In this regard, the analysis of the country's foreign trade turnover in 2015-2018 can be seen in the table below.

of Azerbaijan in 2019-2023" adopted on January 29, 2019 is to accelerate the development of the non-oil sector in the country, diversify the economy, balanced regional and sustainable socio-economic development, to achieve further improvement of the living standards of the population. [1].

It is known that earlier the main trade partners of Azerbaijan were the CIS countries. However, now we can see the countries of the European Union in this area. It is known that the Russian Federation has the largest trade turnover with Azerbaijan among the CIS countries. The trade share of the Russian Federation is equal to 50% of the total trade of the CIS countries with Azerbaijan. The reason for this is that Russia has a large market for Azerbaijani agricultural products. In general, we can see the main partners of the country in the top ten in foreign trade turnover in the table below.

Table 1.

Foreign trade turnover for 2015-2018 (million US dollars)_

Years Millions of United States dollars In actual prices compared to last year,%

trade turnover trade turnover

import export balance import Export

2015 21 945,8 9 216,7 12 729,1 3 512,4 104,3 100,2 100,6

2016 21596,6 8 489,1 13 107,5 4 618,4 92,7 89,6 94,4

2017 24 263,8 8 783,3 15 480,5 6 697,2 89,3 83,8 92,9

2018 31 755,9 11 465,0 20 290,9 8 825,9 100,5 100,2 100,6

Source: Data of the State Statistics Committee of Azerbaijan.

Table 2.

Share of key partners in the top 10 foreign trade turnover. (%)_

Countries 2015 2016 2017 2018

Italy 13,0 21,3 23,5 20,1

Turkey 12,1 10,8 11,1 11,0

Russian Federation 8,5 9,3 8,9 8,2

Germany 8,7 4,6 3,7 4,7

Israel 3,8 3,1 2,8 4,3

China 2,6 4,9 5,4 4,2

Chech Republic 2,8 1,3 2,8 3,4

India 1,4 2,8 2,1 3,0

USA 5,4 2,5 3,2 2,8

Ukraine 1,5 1,5 3,7 2,7

Source: Azerbaijan's foreign trade. Statistical collection, Baku-2019

Economic cooperation with foreign countries gives great advantages to ensure the diversified development of the national economy of Azerbaijan. That is why mutual economic relations with foreign countries and the development of these ties are of great importance in the formation of the national economy of

Azerbaijan. [6] If we pay attention to the geographical structure of foreign trade relations, we can see that the share of European countries differs significantly from others. Thus, compared to 2015, in 2018 it was 478373.8 thousand US dollars, or 9.5% more.

Table 3

Geographical structure of foreign trade relations (thousand US dollars)

Countries 2015 2016 2017 2018

Europe 5 019 083,1 4 528 536,3 4 319 022,7 5 497 456,9

Asia 3 092 305,8 3 179 400,6 3 394 933,6 4 748 463,7

America 1 065 332,5 713 901,8 991 930,1 987 955,5

Africa 13 285,1 19 271,8 24 516,0 182 600,3

Oceania 26 670,6 48 029,9 52 899,0 48 493,7

Source: Azerbaijan's foreign trade. Statistical collection, Baku-2019

The expansion of Azerbaijan's trade relations with the European Union makes our country's foreign economic relations more stable. Therefore, the expansion of foreign economic relations with Western

countries is important not only in terms of increasing government revenues, but also in terms of strengthening our economic and political independence and increasing the role of our country in the region. [7]

Export-geographical structure of foreign trade in 2015-2018(%)

Table 4

Countries 2015 2016 2017 2018

Europe 58,0 61,0 64,7 61,1

Asia 35,3 35,8 29,8 32,7

America 4,4 1,4 4,3 5,2

Africa 2,3 1,8 1,2 1,0

Oceania 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0

Source: Azerbaijan's foreign trade. Statistical collection, Baku-2019

As we have seen, European countries have a large share of both imports and exports in foreign trade.

Table 5

Geographical structure of imports of foreign trade in 2015-2018 (%)

Countries 2015 2016 2017 2018

Europe 54,5 53,3 49,2 48,0

Asia 33,5 37,5 38,7 41,4

America 11,6 8,4 11,3 8,6

Africa 0,1 0,2 0,3 1,6

Oceania 0,3 0,6 0,5 0,4

Source: Azerbaijan's foreign trade. Statistical collection, Baku-2019

We know that Azerbaijan's foreign trade provides same time, it is an important force in the country's employment for a large part of the country's working growing state budget and, at the same time, ensures the population and ensures the stability of the manat. At the sustainable development of the economy of the

Republic of Azerbaijan. Most of the country's GDP comes from export operations.

