Научная статья на тему 'Studying the aspects of establishing the definition of "innovation activity" and its determining factors'

Studying the aspects of establishing the definition of "innovation activity" and its determining factors Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Yermak Svitlana O., Lisnichenko Olena O.

The article considers interpretations of the essence of the category of «innovative activity» from the view of various scholars who demonstrate versatility and the really existing complexity of this category. An analysis of basic approaches has been conducted by means of grouping, systematization and generalization of scientific studies on this subject, which allowed to identify the main aspects of establishing of this category. The author's definition of the category of «innovative activity» has been provided, which takes into account three main aspects: intensity and complexity, ability to mobilize potential and effectiveness in the form of improved profitability and competitiveness of enterprise. The main groups of factors, which determine innovation activity of enterprise, have been considered with the focus on the external regional factors. Innovative activity of enterprises of Ukraine in terms of regions has been analyzed, characterizing the readiness of key elements of innovation system to upgrade, as well as perceptivity to everything new.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Studying the aspects of establishing the definition of "innovation activity" and its determining factors»

UDC 330.341.1(447)



© 2016 YERMAK S. 0., LISNICHENKO 0. 0.

UDC 330.341.1(447)

Yermak S. O., Lisnichenko O. O. Studying the Aspects of Establishing the Definition of «Innovation Activity»

and Its Determining Factors

The article considers interpretations of the essence of the category of «innovative activity» from the view of various scholars who demonstrate versatility and the really existing complexity of this category. An analysis of basic approaches has been conducted by means of grouping, systematization and generalization of scientific studies on this subject, which allowed to identify the main aspects of establishing of this category. The author's definition of the category of «innovative activity» has been provided, which takes into account three main aspects: intensity and complexity, ability to mobilize potential and effectiveness in the form of improved profitability and competitiveness of enterprise. The main groups of factors, which determine innovation activity of enterprise, have been considered with the focus on the external regional factors. Innovative activity of enterprises of Ukraine in terms of regions has been analyzed, characterizing the readiness of key elements of innovation system to upgrade, as well as perceptivity to everything new. Keywords: innovation efforts, innovation activity, innovation potential, innovative development. Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 21.

Yermak Svitlana O. - PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Enterprise Economics, Donetsk National University of Economy and Trade named after M. Tugan-Baranovsky (16 Ostrovskoho Str., Kryvyi Rih, Dnipropetrovsk region, 50005, Ukraine) E-mail: svetlanaermak@mail.ru

Lisnichenko Olena O. - PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Economy of Enterprises, Donetsk National University of Economy and Trade named after M. Tugan-Baranovsky (16 Ostrovskoho Str., Kryvyi Rih, Dnipropetrovsk region, 50005, Ukraine)

УДК 330.341.1(447) Ермак С. О., ЛЫченко О. О. До^дження аспе^е формуеання дефшцИ «нноеацйна актиенсть» i фaкmорie, що й' еизначають

У cmammi розглянуто трактування сутностi категорП «шновацшна актившсть» с позицй рiзних науков^в, що демонструе багатогран-шсть та реально снуючу складшсть даноi категорП Проведено анал'в основних пiдходiв шляхом групування, систематизацП та узагальнен-ня наукових доМжень з цei теми, що дозволило виявити основн ас-пекти формування даноi категорП. Наведено авторську дефтщю категорП «нновацйна актившсть», яка враховуе три основш аспекти: 'ттенсившсть i комплексшсть, здатшсть до мобтзацП потен^алу i результативнсть у вигляд'> пiдвищення прибутковостi та конкурен-тоспроможностi тдприемства. Розглянуто основт групи фактор'в, що визначають iнновацiйну актившсть тдприемства, причому осно-вну увагу придлено зовнштм регональним факторам. Проанал'вова-но iнновацiйну актившсть тдприемств Укра/ни у регональному роз-рЫ, яка характеризуе готовшсть до оновлення основних елемент'в iнновацiйноi системи, а також сприятливсть до всього нового. Кпючое'1 слова: iнновацiйна д'тльн'кть, iнновацiйна актившсть, 'тно-вацйний потенц'шл, iнновацiйний розвиток. Рис.: 1. Табл.: 3. Вбл.: 21.

