Научная статья на тему 'Strategies for sustainable development in conditions of civilizational defects: Kays of modern Ukraine (architecture approach)'

Strategies for sustainable development in conditions of civilizational defects: Kays of modern Ukraine (architecture approach) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Konotopets Yevghenia Olegivna

The modern world is constantly evolving. Progress in all spheres of human life has reached unprecedented speed. For example, the technology market is completely upgraded for 5 years. Global society creates a variety of concepts and strategies in order to maintain such a level of progress. They are the benchmark for anyone who wants to grow effectively. The Concept of Sustainable Development is the leading way for most of the countries. It determines the directions for the development of the countries, their policies on the international and domestic scenes, the laws that they adopt, etc. This concept rooted not only at the state level. Organizations are guided by it when they plan their own activities. Also, ordinary people are guided by it in their everyday lives. The purpose of the article is to review the peculiarities of the state of Ukrainian society and the development of a new strategy for sustainable development of Ukraine. In the analysis theories of classics of sociological and psychological thought were used: T. Parsons, O. Spengler, P. Stompky, K. Jung. With their help, the Ukrainian social modernity was analyzed and the theoretical confirmation of the possibility of successful development of the country was discovered. The compliance of Ukraine’s legislation with sustainable development goals was also established. This allowed us to get a real picture of the reality of Ukrainians and to propose a possible strategy for sustainable development of the country, a strategy of cultural development that would allow the society to achieve the goals better and to make progress in the modern “world of changes”. A deeper immersion allowed (on the example of the activities and state policies of such states as America, South Korea, and Kazakhstan) to demonstrate the feasibility of introducing the proposed strategy. During the course of the work, proposals were made for further activities of the country in accordance with the strategy of cultural changes.

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Современный мир постоянно развивается. Прогресс во всех сферах человеческой жизни достиг невиданной ранее скорости. Например, рынок техники и технологий полностью обновляется за 5 лет. Для поддержания такого уровня прогресса глобальное общество создает различные концепции и стратегии. Именно они являются ориентиром для каждого, кто желает эффективно развиваться. Концепция устойчивого развития сейчас ведущая для большинства стран мира. Именно она определяет направления дальнейшего развития государств, их политику на международной и внутренней арене, законы, которые они принимают и тому подобное. Укоренена эта концепция не только на государственном уровне, ею руководствуются и организации при планировании своей деятельности, а также обычные люди в своей повседневной жизни. Целю статьи является рассмотрение особенностей состояния украинского общества и выработка новой стратегии устойчивого развития для Украины. При анализе украинского общества использовались теории классиков социологической и психологической мысли: Т. Парсонса, О. Шпенглера, П. Штомпки, К. Юнга. С их помощью была проанализирована украинская общественая современность и выявлены теоретические подтверждения возможности успешного развития страны. Также было установлено соответствие законодательства Украины с целями устойчивого развития. Это позволило получить реальную картину действительности украинцев и предложить возможную стратегию устойчивого развития страны, стратегию культурного развития, которая позволит обществу качественнее соблюдать определенные цели и прогрессировать в современном “мире изменений”. Более глубокое погружение дало возможность на примере государственной политики таких стран как Америка, Южная Корея, Казахстан показать целесообразность введения предложенной стратегии. В ходе работы были сформированы предложения по дальнейшей деятельности страны согласно стратегии культурных изменений.

Текст научной работы на тему «Strategies for sustainable development in conditions of civilizational defects: Kays of modern Ukraine (architecture approach)»

UDC: 316.422.42

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2019-18-3-225-237

Konotopets Yevghenia Olegivna,

student of the 3 course of the Department of Political Science and Sociology, National Aviation University, 03058, Kyiv, Prosp. Kos-monavta Komarova, 1, tel.: +38 (098) 583 87 65, e-mail: eok.eok37@gmail.com

ORCID: 0000-0002-5529-3811 Конотопець бвгетя Олегiвна, cmydeHmKa 3-го курсу кафедри сощологп та полтологй, Нацюнальний aeia^rnuü утверситет, 03058, м. Кигв, просп. Космонавта Комарова, 1, тел.: +38 (098) 583 87 65, e-mail: eok.eok37@gmail.com

ORCID: 0000-0002-5529-3811

Конотопец Евгения Олеговна,

студентка 3-го курса кафедры социологии и политологии, Национальный авиационный университет, 03058, г. Киев,

просп. Космонавта Комарова, 1, тел.: +38 (098) 583 87 65, e-mail: eok.eok37@gmail.

