Научная статья на тему 'Study of the drying process dry milk-plant compositions'

Study of the drying process dry milk-plant compositions Текст научной статьи по специальности «Химические технологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по химическим технологиям, автор научной работы — Shyngisov A., Kozhabekova G., Berdembetova A., Shinaliyeva A., Koshtaeyeva G.

The article describes the results of studies of drying milk-plant composition. The investigations showed that the drying process combined milk-plant composition consists of two periods: the period of constant drying rate period and the feeding speed of drying. The duration of the first drying period is 24 hours, and the second period is 5 hours. The intensity of evaporation of moisture in the first drying period combined milk-plant composition of the moisture is an average of 9,5 g per hour.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Study of the drying process dry milk-plant compositions»



Shyngisov A., Kozhabekova G., Berdembetova A,.

Shinaliyeva A,.

Koshtaeyeva G,.

Mukhtarova G,.

Absalieva N.

3st yeak student

M.O.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, city Shymkent, Republic of Kazakhstan.


The article describes the results of studies of drying milk-plant composition. The investigations showed that the drying process combined milk-plant composition consists of two periods: the period of constant drying rate period and the feeding speed of drying. The duration of the first drying period is 24 hours, and the second period is 5 hours. The intensity of evaporation of moisture in the first drying period combined milk-plant composition of the moisture is an average of 9,5 g per hour.

Keywords: enriched with the combined juice, sublimation drying, dry milk-plant composition.


At present, the use of dairy products is greatly expanding, but in milk the content of free water is very high. This is the part of milk which is well developed all microorganisms. This means that the shelf life of milk a bit.

The amount of water in milk can be reduced by different methods [1,2]. One of such methods is the drying of milk. From the standpoint of maximum conservation of the original qualities of promising is freeze-drying [3].

Obtained by freeze-drying cow's milk has a number of advantages compared to conventional milk. First, the increased shelf life of the product. Secondly, during storage does not require a negative temperature (cold storage), powder should only be kept at a certain humidity. Another positive feature is the compactness of the finished product, that is, it does not take much space, and has a small mass. All these properties are indicators economically advantageous sale of fermented Mare's milk, obtained by freeze-drying.

Sublimation drying cow's milk represents the removal of moisture by freezing, without destroying the structure of the original product. About 70 - 90 % moisture is removed from the product at low temperatures, and the rest most bound moisture at positive tempera-ture[4].

The essence of sublimation drying is that the milk is frozen and under certain conditions ice, bypassing the liquid phase evaporates, and after grinding is obtained ready powdered dry product.

The sublimation drying process of products consists of two main stages (freezing and drying of the product) and the stage of dryness. The first stage is the freezing of the product at a temperature below its point of solidification. The second stage is the freeze drying, the removal of ice at very low temperatures, the drying of the product. A substantial impact on the quality and duration of the received the finished product, is the

stage of freezing. The faster the product is frozen, the smaller the ice crystals formed in the product, the faster they evaporate in the second stage of drying of the product and the higher the quality of the product. Since the removal of the bulk of the moisture from the product occurs at low temperatures (-20...-30 degrees Celsius), and the final drying is carried out with gentle (not above 40 degrees) temperature, the result is a high degree of safety of the most biologically valuable components of the commodity[5].

Since the final moisture content of freeze-vacuum materials is very low (about 2-5%), it creates all the preconditions for their long storage in the conditions of unregulated temperatures. Preserving freeze drying is a progressive technology, and in some cases no alternative.

One of the primary advantages of vacuum drying products is also a small shrinkage of the original product that gives you the opportunity to avoid their destruction and to recover quickly freeze-dried products having, after drying, a porous structure, by adding water.

High quality and biological value of finished sublimated products due to the fact that treatment can only be exposed to fresh raw materials.

Preserving by the method of freeze-drying does not require the addition of any chemical and other flavorings, preservatives and stabilizers, etc., which is another advantage.

It is obtained through sublimation drying milk is a product of the future, preserving all the properties and qualities of the original product. It is used most often in dairy mixes. In recent years, the dairy industry is increasing its emphasis on the creation of dry milk-vegetable compositions that are for regular consumption and have a beneficial regulating effect on the body. The production of such products is one of priority directions of development of dairy branch of Kazakhstan.