Ермак Сетлана Олeкcaндрieнa - кандидат економчних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри економки тдприемства, Донецький нацональний утверситет економ'ши imоргiвлiiм. М. Туган-Барановського (вул. Ост-ровського, 16, Кривий Нг, Днтропетровська область, 50005, Укра/на) E-mail: svetlanaermak@mail.ru

ЛЫченко Олена Олeкcaндрieнa - кандидат економiчних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри економки тдприемств, Донецький нацональний утверситет економ'жи imоргiвлiiм. М. Туган-Барановського (вул. Остров-ського, 16, Кривий Ра, Днтропетровська область, 50005, Укра/на)

УДК 330.341.1(447)

Ермак С. А., Лисниченко Е. А. Исследоеание аспектое формироеания дефиниции «инноеационная актиеность» и определяющих ее факторое

В статье рассмотрены трактовки сущности категории «инновационная активность» с позиций различных ученых, которые демонстрируют многогранность и реально существующую сложность данной категории. Проведен анализ основных подходов путем группировки, систематизации и обобщения научных исследований по этой теме, что позволило выявить основные аспекты формирования данной категории. Приведена авторская дефиниция категории «инновационная активность», которая учитывает три основных аспекта: интенсивность и комплексность, способность к мобилизации потенциала и результативность в виде повышения прибыльности и конкурентоспособности предприятия. Рассмотрены основные группы факторов, определяющих инновационную активность предприятия, причем основное внимание уделено внешним региональным факторам. Проанализирована инновационная активность предприятий Украины в региональном разрезе, характеризующая готовность к обновлению основных элементов инновационной системы, а также восприимчивость ко всему новому. Ключееые слоеа: инновационная активность, инновационная деятельность, инновационный потенциал, инновационное развитие. Рис.: 1. Табл.: 3. Библ.: 21.

Ермак Сеетлана Александроена - кандидат экономических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры экономики предприятия, Донецкий национальный университет экономики и торговли им. М. Туган-Барановского (ул. Островского, 16, Кривой Рог, Днепропетровская область, 50005, Украина) E-mail: svetlanaermak@mail.ru

Лисниченко Елена Александроена - кандидат экономических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры экономики предприятий, Донецкий национальный университет экономики и торговли им. М. Туган-Барановского (ул. Островского, 16, Кривой Рог, Днепропетровская область, 50005, Украина)

Innovation activity has become increasingly important in recent years. Since introduction of innovations in enterprise activity leads to improving the quality of goods and services, expanding their product range, developing new methods of production and marketing of products. Innovations as a management element determine the competitiveness of modern enterprises. The main advantage of

innovation activity is that it offers opportunities to many enterprises for successful operation under conditions of tough competition, ensures production flexibility regarding changes in the demand of the population and enterprises, stimulates profitable use of achievements of scientific and technological progress (STP), etc. [1].

Б1ЗНЕС1НФОРМ № 3 '2016


The innovation process of Ukrainian economy is characterized by contradictory trends. On the one hand, a huge potential represented by fundamental and branch sciences has been accumulated. On the other hand, the level of bringing research results to practically used innovations is very low. A high intensity of the enterprise innovation efforts is a major factor that influences the strategic competitive advantages and strengthening of its market position. The enterprise efforts reflect the relationship between the content of the planned activities and results obtained. In other words, the development of a plan of specific actions regarding the strengthening of the competitive position and implementation of the actions under similar plans, strategy, objectives, resource opportunities can lead to achieving by heads of different enterprises dissimilar results caused by differences in their activity. Differences in innovation efforts form different innovation results under the same prerequisites [2]. Thus, the study of innovation efforts is an important management instrument to achieve high performance of the enterprise.

The research related to issues of innovations and innovation efforts at enterprises are highlighted in works by such foreign and domestic experts: I. Ansoff, D. Morrison, K. V. Baldin, A. V. Baryscheva, V. P. Barancheyev, N. P. Maslennikova, I. V. Baranova, M. V. Cherepanova,

A. O. Tryfilova, I. O. Tarasenko, A. G. Prygozhyi, O. N. Mel-nikov, V. N. Shuvalov, O. V. Tychynskyi, V. N. Gunin and others. However, this direction requires further research and systematization of knowledge in this field.

The study aims at systematization of theoretical provisions concerning the definition of enterprise innovative activity and basic approaches to its essence.

Understanding the term of "innovation/efforts" in economic literature is not unambiguous. Most researchers identify innovation efforts with innovation activity, although they have different essential meaning since activity is occupation, work, a set of actions, while efforts involve active participation, active state [3, p. 271]. Some researchers consider innovation efforts as intensity of the exercising by economic entities of activities in development and attraction of new technologies or improved products into commerce [4, p. 51]. Others - as a comprehensive characteristic of the company innovation activity implying the degree of intensity of undertaken actions and their timeliness [5, p. 170].

