STYLISTIC AND PRAGMATIC ASPECT IN DISCOURSE ANALYSIS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Ismailov Anvar Rustamovich

The article is devoted to investigation of pragmatic and stylistic peculiarities in literary texts of American writers such as Edgar Allan Poe and Mark Twain. The author makes out peculiarities of both writers’ style in the description of characters and events of their stories. A special attention is paid to the use of various stylistic devices in order to reflect stylistic and pragmatic information in original literary texts of both writers. Theoretical part aspect of the article is proved by numerous linguistic means of expression of stylistic and pragmatic content.

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чае ситуация схожа с использованием заимствований английского языка. Часть слов французского используются в пиджине в виде их транскрипции, например, affecté (предназначенный для), gateau (пирог), nommer (назначать) используются в камерунском пиджине путем полного заимствования фонетического звучания и последующей транскрипции. В связи с тем, что во французском языке

Таким образом, в камерунском пиджине существуют видоизмененные слова как английского, так и французского языка. Однако, помимо слов, заимствованных из этих языков, в нем можно присутствуют и слова местного населения, а также слова немецкого языка, например, слово <«Ьтпе». Так, на формирование современного пиджина большое влияние оказал исторический аспект. Поскольку территория республики находилась под контролем трех различных европейских государств, на камерунский вариант английского оказали влияние все языки этих стран. Чем выше было влияние европейского государства, тем больше слов сохранилось в языке. Так, Германия потеряла свое влияние на Камерун в 1919 году, с чем связано довольно малое количество слов немецкого языка в пиджине.

Выводы и предложения

В результате проведенного исследования можно сделать вывод о влиянии иностранных на местные разговорные языки. Так, несмотря на наличие двух официальных, в Республике Камерун набирает влияние разговорных язык, пиджин, который является производным из нескольких языков, которые ранее присутствовали на территории со-

существуют носовые гласные, часть приведенных выше слов претерпела небольшие изменения при написании в пиджине. Такие слова, как: авария, грузовик, ток, соответственно [aksida] = aksidang, [кат(5] = kamyong, [ктоа] = kurang почти полностью соответствуют звуковой форме их французского эквивалента.

Таблица 2.

временной страны. Таким образом, на примере данной республики можно изучать особенности взаимодействия языков, относящихся к различным группам и имеющих свои собственные особенности. Помимо этого, пиджин представляет собой один из искусственных языков, которые получили распространение не только в узкой сфере, но и используется и продолжает развиваться в настоящее время. Все вышеперечисленное представляет интерес для изучения и может послужить темами новых филологических исследований в связи с чем, считаю необходимым продолжить изучение вопросов в данной сфере.

Список литературы:

1. Loreto Todd. Some Day Been Dey (RLE Folklore): West African Pidgin Folktales. NY. 2015. P 185.

2. Mbassi-Manga. English in Cameroon, a study in historical contacts, patterns of usage and current trends. Leeds. 1973. P 210.

3. Mbangwana Paul N. The scope and role of Pidgin English in Cameroon. Koening. Enda et al (eds). 1983. P 79-91

4. Nkemngong Nkengasong. A Grammar of Cameroonian Pidgin. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2016. P 180.

Французский Транскрипция Пиджин

Предназначенный для affecté [afekte] afekte

Авария accident [aksidà] aksidang

Офис bureau [byRO] biro

Грузовик camion [kamj5] kamyong

Паспорт carte d'identite [idàtite] dantite

Ток courant [kuRà] kurang

Директор directeur [diRekteR] direkte

Папка dossier [dosje] dosie

Гос. аппарат fonction publique [f5ksj5 pyblik] fonsion publik

Пирог gâteau [gato] gato

Назначать nommer [n5me] nome

Ismailov Anvar Rustamovich

PhD., Associate professor of Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages,

Dean of the English language department


Summary. The article is devoted to investigation of pragmatic and stylistic peculiarities in literary texts of American writers such as Edgar Allan Poe and Mark Twain. The author makes out peculiarities of both writers' style in the description of characters and events of their stories. A special attention is paid to the use of various stylistic devices in order to reflect stylistic and pragmatic information in original literary texts of both writers. Theoretical part aspect of the article is proved by numerous linguistic means of expression of stylistic and pragmatic content.

Key words: style, pragmatic meaning, expression, peculiarity, description, stylistic device, hyperbole, epithet, metaphorization, discourse analysis.

