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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Voloshyna D.M, Sukachova O.M.

To identify the psychological characteristics of the stress response among medical students 77 students of 1 course of the Medical School of V.N. KarazinKharkiv National University (24 boys and 53 girls) aged from 16 to 23 years were examined to determine the academic stress by a test developed by U.V.Shcherbatyh. The most powerful factors in the formation of stress disorders among all students, regardless of gender, have been irregular meals and a large academic load. The most prominent causes of stress among young men were large academic load (25%), irregular meals (25%) and the lack of textbooks (25%). Girls have revealed most sensitive causes of stress us their inability to organize their daily routine (38%), irregular meals 36%, a large academic load (28%), shyness and timidity (28%). Among female students of the Medical Scholl the high-risk of stress disorder indicators was observed in 24% more than in male population, with predominance in the total number of risk factors, as well as in their degree of severity. С целью изучения предпосылок и факторов формирования стресса среди медицинских студентов было обследовано 77 студентов 1 курса медицинского факультета ХНУ имени В.Н. Каразина (24 юноши и 53 девушки) в возрасте от 16 до 23 лет с помощью теста на учебный стресс, разработанного Ю.В. Щербатых [12]. Выявлены наиболее сильные факторы формирования стрессовых расстройств среди медицинских студентов: нерегулярное питание и большая учебная нагрузка. Среди юношей были наивысшими: большая учебная нагрузка (25%), нерегулярное питание (25%) и отсутствие учебников (25%). Девушки наиболее чувствительными причинами стресса выявили неумение организовать свой режим дня (38%), нерегулярное питание 36%, большая учебная нагрузка (28%), стеснительность и застенчивость (28%). У девушек студенток медицинского факультета наблюдалось на 24% чаще высокие показатели риска развития стрессовых расстройств, причём преобладание наблюдалось как в общем количестве факторов риска, так и в степени их выраженности.

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Коллекция гуманитарных исследований. Электронный научный журнал. The Collection of Humanitarian Researches. Electronic scientific journal

peer-reviewed • open access journal ISSN 250-3585

УДК: 616.89-057.875:159.922.1 ВВК: 52.525.1

Психологические науки


© D.M. Voloshyna1, O.M. Sukachova2

1Voloshyna D.M. - PhD, University of Michigan, Medical School, Department of Psychiatry. E-mail: voloshdin@yahoo.com

Address: 4250 Plymouth Rd, Ann Arbor, MI, USA 48109

2Sukachova O.M. - PhD, V.N. KarazinKharkiv National University, Medical School, Department

of Psychiatry, Narcology, Neurology and Medical Psychology

E-mail: olga_sukachova@ukr.net

Address: 61022, Freedom Square 6, Kharkov, Ukraine



To identify the psychological characteristics of the stress response among medical students 77 students of 1 course of the Medical School of V.N. KarazinKharkiv National University (24 boys and 53 girls) aged from 16 to 23 years were examined to determine the academic stress by a test developed by U.V.Shcherbatyh.

The most powerful factors in the formation of stress disorders among all students, regardless of gender, have been irregular meals and a large academic load. The most prominent causes of stress among young men were large academic load (25%), irregular meals (25%) and the lack of textbooks (25%). Girls have revealed most sensitive causes of stress us their inability to organize their daily routine (38%), irregular meals 36%, a large academic load (28%), shyness and timidity (28%). Among female students of the Medical Scholl the high-risk of stress disorder indicators was observed in 24% more than in male population, with predominance in the total number of risk factors, as well as in their degree of severity.

Keywords: stress, formationfactors, stress resistance, gender differences.


University is a pivotal period in a young adult's life; however, for some, university may be a recipe for disaster due to the stress and pressures that come along with university education. The learning process built on the basis of the sessions, - short periods of time with the examinations and tests, - gives a serious burden on the adaptive capacity of the organism and causes stress [1, 2].A huge burden placed on vulnerable psyche of a young man, often not firmly established. The importance of studying the features of stress among students is at the stage of development. The influence of the difference between social environment and culture in the formation of stress among students is defined[3]. More pronounced level of stress among students of medical schools is identified: medical students consequently suffer from depression, anxiety, and stress[4 - 8]. Some studies indicated that examination and examination results were the highest causes of stress in students [9]. Australian study found the overseas students manifested significantly higher degrees of various stress indicators than did the local students [10].Feelings of loneliness and learning burnout negatively influenced students' overall academic experience and their perceptions of stress[11].In addition, further study of gender differences in the formation of stress and peculiarities of stress resistance is particularly important [2, 8].