Studying the essence of the concept of "innovation efforts" from the point of view of different scientists showed its versatility (Table 1).

Table 1

Defining the essence of the concept of "innovation efforts"


O Q_



Author(-s) Definition

1 2

I. O. Tarasenko [6, p. 135] Innovation efforts of the entity are its orientation to implementation of its strategic development goals under conditions of market competition to ensure the company operation sustain-ability and its success in the long term prospective

A. G. Prygozhyi [7] Innovation efforts are dynamics of the enterprise actions concerning creation of innovations and their practical implementation; an indicator of the vector of enterprise motion in direction of forming competitive advantages under conditions of activation of the dynamics of changes of the environment and resource constraints

O. N. Melnikov, V. N. Shuvalov [8] Innovation efforts are creative activity (creative energy) of producers of goods or services expressed in achieving a specified by demand growth of novelty of technical, technological, economic, organizational, managerial, social, psychological and other indicators of processes, products or services offered by the market and produced by the enterprise in a competitive time period

K. V. Baldin, A. V. Baryscheva, M. M. Ishchenko, I. I. Perederiaiev and others [9] Innovation efforts are a separate category of innovatics, the essence of which is in assessing the nature of the enterprise innovation activity

O. V. Tychynskyi [10] Innovation efforts are actions directed only to possession of innovations and novelties

V. N. Gunin [5] Innovation efforts are a complex category, which includes the ability to mobilize the potential of the required quality and quantity

The European Commission and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) [11] Innovation efforts are combination of all scientific, technological, organizational, financial and commercial measures, which actually result in or aim at introducing innovations

V. Zoryn [12] Innovation efforts are management activity taking into account the needs of the market economy in continuous renewal of goods, services, technologies

I. V. Baranova, M. V. Cherepanova [13] Innovation efforts are a complex characteristic of the intensity of the enterprise innovation activity based on the ability to mobilize the innovative potential

A. O. Tryfilova [14] Innovation efforts are intensity of the exercising by economic entities of activities in development and attraction of new technologies or improved products into commerce

Reference Dictionary of Terms of Normative and Technical Documentation [15] Innovation efforts are a complex characteristic of the enterprise innovation activity implying the degree of intensity of undertaken actions and their timeliness, ability to mobilize the potential of required quantity and quality




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End Table 1

1 2

V. P. Baranchejev, N. P. Maslennikova, V. M. Mishyn [16] Innovation efforts of the company are a comprehensive characteristic of its innovative activity implying the susceptibility to innovations based on competence in matters of progress in this field of activity, the degree of intensity of the performed actions on the transformation of innovations and their timeliness, ability to mobilize the potential of required quantity and quality, including its hidden sides, ability to ensure the validity of the applied methods, rationality of technologies of the innovation process by the composition and sequence of operations

A. Yu. Reutov [17] Innovation efforts are a complex internal characteristic based on the properties, capabilities and competencies of the enterprise as a consumer and supplier of the innovative product

O. M. Belousova [18] Innovative efforts are an activity aimed at solving creative non stereotypical problems brought to the level of commercialization

Different interpretations of the concept of "innovation efforts" reflect the actual complexity of the content of this category. Thus, K. V. Baldin, A. V. Baryscheva and others define innovative efforts as a separate category of inno-vatics, the essence of which is the evaluation of the nature of enterprise innovation activity. V. Zoryn gives a similar definition but adds consideration of the need of the market economy in continuous renewal of products, services and technologies. I. V. Baranova, N. V. Cherepanov also ground their definition of innovation activity on the complex characteristic of innovation. In their work [13] they propose to use for evaluation of innovation activity of any enterprise three methodological approaches: formal, resource-based and cost and result one.

The formal approach allows dividing enterprises into two groups: innovatively active and inactive. Inno-vatively active enterprises are defined by the fact of implementation of works related to innovation activity. The resource and cost based approach involves determining the amount of various resources, which are used by the enterprise at all stages of the innovation process, in terms of value. The result approach is based on the identification of possible effects, which has been received or will be received by the enterprise from its innovation activity, and their monetary evaluation.

To implement this approach, it is necessary to identify the effects (economic, scientific, technical, social, environmental ones), which will be taken into account when evaluating innovative efforts [13].