ORCID: 0000-0002-5529-3811


kays of modern ukraine (architecture approach)

Abstract. The modern world is constantly evolving. Progress in all spheres of human life has reached unprecedented speed. For example, the technology market is completely upgraded for 5 years. Global society creates a variety of concepts and strategies in order to maintain such a level of progress. They are the benchmark for anyone who wants to grow effectively. The Concept of Sustainable Development is the leading way for most of the countries. It determines the directions for the development of the countries, their policies on the international and domestic scenes, the laws that they adopt, etc. This concept rooted not only at the state level. Organizations are guided by it when they plan their own activities. Also, ordinary people are guided by it in their everyday lives. The purpose of the article is to review the peculiarities of the state of Ukrainian society and the development of a new strategy for sustainable development of Ukraine.

In the analysis theories of classics of sociological and psychological thought were used: T. Parsons, O. Spengler, P. Stompky, K. Jung. With their help, the Ukrainian social modernity was analyzed and the theoretical confirmation of the possibility of successful development of the country was discovered. The compliance of Ukraine's legislation with sustainable development goals was also established. This allowed us to get a real picture of the reality of Ukrainians and to propose a possible strategy for sustainable development of the country, a strategy of cultural development that would allow the society to achieve the goals better and to make progress in the modern "world of changes". A deeper immersion allowed (on the example of the activities and state policies of such states as America, South Korea, and Kazakhstan) to demonstrate the feasibility of introducing the proposed strategy. During the course of the work, proposals were made for further activities of the country in accordance with the strategy of cultural changes.

Keywords: sustainable development, social changes, reform, social development, progress, culture, Ukrainians, archetype, Child archetype.


Анотащя. Сучасний св^ невпинно розвиваеться. Прогрес у Bcix сферах людського життя досяг небачено! рашше швидкость Наприклад, ринок тех-шки та технологш повшстю оновлюеться за 5 роив. Для шдтримання такого рiвня прогресу глобальне сусшльство створюе рiзноманiтнi концепци i стратеги. Саме вони е орiентиром для кожного, хто бажае ефективно розвивати-ся. Концепщя сталого розвитку наразi е провщною для бшьшосл кра!н св^у. Саме вона визначае напрями подальшого розвитку держав, !х пол^ику на мiжнароднiй та внутршнш ареш, закони, як вони приймають, тощо. Вкорн нена ця концепщя не лише на державному рiвнi, нею керуються й оргашзацп при плануванш свое! дiяльностi, а також звичайнi люди у своему повсяк-денному житть Метою статтi е розгляд особливостей стану укра!нського суспiльства та вироблення ново! стратеги сталого розвитку для Укра!ни. У процес аналiзу укра!нського суспiльства використовувалися теорi'i класикiв сощолопчно! та психологiчноi думки: Т. Парсонса, О. Шпенглера, П. Штом-пки, К. Юнга. З !х допомогою було проаналiзовано укра!нську суспiльну су-часнiсть та виявлено теоретичне шдтвердження можливостi успiшного розвитку кра!ни. Також було встановлено вiдповiднiсть законодавства Укра!ни до цiлей сталого розвитку. Це дало можливють отримати реальну картину дшсносл украiнцiв та запропонувати можливу стратегш сталого розвитку кра!ни, стратегiю культурного розвитку, яка дозволить сусшльству якiснiше дотримуватися визначених щлей та прогресувати в сучасному "свт змш". Глибше занурення дозволило на прикладi дiяльностi та державно! полггики таких держав як Америка, Швденна Корея, Казахстан показати доцiльнiсть запровадження запропоновано! стратегiй. У ходi роботи було сформовано пропозици щодо подальшо! дiяльностi кра!ни згiдно зi стратепею культур-них змiн.

Ключовi слова: сталий розвиток, соцiальнi змши, реформа, суспiльний розвиток, прогрес, культура, украшщ, архетип, архетип дитини.


