SYSTEM OF INDICATORS OF EFFICIENCY OF THE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT IN THE MELIORATION OF ARABLE LAND Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Ключевые слова
standardization / economic effect / design / production / technical identification.

Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Yusupov A.R.

Standardization in sectors of the economy ensures economic efficiency in the borcha stages of the product life cycle, that is, in the processes of design, production and operation. The economic effect obtained during the design process is from the widespread use of standard, unified and purchasable items in new structures; the economic effect obtained during the production process is due to a decrease in costs for the preparation of material and technological equipment, devices and special machines; in the process of Use (use), the economic effect occurs due to an increase in the reliability of the items and a decrease in repair costs.

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УДК: 004

Yusupov A.R., candidate of technical science

associate professor Fergana Polytechnic Institute




Annotation. Standardization in sectors of the economy ensures economic efficiency in the borcha stages of the product life cycle, that is, in the processes of design, production and operation. The economic effect obtained during the design process is from the widespread use of standard, unified and purchasable items in new structures; the economic effect obtained during the production process is due to a decrease in costs for the preparation of material and technological equipment, devices and special machines; in the process of Use (use), the economic effect occurs due to an increase in the reliability of the items and a decrease in repair costs.

Keywords: standardization, economic effect, design, production, technical identification.


Regardless of the field of production, standardization ensures economic efficiency in the borcha stages of the product life cycle, that is, in the processes of design, production and operation [1,2,3].

1. The economic effect obtained in the design process is made up of: from the widespread use of standard, unified and purchasable items in new structures; from a reduction in the volume of project work on the design of basic production tools, technological devices and equipment; from a decrease in the volume of work on the development and reproduction of working drawings and other technical documents; from

2. The economic effect obtained during the production process arises due to a decrease in costs for the preparation of material and technological equipment, devices and special machines, the availability of the opportunity to buy components for the products being prepared at an affordable price from another specialized enterprise instead of preparing them at the enterprise, and a decrease in other additional costs.

In addition, unification and standardization reduce the total labor consumption on the preparation of the product and create conditions for the loosening of production areas and labor for other purposes.

3. In the process of Use (use), the economic effect is caused by an increase in the reliability of the items and a decrease in repair costs [4].

Materials and methods

This includes empirical methods such as modeling, fact, experiment, description and observation, as well as theoretical methods such as logical and historical methods, abstraction, deduction, induction, synthesis and analysis. The research materials are: scientific facts, the results of previous observations, surveys, experiments and tests; means of idealization and rationalization of the scientific approach.

Also, the economic efficiency indicator of the standard depends on the scale and duration of its introduction.

In this case, the concepts of capital investment, cost, self-compensation of capital investments, economic efficiency of capital investments are used, as in the calculation of the economic effect of measures for the introduction of new techniques. Let's talk about these [5].

Results and discussion:

1. Capital investments. In connection with the transition to new standards, the change in the annual volume of capital investments is found in the following expression:

ekonomicheskiy effect, proektirovanie, proizvodstvo, technicheskaya exploitationA

K = K2 -K1 (1)

Where K1 — the annual volume of capital investments before the introduction of new standards, sum;

K2 — annual volume of capital investments after the introduction of new standards, sum.

2. Change of tanning. The change in the cost of annual volume of liquid means is found in the following expression:

AS = S1-S2 (2)

Where S1 —the annual volume of the cost before the introduction of new standards, sum; S2 — annual volume of the cost per year after the introduction of new standards, sum. The term for the self-cover of capital investments Tok is found in the following formula

AK K2-K1

Tok = — = ^^(3)

0K AC C1-C2K '

Accounting coefficient and normative coefficient of the economic efficiency of capital investments per hour:

En = 0,15; sufficient capital investment efficiency is considered secured when the Er > En.

The annual economic efficiency of standardization will be equal to the turnover of the previous and subsequent quoted costs:

Eg= Z1 - Z2(4)

Then the annual economic efficiency will be equal to:

Eg= Z1-Z2= (S1+ En*K1) - (S2+ En*K2) (5)

The annual volume of the costs given is found in the following expression:

Z =S+ En*K(6)

Where: S is the annual cost; Yen is the annual normative profit; K is the annual capital invested.

In practice, the following formula, expressed through relative indicators, is also used to determine annual economic efficiency: Eg= [(Si+ En*Ki) - (S2+ En*k2)]A2 (7 Here

A2-annual product production volume in units of measurement of a particular type of product (service)

The relative capital investment indicator is found from the following

K f


^ = ^•5(9)

Standartlashtirish yangi texnika va texnologiyani joriy etishning tarkibiy qismi bo lgan murakkab jarayon bo lgani uchun erishiladigan iqtisodiy samaradorlikni hisoblashda ishtirokchi tashkilotlar va bosqichlar ulushi ham baholanadi.

Umumiy iqtisodiy samaradorlikda ishtirokchi tashkilotlar va bosqichlar ulushi quyidagi ifodadan topiladi:

here: Kof - annual price of the main production funds, sum A-annual volume of production

In multi-nomenclature production, the relative capital investment indicator is found from the following formula:

here: Kof - annual price of the main production funds, sum A-annual volume of production

In multi-nomenclature production, the relative capital investment indicator is found from the following formula:

here: Kof - annual price of the main production funds, sum A-annual volume of production

In multi-nomenclature production, the relative capital investment indicator is found from the following formula:


Since standardization is a complex process that is a component of the introduction of new techniques and technology, the share of participating organizations and stages is also assessed in calculating the economic efficiency achieved.

In general economic efficiency, the proportion of participating organizations and stages is found in the following expression:Since standardization is a complex process that is a component of the introduction of new techniques and technology, the share of participating organizations and stages is also assessed in calculating the economic efficiency achieved.

In practice, the following formula, expressed through relative indicators, is also used to determine annual economic efficiency:

Eg= [(Ei+ En*Ki) - (S2+ En*K2)]A2 (10) Here

A2-annual product production volume in units of measurement of a particular type of product (service)

The economic effect of standardization, corresponding to a certain standard and the share of the organization, is found in the following expression:

Est = D*Euis (11)


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