Научная статья на тему 'Synthesis algorithms of observers in control systems of dynamic objects'

Synthesis algorithms of observers in control systems of dynamic objects Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Ключевые слова
dynamic objects / control systems / synthesis algorithms of observers / динамические объекты / системы управления / алгоритмы синтеза наблюдателей

Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Rasulev Aliakbar Khamidullayevich

in the report questions of synthesis of observers in control systems of dynamic objects are considered. Synthesis algorithms of observers of indignations in control systems of dynamic objects of the full and lowered orders are offered. The given algorithms allow to solve effectively a problem of synthesis of invariant control systems of dynamic objects in case of external influences inaccessible to direct measurement. The offered algorithms are used at the solution of a problem of automation of production control of adsorptive division of gas mix.

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в докладе рассматриваются вопросы синтеза наблюдателей в системах управления динамическими объектами. Предложены алгоритмы синтеза наблюдателей возмущений в системах управления динамическими объектами полного и пониженного порядков. Приведенные алгоритмы позволяют эффективно решать задачу синтеза инвариантных систем управления динамическими объектами в случае недоступных прямому измерению внешних воздействий. Предложенные алгоритмы использованы при решении задачи автоматизации управления технологическим процессом адсорбционного разделения газовой смеси.

Текст научной работы на тему «Synthesis algorithms of observers in control systems of dynamic objects»

In the report the synthesis algorithms of the adaptive filter based on the identifications of unknown average values and dispersion of noise of model of dynamics allowing to increase efficiency of modeling and the solution of problems of forecasting on the basis of dynamic of the filters kalman type are offered. The regular algorithms of adaptation of covariation matrixes of noise of an object and measurements by the principle of a maximum of credibility allowing to carry out effective estimation of a condition of a linear dynamic system in the conditions of the changing characteristics of noise of process and measurements are developed. The regular algorithms of steady adaptive estimation of a condition of the operated objects in the conditions of aprioristic uncertainty which are not demanding full a priori knowledge of an object and conditions of its functioning are offered. The algorithms of regular estimation of an initial condition of objects of management in the conditions of the limited volume of initial information allowing to estimate more more precisely admissible limits of inaccuracy of a task of a calculated value of a covariation matrix of an error of assessment of an initial state are developed. The algorithms of adaptive estimation in the presence of uncertain parameters allowing to dekompozirovat a problem of estimation, to increase computing stability of algorithms, and to reduce the volume of computing expenses are synthesized.

References / Список литературы

1. Sinitsin I.N. Filtri Kalmana i Pugacheva. Izd-vo: Logos, 2006. 640 s.

2. Igamberdiyev X.Z., Yusupbekov A.N., Zaripov O.O. Regulyarniye metodi otsenivaniya i upravleniya dinamicheskimi obyektami v usloviyax neopredelennosti. T.: TashGTU, 2012. 320 s.


OF DYNAMIC OBJECTS Rasulev A.Kh. (Republic of Uzbekistan) Email: Rasulev558@scientifictext.ru


Abstract: in the report questions of synthesis of observers in control systems of dynamic objects are considered. Synthesis algorithms of observers of indignations in control systems of dynamic objects of the full and lowered orders are offered. The given algorithms allow to solve effectively a problem of synthesis of invariant control systems of dynamic objects in case of external influences inaccessible to direct measurement. The offered algorithms are used at the solution of a problem of automation ofproduction control of adsorptive division of gas mix.

Keywords: dynamic objects, control systems, synthesis algorithms of observers.


Расулев Алиакбар Хамидуллаевич — соискатель, кафедра систем обработки информации и управления, Ташкентский государственный технический университет, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в докладе рассматриваются вопросы синтеза наблюдателей в системах управления динамическими объектами. Предложены алгоритмы синтеза наблюдателей возмущений в системах управления динамическими объектами полного и пониженного порядков. Приведенные алгоритмы позволяют эффективно решать задачу синтеза инвариантных систем управления динамическими объектами в случае недоступных прямому измерению внешних воздействий. Предложенные алгоритмы использованы при решении задачи автоматизации управления технологическим процессом адсорбционного разделения газовой смеси.

Ключевые слова: динамические объекты, системы управления, алгоритмы синтеза наблюдателей.

Observing devices of external influences are used in control devices of combined and invariant automatic systems. This allows us to significantly improve the properties of the latter, both in transitional and steady-state modes [1, 2]. When choosing the gain of the observer, you should strive to ensure that the dynamic


processes in the observer are much faster than the dynamic processes in the system. When optimizing the dynamics of objects, as well as when constructing adaptive systems, the task is to determine the assessment of the state vector based on the measured input and output variables and the structure of the object. This problem can be solved by various methods of the theory of observation, based on the concept of observability introduced by Kalman. One group of methods provides for the restoration of the current value of the state vector by a dynamic observing device, called a state identifier, which continuously forms an estimate of the state vector for some continuously measured object coordinates. Another group of methods uses the results of observation of the measured coordinates at a certain time interval to restore the state vector at a certain point in time. In this case, the solution of the observation problem is based on the use of the concept of "observability mapping", therefore the device for recovering the state vector is usually called the observer.

Regular iterative algorithms for the synthesis of observation devices of actions based on the operator method are given. Algorithms for the synthesis of perturbation observers in the control systems of dynamic objects of full and low orders are proposed. The above algorithms make it possible to effectively solve the problem of synthesizing invariant control systems for dynamic objects in the case of inaccessible direct measurements of external influences. The resulting estimates of non-measurable effects have the properties of asymptotic stability. The algorithms proposed above, built on the basis of stochastic observers, were used in solving the problem of automating the control of the technological process of the adsorption separation of a gas mixture. The implementation of the proposed system contributes to the adaptive stabilization of the process and the improvement of the quality indicators of the control system of the process under consideration in the presence of uncertain external disturbances.

References / Список литературы

1. MiroshnikI.V. Teoriya avtomaticheskogo upravleniya. Lineyniye sistemi. SPb.: Piter, 2005. 336 s.

2. Korovin S.K. Nablyudateli sostoyaniya dlya lineynix sistem s neopredelennostyu. Monografiya. M.:

Fizmatlit, 2007. 224 s.

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