STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN RUSSIA AND CHINA Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
strategic partnership / Russian-Chinese relations / trade relations / international projects / foreign economic activity.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Sokolova Natalia Albertovna, Tsvetkova Galina Sergeevna

The article is devoted to the study of such a phenomenon as the strategic partnership between Russia and China. The main points of intersection of interests and priority areas for the development of further cooperation were identified. A comparative analysis of the countries ' positioning in the global economic development rankings is carried out. Examples of successful Russian-Chinese projects are presented. The conclusion is made about the prospects for the development of Russian-Chinese relations.

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Фонд споживання свинини в Укра1ш у 2019 р. становив 799 тис. тонн, тобто зменшився на 2,7 % порiвняно з 2018 р. Укра'нщ споживають 19,0 кг свинини з розрахунку на 1 особу, що складае 2/3, шж це необх1дно для задоволення фiзiологiчноl потреби. Натомiсть, в £вросоюзi споживання свинини становить 45 кг на людину в рж, у Кита! - 40 кг, у Росп - 30 кг. Висока цша на свинину т низька кут-вельна спроможнiсть споживачiв - це ключовi про-блеми, що зумовлюють низький рiвень и споживання [5].

У перспективi ефективнiсть ринку м'яса свиней буде залежати вщ технiчних, технолопчних, органiзацiйних та економiчних чинник1в.

Висновки. Грунтуючись на результати прове-деного дослвдження необхвдно вiдмiтити, що досль дження кон'юнктури ринку м'яса свиней е важли-вим аспектом виявлення проблем його функцюну-вання та прийняття ефективного рiшення щодо подальшого його розвитку.

Визначено, що ринку м'яса свиней в Укра!ш притаманш калька негативних тенденцiй. Зокрема, тривае процес скорочення погол1в'я свиней, реал> зацiя свинини сiльськогосподарськими тдприемс-твами характеризуеться нестабшьшстю та почерго-вим перепадом вщ збитковостi до низького рiвня прибутковостi, собiвартiсть свинини е найвищою порiвняно з крашами £С i зумовлюе збитковiсть ви-робництва.

Вважаемо, що в подальшому на розвиток ринку м'яса свиней в Укра!ш впливатимуть як внутрь шш, так i зовнiшнi фактори. У 2021 р. оч^емо, що свггова пандем1я та рiзке зростання цш на зерновi, як1 е необхвдними для виробництва комбiкормiв суттево стримуватимуть розвиток вiтчизняного ринку м'яса свиней.

Список лггератури

1. Анатз поточно! кон'юнктури i прогноз риншв тваринницько! продукцп в Украш та свт : монографiя / Шпичак О.М. i iн. Ки1в : ННЦ «1АЕ», -2015. -392 с.

2. Батир Ю. Г., Гримблат С. О. Мотторинг ринку альськогосподарсько! продукци. // Економiчний простiр - 2009. - № 22/2. - С. 131-136.

3. Державна служба статистики Украши. Режим доступу : http://ukrstat.gov.ua.

4. 1ванова Л. О., Музика О. М. Кон'юнктура риншв : навч. поабник. Львiв : Видавництво Львiвськоl комерцшно1 академп. -2011. - 447 с.

5. Копитець Н.Г. Розвиток ринку м'яса свиней. // Економжа АПК. - 2020. - №1. -С. 56-65. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32317/2221-1055.202001056.

6. Копитець Н. Г. Сучасний стан та тенденцп розвитку ринку свинини в Украшг // Економша АПК. -2018. - № 11 (289). - С. 44-55.

7. Оболенцева Л. В. Кон'юнктурш до-слвдження галузевого ринку: шдручник. Х. : Харк. нац. акад. мюьк. госп-ва. - 2010. -249 с.

8. Перерва П. Г., Кобелева Т. О, Ткачова Н. П. Формування кон'юнктури ринку електротехнiчноl продукцп. // Вюник Нацюнального унiверситету "Львiвська полггехшка". Серiя : Проблеми економiки та управлшня. - 2015. - № 815. - С. 118125.

9. Савенко А. £., Коваль С. П. Дослвдження ринково! кон'юнктури - важливий фактор фшансово1 стабшзаци. // Науковий вюник Академи мунiципального управлшня, серiя "Економша". Збiрник наукових праць. - 2009. - Випуск 6. - С. 1926.

