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Ключевые слова
project management / sustainable development / operational programs / horizontal aspects

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Carmen Valentina Rădulescu, Marian Năstase

Project management can be perceived as a science as and art or a technique, which cover a particular purpose. With Romania’s return to market economy has been increasingly felt the need to achieve real projects, to achieve more structured and to justify requests for change, for improvement or financing something existing or proposed to establish. Sustainable development is a very complex concept, which started with concerns over the environment, the idea being enhanced over time with an economic and social dimension. Although initially meant to be a solution to ecological crisis caused by intense exploitation of resources and environmental degradation continues, today the concept is expanded of quality of life in its complexity, both in economic and social appearance. Structural Funds address sustainable development as horizontal aspects, is trying awareness on environmental protection.

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Economics of Agriculture SI - 1 UDK: 502.131.1EU


Carmen Valentina RADULESCU1 , Marian NASTASE2


Project management can be perceived as a science as and art or a technique, which cover a particular purpose. With Romania's return to market economy has been increasingly felt the need to achieve real projects, to achieve more structured and to justify requests for change, for improvement or financing something existing or proposed to establish. Sustainable development is a very complex concept, which started with concerns over the environment, the idea being enhanced over time with an economic and social dimension. Although initially meant to be a solution to ecological crisis caused by intense exploitation of resources and environmental degradation continues, today the concept is expanded of quality of life in its complexity, both in economic and social appearance. Structural Funds address sustainable development as horizontal aspects, is trying awareness on environmental protection.

Key words: project management, sustainable development, operational programs, horizontal aspects


Project management is a combination of steps and techniques for allocation to time and budget that work. By clearly defining the responsibilities of each activity by the concentration of resources by clear objectives and by providing a structure of communication within and outside the organization boundaries, the process of project management can help the project manager to achieve more goals and less frustration.

The program can represent a local, national or international strategy, it transpose into reality through projects and usually still over several years. Project management is a complex area, engaged in theoretical and practical knowledge in various areas:

1 Carmen Valentina RADULESCU , Associate professor, PhD, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Faculty of Agri-Food and Environmental Economics, Str. Piata Romana nr. 6, Bucuresti, Romania, [email protected] ;

2 Marian NASTASE, Associate professor, PhD, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Str. Piata Romana nr. 6, Bucuresti, Romania

general management, statistics and probability theory, justice, economy, policy and ethics, IT.

Project management therefore involves the integrated approach to management of the following types: time management, cost management, quality management, human resource management, communication management, risk management, project management integration refers both to the draft strategy in the program or institution that launched him, and aim to integrate the project in carrying out the mission of the institution, the integration project with the aim of its objectives (Bodea et al., 2000).

The Project - the key tool in project management

Explanatory Dictionary of Romanian language defines the word project as "plan or intention to undertake something, to organize, to do a thing", while Oxford English Dictionary defines it as "individual or collective action that is carefully planned and built for achieve a specific objective'". Often, however, the projects means for some people just a request for funding, particularly from an external source, possibly nonreimbursable. This is the first mistake in understanding project management and many times they are rejected from the outset. Therefore, it is essential that persons involved in a project to know very well what are the objectives and goals of the project and how it could contribute to achieving the objectives of the program that is part of the project.

Projects exist in all sorts of typical business activities such as information systems, construction, marketing, industrial research, environmental protection.

Main tasks of project management include:

❖ setting goals, sharing the work on subprojects and activities clearly defined

❖ sequential tracking them through schemes / diagrams, a graph of time, a budget

❖ team coordination, reporting and ongoing communication.

The common element of most projects is that they want to achieve a certain goal, with everything new, which is normally indicated by the name of the project. This objective differs from a project activity / work routine repetitive nature, which is only part of the project. Most activities can be run several times, while the projects are carried out only once (if done well).