Another group of economists (V. N. Gunin, V. P. Ba-rancheyev, N. P. Maslennikova, V. M. Mishin and others) considers innovation efforts as a complex category that comprises the ability to mobilize the potential of the required quality and quantity, including its hidden sides. That is, the ability of CEOs of enterprises to mobilize their best resources for overcoming systemic problems and entering a new stage in their economic development.

In their definitions of innovation activity A. G. Pry-gozhyi, O. N. Melnikov, V. N. Shuvalov, A. O. Tryfilova and others emphasize the intensive activity of enterprises in creation of innovations, attraction of new technologies into the economy as well as their introduction and practical implementation. Sensitivity of enterprises to creation and introduction of innovations depends largely on the attitude of executives to innovations, size and nature of the enterprise activity. Low sensitivity can be manifested in a conscious or

actual infringement of the system for managing the scientific and technical development, understated evaluation of importance of the development of employees' initiatives, promotion of developments of innovators and inventors as well as bureaucratic approach to research and development, fear of difficulties at creating new products or implementation of innovations in marketing.

A group of economists headed by I. O. Tarasenko sees innovation efforts in the enterprise orientation to implementing its strategic goals, that is, as the basis for sustainable innovation development. All types of activities, including the innovation one, should be aimed at any result that is characterized by a certain degree of efficiency. R. A. Fatkhutdinov [2, p. 258] describes the activity of the company as one of its characteristics, which should show the connection between the content of the planned activities and its results. That is, potential heads of various enterprises under the same plans, strategies and goals achieve different results due to their unequal efforts. It is the differences in innovation activity that explain the different innovation results under the same prerequisites.

O. M. Bielousova interprets the innovative efforts as an activity aimed at solving creative non-stereotypical problems brought to the level of commercialization. The Law of Ukraine "On Innovation Activity" gives no definition of innovation efforts and innovation activity is defined as activity that aims at use and commercialization of the results of research and development and provides the release of new competitive goods and services [19]. However, the process of commercialization of innovations in Ukraine is complicated due to the need for financial, organizational, regulatory and legal support of innovations. Another factor contributing to the low commercialization of innovations in Ukraine is the lack of an effective system of selection of innovative projects funded with state participation.

On the basis of the analyzed material there can be distinguished the following main aspects in interpretation of the essence of innovation activity (Table 2), with the authors' generally using several of them in its characteristic: + a comprehensive characteristic of innovation activity;

+ mobilization of innovation potential; + the basis of sustainable innovation development; + creation and implementation of innovations; + intensity of the activity implementation; + commercialization of innovations.

Table 2

The main aspects of forming the definition of "innovation efforts"

Author(-s) A comprehensive characteristic of innovation activity Mobilization of innovation potential The basis of sustainable innovation development Creation and implementation of innovations Intensity of the activity Commercialization of innovations

I. O. Tarasenko a

A. G. Prygozhyi a

O. N. Melnikov, V. N. Shuvalov a a

K. V. Baldin, A. V. Baryscheva, M. M. Ischenko, I. I. Perederiayev and others a

O. V. Tychynskyi a

V. N. Gunin a

The European Commission and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) a

V. Zorin a

I. V. Baranova, M. V. Cherepanova a a

A. O. Tryfilova a a

Reference Dictionary of terms normative and technical documentation a a a

V. P. Barancheyev, N. P. Maslennikova, V. M. Mishyn a a a a

A. Yu. Reutov a

O. M. Belousova a

Considering the discussed aspects of forming the definition of "innovation efforts" we can formulate our own definition of this category, which will take into account three main aspects: intensity and complexity, ability to mobilize the potential and efficiency in the form of increased profitability and competitiveness of the enterprise. Thus, enterprise innovative efforts are a comprehensive description of the intensity of the enterprise innovation activity, which is characterized by the ability to mobilize its innovation potential with the aim of increasing its profitability and competitiveness. The study of literary sources has shown that innovative efforts of enterprises are determined by the following groups of factors (Fig. 1).

External or general economic factors usually present forces, which are not controlled by the enterprise but have an influence on its internal processes. Innovation efforts depend on supply and demand in the market, which determine relations between production and consumption; possibility of receiving additional profit, which is a stimulus for implementation of innovations; character of competition; innovation policy of the state; cyclicality of development, which provides connection of business activity with a certain phase of the cycle; economic policy of the state.

