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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Romanchuk V. O., Larina T. V.

This article is devoted to the problem and importance of developing a competent and successful strategy for the quality of scientific and methodological support of Olympiads in English in military universities. The authors pay special attention to the modern socio-political climate that has developed in the modern arena of higher military education, which is aimed at conducting a variety of innovative educational activities in the field of organizing the educational process as part of the study of a foreign language. The article focuses on the tasks with continuity and multidisciplinary training of future military specialists. In a given context, the level of requirements for the development of scientific and methodological support for the Olympiad, presenting an integral complex consisting of interconnected and interdependent systems of scientific and methodological work and scientific and methodological activities, becomes more complicated. The authors of the article emphasize that the creation of optimal scientific and methodological support for the education of participants in the educational process of higher education is a difficult and time-consuming process, a complex and multifaceted task.

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Стратегический подход обеспечения качества научно-методической составляющей олимпиады по английскому языку: на примере военного вуза

Романчук Вероника Олеговна,

кандидат педагогических наук доцент кафедры иностранных языков, ВУНЦ ВВС «ВВА имени профессора Н.Е. Жуковского и Ю.А. Гагарина»

E-mail: Veronika.romanchuk@gmail.com Ларина Татьяна Владимировна,

доктор педагогических наук, профессор заведующая кафедры иностранных языков, ВУНЦ ВВС «ВВА имени профессора Н.Е. Жуковского и Ю.А. Гагарина» E-mail: Veronika.romanchuk@gmail.com

Данная статья посвящена проблематике и значимости разработки грамотной и успешной стратегии качества научно-методического обеспечения олимпиад по английскому языку в военных вузах. Авторы уделяют особое внимание современному социально-политическому климату, сложившемуся на современной арене высшего военного образования, которое направлено на проведение разнообразных инновационных образовательных мероприятий в области организации учебного процесса в рамках изучения иностранного языка. В статье акцентируются задачи непрерывности и многопрофильности подготовки будущих военных специалистов. В заданном контексте усложняется и уровень требований к разработкам научно-методического обеспечения олимпиады, представляющего собой интегральный комплекс, состоящий из взаимосвязанной и взаимообусловленной систем научно-методической работы и научно-методической деятельности. Авторы статьи подчеркивают, что создание оптимального научно-методического обеспечения образованности участников образовательного процесса высшей школы представляет собой комплексный и трудоемкий процесс, сложную и многоаспектную задачу.

Ключевые слова: олимпиада, иноязычное образование, стратегия, задача, сущность, военное образование, профессиональное развитие.

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The process of modernization of higher military professional education is aimed at innovative educational activities in the field of organization of the educational structure, realizing the task of continuity and versatility, which invariably sets the search vector for the intensity of systematization of the content of training in various aspects of its scientific and methodological support. Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation General of the Army S.K. Shoigu notes that the improvement of the military education system requires special attention: "... the reform of the Armed Forces is impossible without the organization of a high-quality military education system. At the same time, it is necessary to revise the main criteria for the professional training of officers" [1].

This is due to the universal adoption of the federal state educational standards of the new generation, the processes of structuring and systematizing educational information in accordance with professional relevance and significance in science, the search for the most adequate ways to integrate and qualitatively assimilate interdisciplinary knowledge, culture-forming aspects of personality and competencies of future military specialists.

In addition, modern requirements for the development of scientific and methodological support in the field of higher military education are reflected in the study of pedagogical approaches to the design of a competent educational system. There is a noticeable deepening of the essence of scientific and methodological support through a verified process of designing its structure, the main core and peripheral connections, the significance and key pedagogical principles.

It is interesting to note that scientists tend to interpret the essence of scientific and methodological support in different ways. In our study, the most interesting is the interpretation of the essence of scientific and methodological support as an integral interrelated and interdependent system of scientific and methodological work and scientific and methodological activities. Of course, in order to create such a systematic scientific and methodological support, it is important not only to clarify the concepts and functional components that form its structure, but also to determine the practical requirements and conditions for its development as an integral whole.

In this case, the most logical at the beginning of our analysis is the consideration of scientific and methodological support as a general scientific concept. In order to consider and study the concept of scientific and methodological support and formulate its definition in relation to military education, we examined a number

of scientific works. K. Ya. Vazina [2], A.M. Novikov [3], L.G. Sokolov [4] addressed the problems of methodology and research methods of vocational education.

Questions of professional development of personality were studied by A.G. Asmolov [5], E.A. Klimov [6], E.F. Zeer [7], B.F. Lomov [8]. The methodology and theory of civil and military education were covered by I.A. Alekhin [9], A.V., Barabanshchikov [10], Yu.K. Babansky [11], V.P. Bespalko [12], the issues of military professional training of officers are reflected in the scientific works of G.V. Zibrova [13], A.V. Klop-ov [14].

The analysis of the scientific literature allows us to conclude that the scientific and methodological support at a military university is a dynamic methodological complex, consisting of fundamental scientific achievements and fundamental practical experience, which set the goal of developing scientifically based, normative, methodological, educational - program documents and extensive information resources of training tools for a future specialist in the military professional field.