Аннотация. Современный мир постоянно развивается. Прогресс во всех сферах человеческой жизни достиг невиданной ранее скорости. Например, рынок техники и технологий полностью обновляется за 5 лет. Для поддержания такого уровня прогресса глобальное общество создает различные концепции и стратегии. Именно они являются ориентиром для каждого, кто желает эффективно развиваться. Концепция устойчивого развития сейчас ведущая для большинства стран мира. Именно она определяет направления дальнейшего развития государств, их политику на международной и внутренней арене, законы, которые они принимают и тому подобное. Укоренена эта концепция не только на государственном уровне, ею руководствуются и организации при планировании своей деятельности, а также обычные люди в своей повседневной жизни. Целю статьи является рассмотрение особенностей состояния украинского общества и выработка новой стратегии устойчивого развития для Украины. При анализе украинского общества использовались теории классиков социологической и психологической мысли: Т. Парсонса, О. Шпенглера, П. Штомпки, К. Юнга. С их помощью была проанализирована украинская общественая современность и выявлены теоретические подтверждения возможности успешного развития страны. Также было установлено соответствие законодательства Украины с целями устойчивого развития. Это позволило получить реальную картину действительности украинцев и предложить возможную стратегию устойчивого развития страны, стратегию культурного развития, которая позволит обществу качественнее соблюдать определенные цели и прогрессировать в современном "мире изменений". Более глубокое погружение дало возможность на примере государственной политики таких стран как Америка, Южная Корея, Казахстан показать целесообразность введения предложенной стратегии. В ходе работы были сформированы предложения по дальнейшей деятельности страны согласно стратегии культурных изменений.

Ключевые слова: устойчивое развитие, социальные изменения, реформа, общественное развитие, прогресс, культура, украинцы, архетип, архетип Ребенка.

Problem statement. In 1992 in Rio de Janeiro at an international conference in the framework of the adoption of the "Agenda for XXI century"

paradigm direction of human development — sustainable development was proclaimed. "Sustainable development" is a three-pronged concept of economic,

environmental and social development, which, at the same time, allows for a proper existence for both present and future generations. Ukraine, as one of the European countries focused on progressive growth, is also trying to build its policy according to the theses of sustainable development. Unfortunately, progress in a certain direction has been very slow over the 27 years of independence. In Ukraine, there is no generally accepted strategy for the implementation of the concept of sustainable development, which would take into account the realities and characteristics of the economic, environmental and social spheres of Ukrainian society.

Analysis of recent publications. The concept of sustainable development is being implemented at the global level. Scientists from all countries are involved in its development and design of implementation models. A significant contribution to the development of the concept of sustainable development was made by V. M. Anderson, N. M. Andreeva, V. V. Berens, S. V. He-rasymchuk, V. R. Kates, D. L. Meadows, D. H. Meadows, Y. Renders, M. A. Khvesyk and the like. In our work we will pay attention to the works of such domestic scientists as I. K. Bys-triakov, O. I. Borodin, S. M. Iliashenko, N. A. Khvesyk and analyze their approaches to the implementation of the concept of sustainable development in Ukraine.

Purpose of article. To analyze the process of implementation of sustainable development in Ukraine with the help of classical sociological theories and propose a strategy for the development of Ukrainian society based on the idea of sustainable development.

Presentation of the main material of the study. Progress is the goal of any society. Every civilization, every nation, every person is trying to justify their confidence in a better future. Ukrainians are no exception. Ukraine is a relatively young state. But the ethnological roots of Ukrainians can be traced back centuries in history. Ukrainian people is strong and original, but it has always been considered as part of the Slavs. Therefore, we find theoretical substantiation of the future development of Ukrainians, first of all, from scientists who developed the theory of development of civilizations M. Ya. Danylevskyi and A. Shpengler.

M. Ya. Danylevskyi believed that there is no universal civilization, there are different cultural and historical types of civilizations. O. Shpengler was a follower of his ideas. Each of these scientists in their theories focused their attention on the Slavic civilization, or rather on the origin of Slavic culture, which is the first stage in the development of cultural and historical types of civilizations. According to the logic of V. Spengler, Slavic culture is only at the beginning of its "life cycle" and still has to go through three phases:

1) pre-cultural, or "ethnographic" state;

2) the actual cultural period, which is divided into "early" and "late" periods;

3) the period of civilization. That is, right now, in the XXI century, the Slavs have a chance for the successful development of their societies.