Objects and methods of research

Materials: mixed milk-plant composition. Method of research

Combined milk-plant composition is frozen in the tray size 300x200 mm, thickness 2.5-3 mm at the temperature of 18-20C for 24 hours in the refrigerator. Then the trays were placed sublimation chamber and subjected to drying at the temperature of 10-12C with the residual air pressure in the sublimation chamber 75 to 80 PA. The duration of the process vacuum freeze-

drying was 29 hours. Next, the dried combined milk-vegetable composition is subjected to grinding in a mill to particle size distribution composition of particles up to 45-50 microns.

Results and discussion

The results of the study the mass changes of the milk-plant composition during drying is shown in fig-ure-1.





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0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 The drying time, hour

Figure-1. The change of mass of the combined dairy and plant composition during the drying process.

The analysis of the figure-1 shows that the main change in the mass of products in process of drying is in the range of duration from 2 hours to 24 hours.

The results of the study change of moisture content in milk-vegetable composition is shown in figure-2.



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0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 The drying time, hour

Figure-2. Changes in the moisture content of the combined dairy and plant composition during the drying


The data given in the figure-2 shows that the drying process combined dairy plant composition consists of two periods: the period of constant drying rate period and the feeding speed of drying. The duration of the

first drying period is 24 hours, and the second period is 5 hours.

The results of the study of the intensity of moisture evaporation during drying of the combined milk-vegetable composition is shown in figure-3.

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0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 The drying time,hour

Figure-3. The intensity of moisture evaporation during drying of the combined milk and plant composition.

Data analysis is shown in figure-3 shows that in the first drying period combined milk-plant composi-tion,the intensity of evaporation is an average of 9.5 g per hour.


Based on the conducted study it can be concluded that dry powder combined milk and apple and pumpkin composition can be stored for a long time conditions of unregulated temperatures. This allows evenly throughout the year to meet the needs of the population and processing plant, and can be successfully used for feeding children and the elderly, and can also be the main dish in the diet of patients.


1. Krus G.N, Shalygina A.M, Volotkina Z.B. Research methods milk and milk products/- M.: Kolos, 2000. - p 368.

2. Golubeva L.V., Ponareva A.N., Polianskii K.K., Modern technology of milk pasteurized. - Voronej.: Izd-vo VGO, 2001. - p 104.

3. Antipov A.V. Freeze-drying as a method of preserving products / A. V. Antipov, C. B. Dugarov. Processing of milk, - 2012. - № 11. -p30-32.

4. Agafhonchev V.P. Scientific support of the process of freeze drying food products- M.: Kolos, - 2002. - p 285.

5. Nechaev A.P.,Trautenberg S.E., Kochetkova A.A. Food chemistry - SPs.: GIORD, 2001. - p 592 (textbook for high schools).


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Ячиков И.М.,

д-р техн. наук, проф., проф. кафедры вычислительной техники и программирования ФГБОУ ВО «Магнитогорский государственный технический университет им. Г.И. Носова»

Ларина Т.П.

старший преподаватель кафедры электротехники и электротехнических систем ФГБОУ ВО «Магнитогорский государственный технический университет им. Г.И. Носова» ASSESSMENT OF POWER OF HASHING OF FUSION IN THE BATHTUB THE ARC FURNACE OF THE DIRECT CURRENT UNDER ACTIONELECTRVORTEX CURRENTS Yachikov I.M. Larina T.P.


В дуговой печи постоянного тока происходит электромагнитное перемешивание жидкого металла за счет объемных электромагнитных сил, возникающих при взаимодействии тока, протекающего по ванне от пятна дуги к подовому электроду, с собственным магнитным полем. Для дуговой печи постоянного тока с осесимметричным расположением подового электрода получены выражения для определения мощности и кинетической энергии расплава при электровихревом перемешивании. В результате математического анализа и компьютерного моделирования выявлены основные факторы, влияющие на мощность и кинетическую энергию электровихревых течений. Установлено, что мощность электровихревых течений, определяющих перемешивание металла в ванне дуговой печи, пропорциональна плотности расплава, кубу тока дуги и расстоянию между пятном дуги и подовым электродом. Кроме этого, мощность определяется их интенсивностью, которая зависит от размеров и конфигурации подового электрода и пятна дуги.


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