Based on a solid foundation of extensive pedagogical practice, the creation of optimal scientific and methodological support for the education of participants in the educational process of higher education is a difficult and time-consuming process, a complex and multifaceted challenge. For its successful and effective solution, higher school teachers do not have enough competence in the field of the taught discipline and pedagogical skills in the issue of technology for revealing the inner potential of the student's personality, the formation of his knowledge and competencies. It is also necessary to have an accurate understanding of the system of the educational and methodological complex of the discipline, its composition, verified structure and content, various requirements for its development, technologies and methods for creating such a complex.In addition, in the issue of higher military education, it is necessary to consider the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process in the higher military school, which differs significantly in its way from civilian universities.

That is why it is necessary to clarify that the system of military education is a combination of the following interacting components: state educational standards for vocational education, qualification requirements for graduates of military universities in specialties and successive educational programs of various levels and directions; networks of military educational institutions that implement them; governing bodies of military education; scientific and methodological associations, councils.

The educational process in the higher military school is organized and conducted in accordance with the requirements of the military policy of the state, as well as in accordance with the orders and directives of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Its organizational and substantive basis consists of: the military doctrine of the state, military science, military regulations, manuals, programs for combat and public-state training, state educational standards and

qualification requirements for the training of military specialists. Thus, when developing a modern strategy for the development of scientific and methodological support for the educational process in a military university, it must be considered that military educational institutions differ from educational institutions of other ministries and departments in their goals, content of education, and the specifics of the activities of cadets and graduates.

Based on research in the field of military education (A.I. Bogomolov, V.N. Novikov, V.M. Kulikov), it is important to clarify the key features of the educational process in a military university:

1) training is a complex of scientific, service and educational activities - cadets of a military university are required to serve in outfits and guards, strictly perform military rituals, adhere to the statutory relationships between themselves, senior officers and civilian faculty, follow the disciplinary practice of restricting free "leisure" time;

2) mastering a military specialty for cadets of a military university who have taken an oath to the Fatherland is a strict official duty;

3) in the educational process, the simultaneous use of individual and collective forms of education takes place in accordance with a strict daily routine, part of which is strictly the mandatory independent work of cadets. Independent work of cadets is an integral part of training duties, the purpose of which is to consolidate and deepen the acquired knowledge and skills, search and acquire new knowledge. During independent work, cadets prepare for the upcoming classes, tests and exams, repeat and consolidate the material covered, perform individual tasks, and also engage in research work;

4) in the process of training at a military university, there is a multi-level training of future officers, which is a complex of training in a specialty, training a future commander, training a highly educated cultural personality capable of soberly and wisely solving various problems both in military professional and in everyday life;

5) the management of the educational process is always associated with the work of military, civilian teachers and commanders. Moreover, this issue lies in the fact that the military and commanders, as a rule, do not have a separate pedagogical education, while the civilian teaching staff does not have a special military education. This aspect requires on the part of cadets to develop the ability to quickly adapt and clearly build an internal strategy for self-development;

6) training at a military university is carried out within the framework of the charter, detailed and strict regulation of the requirements of the governing documents, which define a fundamentally different approach to the content and organization of scientific and methodological support, because the key goal of training at a military university is always the military professional training of military personnel in high quality fulfillment of their duties and the solution of tasks.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that when developing a "project" of scientific and methodological




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support for each component of the educational process in a military university, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: first of all, it is necessary to design educational and methodological educational complexes for the formation of military professional culture without prejudice to the discipline taught with the appropriate pedagogical foundations and without distorting the normative documentation; secondly, it is important to apply effective pedagogical approaches in the design and implementation of scientific and methodological support; thirdly, to meet the increased requirements for a specialist in the military professional sphere, which means to apply educational and methodological complexes in accordance with an effective algorithm of educational activities in a higher military school.

Based on the regulatory framework of the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 670 of September 15, 2014 "On Measures to Implement Certain Provisions of Article 81 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N273-FL "On Education in the Russian Federation", in which we read that " By purposefully organizing and comprehensively supporting the educational process, choosing methods and means, a military educational institution creates the conditions necessary for the development of educational programs in the specialties (directions) of training established for universities" [15], we come to the conclusion that the key components of the integral concept scientific and methodological support of the educational process in the higher military school are:

- Methodological support, which is a combination of various methods and techniques of subject activity of a teacher for mastering general scientific and military-professional competencies, ways of their competent application, educational documentation;

- Scientific support that ensures the creation of organizational and pedagogical algorithms for the practical application of scientific achievements in military education at the theoretical, methodological and methodological levels;

- Training support, i.e. a set of normative documentation that regulates and influences the implementation of the goals of training in a military university, the personal development of cadets and the formation of their military professional competencies;

- An educational and methodological bank representing an integral complex and content of educational and methodological materials of traditional and innovative types for a teacher and cadets, designed for a specific cycle of a certain discipline, and at the same time harmoniously fitting into the general outline of the educational process in a higher military school.

