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parasite / infection / invasion / extensiveness / ectoparasite / intestinal parasites

Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Aygun Azizova, Asaf Omarov, Siala Rustamova, Kamran Karimov

The epizootic situation of parasitic and infection diseases of Karabakh and Dilbasa horses in spring, summer, autumn and winter periods has been studied. Infection in horses is mainly caused by nematodes Strongyle sp., Trichonema sp., Oxyuris sp., Parascaris sp. was noted. High infestation was observed in the spring, summer and autumn seasons. Intestinal parasites of horses Eimeria sp. recorded with low intensity in all seasons. Infestation with ectoparasites ticks Dermacentor marginatus, Hyalomma plumbeum, Rhipicephalus bursa and Ixodes ricinus was intense in spring and summer. Bacteriological and serological studies were carried out in 170 horses to identify pathogens of infectious diseases. 86 horse samples tested positive for Chlamydophila s

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Department of Parasitology Scientific Research Veterinary Institute, Baku, Azerbaijan


Khazar University, Baku, Azerbaijan


Scientific Research Veterinary Institute, Baku, Azerbaijan


The Azerbaijan Equestrian Federation, Baku, Azerbaijan

The epizootic situation of parasitic and infection diseases of Karabakh and Dilbasa horses in spring, summer, autumn and winter periods has been studied. Infection in horses is mainly caused by nematodes - Strongyle sp., Trichonema sp., Oxyuris sp., Parascaris sp. was noted. High infestation was observed in the spring, summer and autumn seasons. Intestinal parasites of horses Eimeria sp. recorded with low intensity in all seasons. Infestation with ectoparasites - ticks Dermacentor marginatus, Hyalomma plumbeum, Rhipicephalus bursa and Ixodes ricinus was intense in spring and summer. Bacteriological and serological studies were carried out in 170 horses to identify pathogens of infectious diseases. 86 horse samples tested positive for Chlamydophila sp.

Keywords: parasite, infection, invasion, extensiveness, ectoparasite, intestinal parasites


The people of Azerbaijan have been engaged in horse breeding for 1000 years and brought out the world-famous Karabakh and Dilbaz horse breeds. Formed as a result of a long evolutionary process on the basis of local horses that have existed in Azerbaijan since ancient times, these horses are the result of centuries of creative folk selection. Azerbaijan is one of the countries where equestrianism has been formed since ancient times. Most historical sources state that the horse was first domesticated in the regions of Turkestan close to Iran. Many sources indicate that the first human settlements where horses were domesticated along the southeastern, in the Pontic-Caspian steppes. In any case, the territory of the modern Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as South Azerbaijan (Iran), coincides with the intersection of settlements considered by various researchers to have domesticated horses and formed horse breeding [1,2,3,4].

For today, the genomes of Karabakh and Dilbaz horses have not been studied and no genes or alleles have been identified that distinguish these horses from other horses. Based on this, a comprehensive phenotypic and genetic study (allele), as well as selection and improvement data of the genome was carried out to identify genes and allelic variations that characterize Karabakh and Dilbaz horses, bred for the first time on horse farms in Azerbaijan, and to preserve the gene

pool of breeds by identifying important phenotypic traits and relationships between genes, on the basis of which a research project is planned to increase its effectiveness. Since completely healthy horses are used for sequencing the horse genome, the research phases of the project include the study of infectious, parasitic and non-infectious diseases of horses. For this reason, Karabakh and Dilbaz horses bred in Agstafa and Agdam breeding farms are regularly examined for infectious and parasitic diseases.

The scientific idea of the project is also of great importance in the preparation of individuals free from parasitic diseases, as it is industrially oriented. During the study, the clinical signs of parasitic diseases in Karabakh and Dilbaz horses - loss of luster in the hair, low weight, and the appearance of individual helminths in fecal samples necessitated examinations in this direction[5]. One of the stages of the work was to study the parasitic diseases of horses and identify the perpetrators of the invasion. Thus, parasitic diseases - helminthiasis and invasions caused by primary parasites are also intensively recorded in horses. In recent years, changes in climatic conditions, and increased rainfall have had a direct impact on the circulation of helminths in the environment, and the infection of horses with parasitic diseases has intensified [5,6]. It is known that ticks that carry pathogens in horses are also parasitic. These ticks, which attack the legs, abdomen, ears, and chest of horses, not only suck blood but also transmit invasive and infectious agents to animals. Ticks, which cause dangerous diseases in horses - piroplasmosis and nuttaliosis, are carriers of Piroplasma genus, Piroplasma caballi, and Nuttallia equi, genus Nuttallia [3,4,7]. These parasites, which multiply by localizing in erythrocytes, cause serious pathological processes [8,9,10]. Elevated or below normal body temperature, anemia in the visible mucous membranes, and sometimes yellow or orange staining are the first clinical signs of the disease.