Industrial products account for the largest share in exports. Exports of non-oil products differ sharply from exports of industrial products. In order to eliminate this difference, the Republic continues to work to increase exports of non-oil products in recent years. As we can see from the table above, Italy has more exports than other countries. Most of the products exported to Italy are crude oil. In addition, Turkey, Israel, the Czech Republic, India and Taiwan have been the main markets for Azerbaijani products in recent years. In general, in 2015-2018, the level of export products in

A number of mandatory measures are being implemented in Azerbaijan at the state level, which creates conditions for preventing monopolies on the import and export of strategic goods and ensuring equal rights for all individuals and legal entities, proper recognition of the internal market, customs relations, liberalization of foreign trade, and creation of a favorable investment atmosphere.

The Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated December 21, 2018 "On obtaining the right of foreign trade participants to permanently use the Green Corridor system, the rules for the suspension, cancellation and restoration of this right" creates more favorable conditions for foreign trade participants, which comply with the legislation in import and export operations. The purpose of the law is to strengthen the country's export potential by accelerating the turnover

Table 6

Azerbaijan decreased. The main reason for this is the fall in oil prices and declining oil revenues. Russia remains the main market for Azerbaijani agricultural products. At the same time, we see from the table below that Russia is also our main import partner. Russia accounts for a large share of imports of cattle, fresh and frozen fish, milk, cream, wheat, vegetable oils, etc. In addition, in 2018, products such as potatoes, fresh fruits, vegetables, tea, canned fruits and vegetables, fruit and vegetable juices, natural grape juices, etc. were exported to Russia.

Table 7

of goods across the customs border in accordance with the recommendations of the World Customs Organization and best international practice, fostering a culture of voluntary compliance among foreign economic activity participants, applying forms of customs control based on risk assessment, more flexible and transparent implementation of customs clearance and customs control of goods and vehicles, facilitating international trade by building official and business relations in import and export operations based on modern management principles. [3]

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We know that the development of the agricultural sector is important for the country's economic stability, social sustainability, food security, development of the non-oil sector. As a result of the implementation of a number of measures in the country for the development

Share of major export partners

Countries 2015 2016 2017 2018

Italy 17,7 32,2 34,9 30,2

Turkey 11,6 8,8 9,1 9,4

Israel 6,3 4,9 4,2 6,7

Chech Republic 4,3 1,6 3,6 4,8

India 2,1 4,1 2,6 4,2

Taiwan 9,6 4,5 2,9 4,0

Russian Federation 9,3 3,0 3,8 3,4

Canada 1,8 0,7 3,9 3,1

Indonesia 3,8 0,6 3,0 3,1

Portugal 2,9 2,5 3,3 2,7

Source: Azerbaijan's foreign trade. Statistical collection, Baku-2019

Share of major import partners

2015 2016 2017 2018

Russian Federation 15,6 19,3 17,7 16,4

Turkey 12,7 13,9 14,5 13,8

China 5,6 8,3 9,7 10,4

Germany 7,5 4,6 5,1 5,8

USA 9,2 5,6 8,2 4,6

Switzerland 1,1 0,7 0,6 4,5

Ukraine 3,4 3,4 5,2 4,1

Islamic Republic of Iran 1,0 2,0 2,7 3,6

Japan 6,1 3,3 1,9 3,3

Italy 6,4 3,9 3,6 3,0

Source: Azerbaijan's foreign trade. Statistical collection, Baku-2019

Source: Azerbaijan's foreign trade. Statistical collection, Baku-2019

of this sector, the production of agricultural and food products has increased significantly. [8]

In recent years, significant progress has been made in the development of the non-oil sector, which is the main driving force of the country's economy, its share in GDP has increased, the production of competitive products with high export potential has expanded. In

this context, one of the main tasks is to expand the export potential of the non-oil sector while maintaining a high growth rate. In this regard, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated January 18, 2016 1713 "On additional measures to stimulate the export of non-oil products" also supported the development of this area. [2]

Table 8

Import and export of agricultural products in 2016-2018 (thousand US dollars,%)

Import 2016 2017 2018

Commodity group thousand US dollars % thousand US dollars % thousand US dollars %

Livestock products 176097,2 2,1 255900,7 2,9 278888,7 2,4

Crop products 5922002,1 7,0 559519,1 6,4 560263,5 4,9

Prepared food 662383,6 7,8 735866,8 8,4 723428,9 6,3


Livestock products 4214,9 0,0 12606,8 0,1 12090,0 0,1

Crop products 386559,7 2,9 518273,9 3,4 585473,9 6,3

Prepared food 117633,9 0,9 110982,8 0,7 90707,7 0,5

In order to maintain the growth dynamics of livestock production in the country and meet the needs of the population in livestock products through domestic production, necessary measures are being taken to create new farms, improve the breed of existing livestock and other areas. [8]

One of the important issues is to expand the geography and increase the volume of exports in this area by increasing the level of food self-sufficiency, creating an efficient production and sales infrastructure, improving the quality control system of food products and increasing the competitiveness of the

agricultural sector as a whole. As can be seen from the table below, the dependence on imports in the supply of crop products in 2018 decreased by 8.6% compared to 2016. This is due to the fact that in recent years the state has provided state support to the agricultural sector, as well as significant work has been done to improve the security of agricultural producers in the country, agrotechnical services have been provided to farmers on preferential terms, the seed base has been strengthened, measures have been taken to change the provision of subsidies.

