SWOT-ANALYSIS OF BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY Kosbergenova M.S. (Republic of Uzbekistan) Email:
Abstract: in the modern world, information technology is rapidly developing. Initially, the company should focus on technological development, in its strategic plan, to remain in the market economy and be a step ahead of its competitors. This article also explores the importance of modern, innovative, and revolutionary technologies that are currently being explored - the importance of innovation, negative aspects and opportunities in the development of block business technology. This paper discusses how to identify the basic mechanisms and features of the blockchain, identify the strengths and weaknesses of the technology, describe its capabilities and analyze threats from the external environment. As well as analyzed the vulnerable parties and formulate a list of risks that the company may face that decide to use blockchain technology as a direction for innovative development. Keywords: blockchain, bitcoins, cryptanalytics, innovation technology.
SWOT-АНАЛИЗ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ БЛОКЧЕЙН Косбергенова М.С. (Республика Узбекистан)
Косбергенова Марина Сайлаубаевна - кандидат физико-математических наук, доцент,
кафедра «Управление в ИКТ», Академия Государственного управления при Президенте Республики Узбекистан, г.Ташкент
Аннотация: в современном мире информационные технологии стремительно развиваются. Первоначально компания должна сосредоточиться на технологическом развитии, в своем стратегическом плане, чтобы оставаться в рыночной экономике и быть на шаг впереди своих конкурентов. В этой статье также исследуется важность современных, инновационных и революционных технологий, которые в настоящее время исследуются, - важность инноваций, негативных аспектов и возможностей в развитии блокчейн технологий. В данной работе рассматривается вопросы, как определить основные механизмы и особенности работы блокчейн, обозначить сильные и слабые стороны технологии, описать ее возможности и проанализировать угрозы со стороны внешней окружающей среды. А также проанализированных уязвимых сторон и сформулировать список рисков, с которыми могут столкнуться предприятии, которые решившие использовать технологию блокчейн в качестве направления инновационного развития.
Ключевые слова: блокчейн, биткоин, криптовалюта, инновационные технологии.
In the modern world, information technology is rapidly developing. Initially, the company should focus on technological development, in its strategic plan, to remain in the market economy and be a step ahead of its competitors. This article also explores the importance of modern, innovative, and revolutionary technologies that are currently being explored - the importance of innovation, negative aspects and opportunities in the development of block business technology.
Blockchain's technology can be understood as an open magazine with repeated records on several computers united into a single network. Everyone can review such a journal but
because of the use of cryptographic algorithms within the network, the sender and the data receiving data are securely protected.
Information in the Blockchain network is "public property" that is created and maintained by all network users. The data entered before this network will not be changed or deleted. As a result, we have access to an open, accessible (accessible) information network. This is a feature of this technology.
This means that the blocker can securely exchange and retrieve data between multiple parties through a trusted node network. It may be voluntary, but nowadays this technology is often used widely in the information that is required for intermediary services or information sharing. For example: money circulation (banking service), real estate owner (notarial service), copyright and so on. In fact, blocking allows you to eliminate the need for a trusted third party [1].
Blockchain technology is the basis of Bitcoin Crypto Network, which has been operating since January 2009 and is now fast-paced. Now, after analyzing the weaknesses of technology using the bitcoin example, let's build a list of potential threats and deficiencies that may arise when deciding to use Blockchain technology as the innovative development direction of the company.
Use of the Blockchain network today is a great deal. Consumers running the Blockchain network account for 99.99% of the cost of computers. Leiden University Ecologist Sebastian Deetman said that by 2020, the production of bitcoin requires the power generation of the country, such as Denmark. After such a comparison, it is well known that a large amount of energy is required. Companies (users) who decide to use the Bitcoin network pay for waste to energy. Plus, all commission fees are included in the commission fee. Thus, the complexity of the mines increases over time, and in the future, mayors need to increase the power of computers. As a result, the amount of energy consumed increases, which, in turn, affects the growth of the commission as shown in Figure 1 [1-5].
At present, the median average transaction volue is 0.047 BTC ($ 246 USD) (based on data obtained from at BTC = $ 5,206.06 USD at current price (201904-30). As a result, transferring money within a bitcoin network is less profitable.
Fig. 1. Average transaction rate for Bitcoin network
Slow performance. Blockhead technology is extremely slow compared to other innovative technologies in the field of ICT. The average time to create a single block in the Bitcoin network is 8 minutes and 44 seconds (data taken from 2019-0430). If an agreement is considered valid after joining the block, the additional block must be installed in the chain. This is an average of one hour, according to the Bitcoin network agreement. This restriction might be dissatisfied for a number of companies.