Actuality of the theme of investigation. Discourse analysis belongs to a rather modern branch of linguistics and needs detailed investigation of a number of unrevealed problems. One of them is the reflection of stylistic and pragmatic information in the original literary texts. Why a text should be investigated in this aspect? Certainly, because it encloses the inner world of literary characters, reflects national-cultural specifics of that epoch and demonstrates a complicated interweave of emotions and feeling. All this makes the chosen theme of investigation actual and significant. Moreover, the present investigation is done in the aspect of such modern linguistic aspects as lingual pragmatics, stylistics, cognitive science and psycholinguistics. The work is done on the crossway of linguistics and literature and this adds specific colour to its actuality and importance.

A review of international research on the theme of research. A lot of researches had been done in the aspect of discourse analysis. But among them the stylistic and pragmatic aspect hasn't been totally investigated. Some linguists pay attention to lingual means of text narration, others pay attention to grammatical structures of the sentences. In this work we had an attempt to disclose and describe linguistics means of reflection of stylistic and pragmatic content, which is rather significant and new in modern linguistics and literature study. Among Republic and foreign researchers in the aspect close to our field of investigation we can point issues of Ashurova D.U., "Some problems of cognitive theory of a text", Abduazizov A.A. "Text - a result of cognitive activity", Safarov Sh. "Cognitive linguistics", Taylor T.T. "Linguistic theory and structural stylis-tics", Nida E.A. "Semantic Domains and Componential Analysis of Meaning", Miller G.A. "Images and models, similes and metaphors", Galperin J.R. "Stylistics", Dijk T.A. "Text and context", "Discourse studies in cognitive linguistics" ed.by van Hoek K.E.A. and others.

The tasks left to be investigated. The following tasks were pointed:

1. to disclose stylistic and pragmatic content in original literary texts;

2. to demonstrate linguistic means of expression of stylistic-pragmatics information in literary texts;

3. to define individual approach in describing characters and events in both American writers' works;

4. to investigate stylistic devices and point out their role in creating a definite atmosphere in literary texts.

The aim of the research is investigation of linguistic means in reflection of stylistic-pragmatic content in original texts of American writers. It should be noted that a text remains to be the richest point for researching as it is a complex of historical, cultural, social information in the sphere of interpersonal communication. Literary text is a key to understand the culture of a definite nation or ethnos.

The main content of the article

In the work of Edgar Allan Poe " The man that was used up" [3, p. 383-392] the narrator begins his story with a description of a man who made a great impression on him, and whom he describes as "truly fine-looking fellow":

... I first made the acquaintance of that truly fine-looking _ fellow.

In this phrase, the author managed to combine information about the appearance (fine-looking) with a hint of age (fellow), and the presence of a pleasant appearance is strengthened with the lexeme truly.

The social status of the character is revealed in his unusually long name: Brevet Brigadier-General John A.B.C. Smith. The letters A.B.C. in the name of the hero of the work indicate the presence of additional information about his aristocratic background, high rank and other merits.The narrator summarizes all this information in one word "gentleman":

Someone did introduce me to the gentleman. The additional meaning is hidden under the inversion "did introduce": perhaps the acquaintance with this gentleman was so important that someone specially did it, since a casual acquaintance was impossible. It is known that the inversion is the highlight of the pragmatic-stylistic possibilities of English-language prose.

Pragmatic meaning is increased in indicating the place of acquaintance with an important person who could only be found in a public place:

... at some public meeting, I know very well - held about something of great importance, no doubt at some place or other, I feel convinced, - whose name I have unaccountably forgotten.

The narrator conveys his inner state at the time of acquaintance with the important personality by epithets "anxious embarrassment" and "constitutionally nervous", which further enhance the importance of the social status of the new friend of the narrator.

An extraordinary combination of pragmatic-stylistic meaning is demonstrated in a metaphorical phrase that reveals the inner state of the narrator by means of the designation of the place:

In especial, the lightest appearance of mystery -of any point I cannot exactly comprehend - puts me at once into a pitiable state of agitation.

The narrator tries to find words for the expression of the first impressions of acquaintance and has picked up a word to which he focuses the attention of the reader with the help of a repetition and which conveys rather voluminous information about our hero:

There was something, as it were, remarkable -yes, remarkable, although this is but a feeble term to express mu full meaning -about the entire individuality of the personage in question.

The most significant in describing the male appearance are height, body size, physique [2, p. 14]:

He was, perhaps, six feet in height and of a presence singularly commanding.