Table 9

2015 2016 2017 2018

Total grain 35,5 36,5 33,7 26,9

wheat 45,2 47,1 41,9 35,2

barley 4,9 0,1 5,6 1,7

corn 45,9 28,9 29,3 17,3

oats 6,9 14,3 9,9 11,0

other types of cereals 93,7 71,8 79,6 17,7

Legumes 30,7 31,7 26,4 30,2

Potato 14,8 18,1 16,5 16,0

All kinds of vegetables 3,4 5,1 3,8 2,8

Tomatoes 0,7 5,0 1,4 1,1

Gourds - - - -

Fruits and berries 9,6 12,6 12,7 16,8

Walnuts and hazelnuts 11,1 14,0 13,6 13,8

Pomegranate 0,1 0,1 0,0 0,0

Grape 8,1 13,5 8,1 9,3

Level of dependence on imports in the supply of crop products, %

Level of dependence on imports in the supply of livestock products, %

2015 2016 2017 2018

All types of meat of cattle and poultry 5,6 12,1 15,5 17,5

beef and meat products 8,8 6,6 13,8 15,0

mutton and meat products 0,7 1,3 2,4 2,1

pork and meat products 82,2 93,0 94,4 94,5

poultry and meat products 1,4 20,9 20,5 24,4

Milk and dairy products 16,0 12,6 14,6 13,8

Egg 0,3 1,2 0,0 1,1

Fish and fish products 22,4 18,0 19,4 17,6

The fulfillment of Azerbaijan's foreign trade turnover and the fulfillment of tasks in accordance with the changes in its structure conditions the increase in the role of the currency factor in the activities of both exporters and importers. At the same time, it shows the need to improve the forms and methods of currency security in foreign trade. Thus, the analysis of financial and economic indicators in the field of improving foreign exchange transactions, the process of buying and selling currencies shows that the country's foreign trade operations gradually require the development and application of more advanced methods of currency security. It should be borne in mind that these methods of currency control over import-export operations should not only be a temporary situation, but also retain their regulatory function for a long period of sustainable development. Many macroeconomic indicators should be maintained in the country, in particular, ensuring currency security, stimulating export operations, forming the competitiveness of the country's national economy in international markets, and so on. [9]

In order to increase the export potential of agricultural products in our country, which has favorable natural-climatic, geographical conditions and economic potential, it would be expedient to take measures in the following areas:

- increase the production of agricultural products through the efficient use of existing domestic resources and develop a mechanism to stimulate local producers.

- establishment of processing enterprises, application of new technologies, development of incentive mechanism for development of competitive products (credit, tax, customs, etc.).

- increasing exports should be ensured by increasing the production of agricultural and processed products.

It should be noted that the country has both the socio-political and the necessary economic potential to increase agricultural production and strengthen the economic security of the agricultural economy to expand foreign trade relations. In our opinion, it would

be expedient to provide the following measures in this direction in the agricultural sector:

- correct assessment of foreign trade relations and directions of its development in the agrarian sphere;

- determining the volume of foreign trade relations;

- research of development directions and perspectives of import-substituting spheres;

- involvement of foreign financial resources in the development of the agricultural sector;

- development and implementation of the concept of economic security;

- development of integration mechanisms, etc.


1. "State Program of socio-economic development of the regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 20192023" adopted on January 29, 2019

2. Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated January 18, 2016 1713 "On additional measures to stimulate the export of non-oil products"

3.The Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated December 21, 2018 "On obtaining the right of foreign trade participants to permanently use the Green Corridor system, the rules for the suspension, cancellation and restoration of this right"

4.A.Garibov, A.Azimov, S.Ahmadova "International trade operations" Baku-2017

5. (A.Aliyev, A.Shakaraliyev, I.Dadashov "World economy, problems of modern times" (Baku-2009)

6.A. Nasibli, "Tadqiqat: Azarbaycanda ticarat dinamikasi va ticarat mahdudiyatlarinin adambasina dusan xarclari", Azad du§uncalar Assosiasiyasi, Baki, 2011 6. A. Nasibli, "Research: Trade Dynamics and Per capita Costs of Trade Restrictions in Azerbaijan", Free Minds Association, Baku, 2011

7.V.Bayramov "Azerbaijan's foreign economic relations: against the background of development potential of the non-oil sector", Baku, 2012 / http://www.anl.az/down/meqale/xalqqazeti/2012/iyun/ X42.htm

8.Y.Abbasova, R.Gambarova "Economy of Azerbaijan" Ganja -2017

9.Muradov A.C. (2006). Azerbaijan and the World https://www.stat.gov.az/

Trade Organization: Services. Baku: Adiloglu, 35 p.