UDC: 339.92

Sokolova Natalia Albertovna,


Tsvetkova Galina Sergeevna

Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Mari State University, Yoshkar-Ola DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2021-895-37-39 STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN RUSSIA AND CHINA


The article is devoted to the study of such a phenomenon as the strategic partnership between Russia and China. The main points of intersection of interests and priority areas for the development offurther cooperation were identified. A comparative analysis of the countries ' positioning in the global economic development rankings is carried out. Examples of successful Russian-Chinese projects are presented. The conclusion is made about the prospects for the development of Russian-Chinese relations.

Keywords: strategic partnership, Russian-Chinese relations, trade relations, international projects, foreign economic activity.

In the modern world, interaction between states is usually long-term and focused on the coming decades. This trend is explained by the fact that the geopolitical picture of the world is taking on new outlines, as a result of which the world order is changing.

Relations between Russia and China are developing at a high level of comprehensive partnership. Close

cooperation between the two countries is aimed at solving trade, financial, scientific, technical and many other issues. And every year the scale of their cooperation increases significantly. Predicting a positive trend in bilateral cooperation and strategic partnership in the future, the priority for the heads of state is to overcome existing differences and difficulties. Therefore, the



Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China are making every effort to develop bilateral relations [1].

It should be noted that in this context, "strategic partnership "does not mean" union", since it does not imply a complete separation of positions and views. On the contrary, they can be completely opposite in solving some issues. "Partnership" implies the search for compromises, the consistency of opinions in the event of disagreements. Therefore, despite the difference in political systems and worldviews, which is mainly the reason for the emergence of opposing views, Russia and China skillfully come to alternative solutions, avoiding possible contradictions with each other [6].

Statistics on trade between R

The economy and mutual trade are central to the strategic partnership between the two countries. Every year, the volume of exports and imports of products from China to Russia is constantly increasing. This demonstrates that cooperation in the field of economics will continue and deepen, as their partnership is focused on the next decades ahead, as evidenced by the numerous agreements concluded by the states.

According to Russian statistics, in 2019, the bilateral trade turnover reached the highest level in the last five years - $ 110.91 billion. In 2020, the trade turnover was $ 6.95 billion less, which was affected by the pandemic that broke out at the beginning of the year due to Covid-19 (Table 1).

Table 1.

sia and China, billion dollars

Indicators 2015 2017 2019 2020

Export from Russia to China 28,6 38,92 56,79 49,06

Import from China to Russia 34,95 48,04 54,12 54,9

Bilateral trade turnover 63,55 86,96 110,91 103,96

Compiled on the basis of: Внешняя Торговля России URL: https://russian-trade.com

A significant area of foreign economic activity and the establishment of effective foreign economic relations at this stage is the cooperation of companies on the basis of a project, for example, to create or modernize an existing industrial or infrastructure facility. Fuel and energy complexes are of particular importance. To date, contracts have been signed between Gazprom and the China National Petroleum Corporation for the supply of Russian gas to China. China is also sponsoring the first Arctic project developed under China's Belt and Road initiative to support China's transition from coal to natural gas. As a positive example of Russian-Chinese cooperation, we can cite the international logistics center in the Moscow region "Bely Rast", in which the PRC owns 49 % of the property [4].

The priority area of Russian-Chinese relations is the sphere of innovative technologies. Until 2018, the development in this direction was slow, since the hightech sector in Russia was generally not developed. However, in the last few years, Chinese investors have shown an increasing interest in the development of innovative infrastructure in the Russian Federation, paying special attention to large projects. It is significant that the years 2020-2021 are declared "The Years of Russian-Chinese Scientific, Technical and Innovative Cooperation", and it is planned to organize more than a thousand events, such as conferences, exhibitions, forums, and educational seminars, within the framework of this major interstate project [2].

Thus, many projects for the development of Russian-Chinese foreign economic relations in various fields of activity are currently being prepared and implemented. The Russian companies participating in the projects have sufficient potential to bring the Russian economy to the world level and make it more competitive. Priority should be given to the development and implementation of joint innovative projects with Chinese companies in the development of nanotechnology, shipbuilding, in particular river, aircraft, mechanical engineering and other projects in the high-tech sector of the economy [5].