To be useful to understanding the project is conceived as an instrument of change, whereas after the successful project will have an impact on the people by changing the way of life or by changing the environment. The project is an instrument of change, while unique. A project has a beginning and an end defined. To go from the beginning to the end of the project must meet a series of steps or phases. Projects using resources allocated to their particular performance (human resources, materials, time and money). Human resources are based on a number of qualities, specialization / qualifications and personal skills. The final results involve identifiable targets, quality and performance specified in the project. The project has a purpose. The goal depends on the size of the project it determines how many resources, how long and how big the final project is. To achieve the objectives proposed the projects follow a boarding

planned, organized. To conduct a project it need a leader - Project Manager (leads a team of people - the manager team project).

A project consists of one current activity with a set start and end, time, resources and budget limit the activities, in order to achieve a defined objective. The objectives of a project should integrate the objectives of the organization that carried out and only after they have been clearly defined, to readjust and to the satisfaction of the program that is part of the project and not vice versa (from the institution of which we are part, we know better the resources available, the problems we have and the possibilities of resolving them) (Calanter and Calin, 2010).

Basic objectives can be classified into three broad categories: specific objectives, cost, period. Depending on the specific objectives of the proposed projects can be classified into three major groups:

- Investment projects: the renovation of a university, building a new headquarters

- Research & Development projects: the development of new technologies, developing a software setting morbidity in a county

- Projects for the organization: the introduction of new forms of organization, the introduction of a new distribution system (Wolfgang, 2007).

For a project have the desired result, the following requirements are needed from everyone involved:

- common understanding of the problem solved for all participants in the project;

- clarify the positions involved and clearly defined project basis, the basic premise for the project (defined project objectives, the strategy is being developed, the planning tools and steps required);

- access to information and ensuring information quality and time to those who use them in making decisions or carrying out activities;

- standardized information flow is usually the organization, contributing largely on the acceptance or rejection of the project by employees of the organization;

- a realistic assessment at the beginning of the project on resources and techniques available to the organization.

To analyze a project it is useful to consider any project that has the same basic structure and will pass through the same phase / separate processes (one has its own life cycle). To be completed successfully, each of them requires different skills, qualities and activities (Mocanu and Schuster, 2001).

The five phases / processes of a basic project are: initiation; planning / design / organization; implementation /construction; monitoring / review; end / entry into service.

Sustainable development - concept, principles and objectives

The concept of sustainable development designates all forms and methods of socio-economic development, not only on the short or medium term, but long-term and whose foundation is primarily to ensure a balance between these systems and socioeconomic elements of natural capital.

The most known definition of sustainable development is certainly the time

of the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) report "Our Common Future", also known as the Brundtland Report: "Sustainable development is development which aims to meet present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs " (Dobrescu and Albu, 2005). Sustainable development is carried out based on the principles that a major characteristic: concern for equity and fairness between countries and between generations; long-term vision on the process of development; systemic thinking, the interconnection between economy, society and environment.

For this purpose, identified four key objectives:

- Environmental protection measures that allow decoupling economic growth from negative environmental impacts;

- Equity and social cohesion, respecting fundamental rights, cultural diversity, equal opportunities and combating discrimination of any kind;

- Economic prosperity by promoting knowledge, innovation and competitiveness to ensure high living standards and jobs plentiful and well paid;

- Fulfilling the EU's international responsibilities through the promotion of democratic institutions in the service of peace, security and freedom and the principles and practices of sustainable development worldwide.

Sustainable Development Strategy of the EU - general objectives

> limiting climate change, the costs and negative effects for society and the environment,

> providing a transport system that can meet the needs of economic, social and environmental society, minimizing undesirable impact on their

> promote patterns of sustainable production and consumption,

> improve management and avoid overexploitation of natural resources, recognizing the value of ecosystem services,

> promoting good public health in an equitable and improve protection against health threats, promoting social inclusion by taking into account solidarity between and within generations, ensuring security and enhancing the quality of life of citizens as a precondition for maintaining the welfare of individual

> active promotion of sustainable development on a large scale to ensure consistency between internal and external policies of the EU and the Union's international commitments on sustainable development.

The Romanian Government, through the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, performed the project developing the National Strategy for Sustainable Development (NSSD) according to EU requirements in collaboration with United Nations for Sustainable Development.

Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development is the national institution that deals such as developing and implementing the National Strategy for Sustainable Development (NSSD). This project is conducted under the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Romania and the United Nations in

Romania, signed between the two institutions on 28 August 2007 and approved by Government Decision no. 1216 / 2007.

National Strategy for Sustainable Development, the strategic document of national importance, proposes a vision of sustainable development of Romania in the next two decades.

Structuralfunds - definition, role, programs. Structural funds are post-accession funds supplied by the European Union, whose purpose is to assist Member States. They are supported investments in education, research, agriculture, infrastructure, development of SME's and measures for rural development. Priority objectives of the Structural Funds for 2007-2013 are:

1. Convergence Objective: promote development and structural adjustments of regions experiencing significant delays in development.

2. The objective of regional competitiveness and employment: supporting regions that are not eligible for Convergence objective.

3. European territorial cooperation objective: supporting the regions, counties and areas transnational.

Structural Funds can be obtained in Romania by the Operational Programs presented in table nr.1. Table nr.1 Operational programs

Program Acronym Budget in 2011 (euro) Goal

National Rural Development Program NRDP 1.357.854.634 increasing the competitiveness of agro-food sector and forestry, improve the environment and the countryside, improving the quality of life in rural areas, diversification of rural economy, starting and operation of local development initiatives

SOP Increase of Economic Competitiveness SOP IEC 528.395.407 increasing productivity Romanian enterprises to reduce disparities in productivity compared to average EU level

Regional Operational Program ROP 556.767.943 to support sustainable economic, social, territorially balanced and sustainable Regions Romania poles by focusing on urban growth, improving the infrastructure and business environment

SOP Human Resources Development SOP HRD 595.593.519 developing human capital and increase competitiveness, by linking education and lifelong learning, labor market

SOP Environment SOP ENV 761.146.030 the protection and improvement of environmental quality and standards of life in Romania, aiming to comply with the acquis for the environment

Program Acronym Budget in 2011 (euro) Goal

SOP for Development of Administrative Capacity SOP DAC 29.865.828 the creation of a public administration more efficient and effective socioeconomic benefit of Romanian society

Operational Program for Fisheries OPF 39.257.052 the development of fisheries sector competitive, modern and dynamic activities based on sustainable fishing and aquaculture, which takes into account issues of environmental protection, social development and economic welfare

SOP - Transport SOPT 983.487.517 to promote a sustainable transport system in Romania, which will facilitate the safe transport, fast and efficient people and goods at the appropriate level of services to European standards

Operational Programme Technical Assistance OPTA 34.460.571 ensuring the necessary support and coordination to help implement and effective absorption, efficiency and transparency of the structural instruments in Romania

Note: SOP - sectoral operational program

The package contains the information's, in general: Program Guide (Guide applicant); funding application form; Forms documents, which may differ depending on the funding and financing: the budget of the project (sometimes included into the application for funding), matrix logic of the project, model business plan accepted by the funding model; CV accepted for project team members, maximum permissible levels of expenditures diurnal model contract to be concluded between the finance and organization of the winning tender for projects, the ad launch of the program of financing, etc..

Sustainable development - horizontal main issue in completing the application for funding. The projects financed by Structural Funds will be developed and implemented in view of the EU strategy on sustainable development. Project activities will follow the principles of sustainable development throughout the various stages of implementation, to ensure environmental protection, resources and biodiversity. In this context, the projects can provide training for the development of environmental management and environmental technology. The overall objective of promoting sustainable development is to make people better prepared to meet the challenges of present and future and to act responsibly towards future generations. To this effect, the initiatives taken into account will have all the fundamental areas of learning, namely learning to know, to act together to innovate and to self and society.

Sustainable development can be defined simply as a better quality of life for everyone, both now and for future generations. Sustainable development means economic development balanced and equitable, high levels of employment, social cohesion and inclusion and a high level of environmental protection and responsible use of natural resources, a policy that generates a coherent political system open, transparent and justifiable; cooperation international effective in promoting global sustainable development (Gothenburg strategy, 2001).