Fig. 2. Average market price at the leading stock exchange, in US dollars
Variability and speculation. Crypto-demand high speculation creates speculation, so changing the price of a Blockchain network (information storage, intelligent engagement, transaction processing, etc.) is very variable. Figure 2 shows the dynamics of bitcoin exchange rate change compared to US dollar in cryptography. Creating a long-term business-based, crypto-based, business is dangerous. Today, if the company is in a good position, tomorrow will disappear.
Appeal to small group developers. Today, the number of programmers who are dedicated to distributing, storing, and developing a blockbone network is not large. Thus, all forces are concentrated in the hands of a few people in determining ways to develop technology. And they are optimistic about choosing the best way to develop the system. Their decisions can have a negative impact on many millions of markets. No one can accuse them of being defeated.
Errors in the system. Due to the lack of good documentation and lack of highly qualified specialists in the system, there are many errors. This, in turn, creates additional vulnerabilities for hackers and can be a potential source of threat to the company (business) using blockethenie technology.
Free market and anarchy. Blockchain's technology is one of the ways to deal with contract brokers (bankers, notaries, lawyers, etc.). On the one hand, this opportunity reduces companies' costs and opens new opportunities. On the other hand, if you remove the mediators in the form of law enforcement agencies, these crimes will help to grow. One of the first large-scale applications using the Bitcoin network is Silk Road online platform for sale of illicit drugs, weapons and so on.
Even free-market proponents recognize the need to regulate certain issues in order to avoid common disorder. It is dangerous to start working without any management system in the system, and as a result, this can be quite useless.
As the government requires a long time to control the Internet, it will take a long time for legislators to manage anarchy in the Blockchain networks.
Risk of attack by 51%. The essence of the attack is that if someone controls more than half the power of the entire mine, he may secretly write an alternative financial history from each person. Although probability is very small, it is important to avoid this potential risk.
The best way to evaluate the effectiveness of technology and applications is its strong, weaknesses, capabilities, and threat analysis. Based on the above data, SWOT analysis of Blockchain technology is presented (Таблица 1).
Table 1. SWOT-analysis of Blockchain technology
STRENGTHS • Data confidentiality protection • Provide integrity • Protection against unauthorized access to information • Intelligent contracts WEAKNESSES • Cost of the introduction of technology • The need for large investments to develop technology use • Expanding, that is, the increase in attendance slows the conversion rate • Software code errors
OPPORTUNITIES • Increasing productivity and reducing costs through the destruction of intermediaries in the exchange of information • Access to technology in various fields of activity (cadastre, medicine, finance, copyrights, etc.) THREATS • Low level of awareness in the system • No system regulator • Unique features of the system
Should I use the Blockchain technology from my company? To answer this question, it is necessary to evaluate the positive and negative aspects of the above risks, taking into account all the peculiarities of your business. The critical level of each company's activities,
taking into account the peculiarities of its activities, allows decision-making in the analysis
of the use of blocked technology in the process of strategic development.
References / Список литературы
1. Mougayar W. The Business Blockchain. Wiley, 2016.
2. Popper N. Digital Gold. N. Y., 2015.
3. Ross A. The Industries of the Future. Simon & Schuster, 2016.
4. Decentralized information // Blockchain Research Lab [Online]. Available: [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://www.blockchainresearchlab. org/proj ects/decentralized-information/ (дата обращения: 14.05.2019).
5. Как умные контракты изменят нашу жизнь [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: (дата обращения: 14.05.2019).
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Уктамжонов Ш. , Косимов И. , Отахужаев Ж. (Республика Узбекистан) Email:
1Уктамжонов Шермуроджон Уктамжон угли - ассистент; 2Косимов Иброхим Азамжон угли - студент; 3Отахужаев Жобирхон Тургунхужа угли - студент, Ферганский филиал Ташкентского университета информационных технологий, г. Фергана, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: в данной статье рассмотрены способы применения волоконно-оптических телекоммуникационных систем, которого широкое применение волоконно-оптических телекоммуникационных систем в сетях связи обусловлено рядом их преимуществ по сравнению с электрически кабельными системами связи. Также рассмотрены основные преимущества волоконно-оптической линии по сравнению с электрическими кабельными системами связи. Раскрыта техническая характеристика, параметры функционирования, оптико-волоконных связей. Предложен один из способов защиты информации в ВОЛС.
Ключевые слова: волоконно-оптический, телекоммуникация, сигнал, защита, информация, связь, импульс, фаза, характеристика, способ.
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Uktamjonov Sh. , Kosimov I. , Otaxujayev J. (Republic of Uzbekistan)
1Uktamjonov Shermurodjon Uktamjon ugli - Assistant; 2Kosimov Ibroxim Azamjon ugli - Student; 3Otaxujayev Jobirxon Turgunxuja ugli - Student, FERGHANA BRANCH OF THE TASHKENT UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES,
Abstract: this article describes the methods of application of fiber-optic telecommunication systems which wide application of fiber-optic telecommunication systems in communication networks is caused by a number of their advantages in comparison with electrically cable