Study of preconditions and factors of stress formation among students of both genders, the definition of stress features among medical students and its gender characteristics.


To identify the psychological characteristics of the stress response among medical students 77 students of 1 course of the Medical School of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University(24 boys and 53 girls) aged from 16 to 23 years were examined to determine the academic stress by a test developed by U.V. Shcherbatyh. This test allows you to specify the main causes of academic stress, identify the symptoms of stress and the main stress reduction techniques by students[12]. All students are were considered us healthy people.

Processing ofthe resultswas performed using Microsoft Office XL 2010 Software [14].


Features of the causes of stress are shown in Table 1, the structure of the causes of stress among medical students of both genders are given in Diagram 1.

As a first approximation, significantly qualitative and quantitative predominance of factors leading to the stress formationwas observed among girls.

Table 1.

Features of the causes of stress (UV ShCherbatyh questionnaire)

Diagram 1. The structure of causes of stress (UV ShCherbatyh questionnaire).

Thus, among young men only four representatives (16%) had 3 or more compared with an increased risk (more than 8 points). Girls statistic was less optimistic: 21 student (40%) had a risk of stress disorder developing.

The most prominent causes of stress among young men were large academic load (25%), irregular meals (25%) and the lack of textbooks (25%). Girls have revealed most sensitive causes of stress us their inability to organize their daily routine (38%), irregular meals 36%, a large academic load (28%), shyness and timidity (28%). The most powerful factors in the formation of stress disorders among all students, regardless of gender, have been irregular meals and a large academic load.

It should be noted that financial limitations were perceived more painful by boys. Also, interesting fact was that the girls had lower factor "problem of living together with other students," proving higher adaptable possibilities of females in the social environment and a lighter adaptability of the them during working in a group. DISCUSSION.

Levels of stress factors presence cor-

respond to those in previous studies [3 -11]. In contradistinction to Canadian study, where were no significant gender differences in academic stress (however, females showed higher levels of social support coping) [2],in our study, a significant difference of the presence and severity of factors of stress disorders formation among boys and girls has been identified. Also, a greater capacity of girls to willingness to work in a group has been identified, which is consistent with previous studies[2, 8].


Among female students of the Medical Scholl the high-risk of stress disorder indicators was observed in 24% more than in male population, with predominance in the total number of risk factors, as well as in their degree of severity. The high frequency of expressed degree of the predictors of stress reaction formation among girls compared with the corresponding figures among young men shows the influence of gender, which requires greater attention and further study.



1.Gusev A.V. Manifestations of stress and personality characteristics students // The world of science, culture and education. - № 1 (44) 2014. - pp. 262 - 264.

2. Stoliker B.E.; Lafreniere K.D. The Influence of Perceived Stress, Loneliness, and Learning Burnout on University Students' Educational Experience // College Student Journal, Vol. 49, Issue 1, 2015. - pp. 146-160.

3. Bayram N., Bilgel N. The prevalence and socio-demographic correlations of depression, anxiety and stress among a group of university students // Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. - Vol. 43, Issue 8. -August 2008. - pp 667-672.

4. Henning K, Ey S, Shaw D. Perfectionism, the imposter phenomenon and psychological adjustment in medical, dental, nursing and pharmacy students. Med Educ. 1998;32:pp. 456-464.

5. Helmers K.F, Danoff D., Steinert Y., Leyton M., Young S.N. Stress and depressed

14 mood in medical students, law students, and

graduate students at McGill University.Academ-ic Medicine: Vol. 72, Issue 8. - August 1997. - pp. 708 - 714.

6. Dyrbye L.N., Thomas M.R., Eack-er A., et al. Race, ethnicity, and medical student well-being in the United States. Arch Intern Med. 2007;167: pp. 2103-2109.

7. Yusoff M.S., Abdul Rahim A.F., Baba A.A., Ismail S.B., Mat Pa M.N., Esa A.R. The impact of medical education on psychological health of students: a cohort study. Psychol Health Med. 2013;18: pp. 420-430.

8. Schernhammer ES, Colditz GA. Suicide rates among physicians: a quantitative and gender assessment (meta-analysis) Am J Psychiatry. 2004;161:2295-2302

9. Reda Abouserie. Sources and Levels of Stress in Relation to Locus of Control and Self Esteem in University Students Educational Psychology. An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology. - Vol. 14, Issue 3. 1994 - pp. 323-330.

