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Ключевые слова
education / innovations / strategic management / ICT / educational system / technology / development / образование / инновации / стратегическое управление / ИКТ / образовательная система / технология / развитие

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Mendybayev Tlek, Kirdasinova Kasiya

Modern requirements in society, new strategic guidelines in the development of economic, political, and socio-cultural territories, increased social openness, and their rapid computerization and dynamics will drive changes in state and social requirements for education. This article presents the prerequisites for innovation management in educational institutions. This allows you to implement educational innovation and consider the practical realizability of that implementation. The theoretical foundation of innovation management is presented by the modern heads of educational institutions. With particular emphasis on the substantive aspects of innovation activities, the stages of implementation and management of innovation activities in educational institutions are analyzed. As part of the innovation activity, the types and characteristics of innovations implemented in the management of educational institutions are considered.

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Современные требования общества, новые стратегические ориентиры в развитии экономических, политических и социокультурных территорий, повышенная социальная открытость, а также их быстрая компьютеризация и динамика приведут к изменению государственных и общественных требований к образованию. В данной статье представлены предпосылки для управления инновациями в образовательных учреждениях. Это позволяет вам внедрять образовательные инновации и учитывать практическую осуществимость этой реализации. Теоретические основы инновационного менеджмента представлены современными руководителями образовательных учреждений. С особым акцентом на содержательные аспекты инновационной деятельности анализируются этапы внедрения и управления инновационной деятельностью в образовательных учреждениях. В рамках инновационной деятельности рассматриваются виды и характеристики инноваций, внедряемых в управление образовательными учреждениями.


УДК 005.31


Мендыбаев Тлек Кутыбаевич, Научный руководитель: Кирдасинова Ка^я Александровна, Евразийский национальный университет имени Л.Н.

Гумилева, г. Астана, Республика Казахстан


Mendybayev Tlek, Scientific supervisor: Kirdasinova Kasiya, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan

Аннотация. Современные требования общества, новые стратегические ориентиры в развитии экономических, политических и социокультурных территорий, повышенная социальная открытость, а также их быстрая компьютеризация и динамика приведут к изменению государственных и общественных требований к образованию. В данной статье представлены предпосылки для управления инновациями в образовательных учреждениях. Это позволяет вам внедрять образовательные инновации и учитывать практическую осуществимость этой реализации. Теоретические основы инновационного менеджмента представлены современными руководителями образовательных учреждений. С особым акцентом на содержательные аспекты инновационной деятельности анализируются этапы внедрения и управления инновационной деятельностью в образовательных учреждениях. В рамках инновационной деятельности рассматриваются виды и характеристики инноваций, внедряемых в управление образовательными учреждениями.

Abstract. Modern requirements in society, new strategic guidelines in the development of economic, political, and socio-cultural territories, increased social openness, and their rapid computerization and dynamics will drive changes in state and social requirements for education. This article presents the prerequisites for innovation management in educational institutions. This allows you to implement educational innovation and consider the practical realizability of that implementation. The theoretical foundation of innovation management is presented by the modern heads of educational institutions. With particular emphasis on the substantive aspects of innovation activities, the stages of implementation and management of innovation

activities in educational institutions are analyzed. As part of the innovation activity, the types and characteristics of innovations implemented in the management of educational institutions are considered.

Ключевые слова: образование, инновации, стратегическое управление, ИКТ, образовательная система, технология, развитие.

Key words: education, innovations, strategic management, ICT, educational system, technology, development.

Relevance. Educational innovation aims to ensure the innovative character of general education in line with the requirements of a knowledge-based economy. Forming an innovative culture of school leaders, teachers, and students. From an educational process perspective, innovation means introducing new things in education and nurturing goals, content, methods, and formats, and organizing teacher-student collaboration.

Introduction. Educational system innovation has been a hot topic since the 1980s. During this period, pedagogy focused on the issue of innovation and the associated conceptual support. The terms "educational innovation" and "educational innovation" used as synonyms have been scientifically established and introduced into the pedagogical classification system [1, p. 78].

The Main Part. Educational innovation is the innovation of educational activities, the change of education, and the content and technology of education, and the purpose is to enhance its effect. Therefore, the innovation process consists of content formation and development, and the organization of new content. The innovation process is generally understood as a complex activity for the emergence (birth, development), development, use, and dissemination of innovation. The need for an innovative direction of educational activity in the modern context of social, cultural, a land educational development is determined by many contexts.

Firstly, ongoing socio-economic changes have required a radical overhaul of educational systems, methodologies, and technologies to organize educational processes in different types of educational institutions. The innovative direction of teacher and educator activity, including the creation, development, and use of educational innovation, serves as a means of updating educational policy [2, p. 83].

Secondly, the strengthening of humanitarianization of educational content, the continuous change in the scope and composition of disciplines, and the introduction of new disciplines require constant exploration of new forms of organization and learning techniques. In this situation, the role and authority of pedagogical knowledge in the classroom environment are greatly improved.

Additionally, the creation of new types of educational institutions, including entrance to the market relationship of general educational institutions and non-foundations, creates the actual situation of competitiveness.

