Научная статья на тему 'Studying the components of principles of Uzbek-English dictionaries constructed by Sh. Butayev, A. Irisqulov and L. Jurayev'

Studying the components of principles of Uzbek-English dictionaries constructed by Sh. Butayev, A. Irisqulov and L. Jurayev Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Ruzimov Sherali Saliyevich, Zaripova Ilmira Shadibek Qizi

Данная статья раскрывает принципы составления узбекско-английских словарей и их исследования со стороны лингвистов как Ш. Бутаев, А. Ирискулов и Л. Джураев, более того показаны их преимущества и недостатки с примерами а также практическими рекомендациями по усовершенствованию принципов составления словарей следующего поколения. И они были разработаны с помощью сравнительно-типологического метода, компонентного анализа и методов классификации. Данные рекомендации могут быть использованы в дальнейшем совершенствовании и улучшении качества перевода словарей.I

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n this article compiling principles of Sh. Butayev, A. Irisqulov, L. Jurayev’s in Uzbek-English dictionaries, were investigated and shown their advantages and disadvantages with examples and practical recommendations for improving compiling principles of the next generation of dictionaries. And they were worked out with the help of comparative-typological method, componential analysis and classification methods. The given recommendations can be used in the further perfection and improvement the quality of the translation of dictionaries.

Текст научной работы на тему «Studying the components of principles of Uzbek-English dictionaries constructed by Sh. Butayev, A. Irisqulov and L. Jurayev»



Ruzimov Sh.S. , Zaripova I.Sh. Email: Ruzimov660@scientifictext.ru

1Ruzimov Sherali Saliyevich - Teacher;



Abstract: in this article compiling principles of Sh. Butayev, A. Irisqulov, L. Jurayev's in Uzbek-English dictionaries, were investigated and shown their advantages and disadvantages with examples and practical recommendations for improving compiling principles of the next generation of dictionaries. And they were worked out with the help of comparative-typological method, componential analysis and classification methods. The given recommendations can be used in the further perfection and improvement the quality of the translation of dictionaries.

Keywords: lexicography, encourage, synonym, stress, principles, critically, recommendations, work out, whole system, scientific.


А. ИРИСКУЛОВЫМ И Л. ЖУРАЕВЫМ 12 Рузимов Ш.С. , Зарипова И.Ш.

1Рузимов Шерали Салиевич - преподаватель; 2Зарипова Ильмира Шадибек кизи - студент; кафедра английского языка и литературы, факультет иностранных языков, Нукусский государственный педагогический институт, г. Нукус, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: данная статья раскрывает принципы составления узбекско-английских словарей и их исследования со стороны лингвистов как - Ш. Бутаев, А. Ирискулов и Л. Джураев, более того показаны их преимущества и недостатки с примерами а также практическими рекомендациями по усовершенствованию принципов составления словарей следующего поколения. И они были разработаны с помощью сравнительно-типологического метода, компонентного анализа и методов классификации. Данные рекомендации могут быть использованы в дальнейшем совершенствовании и улучшении качества перевода словарей.

Ключевые слова: лексикография, ободрять, синоним, ударение, принципы, критически, рекомендации, разрабатывать, целая система, научный.

УДК 82

Thanks to national independence, one can see great changes in economical, political, social life, further development of science, literature, art, increasing publication of books, papers, journals, influence of the press. Teaching foreign languages in Uzbekistan has become significant since the first days of the Independence of our country which pays much attention to the rising of education level of people, their intellectual growth.

As our first President I. A. Karimov said: "Today it is difficult to revalue the importance of knowing foreign languages for our country as our people see their great prosperous future in the cooperation with foreign partners" [1. 8]. It is well known that we cannot imagine learning any language in the world without dictionary. Dictionaries take important part in

spreading novelties and they play the most leading role in studying a language. Dictionaries are used not only to teach and educate users, but also serve to keep close nations.

As we all know, English has become over time a universal language, widely used in commerce, diplomacy, technology, science and basic communication around the world. So, English-Uzbek, Uzbek-English dictionaries will make the universal language of English more easily accessible to speakers of Uzbek, it will also make the rich Uzbek language accessible to English speakers. Taking these facts into consideration, we consider the theme "To explore the compiling principles of Uzbek-English dictionaries" to be today's one of the most important issues. The aim of research - studying practical principles of compiling dictionaries, and working out practical recommendations for improving compiling of the next generation of (especially bilingual) dictionaries. Nowadays much attention is being paid to increase the quality of dictionaries by uzbek lexicographers. In this artcle the structural analysis of Uzbek-English dictionaries, compiled by Sh.Butayev, A.Irisqulov, L. Jurayev was shown in a short form.