10. Robert B. Burns Study and Stress among First Year Overseas Students in an Australian University // Higher Education Research & Development. - Vol. 10, Issue 1, 1991. - pp. 61-77

11. Dwyer, Andrea L.; Cummings, Anne L. Stress, self-efficacy, social support, and coping strategies in university students // Canadian Journal of Counselling, Vol. 35(3), Jul 2001, pp. 208-220.

12. Lapach S.N., Chubenko A.V., Babich P.N. Statistical methods in biomedical research using Excel. - Kiev: Morion, 2000. - 320 p.


Волошина Д.Н.1, Сукачёва О.Н.2

1BoAomuHa A.M. - PhD, University of Michigan, Medical School, Department of Psychiatry. E-mail: voloshdin@yahoo.com

Address: 4250 Plymouth Rd, Ann Arbor, MI, USA 48109

2CyKaHeea O.M. - PhD, V.N. KarazinKharkiv National University, Medical School, Department

of Psychiatry, Narcology, Neurology and Medical Psychology

E-mail: olga_sukachova@ukr.net

Address: 61022, Freedom Square 6, Kharkov, Ukraine


С целью изучения предпосылок и факторов формирования стресса среди медицинских студентов было обследовано 77 студентов 1 курса медицинского факультета ХНУ имени В.Н. Каразина (24 юноши и 53 девушки) в возрасте от 16 до 23 лет с помощью теста на учебный стресс, разработанного Ю.В. Щербатых [12]. Выявлены наиболее сильные факторы формирования стрессовых расстройств среди медицинских студентов: нерегулярное питание и большая учебная нагрузка. Среди юношей были наивысшими: большая учебная нагрузка (25%), нерегулярное питание (25%) и отсутствие учебников (25%). Девушки наиболее чувствительными причинами стресса выявили неумение организовать свой режим дня (38%), нерегулярное питание 36%, большая учебная нагрузка (28%), стеснительность и застенчивость (28%).

У девушек студенток медицинского факультета наблюдалось на 24% чаще высокие показатели риска развития стрессовых расстройств, причём преобладание наблюдалось как в общем количестве факторов риска, так и в степени их выраженности.

Ключевые слова: стресс, факторы формирования, стрессоустойчивость, гендерные различия.



1. Gusev A.V. Manifestations of stress and personality characteristics students // The world of science, culture and education. - № 1 (44) 2014. - pp. 262 - 264.

2. Stoliker B.E.; Lafreniere K.D. The Influence of Perceived Stress, Loneliness, and Learning Burnout on University Students' Educational Experience // College Student Journal, Vol. 49, Issue 1, 2015. - pp. 146-160.

3. Bayram N., Bilgel N. The prevalence and socio-demographic correlations of depression, anxiety and stress among a group of university students // Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. - Vol. 43, Issue 8. - August 2008.

- pp 667-672.

4. Henning K, Ey S, Shaw D. Perfectionism, the imposter phenomenon and psychological adjustment in medical, dental, nursing and pharmacy students. Med Educ. 1998;32:pp. 456-464.

5. Helmers K.F, Danoff D., Steinert Y., Ley-ton M., Young S.N. Stress and depressed mood in medical students, law students, and graduate students at McGill University.Academic Medicine: Vol. 72, Issue 8. - August 1997. - pp. 708

- 714.

6. Dyrbye L.N., Thomas M.R., Eacker A., et al. Race, ethnicity, and medical student well-being in the United States. Arch Intern Med.

2007;167: pp. 2103-2109.

7. Yusoff M.S., Abdul Rahim A.F., Baba A.A., Ismail S.B., Mat Pa M.N., Esa A.R. The impact of medical education on psychological health of students: a cohort study. Psychol Health Med. 2013;18: pp. 420-430.

8. Schernhammer ES, Colditz GA. Suicide rates among physicians: a quantitative and gender assessment (meta-analysis) Am J Psychiatry. 2004;161:2295-2302

9. Reda Abouserie. Sources and Levels of Stress in Relation to Locus of Control and Self Esteem in University Students Educational Psychology. An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology. - Vol. 14, Issue 3. 1994 - pp. 323-330.

10. Robert B. Burns Study and Stress among First Year Overseas Students in an Australian University // Higher Education Research & Development. - Vol. 10, Issue 1, 1991. - pp. 61-77

11. Dwyer, Andrea L.; Cummings, Anne L. Stress, self-efficacy, social support, and coping strategies in university students // Canadian Journal of Counselling, Vol. 35(3), Jul 2001, pp. 208-220.

12. Lapach S.N., Chubenko A.V., Babich P.N. Statistical methods in biomedical research using Excel. - Kiev: Morion, 2000. - 320 p.

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