Научная статья на тему 'Suggestions and recommendations for improving the governmental policy for tourism sector'

Suggestions and recommendations for improving the governmental policy for tourism sector Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Apalkova A., Votchenko E.

The article highlights the basic directions towards the tourism sector development and its successful operation in contemporary Russia. The authors consider relevant aims for improving tourism in the country, its fundamental principles and state regulation approaches to tourism industry during the implementation phase, the priorities of social services economy, objects and instruments of state regulation of tourism sector in terms of regional development. The object of the research is Krasnodar region. In the end, the authors conclude giving appropriate suggestions and recommendations in the fields of governmental support and regional development of tourism industry in general.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Suggestions and recommendations for improving the governmental policy for tourism sector»




Apalkova A.,

Kuban State University, Krasnodar, master student

Votchenko E.

Kuban State University, Krasnodar, PhD, assistant professor


The article highlights the basic directions towards the tourism sector development and its successful operation in contemporary Russia. The authors consider relevant aims for improving tourism in the country, its fundamental principles and state regulation approaches to tourism industry during the implementation phase, the priorities of social services economy, objects and instruments of state regulation of tourism sector in terms of regional development. The object of the research is Krasnodar region. In the end, the authors conclude giving appropriate suggestions and recommendations in the fields of governmental support and regional development of tourism industry in general.

Keywords: tourism industry, tourism macro-economic indicators, regional tourism, Russian tourism industry, regional development, governmental policy, Krasnodar region.

The development of tourism, especially in the regions, in the modern period of an unstable economic situation shows the heterogeneity of the tourist complex, which leads to different approaches to the development of a model of state support and regulation of the economic mechanism for the development of the latter in the context of modernization of the economy. The effectiveness of tourism is an important factor stabilizing the social and political situation in federal and regional resorts and creates the basis for the sustainable development of tourism in the regions of Russia.

However, the country has developed a unique system of tourism, including the resort business. At the same time, the imperfection of the management system and state support has a negative impact on tourism. The measures taken in recent years to legally ensure tourism and rational use of natural therapeutic factors and resorts at the federal and regional levels, the phased implementation of the federal target program "Development of federal resorts" and a number of targeted programs for the development of tourist regions have made it possible to reduce the potential negative consequences of restructuring the tourism industry of the country and should be the basis of its transformation into a highly profitable sector of the national economy [5].

The main goal of improving tourism in Russia is the creation of a modern and competitive tourist complex based on the use of unique tourist and recreational resources, national traditions, scientific achievements of tourism studies and ensuring the solution of the main tasks [10]:

- meeting the needs of Russians, citizens of the CIS and other countries in high-quality tourist services and leisure of the population;

- increasing the contribution of the tourist complex to the development of the regional economy;

- preservation and rational use of natural resources and resorts, scientific, cultural and historical heritage.

To effectively achieve the goals, we define a number of fundamental principles [9]:

- conducting a full inventory of private tourist facilities, developing and implementing a system for recording these objects and creating a register of private tourist facilities;

- development and creation of legislative regulatory framework;

- accelerated approach to tourism sector, contributing to the successful functioning of all types of tourist organizations of various legal forms and types of ownership;

- formation of a reasonable tax policy and economic mechanisms to stimulate the development of tourist organizations in the regions;

- attracting investments in tourism through the provision of state guarantees and other measures of regional support;

- conservation, rational use and restoration of natural resources and resorts;

- creation of conditions and principles of cooperation of tourist organizations with transport, agricultural, industrial and banking and investment structures, social and compulsory health insurance funds, insurance companies and advertising agencies in order to create a high-tech and competitive domestic market of tourist services;

- strengthening state support and regulation of the industry through the international system of certification of services;

- development of a unified personnel policy through a system of professional training, professional retraining, advanced training, certification, certification of managers and specialists in the field of tourism.

Improving the state regulation of tourism in the region should be carried out through the implementation of:

- state international standards and regulations on quality management of tourist services;

- provisions on certification and certification of managers and specialists of all levels and areas of the tourism sector;

- the formation of so-called "State Register of Tourism Organizations" based on their ranking into groups, which will allow each tourism organization to occupy an appropriate place on the domestic and international tourism market;

- creation of a unified scientific and educational integrated system of professional training, retraining, improvement and scientific growth of managers and specialists of the industry;

- development of the position and creation of an interdepartmental coordinating council for scientific support and introduction of new technologies in the economy, management, marketing, advertising and other important areas of tourism.