Minimum measures that must be met by applicants in completing applications for funding grants. Treaty on European Union provides for the integration of sustainable development into all European policies, so that they contribute to an integrated manner to achieve the objectives of economic, social and environmental. New Strategy for Sustainable Development of the EU (2006) is, along with the Lisbon Strategy for growth and jobs, contribute to a more prosperous, cleaner and fairer.

To comply with EU legislation, the EU Member States should address the concept of sustainable development in all projects and programs financed from structural funds to help achieve balanced European economies, sustainable and innovative.

The projects integrating sustainable development in early stages of life have added value for both organizations promoter and for target groups and become examples of good practice in the field. The importance of this topic should be recognized in development projects, among policy makers and throughout project implementation.

Development projects must address all three dimensions of sustainable development, environmental, economic and social (Calin and Calanter, 2010):

- The environmental dimension of sustainable consumption and production, conservation and management of natural resources, climate change and clean energy.

- The economic dimension refers to the socio-economic development (economic prosperity) and sustainable transport.

- The social dimension concerns social inclusion, demographic change and public health.

It is expected that following the implementation of environmental projects, economic and social activities with financial support should be distinguishable / visible. One aspect is necessarily included in the project, depending on the specifics of a module / course / seminar or a conference, aimed at awareness of the importance of the concept of sustainable development.

In the spirit of those listed, we recommend that applicants in preparing applications for funding to address the concept of sustainable development having regard to the following aspects: appropriate measures at the level of project management (ex: the rational use of resources by choosing an appropriate logistics, the use of experience in the development and implementation of projects promoting the sustainable development, etc.); inclusion in the draft of measures to raise awareness on sustainable development (ex: inserting a special message on the course materials and electronic correspondence, to draw attention to environmental problems and called for its protection, the materials logos /slogans provided posters visible in the place of project activities, etc.).

Need for sustainable development in project implementation. Sustainable development is a concept of timeliness and met in all projects implemented in EU funds. An impact of this is found in change of traditional mentality, a change in attitude. The idea of this horizontal emphasis will increase confidence in modernization, by: increased competitiveness of all economic sectors; improve the environment and the disadvantaged; improve quality of life; diversify the rural economy; starting and operation of local development initiatives; facilitating transformation and upgrading; facilitating transition management and labor to ensure an adequate standard of living of the social and economic; developing sustainable management; reducing negative environmental impacts and reducing climate change; and reduce the risks of producing natural disasters affecting the population.


In this article, we tried to present the subject of scienctific project management, need absorption the grant funds and horizontal aspects of sustainable development, which in the last year of access has proven to be one of the reasons why until now have been spent very little money from EU funds and, therefore, very few projects eligible and viable. In essence, the article argues from a comparative perspective for long deep gaps in the system that was designed before accessing such funding.

Of special interest is very full awareness on the lack of project management culture and horizontal aspects of culture - sustainable development, equality, the operational planning of Brussels can not replace any, or the liquid itself. In the future it is proposed to study better these concepts in development and needed to change traditional thinking.


1. Bodea, C.N., Bodea, V., intorsureanu, I., Pocatilu, P., Lupu, R.A., Coman, D. (2000), Managementul proiectelor, Editura Inforec, Bucuresti.

2. Calanter, P., Calin, A. (2010), Economic mechanisms - integral part of climate change policies, Quality - access to success, vol.11, no.118, pp.211-215.

3. Calin, A., Calanter, P. (2010), Advantages of the adoption of the environmental management systems, Quality - access to success, vol.11, no.118, pp.215-219.

4. Dobrescu, E. coord. Albu, L.L., coord. (2005), Dezvoltarea durabila in Romania : modele scenarii pe termen mediu lung, Editura Expert, Bucuresti.

5. Mocanu, M., Schuster, C. (2011), Managementul proiectelor: cale spre cre^terea competitivitatii, Editura All Beck, Bucuresti.

6. Wolfgang, L. (2007), Managementul proiectelor: Cum sa planificam eficient proiecte sa transpunem cu succes in practica, Editura All Beck, Bucuresti.

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