On a regular basis, the heads of both states make reciprocal visits both for personal meetings and to attend events. In April 2019, the President of the Russian Federation took part in the Second High-level Forum on International Cooperation "One Belt, One Road" in Beijing. And in June of the same year, Chinese President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to Russia, during which negotiations were held and joint statements were signed on the development of Russian-Chinese relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation, entering a new era, and on strengthening the global strategic partnership [3].

The global competitiveness rankings show that the positions of China and Russia are close. Russia surpasses China in GDP per capita, as there is a strong demographic imbalance. In addition, the Russian Federation has the largest amount of natural resources than any other country (Table 2).



Compiled on the basis of: Countries With The Most Natural Resources : https://www.worldatlas.com/arti-cles/countries-with-the-most-natural-resources.html ; Global Innovation Index 2020:

https://www.wipo.int/global_innovation_index/en/2020/; Все страны мира, упорядоченные по площади. : http://www.world-globe.ru/countries/area/ ; Рейтинг стран по уровню ВВП на душу населения : https://nonews.co/directory/lists/countries/gdp-per-capita ; Рейтинг экономики стран мира 2020-2021 года : https://visasam.ru/emigration/vybor/ekonomika-stran-mira-2.html; https://infoselection.ru/infokata-log/obuchenie-i-znaniya/geografiya/item/665-strany-mira-chislennost-naseleniya; https://www.bloom-berg.com/news/articles/2020-01-18/germany-breaks-korea-s-six-year-streak-as-most- innovative-nation; https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/bitstream/handle/10986/32436/9781464814402.pdf

Table 2.

Positioning of Russia and China in the global economy

Indicators Russia China

Indicator Position in the global ranking Indicator Position in the global ranking

GDP per capita for 2019, USD 11 585 61 10 262 65

GDP for 2020, billion USD 1 658 11 13 608 2

Scientific and technical development - 16 - 11

Digital Development Rating 2020 - 26 - 15

Ease of doing business ranking - 28 - 31

Natural resources for 2019, billion USD >73 000 1 > 23 000 6

Population, million people 146,796 9 1 439,324 1

Area of the territory, km2 17 098 242 1 9 596 961 4

Thus, both of these countries have enormous potential for the development of mutually beneficial relations, since they are the two largest countries in the world: one - in terms of population, the other-in terms of territory size, respectively (Table 2). The main thing for Russia is to remember its economic and political interests in cooperation with China and become a full partner, and not just a supplier of raw materials for production. It should be remembered that the PRC actively promotes its investments throughout the post-Soviet space, realizing its geopolitical interests. For example, experts say that in the field of infrastructure construction, China is more actively and successfully cooperating with Kazakhstan than with Russian partners [4].

In general, the economic cooperation between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China is a solid foundation for strategic partnership. Only strong trade ties and a developed economy create the basis for conducting a foreign policy struggle, which is inevitable in the context of a global economic downturn.


1. China and Russia: Economic Unequals Jonathan E. Hillman / Center for Strategic and International Studies [Electronic resource]. - URL: https://www.csis.org/analysis/china-and-russia-eco-nomic-unequals

2. Диалог России и Китая в сфере инновационных технологий / Аналитическая статья. М.: РСМД. 2020 [Electronic resource]. - URL: https://rus-siancouncil.ru/analytics-and-comments/analytics/dia-log-rossii-i-kitaya-v-sfere-innovatsionnykh-tekhnologiy/?sphrase_id=36438985

3. О российско-китайских отношениях стратегического партнерства / Министерство иностранных дел Российской Федерации [Electronic resource]. - URL: https://www.mid.ru/strategiceskoe-partnerstvo-s-kitaem

4. Пак Е.В. Участие КНР в инфраструктурном строительстве на территории России и Казахстана. Инициатива «один пояс, один путь» // Российский внешнеэкономический вестник. 2021, № 1. С. 93-105.

5. Российско-китайский диалог: модель 2020: доклад № 58/2020 / [С. Г. Лузянин (рук.) и др.; Х. Чжао (рук.) и др.]; Российский совет по международным делам (РСМД). - М.: НП РСМД, 2020. -254с.

6. Стратегическое взаимодействие России и Китая: значимость и сущность Кортунов А.В., Кузьмина К.А., Теркина Д.А., Лю Фэнхуа, Сунь Чжуанчжи /Аналитическая записка. М.: РСМД. 2020, № 28. - 18 с.

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