High social position, aristocratic origin is understood by the reader in the following sentence: There

was an air distingue pervading the whole man, which spoke of high breeding, and hinted at high birth.

The phrase "melancholy satisfaction" is uniquely suited to semantics and to the epithet and to the oxymoron, since one of the components (melancholy) carries a negative charge and indicates apathy, and the other component (satisfaction), on the contrary, has a positive evaluation and expresses satisfaction.

A large number of stylistic devices in this work lead to a gradual increase in pragmatic-stylistic meaning. As D.U. Ashurova points "the realization of a stylistic device in an artistic text is determined by the intention of the author" [1, p. 7].

In the description of the head and hair of the character, the author uses a number of techniques: firstly, this hyperbolic sentence His head of hair would have done honor to a Brutus; and secondly, the epithet indicating at presence of whiskers - "unimaginable whiskers". The beauty of the whiskers is enhanced by the original author's use of the superlative degree of the adjective handsome:

... it is not much to say that they were the handsomest pair of whiskers under the sun.

Hyperbole is also used in the description of unusually even teeth:

Here were the most entirely even, and the most brilliantly white of all conceivable teeth.

It should be noted that in the author's style of Edgar Allan Poe, the hyperbole, as well as the use of adjectives, are superior to other stylistic devices:

The bust of the General was unquestionably the finest bust I ever saw. For your life you could not have found a fault with its wonderful proportion.

The author compares the bust of his character with the marble bust of Apollo:

This rare peculiarity set off to great advantage a pair of shoulders which would have called up a blush of conscious inferiority into the countenance of the marble Apollo.

Edgar Allan Poe had an extraordinary talent for communicating information about his character through the feelings of another character. So, the beauty of the shoulders of our hero can be represented from the description of the inner state of the narrator:

I have a passion for fine shoulders, and may say that I never beheld them in perfection before.

The genius of the author is also revealed in his ability to select "fresh", unheard epithets in describing the appearance:

The arms altogether were admirably modeled. These were, indeed, the ne plus ultra of good legs. Next is a beautiful description of the voice of the main character on the basis of gradation: From between them, upon every proper occasion, issued a voice of surpassing clearness, melody, and strength.

Metonymic rethinking is used in the description of the eyes:

Either one of such a pair was worth a couple of the ordinary ocular organs.

The peculiarity of the author's style is also in a large number of French phrases. They are sort of "scattered" throughout the text:

... — that the odd air of _je ne sais quoi which hung about the new acquaintance, ....

My friend leaving us immediately, we had quite a long tete-a-tete, and I was not only pleased but really attracted.

General himself, and particularly respecting the tremendous events quorum pars magna _ fuit, during the Bugaboo and Kichapoo campaign.

The most famous American writer Mark Twain undoubtedly had his own unique style of presentation. His perfect use of dialectics was the pinnacle of his creativity, but there were other approaches to verbal reflection of reality that differed significantly from those of other authors. The rich comedy of his narratives is often undermined by the darkness and depth of seriousness that gives his works an ambivalence that reflects Twain's own divided nature.

For example, in the descriptions of the Duke's and King's escapades in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the reader also perceives criticism and disappointment in the predatory nature of a person who will exploit people when they are most vulnerable, for example, after the death of a loved one. With his unsophisticated narrator, Twain describes how two scoundrels use the family of Wilks, whose father dies. The king quickly sells slaves. When they diverge, Huck notices the grief of the family after the loss of their servants:

"I thought them poor girls and them n-s would break their hearts for grief; they cried around each other, and took on so it most made me down sick to see it. The girls said they hadn 't ever dreamed of seeing the family separated or sold away from the town... I couldn't stood it all...if I hadn't known the sale wasn't no account and then would be back in a week or two " [4, p. 45-46].

"The Prince and the Pauper" is a charming story about identities, and it is also a social commentary, since the prince, reduced to being considered a man-man, realizes some of the injustices of his kingdom:

"As long as the king lived he was fond of telling the story of his adventures, all through, ...He said that the frequent rehearsing of the precious lesson kept him strong in his purpose to make its teachings yiled benefits to his people... and thus its sorrowful spectacles fresh in his memory and the springs of pity replenished in his heart" [4, p. 89].

With simple, seemingly simple-minded storytellers and an understated style, Twain leads readers to make themselves aware of the social comments of his stories. This subtlety and, at times, ambivalence were characteristic of Mark Twain's style.

