STRUCTURING ОF TEАCHING АND LEАRNING АCTIVITIES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
structure / teаching / leаrning / lаnguаge / fоreign lаnguаge / аctivity.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Uminisо Shаrоbiddinоvnа Оrunbоyevа

The аrticle discusses structuring оf teаching аnd leаrning аctivities.

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Central Asian Research Journal For Interdisciplinary Studies (CARJIS)

ISSN (online): 2181-2454

Volume 2 | Issue 5 | May, 2022 | SJIF: 5,965 | UIF: 7,6 | ISRA: JIF 1.947 | Google Scholar |

www.carjis.org DOI: 10.24412/2181-2454-2022-5-380-383


Uminiso Sharobiddinovna Orunboyeva

Fergana polytechnic institute


The article discusses structuring of teaching and learning activities.

Keywords: structure, teaching, learning, language, foreign language, activity.


There are very different factors - e.g. individual, institutional or legal aspects -which influence teaching and lesson planning. There were also presented a series of key questions to consider when planning and organizing of learner-centred courses are helpful (analysis of the language teaching/language learning situation).

The focus is now on approaches to structuring of teaching and learning activities, i.e. the planning of lessons in the narrower sense.


Ende/ Grotjahn/ Kleppin/ Mohr name twelve such teaching/learning activities, which are characteristic of foreign language lessons (or foreign language lessons in general). are:

Motivation: generation of motivation, activation of prior knowledge, guidance on the topic, building up expectations, etc.

Presentation: Presentation of an audio or reading text, a video, a dialogue, a word field, etc., presentation of speech/content also through a teacher's lecture.

Semantization: mediation or development of word meaning or of meaning and function of grammatical phenomena (e.g. meaning of the passive etc.)

Leading to semanticization: collecting or representing linguistic structures so that regularities can be derived, often in one classroom discussion guided by questions.

Systematization: Mediation or development of a regularity (word position, word formation, intonation, pronunciation, declension, conjugation, etc.), register-dependent language usage, etc.

Securing understanding: Securing the understanding of a text on the linguistic

Central Asian Research Journal For Interdisciplinary Studies (CARJIS)

ISSN (online): 2181-2454

Volume 2 | Issue 5 | May, 2022 | SJIF: 5,965 | UIF: 7,6 | ISRA: JIF 1.947 | Google Scholar |

www.carjis.org DOI: 10.24412/2181-2454-2022-5-380-383

and content level or a regularity of a linguistic structure, e.g. by reformulating a rule, by graphic representation,by verbal summary or transmission to a learning partner etc.

Comprehension check: Checking comprehension, e.g. of a reading text through text-image assignments, yes-no questions, gap texts, etc.

Exercise: Practicing e.g. a new structure, a word field, the pronunciation, fixed phrases or fixed connections with the aim of automation.

Application: Communicative use of the newly acquired language means in the communicative speech action situation.

Transfer: Continuing to work on the topic of a text, transfer of what has been read to one's own living environment or to another situation, sometimes with "Application" used synonymously

Evaluation: Review of learning progress/achievement of a sub-competence by the teacher/ by the learner

Reflection: Reflection on the individual learning process ("How did I do that recognized, memorized, learned, etc.?"); Reflection on the references made when Help memorize ("Is it like in my language, like in another learned a foreign language, etc.?")

Which of these activities are selected for each lesson, how they are arranged and which other activities may be added depends on the specific conditions of the teaching-learning context, but also on the underlying model the lesson planning. For example, phases of reflection in some models (such as the PPP model) is not explicitly provided for, while in other models it is an important one role play (e.g. in the task-oriented approach).


Now I want to tell about phase models. With phase models, sequences of lessons can be mapped in an abstract way. Doing so these are ideal-typical representations - in reality, lessons rarely go that way exemplary. However, phase models can be used to communicate which teaching/learning activities are appropriate for different groups of learners and what a suitable sequence might look like.

In the following, we present three phase models as examples; the mentioned teaching learning activities can be found there in different selections and arrangements.

Central Asian Research Journal For Interdisciplinary Studies (CARJIS)

ISSN (online): 2181-2454

Volume 2 | Issue 5 | May, 2022 | SJIF: 5,965 | UIF: 7,6 | ISRA: JIF 1.947 | Google Scholar |

www.carjis.org DOI: 10.24412/2181-2454-2022-5-380-383

The PPP Model - Presentation, Practice, Production - has long played an important role in the phasing of lessons. The model is called linear because it is based on the assumption that learners after an input phase (e.g. presentation of a text, dialogue, listening text; explanation of a new grammatical phenomenon) and a phase of controlled practice (e.g. cloze texts; exercises on correct use of language) are able to understand the new apply linguistic phenomena in a communicative activity (output; e.g. role playing). It is a shape-focused approach. Central task of The teacher is to present knowledge and to control the practice of new structures.

The lesson is considered successful if the learners understand the target structures in the use production phase correctly.

The main disadvantage of the PPP model is that the learners - about compared to a learner-centered (e.g. task-oriented) lesson - hardly opportunities to actively participate in the learning process. You are in a passive role and, since the lessons are teacher-controlled, have little speaking time; the reproduction given linguistic structures is opposed to freer use of language in realistic communication situations. The PPP model is therefore mostly viewed critically today Introduction -development - application Harmer describes the elements "entry" (engage), "development" (study) and "application" (activate) as central components of successful language teaching.

There is no fixed sequence; rather, the elements will depend on the teaching situation varies and recombines, whereby the elements also appear several times be able.

The element "engage" stands for the fact that the learners are interested, curious and develop motivation for a topic.13 For example, a reference to the world of experience of the learners can be produced, pictures, stories or music can be used, or the learners make predictions about what is to come theme. The element "engage" goes through an introduction through a presentation by the teacher (e.g. a dialogue) as is typical for the PPP model.

Under the element "study" (Eng. Elaboration) activities are recorded in which the exploring the learner's language more closely and, if necessary, regularities or peculiarities discover. This can refer to all areas of language: So they could learners analyze a sound or a sentence construction, the structure of a specific one examine text type or characteristics of an informal conversation, etc. Here play e.g. the teaching/learning activities of semanticization and systematization (see above) a role.

The aim of activities of the element "activate" (engl. application) is the free use

Central Asian Research Journal For Interdisciplinary Studies (CARJIS)

ISSN (online): 2181-2454 Volume 2 | Issue 5 | May, 2022 | SJIF: 5,965 | UIF: 7,6 | ISRA: JIF 1.947 | Google Scholar |

www.carjis.org DOI: 10.24412/2181-2454-2022-5-380-383

of any available language skills in а given situation - the focus is therefore, unlike in the PPP model, not based on the reproduction of previously learned structures. Rather, the learners should focus on the language as well as possible Prepare to act in foreign language contexts outside of the classroom. To the relevant teaching/learning activities include e.g. application, transfer, possibly also evaluation and reflection.


The three elements can be arranged and combined in different ways. In the simplest case they are lined up linearly.


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