Innovative activities are activities to solve complex issues due to inconsistencies between traditional standards and new social expectations. Innovative activities aim to

project projects as projects, inventions, projects, and actual activity technologies of the invention as a project with projects. The purpose of innovation is the qualitative change of student identity compared to traditional systems. The ability of natural abilities to maximize natural abilities by focusing on the ability to motivate behavior, focus on the information independently, maximize natural abilities using the latest achievements of creative non-traditional accidents, and maximize natural abilities. Maximize. In other words, the purpose of innovation is to get innovative products. In connection with education, innovative products are the result of educational institutions with social importance and are specified in actual training practices. The innovation management of the educational institution is as follows: development, prediction, predicted, and approaching development strategy by incorporating adaptive tasks that expect changes and forecasts that occur in federal and local education systems:

I. Consider the possibility of adding development programs and educational programs, annual calibration, and new subprograms.

II. Development and implementation of a teacher's corporate support program, including support for innovation.

III. Creates knowledge and new management technologies for teachers' motivational mechanisms for innovation.

IV. Modeling of indicators of standards and education quality in consideration of all areas of innovation.

Annual Quality Analysis: Results of Training Goals, Education Contents, Education, Educational Environment, Monitoring, Management Process, Education, and support. There are two types of innovation management in education: strategic and functional. Strategic Innovation Management includes the development of institutional development and growth, educational service markets, external environments, and the development of priority strategies for strategic decisions on the goals of an external environment and market, mission, and development of the educational organization. The educational organization is dynamic growth and competitiveness provides the mission of educational organization and development. Strategic management refers to the long-term goals and actions of educational institutions. The formulation of a strategy (direction of action) and its clear tools are key to management and are an important indicator of good organizational management. Strategic management includes five elements: the ability to model situations (identification of problems); the ability to determine the necessary changes (to formulate goals); ability to develop strategies for change (basic strategies); The possibility of using different impact methods (adoption and implementation of strategies) and the ability to coordinate strategies (change management).

Features of innovative management of education:

1. The flexibility of structure and management behavior by an appropriate change in the institution itself.

2. A series of management measures based on interactions, coordination, and cooperation systems.

3. Manual orientation for cooperation and coordination with teachers, disciples, parents, society.

4. Use the problem analysis of the status and development of the school system.

The potential of the educational system and the increase in the creation of the

Condition for the complete implementation of these potentials. The specificity of education in the early 3rd thousand years is a special requirement for the use of various technologies. Deep processes that occur in the education system in Korea and overseas form new ideologies and educational methodologies as methodologies of ideology and innovative education. Innovative education technology should be considered a tool that can implement a new training paradigm [3, p. 79]. The main purpose of innovative education technology is to prepare people for life in the world of eternal education. The essence of such training consists of potential human abilities and directions of the curriculum for the implementation. Education should be able to develop a creative way to develop mechanisms for innovation and solve important issues and contribute to changes in creativity in the form of the presence of norms and a human being [4, pp. 22-23]. The current phase of the present society must emphasize the need to enhance the quality and accessibility of education and improve the quality and accessibility of education, which causes a new problem in the education system due to political and socio-economic ideological and other factors. One of the effective ways to solve these problems is the information of education. Improving technical communication means a significant advance in information exchange. The emergence of new information technology related to computer tools and communication network development was able to create new information and educational environments qualitatively on the basis for the development and improvement of the educational system [5, p. 115]. The use of information and communication technologies can greatly accelerate and transform the process of retrieving and transmitting information, converting the nature of mental activity and automating human labor. The development and implementation level of industrial activities and communication technology have been proven to determine the success of all companies. The foundation of information and communication technology is an information and communication system based on computer tools and communication systems, indicating information resources and hardware and software that provide storage, processing, and information of storing processing, and transmission of information [6, p. 83].

Modern schools should be a state-of-the-art platform from the perspective of information technology, which is the place where people in the spirit of the modern information society, as well as people, need. If you do not use information and communication technology (ICT), the educational institution cannot require the innovative status of education. In the end, innovative educational institutions are extensively introducing organizational, lessons, technical and technological innovation in the curriculum, and this criterion is considered to achieve the actual increase in the scope of knowledge and the quality of knowledge and training. expert. Through the development of information technology, teachers' professional activities will be more

active on the Internet beyond the framework of the class system. The teacher's influence is surviving and teaching students through the Internet. In modern conditions, there is an opportunity to self-satisfy and improve teachers' professional qualities. Strengthening the role of ICT in education, you need to form information and communication with the information of the teacher's communication. In the actual situation of professional problems and pedagogical activities, the ability to use ICT to solve professional problems and businesses will contribute to the same paradigm implementation of the same education [7, p. 13].

Conclusions. In conclusion, it is necessary to mention that the effects of society in the modern world and the signs of the country are converted to the development of innovative types using new technologies and educational innovations, aimed at improving the contents of an innovative type of education. The quality of students. When creating new knowledge new knowledge, information, technology, and expansion and development, it becomes the fundamental characteristics of employees of the economy after the industry. The field of education is largely crossed in the information society in the economic area of the society, and the educational activity.

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