Since Ukrainians have always been part of the Slavs, the thesis of the beginning of development can be applied to Ukrainian society. However, in our opinion, the Ukrainian society will be able to fully realize its passion, in par-

ticular, if it implements the universal trend of the global world — the idea of stable development (through the development of state policy and the formation of cultural and behavioral values on their basis). After all, in our opinion, this concept is the most appropriate security challenges of the modern global world, is very thoroughly conceptually sound and has been effectively implemented in many countries of the world. This concept guarantees progressive development on the basis of gradual social changes (in particular, through social reforms as a kind of social progress) [1].

Also, to confirm the possibility of successful development of Ukraine, we turn to the concept of Jung archetypes. We consider the involvement of this concept appropriate, because it is the universal mental is the basis of all social structures. Archetypes are social instincts [2] that act as structural elements of the collective unconscious. Their specificity concerns humanity as a whole [2]. K. Jung singled out several archetypes of the collective unconscious: mother, Child, shadow, Animus, Anima, Wise old man, wise old woman. Applying this concept to Ukrainians as a great Association of people, it can be noted that they are inherent in the archetype of the Child. As in a large social group, Ukrainians can be observed thirst for new and love to learn. Therefore, with the proper educational activities of the state apparatus and approved the above concept of sustainable development, society has a chance of stable progressive growth. Even Jung himself noted that the child is a potential future, and the essential aspects of the child's motives are the future [3].

The sustainable development approach was proclaimed at the 1992 conference and was worded as follows: "development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs" Now this is the basic interpretation of the concept of sustainable development, on which all existing sustainable development strategies are based.

The strategy can also be defined as a certain paradigm vector, in the context of which the process of formation of sustainable development is considered. Now there are many different paradigmatic theories. For example, the approaches of advanced development, the strategy of gradual social change (J. Duk) and others. Different approaches determine how one or another entity considers necessary to coordinate existing development of the country, regions, subregions, etc. with sustainable development, the main objectives of which are formed in the UN documents [4]. Sustainable development involves the harmonious development of three areas : environmental (preservation of the environment), economic (to ensure growth while maintaining social justice and environmental responsibility), social (to implement and maintain equitable distribution of benefits) [5]. And it is the strategy that harmoniously coordinates the sequence of changes in modern society. After all, it is clear that the economic, environmental and social spheres have both common vectors of development and diametrically opposed ones that require coordination.

Ukraine does not yet have a clear strategy for implementing the prin-

ciples of sustainable development. Activities in this direction are fragmented and ineffective. The decree of the President of Ukraine on the Strategy of sustainable development "Ukraine -2020" [6] and the national report "Sustainable development goals: Ukraine" [7] can be defined from the main documents of Ukraine on sustainable development. Based on these documents, we note that Ukraine adheres to such vectors: vector of development, vector of security, vector of responsibility, vector of dignity. Within the framework of them, it is expected to implement 62 reforms and development programs of the state. Although these vectors should complement each other, it is obvious that the implementation of all tasks simultaneously in the conditions of political and economic instability in modern Ukraine leads to a general slowdown in progress.

As for the formation of cultural values, the situation in Ukraine is not controlled at all. For example, let us consider the environmental education of Ukrainians. In 2017, the "national strategy for waste management in Ukraine until 2030" was adopted, and in 2018 — the law "On strategic environmental assessment" was adopted. At the citizen level, the purpose of the laws was to promote sustainable development by protecting the environment and the safety of human life. Unfortunately, no systematic (at the state level) information or educational campaigns have been conducted. Therefore, most citizens of Ukraine do not have the knowledge and skills to implement new approaches to waste management, energy efficiency, environmentally responsible business.

The current state of development of society, more than ever, is a reflection of temporary changes in society. Time is a universal context of social life. But at the same time, time is not only a universal dimension of social changes, but also their basis, a constructible factor [1]. The present historical moment in Ukraine is felt more acutely than ever. For the first time since Ukraine's independence, Ukrainians are beginning to feel the changes. The revolution of dignity, the annexation of the ARC, the military actions on the territory of the country are all manifestations of the transformation of society. Sensing these changes, Ukrainians are beginning to rally to ensure their security and the security of their country. This indicates an increase in the level of patriotic sentiments of Ukrainians [8].