Material and methods

175 feces samples were taken from the Karabakh equestrian complex, and 110 samples were taken from the Dilbaz equestrian complex. Feces samples were delivered to the Parasitology Laboratory of the Veterinary Research Institute in accordance with the cold chain principle. Feces samples of helminths - were examined by Vishnyauskas and Fulleborn-Darling methods for primary intestinal parasites (Eimeria sp.) [9,10,11,12]. In order to study the dynamics of seasonal and age-related changes in helminth infections, male and female horses of different ages were studied.

Fig 1. Coprological sampling

Capiliar blood smears were prepared from suspected horses to detect blood-parasitic diseases. Saturated, semi-saturated ticks of different species and species collected from the examined animals were collected in Florinski tubes and determined by the Pomerantsov method [13]. To determine the infection of blood-parasitic ticks with blood parasites and the type of parasite, Pavlovsky's cereal smear was made from the internal organs of the tick (salivary glands, intestines, ovaries, Malpighian tubes), the smears were fixed in methyl alcohol, Romanov methods was performed for staining and microscopy investigation was accomplished. The Bell microscope used a 10x10 magnifying glass for helminth eggs, a 10x40 magnifying glass for primary intestinal parasites, and a 10x100 magnifying glass for tracking blood parasites.

Fig 2. Pathological sampling

Pathological materials were taken from horses - amniotic fluid, swabs were taken from the uterus and blood was investigated by bacteriological, serological and biological tests. Bacteriological inoculations were prepared on MacConkey agar, samples were taken with sterile swabs, and smears were prepared from mature colonies after 1 day, stained by Gram, Romanovsky-Giemsa and microscopy. 8 horses of Karabakh and Dilbaz breeds were examined by the Ros-Bengal method for brucellosis and 8 horses by ELISA for chlamydia. Primitive parasites of the genus Trypanosoma also play an important role in causing abortions in horses. Therefore, furoti blood samples were taken from sick horses - 18 Karabakh, 15 Dilbaz horses, stained according to the Romanovsky-Giemsa method and examined under a microscope. Analysis of the results showed that no antibodies were found in 8 Karabakh and Dilbaz horses examined for brucellosis by the Rose-Bengal method. Antibodies to chlamydia were found in 27 out of 33 horses examined by ELISA. It was revealed that ricketia-chlamydia was the causative agent that caused infertility in 15 out of 175 mares (IE 8,6 %) in the Karabakh stud farm and abortions in 12 out of 110 selected mares (IE 10,9%) in the Dilbaz stud farm.

Fig 3. Examination of brucellosis and chlamydia by Rose-Bengal and ELISA methods


Infection in horses is mainly caused by nematodes - Strongyle sp., Trichonema sp., Oxyuris sp., Parascaris sp. was noted. High infestation was observed in the spring, summer and autumn seasons. The incidence of helminthiasis was higher in the Dilbaz equestrian farm than in the Karabakh equestrian complex.

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c) d)

Fig 4. Helminth eggs under a microscope

a) Strongyle sp.; b) Trichonema sp.; c) Oxyuris sp.; d) Parascaris sp.

Eimeriosis disease in horses does not cause serious pathological problems. In our study, Eimeria sp. 1-2 samples in a field of view of the microscope all season. this is due to the conditions of keeping horses and the presence of a favorable environment for the development of eimeria.

Fig 5. Eimeria sp

Ectoparasites were collected in spring and summer time and the intensity was 5-17 samples. The ticks were identified as Ixodes ricinus, Rhipicephalus bursa, Hyalommaplumbeum, Dermacentor marginatus.

Fig 6. Peritrema of female ticks

Although deformed erythrocytes were observed in blood samples taken from horses supposed of having the disease and with intense ticks on them, protozoa were not detected (an indication that the pathological process in the animal was of infectious origin).

Fig 7. Study of parasites by the Romanovsky-Giemsa method

A swab taken from the foal ducts of mares was examined for chlamydia by staining according to the Machiavello method and the Stamp method. Under the microscope, intracellular stained chlamydial pathogens were found.

Fig 8. Chlamydophila sp. in microscope

Analysis of the results showed that Karabakh and Dilbaz horses examined for brucellosis by the Rose-Bengal method did not have antibodies. In horses examined by ELISA, antibodies to chlamydia were found. In horses, rickettsial-chlamydial and negative-positive rods were observed in the amniotic fluid, bacteriological cultures of swabs taken from the uterus. It was revealed that the rickettial-chlamydial pathogen that caused infertility and abortions in the Karabakh and Dilbaz breeding farms. Before gene sequencing of horses, therapeutic measures are taken to eliminate existing diseases.


1. Parasitic and infectious diseases are observed in both farms;

2. Infection of horses with helminths was intense in all seasons of the year, while infection with intestinal parasites was observed at a low intensity.

3. The intensity of pathogens of parasitic diseases varied depending on the age, sex (males, females) and the season of horses;

4. The percentage of parasitic diseases in the Dilbaz stud farm was higher than in the Karabakh stud farm.

5. Chlamydia was intensively detected in serological samples and smears in horses.


The authors acknowledge the Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, "Science-Education-Industry" Grant project: № EiF-MQM-ETS-1-2020-1(35)-3191.


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