The phased implementation of these activities will bring tourism to an effectively developing sector of the social services economy, bringing real results in the form of disease prevention, strengthening individual and public health, reproducing the workforce and increasing employment, and developing the resort regions of the Russian Federation.

Along with this, it is necessary to note the main directions of the state policy in the field of tourism development in Russia [7]:

- further development, coordination of the network of tourist organizations state regulation of all forms of ownership and departmental affiliation;

- taking measures to preserve sanatoriums intended for the improvement of the working population, war invalids and other categories of socially unprotected groups, adolescents and children;

- implementation of a strict system of accounting and control of the country's natural medicinal resources based on the state and regional registers of resort and recreational resources.

To implement these important tasks for the development of tourism, it is necessary to develop scientific approaches to the content of state regulation of tourism at the federal and regional levels.

At the same time, in accordance with the scientific developments of scientists from the Federal State Academy of Advanced Training for Executives and Specialists of Resort, Sports and Tourism in Sochi, state regulation of tourism as a social sector of the economy can be described as the impact of state bodies on the activities of economic entities and ensuring normal

conditions for the functioning of market mechanisms [8]. In general, the process of state regulation is a complex task, which includes the development of economic policy, the justification of its provisions, the choice of means and methods for implementing this policy.

The impact on the project state regulation of tourism in the region is to regulate the activities of three interrelated parts, namely: tourism resources, the production of tourism and financial flows in the sector.

The content of state regulation of tourism in the region is determined by the objectives of state bodies, as well as the means and tools that state bodies of tourism management in the region have in conducting economic policy [1]. In a market economy, this content includes:

- informing the participants of the tourist market on the state of the country's economy as a whole and the data of the industries in particular, the prospects for their development;

- substantiation of the most important points of the economic policy that state bodies in the field of tourism intend to carry out at this stage of development of the country's economy;

- measures to develop the public sector of the tourist complex - one of the most important instruments of state influence on the economic processes in the country.

At the same time, the objects and instruments of state regulation of tourism are those conditions, processes and relations in the field of reproduction of tourist services, the normal functioning of which the market mechanism provides unsatisfactory or does not provide at all [4]. As such, the following can be distinguished:

- general business processes, such as the economic cycle, money circulation, prices, employment, investment, research and development;

- development of specific basic sectors of tourism through the implementation of regional target programs, namely, "Development of the tourist complex of the Krasnodar region", etc.

- some major tourist centers and resorts of federal significance, the city of Sochi, Anapa;

- complex and proportional development of tourism in various regions of the country.

The set of instruments of state regulation includes the following main elements (Fig.1).

Figure 1: Instruments of state regulation of tourism in the region

As follows from the materials of Fig. 1, each instrument of the groups mentioned above has its own characteristics and can be used separately in certain circumstances. Today, the government tourism authorities in the region are objectively forced to use the entire set of these funds, not limited to any one group.

An effective means of regulating tourism activities in the interests of protecting the rights and interests of consumers is certification of tourist services. According to the definition of an international organization for standardization (ISO), "certification is a procedure for confirming compliance with the result of a production activity, product, or service with regulatory requirements, by means of which a third party documents that a product (process) or service complies with specified requirements" [3]. The document confirming the compliance of certified products (work, services) with the established requirements is a certificate of conformity valid throughout the territory of Russia [6].

In accordance with the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation" [11], mandatory certification was abolished and replaced with voluntary certification, which fully complies with the international requirements of the World Trade Organization (WTO), which our country intends to join in the coming years.

Voluntary certification is carried out according to the Rules of certification of tourist services, hotel services, sanatorium-resort complexes, approved by Rosstandart, providing for the accounting and analysis of the mandatory requirements implementation of the relevant standards of enterprises aimed at ensuring:

- Safety of life and health of tourists and vacationers in the resorts;

- Preservation of property;

- Protecting the environment;

- Compliance of tourist, hotel and sanatorium and recreational services with functional purpose, accuracy and timeliness of execution.

Currently, voluntary certification is carried out special bodies that have developed standards for enterprises and a certification system accredited in the prescribed manner and registered in the Gosstandart of Russia, certification bodies analyze compliance with the approved standards and other regulatory documents:

- indicators of tourist, hotel, sanatorium and other related services;

- the conditions of service of tourists and vacationers;

- information and advertising activities based on the availability of a license and certificates of conformity;

- tourist and resort vouchers;

- cards (passports) of tourist and excursion routes;

- contracts with hotels, licensed transport organizations, insurance companies, partners, etc.