The state regulation in the field of innovations can be divided into direct and indirect one. The object of direct state regulation, which is performed in the form of state orders, targeted subsidies or grants system, is a specific innovation project or certain research organizations. In the west

a majority of state programs provide stimulation of industrial cooperation with universities and research centers.

Adjustment of innovation processes by creating a favorable investment climate is the basis of indirect state regulation, a special significance in which is attached to legislation in the field of intellectual property (the license and patent law). Various external factors influence each other and determine a complex effect on the enterprise innovative efforts.

The effectiveness of innovative efforts also depends on external regional factors and is based on a comprehensive consideration of main social and territorial features and socio-economic characteristics of the region. These include: the level of economic and social development of the region, its financial stability, investment and innovation attractiveness, taxable capacity. The abovementioned factors anyhow affect the type of innovation processes in the region, its adaptive capacity, status and level of competitiveness under conditions of transition to the market economy. The analysis of innovation activity of enterprises of Ukraine in the regional context (Table 3) showed that 1609 enterprises or 16.1% of the studied industrial ones were engaged in the innovative activity in Ukraine's industry in 2014.

Among the regions a higher than average share of innovatively active enterprises was observed in Kherson, Zaporizhzhya, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kharkiv, Mykolayiv, Sumy, Kirovograd, Odesa, Lviv region and the city of Kyiv.

Fig. 1. Factors of the enterprise innovation activity Source: developed by the author on the basis of [20].

Innovation activity of industrial enterprises by regions [21]

Table 3

Region The number of innovatively active enterprises The volume of spending on innovation activity,mln UAH The volume of innovative products sold

Total, units In % to the total number of industrial enterprises Total, mln UAH In % to the total volume of industrial production

1 2 3 4 5 6

Ukraine 1609 16.1 7695.9 25669.0 2.5

Vinnytsia region 46 14.2 796.5 664.1 2.3

Volyn region 30 10.8 192.5 316.6 2.5

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Dnipropetrovsk region 109 13.4 825.2 1563.1 0.7

Donetsk region* 45 14.6 516.1 1018.0 1.7

Zhytomyr region 48 12.5 60.6 255.2 1.4

Zakarpattya region 16 6.0 16.6 837.6 8.4

Zaporizhzhya region 108 22.9 339.9 1530.0 1.7

Ivano-Frankivsk region 99 22.8 95.8 883.2 3.8

Kyiv region 66 11.6 122.1 897.4 2.2

Kirovograd region 49 17.3 93.0 504.4 2.9

Luhansk region* 16 12.2 35.1 38.0 0.2

Lviv region 129 16.4 219.7 731.9 2.1

Mykolayiv region 67 19.9 606.8 363.8 1.5

Odesa region 67 16.8 323.9 698.7 2.4

Poltava region 33 8.0 348.5 6519.5 8.9

Rivne region 45 14.9 11.4 134.6 0.8

Sumy region 46 17.6 587.7 2610.7 10.4

Ternopil region 36 14.9 57.4 133.4 1.7

Kharkiv region 191 22.4 711.1 2609.8 3.8

Kherson region 54 24.2 90.5 657.8 5.4

Khmelnytsk region 38 11.0 133.1 162.8 0.9




m o




End Table 3

1 2 3 4 5 6

Cherkasy region 37 10.6 30.4 556.3 1.6

Chernivtsi region 34 15.6 68.8 81.7 2.0

Chernihiv region 32 13.1 106.4 151.7 1.0

Kyiv 168 21.7 1306.8 1748.6 2.0

* Not including the territory of ATO.

The internal factors can be considered from two sides: on the one hand - factors that characterize the enterprise "internal resources", which are influenced by external conditions (innovation policy, state policy in the field of science and education). These include: the enterprise financial state, its scientific and technical, production and human resources. On the other hand - factors that form the system of internal economic relations and means of interaction with environmental factors: the form of ownership for the means of production, organizational structure, which conditions the mobility of the economic system in the process of decisionmaking, enterprise size and its, industry affiliation.


Thus, the article studies the essence of the concept of innovation efforts, defines the main aspects of forming the given term, considers basic groups of factors, which determine the enterprise innovative efforts. Therefore, the enterprise innovation efforts of a certain region are the main characteristic of its innovation development. It characterizes the readiness for updating main elements of the innovation system and susceptibility to anything new. Therefore, in further research it would be appropriate to pay attention to the state of innovation activity of Ukrainian enterprises, problems of its development and seeking ways for its intensification. ■


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