STYLISTIC CORRESPONDENCE AND SUBSTITUTION IN LITERARY TRANSLATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Maksadova M.M., Annaguliev S.A.

This article mainly studies the mostly used way of transfer of stylistic devices of literary works through the ways of stylistic correspondence and substitution. Saving stylistic devices, which is the soul of the text, is very challenging. Taking into account of usage of stylistic devices and choosing the right way of translation varies on a case-by case. The examples from the story “The House of Maphui” by Jack London are translated and analyzed in the article. As it is known, J.London engages the reader through the literary description using stylistic devices.

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УДК 81

Maksadova M.M.

Lecturer, Department of English phonetics and lexicology Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly (Turkmenistan, Ashgabat)

Annaguliev S.A.

Lecturer, Department of English stylistics and grammar Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly (Turkmenistan, Ashgabat)


Abstract: this article mainly studies the mostly used way of transfer of stylistic devices of literary works through the ways of stylistic correspondence and substitution. Saving stylistic devices, which is the soul of the text, is very challenging. Taking into account of usage of stylistic devices and choosing the right way of translation varies on a case-by case. The examples from the story "The House of Maphui" by Jack London are translated and analyzed in the article. As it is known, J.London engages the reader through the literary description using stylistic devices.

Keywords: stylistic device, translation, transfer, way, substitution, correspondence.

Introduction. Reading the text translator understands the concept of the text, but the concept that is understood is not as easy as it is thought to transfer it into the target language. There occurs some problems transferring of lexical and stylistic devices in translation. Moreover, it is felt more clearly, when you try to translate that stylistic colouring with that richness and depth. Therefore, it is necessary to study and develop the specific features and subtleties of artistic translation. According to Znamenskaya, stylistic device is a literary model in which semantic and structural features are blended so that it represents a generalised pattern [3, pg.12]. Not even in


literary works but also in everyday conversations we use words that bear emotive and stylistic colouring. Folk Language is very rich in artistic means. Their effectiveness becomes stronger when the means are used in right way. The importance of literary devices is even greater. [1, 296]

Methods. Thus, to preserve that greatness translator should be creative and must be master of eloquence. According to the classification of the ways of translating stylistic devices, the Slovak scholar Popovich, translator has the following methods: stylistic correspondence, stylistic substitution, stylistic individualization, stylistic amplification and stylistic weakening. In the article, stylistic devices are transferred according to stylistic correspondence, stylistic substitution.

Jack London's description is rich in stylistic devices. In in the story "The House of Maphui" such devices were used. Let us analyze translation in an appropriate ways: Stylistic Correspondence: is the most appropriate way of transferring both stylistically and semantically compatible when it is possible to achieve complete invariance of linguistic means in the literary translation from source language into the target language. Moreover, it is possible when there structurally, semantically same stylistic devices functions are identical. For example, simile is translated as simile, or epithet is translated like epithet and other devices as well. Preserving their formation and concept in the following examples:

It was large as a pigeon egg, perfect sphere, of whiteness that reflected opalescent lights from all colours about it. (Simile)

Ol birkemsiz §ekilli, kepderi yumurtgasy yaly ululygyndaky durdi, jowur aklygy beyleki ahli renkleri o?ugsi alawa owrup, serpikdirip durdy. (Simile, Menzetme)

The main center of the story pearl's shape and size is compared to pigeon egg using word "as" which is also preserved in Turkmen language as well with the help of word "yaly" that forms simile. Similes is a direct comparison of an object by bringing it into contact with another object belonging to an entirely different class of things... have formal elements in their structure: connective words such as like, as, such as, as

if, seem. [2; 38.] This definition is the same in Turkmen, but connective words are "dek, dey, deyin, yaly, kimin, kibi and others". [1; 302]

Captain Lynch, driven like a wisp of straw, sprawled over him. (Simile) Yelin ugruna sypal yaly gayyp gelyan gamiba§y Linf onun ustune yykyldy. (Menzetme)

Toriki and Levy broke into a run for their boats, the latter ambling along like a panicstricken hippopotamus. (Simile)

Toriki bilen Lewi gayyklaryna tarap edil jany bokurdagyna gelen begemot dek yaykyldap ylgayardy. (Menzetme)

The whole island was in trouble. - Butin ada unjidedi. (Metonymy/Metonimiya) Since substitution is a grammatical relation, stylistic substitution is another way where the corresponding stylistic devices are not found in target language or changing it in literary translation is more suitable. Some stylistic devices bare the same terminology but differ in function and that is why, in translation, stylistic devices are substituted structurally and functionally with the other one.

The bunches of human fruit fell like ripe cocoanuts. (Metaphor) Adamlar bi§en hindi manyzlary (kokoslar) yaly yere gafyardylar. (Menzetme) Above example, metaphor in source text is substituted with simile in the target text not for lack of device, but for expressiveness. In the next example epithet is substituted with simile

The sun had disappeared, and a lead-colored twilight settled down. (Epithet) Gun yitirim bolup, agyr gur§un dek inrik adanyn ustune fokdi. (Menzetme) "A lead-colored twilight" is epithet especially figurative or transferred epithets, are formed of metaphors, metonymies and similes expressed by adjectives [2;34]. They are mostly translated like metaphors, epithets or similes in Turkmen with the help of simile forming word "dek". It causes the stylistic substitution.

But Huru-Huru was with me when I opened the shell, have I not told you so times and times and times without end? (Repetition)

Yone men balykgulagy a?anymda Huru-Huru meniñ yanymdady, men saña muny müñlerfe gezek aytmadymmy? (Giperbola)

Above example, the word "times" is repeated several times and it is the way of adding stress and power when delivering a speech. Throughout the history people use it in every language, but to emphasize the meaning in Turkmen translation using hyperbole "müñ gezek" is more suitable, which means "thousand times" in English. These examples are not all stylistic devices from the text.

Results. Without violating the meaning and stylistic colouring of the source text translator must think as an author of the work and transfer means with suitable ways. Consulting to the analysis of several translated texts, we can say that the most used methods are stylistic correspondence and stylistic substitution.


1. Allakov J. Edebiyat ylmyna giri§. Ashgabat, 2010.

2. Sachkova E.V. Lectures on English Stylistics. M., 2012.

3. Znamenskaya T.A. stylistics of the English language, M., 2004.

4. https://Americanlittearture.com

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