Unfortunately, the desire to act is not the only condition for successful development. Now we can say that Ukrainians are ready for changes, but they do not have a theoretical and cultural background for cohesive deliberate action. Today, the whole world is gradually changing. Sustainable development goals are gradually being implemented by companies and citizens of different countries. For example, the transnational company Adidas has released a model of sneakers UltraBoost Uncaged Parley produced from ocean debris. Widely known fashion house Chanel refused to use leather and fur. And recently, a mass action of schoolchildren was held around the world with an appeal to protect the planet from the environmental threat. It began with the usual Swedish Schoolgirls Reti Tuner which in August 2018 every Friday went on strike for climate under the Parliament

of Sweden. Now tags #Fridays4future and #Climatestrike quickly spread. Many students and adults began to protest around the world.

Recently, residents of Ukraine have reduced the use of gas by half. Of course, one can try to explain this with environmental consciousness of Ukrainians, but in fact it is only a forced necessity caused by the economic situation in the state. Unfortunately, in Ukrainian society environmentally responsible attitudes as a phenomenon of everyday consciousness are formed very slowly. Today, time is "shrinking" at an incredible rate. Although Ukrainians have already felt the need for change, they are still not ready for it.

In order to optimize the work of the state and society in Ukraine, it should be noted which criteria for the implementation of sustainable development should be used. After analyzing the reforms that are taking place, we conclude that almost all of them involve institutional changes, that is, structural changes. It is here that it is necessary to turn to the classic structural and functional approach in the sociology of T. Parsons.

T. Parsons emphasizes that the social system has its own structure with levels: individual — group — institutions — society as a whole. The obvious fact is that changes in one of the components cause at least minimal changes in others. Therefore, institutional changes in Ukrainian society should be supported by changes in other areas. It should be noted that institutional changes are dictated by the newly elected vector of European development (i.e. changes at the level of society). But we do not find any legal document to support change

at the individual or group levels. Of course, the Decree of the President of Ukraine on the Strategy of sustainable development "Ukraine - 2020" states that Ukraine has created a new idea — "the idea of dignity, freedom and the future" [6]. But there are no proper other documents that would declare, for example, a purposeful desire to form new values of Ukrainians in the direction of increasing environmentally responsible behavior. Namely, cultural development is one of the determining factors in the success of social reforms, in particular, and the formation of new institutions in society.

Nevertheless, it is necessary to return to the criteria that will help to establish the concept of sustainable development as one of the leading concepts of the development of society. We consider it expedient to turn to T. Parsons again. In his work "On the structure of social action" he writes: "to ensure the stability of the entire social system, it is vital to have agreement with respect to ... the main orientations of the choice of alternatives" [9]. That is, most people who are members of society must approve and make the same decisions for the stable and progressive operation of the system. The most effective way to develop unanimity in decision-making is the development of common criteria for decision-making, that is, the values and morals of people, the development of their culture.

Confirmation of the priority of culture in the development of society can be found in works of A. Shpengler. He considers the world culture as a number of independent cultures living, like living organisms, the periods of origin, formation and death [10].

The need for the development of culture at both the general and individual levels can be derived from the concept of Jung's archetypes. For the activation of the archetype "psychic energy" is necessary — the tension between the primitive nature of the newborn and its highly differentiated heredity [2]. Along with the experience left by the ancestors, nowadays Ukrainians require the fastest possible formation of new modern cultural habits on the basis of this experience.

In our opinion, the formation of a new value picture of the world for Ukrainians will contribute to the implementation of the ideas of sustainable development in practice, including its development in the ordinary consciousness and behavior of each person. The development of civil society, which is one of the guarantors of sustainable development in the document "Ukraine -2020", should also be an important consequence of the reassessment of the value orientations of Ukrainians.

An important fact is that although the concept of sustainable development implies monitoring of human development, the system does not include monitoring of human values and culture (the following indicators are monitored: 1) the standard of living estimated through GDP per capita),

2) the level of literacy of the population (expected duration of education),

3) life expectancy (assessment of longevity). This means that it is necessary to focus on the development of cultural attitudes of Ukrainians, which will meet the goals of sustainable development.