Now, we will look through compiling principles of Shavkat Butayev's dictionary (in collaboration with A.Irisqulov).

The main headword is in alphabetical order and printed in large bold type: ABC [eibi:si:] .... Where there are two different headwords which are spelt in the same way, or two distinct new meanings of the same word, these are distinguished by numbers after the headword.

The part of speech, or grammatical category, of the word in italic type. For example: ABC [eibi:si:] n .

Additional idioms are given in order to explain a clear distinction between the meanings of different words. In this case, lexicographers used "~" mark to avoid repetition: book [buk] n kitob; ABC ~ alifbo kitobi. Derived and root words were given which belong to all parts of speech. Where there are synonyms these are printed as headwords in alphabetical order in their place and are explained independently or relied on another synonym: falcated [fekeitid] = falcate

At the end of the dictionary there is a list of geographical names. For instance: Uzbekistan [u:zbeki'sta:n] O'zbekiston [2. 846]. We may say those lexicographers' dictionaries will be the base for further developing of Uzbek lexicography in the future. But there are some problems in those dictionaries to be solved.

General shortcomings of Uzbek-English dictionaries

Typological category of natural gender

In most dictionaries for the words "amakivachcha, tog'avachcha, ammavachcha", the word "cousin" was given in English as their translation. That's to say "cousin" is generally used for both male and female: amakivachcha n cousin [4. 8].

tog'avachcha n cousin (Sh.Butayev, A.Irisqulov)

We consider that separate variants for male and female should also be given in such kind of examples, like this: ammavachcha n cousin (child offather's sister) > "cousin" is used for both male and female. > But nephew is used for male and niece is used for female.

Specific shortcomings of Uzbek-English dictionaries

Sometimes, antonyms were given as the words which are equal in meaning in L. Jurayev's dictionary: busiz a without this (= bu). [4. 22]. In Sh.Butayev and A.Irisqulov's dictionary sometimes grammatical mistakes can be seen: buyon adv since; ... uch yildan ~ since three years. Here should be used "for" instead of "since" before the unit "three years".


After headword synonymic dominant was given in brackets to unknown and unfamiliar words for user: afyun (nasha) n opium, opiate [2. 610]. In his dictionary if a word is synonym to another one in most cases it's meaning was relied on the second one for not to repeat the same explanation twice. But sometimes the meanings of the words in different parts of speech are equalized: ajoyiblik (noun) = ajoyib (adjective) [2. 612].

First of all, for considering synonyms of two words they must be in the same part of speech. So above mentioned example, "ajoyiblik" is a noun, but "ajoyib" belongs to adjective. It is visible such kind of mistakes following examples: achinish (noun) = achinarli (adjective), anoyilik (noun) = anoyi (adjective).

We would like to say that if given word is synonym of another one, relying on it's meaning to the second one again and again is not always true instead of giving translation (explanation). Like this: "pushti=qizg'ish" [3. 411].

They may be synonyms, but they have different degree in denotative meaning of the base of the quantitative meaning of color. We can express that: Gulobi - rose-colored. Pushti - darker than rose-colored. Qizg'ish - darker than pink. Qizil - blood-color. Ol -darker than red. Qirmizi - dark red. In other words, such kind of synonyms are not absolute equal (=). The Uzbek language is rich for synonyms. We can see it's proof above mentioned examples which come one after the other.

In conclusion, if compiled dictionaries are fit for national educational system in learning foreign languages, clear to learners, based on necessary needs, taken user's preference, which improving knowledge of the culture of various countries, into consideration, even time cannot be cause to place a low value on such a good dictionary.

References / Список литературы

1. Karimov I.A. Garmonichno razvitoe pokolenie - osnova progressa Uzbekistana. Rech na devyatoy sessii Oliy Majlisa Respubliki Uzbekistan G'G' Sobr. soch. T. 6. Tashkent, 1998. 350 c.

2. Butayev Shavkat. "Inglizcha-o'zbekcha o'zbekcha-inglizcha". (80000 so'z va ibora) "O'QITUVCHI" nashriyot-matbaa ijodiy uyi, Toshkent, 2013.

3. Butayev Shavkat. Abbos Irisqulov "inglizcha-o'zbekcha o'zbekcha-inglizcha" (70000 so'z va ibora). "Fan" nashriyoti, 2009.

4. Jo 'rayev L. O'zbekcha-inglizcha lug'at (8000 so'z) "Davr". T., 2013.

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