The story entitled "My watch" by Mark Twain tells us about one man whose watch immediately went out of order, he gave it to different masters, but they could not fix them. He suffered greatly from this, since he then appeared long before the appointed time, he was late, then left too early, in a word, his life became a real turmoil. At last he realized that it was best to get rid of those hours.

The main idea of this story is that we should not try to repair or return what was once lost to us, and this idea repeats the words of Uncle William that a good horse was a good horse if she did not gallop off once.

The author's message is to make us think about the choices and decisions that we make in our lives, and about what we prefer: to look forward or backward, choose something new or do not let go of something old.

The climax is the murder of the last watchmaker, who turned out to be just an engineer of the steamer on weekdays. At the moment, the protagonist reached its culmination, and he could not remain calm. The moral of this story is not to trust very much the unknown people and not to trust our precious things to others.

Mark Twain uses various stylistic techniques to describe the hero and his watch. First of all, there are many comparisons, such as "it ticked like a tolling bell", "it kicked back like a musket", "shut together like a pair of scissors" , "seemed a delicate spider's web over the face of the watch" and some others.

All of them show us how horrible the hours worked, and that they worked in the most inappropriate way. Secondly, there are several epithets, such as "beautiful new watch", "fair and square average", "plain truth". They help us to imagine the whole situation, the objects and what happened to them. There are many personifications and metaphors: "it was sickened to a raging fever, and its pulse went up to a hundred and fifty in the shade", "it was a recognized messenger and forerunner of calamity", "I danced around him in anguish, and implored him to let the watch alone ". The first two examples allow you to compare the life of a watch with human life, because these watches really were something alive for the hero. In the last example, there is a certain irony.

Unlike the English writers, Twain created a much more laid-back style of narration. The way the characters spoke, sounds like a real speech, and no two characters sounded alike. Everyone had a special voice, which he told the reader in his own way. This American writer did for literature what Walt Whitman did for poetry - he introduced a folk conversation in writing.

Mark Twain is one of the most important figures in American life and in general American culture. On invisible threads he is connected with the process of development of his country, with its national peculiarities

and social contradictions, and this deep contact passes through all of his creation.

One of his short stories called "Luck" focuses around a man who was successful to become happy, and then he helped him get to the top of the tree. That's why the subject of history is the role of luck in a person's life. History gives an impression, because it happened in real life, and the use of correct names and some historical facts contribute to this realistic effect: "Woolwich, London, the Crimean battlefield, the Crimean war, the Russian army" [4, p. 113].

And the detail that the author hid from the real name and titles of the protagonist, gives the reader the idea that such a person exists in history.


As discursive analysis has shown, in the style of Edgar Allan Poe, the description of the appearance of an artistic character uses a rather complex interlacing of stylistic devices that gradually build up a pragmatic-stylistic sense and convey a variety of information about the heroes of his works.

In addition, the reader understands the idea of the narrator's relationship to this person. This admiration and worship is so profound and sincere that the narrator wants to see this person. These are the main original approaches in the style of Mark Twain, who made a huge cultural contribution to the history of American literature.

List of literature:

1. Ашурова Д.У. Некоторые проблемы когнитивной теории текста // Деривационные закономерности развития языка. - Самарканд: СамГИИЯ, 2009. - С.6-10.

2. Паланчук Н.В. Тендерная концептосфера в дискурсе драматургов-елизаветинцев. Автореф. дис. ... канд. филол. наук. - Волгоград: ВолГПУ, 2008. - 17 с.

3. Edgar Allan Poe. The man that was used up. // Selected stories. - P. 383- 392.

4. Mark Twain. Selected stories. Printed by Office of English Language programs. - Washington, D.C., 2006. - 226 p.

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Аннотация. Статья выполнена на основе сравнительно-сопоставительного анализа и исследует отражение концепта «дружба» в английском и русском языках. Материалом исследования послужили английские и русские пословицы, в которых характеризуются дружеские отношения людей. Теоретическая часть статьи подтверждается примерами английских и узбекских пословиц о дружбе.

Ключевые слова: концепт, дружба, лингвокультурный, вербализация, этнос, национальная специфика, ментальный, пословица, языковая картина мира.

Статья рассматривает национально-культурную специфику в вербализации лингвокультурного концепта «дружба» в русском и английском языках. Концепт «дружба» относится к ментальным про-

странствам, которые имеют прямую связь с духовными ценностями определённой нации или этноса. Концепт «дружба» является ярким ключевым феноменом отражения национально-культурной специфики языка.

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