Many states are now trying to develop the cultural sphere of society to

promote certain value orientations. First of all, it happens with the help of mass culture. In a Large encyclopedic dictionary, mass culture is defined as "a concept that covers the diverse and heterogeneous phenomena of the culture of the twentieth century, which are common in connection with the scientific and technological revolution and the constant updating of the media" [11].

The main distributor of mass culture is the USA. American cinema is the most popular in the world. "RKO", "Paramount", "Columbia", "Metro-Goldwin-Mayer", "20th Century Fox" — all these companies are producers of films, cartoons and TV programs that broadcast American values. Fans of American cinema can be found everywhere, and therefore — fans of American values. The same situation has developed with the musical sphere of the USA. American singers and actors are perhaps the most popular people on Earth. Millions of people follow their lifestyles and share their thoughts.

Although the American showman of mass culture is the most common it is worth paying attention to a few more examples from the present. Now singers from South Korea are gaining popularity. BTS band is one of the most popular. Recently, the participants of this group took part in 73 UN General Assembly, where they proclaimed a speech. BTS together with UNICEF are the founders of the campaign "Love Myself", which aims to support young people around the world. Since November 2017, more than 500 million Korean won were donated in support of this campaign by the singers themselves. Currently, South Korea is known for

the fact that various organizations are actively working to improve the quality of life of children and adolescents around the world.

The development of the culture of Kazakhstan is also interesting. Kazakhstan's musical culture is not as popular as the above-described phenomena. It is mainly focused on the domestic consumer market. But within its country it has considerable influence. Ninety One is the most popular boy's band, which is the pioneer of youth fashion in Kazakhstan. It is noteworthy that one of the members of the group Dulat Mukhametkaliiev has been a "People's Deputy" since 2018. This became possible through a referendum, through which the young artist was appointed to the position.

The influence of culture on people's minds is significant. This fact cannot be denied. Ukrainians need a quick and radical change of consciousness in order to be able to adapt to the changes in the world that are happening now. In our opinion, in order to reorient the value picture of Ukrainians and to implement the strategy of cultural development, first of all, it is necessary to take as a model the values of the citizens of the European Union defined in the Maastricht Treaty: "the Union is based on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. These values are shared by member States in a society characterized by pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality between women and men" [12]. Secondly, it is necessary to start active formation of these values in new generations

through teaching relevant disciplines in school, creation of clubs and unions in order to spread the idea of sustainable development and its culture, publication of materials in the media and the Internet. Thirdly, it is necessary to develop mass Ukrainian culture, which will become a translator of new Ukrainian values and directions of growth in line with the concept of sustainable development.

Conclusions and prospects for further research. Today, the concept of sustainable development is the leading one in most countries of the world. Unfortunately, the situation in Ukraine is somewhat different. Neither de jure nor de facto the dominance of the principle of sustainable development in the integrated development programs of the state and society was not declared in the country. And if the adoption of the relevant official documents can take place without hindrance, the real implementation of the principle of sustainable development among people is hampered by their value and moral orientations, which do not fully meet the challenges of modern society. A striking example is the "National waste management strategy in Ukraine until 2030". It is an official document of Ukraine and declares individual institutional changes, but it is not accompanied by any educational or information campaigns. Through this, new values of environmentally responsible behavior of Ukrainians as an installation of mass consciousness are not formed. Therefore, it is necessary to provide state support for the formation and development of new values and cultural attitudes among Ukrainians, in accordance with the principles of sustainable develop-

ment and environmental responsibility, social justice, non-living behavior and the like. The most effective way to achieve this is through educational and information campaigns. Their effectiveness in Ukrainian society is based largely on the archetype of the child, which is always open to learning and learning new things. Gradualism and consistency of support marked transformation in the consciousness of Ukrainians, promoting awareness of the importance of joining the efforts of companies in the context of contemporary security challenges will strengthen the institutional changes associated with the reforms in the sectors related to the implementation of ideas of sustainable development in the economy, the environment and the social sphere. Currently, the reforms taking place in Ukraine require further study in order to transform them to better match the concept of sustainable development, supported by educational and awareness-raising campaigns, which, although they require a lot of time, demonstrate high performance in the long term.


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