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Для российской практики хозяйствования в современных условиях проблема развития цифровых технологий связана с преодолением деиндустриализации периода 90-х г.г. и трансформационного спада и нынешних кризисных тенденций.

Обратимся к реалиям развития сектора передовых технологий сегодня. Современные направления развития генерируют систему технологий, именуемую «индустрия 4.0». Её особенностью и является «цифровизация», т.е. внедрение, например, датчиков, способных передавать информацию по сети (интернет и т.д.) от разнообразного оборудования, агрегатов и т.д. Для отечественной промышленности и экономики важно не опоздать к этапу внедрения «индустрии 4.0». Возможно, данная задача сравнима с задачей индустриализацией экономики Советского народного хозяйства на рубеже 1920-х-1930х г.г., которая также диктовалась насущными потребностями безопасности и развития страны в тот период времени. (Пророков, 2017)

В условиях выхода «Индустрии 4.0» на ведущие позиции произойдут следующие новшества в организации, технологии и управлении процессами. В производстве можно выделить две стороны, отнесенные к объектам воздействия «цифровизации». Это то, что именуется обычно «средствами труда» (оборудование и т.д.), а также «предметы труда» (продукты для обработки, сырье и т.п.).

Некоторые технологические устройства имеют внутри себя своеобразный модуль для интернет-связи в беспроводном варианте, причем достаточно компактный. В «Индустрии 4.0.» такая деталь возможно будет транспортироваться с одного элемента усовершенствованного конвейера (связанного специальными датчиками по коммуникационной сети с другими смежными частями и находящегося в «постоянной» динамике) при использовании таких устройств. Данная система обеспечивает высокий уровень гибкости, надежности и устойчивости Индустрии 4.0.»

ИТ-технологии и импортозамещение

DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2020.7.78.1027 Каширин Валентин Васильевич1 Гумаргалиев Ильзар Евгеньевич2

Следует отметить и еще один немаловажный аспект проблемы. Последние события, происходившие на протяжении всего 2018 года продолжавшиеся в 2019 году, связанные с введением нового этапа «санкций» против России, заставляют с особой необходимостью пересмотреть критерии национальной и экономической безопасности. В ряду этих событий особо следует упомянуть и такое событие, имеющее важное значение, но не отмеченное как приоритетное. Речь идет о произошедшей в начале апреля 2018 года так называемой «системной атаке» на сетевое оборудование фирмы «Cisco» (роутеры, серверы и т.д.). В результате были частично парализованы некоторые сегменты российского интернета (Рунета). («Хакерская атака...», 2018) При этом официальными представителями компании выдвигались обвинения в адрес некоторых анонимных групп «хакеров» из России, что звучит, по меньшей мере, странно. (Игнатов, 2018) На самом же деле, при существующих особенностях каналов удаленного доступа «CISCO» существует более чем явная возможность воздействия на оборудование клиента, что сами представители фирмы считают так называемой «фичей» (feature) их системы настройки - т.е. их характерной особенностью. Это является вопросом экономической безопасности в национальных масштабах

Таким образом, проблема информационной безопасности, следует это повторить, связана тесно с проблемами экономической и национальной безопасности, обороноспособности страны. Здесь не может быть компромиссов. Поэтому и стоит вопрос об импортозамещении и воспроизводстве отечественной системы, как «хардвера» - материального обеспечения, носителей информации так и «софтвера» -программного обеспечения.

Конкретные примеры импортозамещения

В качестве успешных примеров можно привести процессоры «Байкал-Т1». «Основными потребителями Baikal-T1 выступают

производители телекоммуникационного

оборудования (роутеры, IP-телефоны, накопители

1 Каширин Валентин Васильевич, ОЯСГО идентификатор: 0000-0002-4088-6067, Доктор экономических наук, Профессор, Московский государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова, 119991, Москва, Ленинские горы, 1, стр. 46


2 Гумаргалиев Ильзар Евгеньевич, Кандидат экономических наук, Московский государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова, 119991, Москва, Ленинские горы, 1, стр. 46


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