- Conclusions of state supervision services (fire, sanitary, epidemiological, technical, etc.)

On the basis of certification examination issued a certificate of conformity. The certificate of conformity is an official document certifying the authority of a tourist, hotel or sanatorium-resort organization to carry out tourism and sanatorium and health activities, since its tourism and health products are produced at the proper level, and service is carried out in accordance with accepted standards in an accredited certification system.

The refusal of a tour operator, travel agent or sanatorium and resort and hotel complex to certify their services, or a negative opinion on the results of such certification does not allow advertising them, which is the basis of any commercial activity.

In general, the analysis of the voluntary certification system in the regulation of the tourist services mar-

ket showed its high efficiency in terms of the real impact on the quality of the profile and services provided to tourists and tourists.

An equally important lever for the development of the tourist services market is antitrust policy, which is based on creating a competitive environment, combating monopolism and unfair competition.

The state antimonopoly regulation of the economy includes two interconnected areas: the development and adoption of special antimonopoly legislation and the formation of a system of bodies responsible for an-timonopoly regulation.

The antitrust policy of the state in the sphere of tourism, as a form of state regulation, is only beginning to take shape [2]. It is not by chance that in the current federal laws on resort business and tourism there is no mention of this form of state influence on the development of the resort and tourist industry.

Insufficient attention in the current legislative framework is paid to the regulation of investment activities in tourism.

The main ways to stimulate the state investment activity in the tourist regions of the country include:

- tax regulation of investment activities;

- institutional transformation of the economy associated with the creation of industrial groups;

- real protection of property rights.

In general, government regulation of tourism is an effective means of stimulating investment activity, improving the quality of services provided and solving social problems in terms of the real health of the nation. However, it is important to bear in mind that the main directions of state policy should be the stability and competitiveness of the tourist complex.


1. Dymchenko A.S. Marketing and logistics in system of the government sanatorium sphere. Sochi, 2000.

2. Economy and the organization of tourism / E.L. Dracheva, J.V. Zabaev, D.K. Ismaev. M., 2005.

3. ISO. International Organization for Standardization. URL: https://www.iso.org/certification.html. Accessed: 11.06.2019.

4. Karmanov A. About some positions of legal regulation of tourist business in Krasnodar territory. Krasnodar, 2010.

5. Krivoruchko L.V. Economy and tourism: the mechanism of interaction and development in conditions of the market. Azov, 2000.

6. Krivoruchko V.I. Professional standards and certification of experts of service of hospitality of sanatorium and hotel complexes: the Part 1 / V.I.Krivo-ruchko, V.A. Kudrja, M.V. Aleksandrova. Sochi, 2005.

7. Krivoruchko V.I. State regulation of sanatorium sphere and tourism in conditions of market economy. M., 2004.

8. Market mechanisms of management of sanatorium sphere / L.V.Krivoruchko, V.I. Krivoruchko. M, 2003.

9. Maxwell I., Managing Sustainable Innovation: The Driver for Global Growth. New York, 2009.

10. Surkov S.G. International's Marmots tourism in Russia: problems of development and management. M., 2009.

11. Federal Law "On Technical Regulation" dated 27.12.2002 N 184-FZ (last revised). URL: http://www.consultant.ru/docu-

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Малышенко А.Ю.,

Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет, выпускник, бакалавр экономики

Киселев А.К.

Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет, выпускник, бакалавр экономики


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Malyshenko A.,

Saint Petersburg State University, graduate, Bachelor of Economics

Kiselev A.

Saint Petersburg State University, graduate, Bachelor of Economics


В статье ключевым объектом рассмотрения является мировая практика интеграции принципов корпоративной социальной ответственности в деятельность компаний, а также положительные и отрицательные эффекты, получаемые компанией от внедрения практики корпоративной социальной ответственности. Произведен обзор статистических данных и научной литературы с целью определения расхождений в употреблении терминов «корпоративная социальная ответственность» и «устойчивое развитие». Кроме того, были проанализированы данные 500 крупнейших компаний России на предмет наличия практики интеграции принципов корпоративной социальной ответственности в деятельность компании и публикации нефинансовых отчетов, с целью выявления масштаба распространения корпоративной социальной ответственности в России.

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