Considering the scientific and methodological support of the educational process in higher education as a whole as a process of planning, developing and creating an optimal educational complex, it is necessary 5 to clarify that we consider the characteristics of such 5 support to be scientific, interconnected, accessible ^ and military-professional orientation. ° The concept of scientific character as one of the H key characteristics of the process of designing scien-

tific and methodological support speaks for itself and implies compliance with modern scientific knowledge, constant and prompt replenishment of educational material. In addition, considering the specifics of military professional education, the main attention is paid to the skills of scientific knowledge, theoretically grounded argumentation and its practical application to solve specific military professional problems.

Interconnection is an equally important characteristic, as it reflects systemic and consistent content for both teachers and students of a military university, builds logical connections of scientific knowledge, making the educational process consistent, understandable and competent.

The issue of intelligibility and clarity of the proposed material always leads to the concept of the accessibility of its presentation, since it is this basic didactic characteristic that clearly demonstrates the correspondence between the volume of educational material and the complexity of its development for the student.

The military-professional orientation, as a fundamental characteristic of scientific and methodological training in a military university, implies the inclusion of professionally significant material in the educational and methodological complex and, accordingly, lays down the range of necessary military-professional skills.

Thus, the issue of scientific and methodological support in the higher military school is becoming the most relevant due to the fact that in recent years Russia has been undergoing fundamental changes in the military sphere. Such transformations cover all spheres of military life, including defense, science and education. The main goal of reforming military education is the creation of qualitatively new armed forces, which must meet the modern requirements of the military-political and strategic situation in the world, the trends of modern education, the requirements for a modern specialist, and the trends in the development of a harmonious personality in a renewed society. The system of military education in such renewed conditions is called upon to stand inviolably on the path to improving the professional education of future officers, the scientific and methodological support of which becomes a priority goal in strengthening the country's defense capability.

Next, we consider it logical to turn to the analysis of the structure of the scientific and methodological support of the university stage of the All-Army Olympiad in English. We repeat that the Olympiad is an integral part of the modern educational process in the higher military school, and, therefore, the design and implementation of its scientific and methodological support at the university stage is of particular importance and significance.

At the current stage of our research, we will touch on the legislative framework and analyze the regulatory documents governing the holding of Olympiads in military universities, which will reflect the component of training support, then we will turn to the leading pedagogical approaches that represent the component of scientific support, which is the fundamental cornerstone for the construction of the building of methodol-

ogy. In the following paragraphs, we will consider the main pedagogical principles on which the formation of an educational and methodological bank of materials designed for the university stage of the Olympiad competitions is based.

The problem of scientific and methodological support of the Olympiad in a foreign language in a military university is of fundamental importance for military education, since they are one of the most inflectional educational forms that instantly respond to changes in the military-political and educational arena, and therefore, the Olympiad complex is an experimental testing ground the latest innovative technologies and approaches in military education, as it has the following qualities: the selection of tested military professional disciplines, their intellectual elitism, effectiveness and representativeness in a relatively short time, the possibility of a quick and high-quality reflective-oriented aspect when summing up the results.

That is why the scientific and methodological support of the Olympiad in a military university solves the multifaceted task of military education as a whole -"proactive development". It is important to note that when looking for solutions to this issue, a special role belongs to the formation of professional flexibility and competence of the teaching staff. In the modern pedagogical practice of military education, it has already become axiomatic that the teacher has transformed from a translator of knowledge into an organizer of training, a creator of a fertile educational environment for gifted minds, a supportive leader-mentor, aimed at joint effective co-creation. The search for the most optimal way and the development of various competencies by the teacher, which are strictly regulated by the educational standards of higher education, is not easy in the conditions of a highly competitive environment of the Olympiad movement, dynamism and mobility, which means that scientific and methodological support should be so effective and of high quality that the improvement of pedagogical skills is continuous, timely and meeting the needs of higher military education.


1. Речь Министра Обороны РФ Шойгу С.К. от 7.12.2012 по Вопросам совершенствования системы военного образования http://xn -d1acaykgvdf0he1a.xn-90anlfbebar6i.xn plai/ news_page/person/more.htm?id=11514685@eg-News&_print=true

2. Вазина К.Я. Структурный подход к управлению образовательным учреждением / К.Я. Вазина, Ю.Н. Петров, К.А. Романова. - Н. Новгород: Изд-во ВГИПИ, 2000. - 88 с.

3. Новиков A.M. Российское образование в новой эпохе / Парадоксы наследия, векторы развития. - М.: Эгвес, 2000. - 272 с.

4. Соколов А.Г. Теория и практика управления средним профтехтехучилищем. -М.: Высш. шк., 1988. - 184 с.

5. Асмолов А.Г. Стратегия социокультурной модернизации образования: на пути к преодоле-

нию кризиса идентичности и построению гражданского общества / А.Г. Асмолов // Вопросы образования. - 2008. - № 1-65-86 с.

6. Климов, Е.А. Психология профессионального самоопределения [Текст]: учеб. пособие / Е.А. Климов. - М.: Академия, 2004. - 304 с.

7. Зеер Э.Ф. Модернизация проф.образования: компетентностный подход / Э.Ф. Зеер // Образование и наука. - 2004 - № 3-42-53с.

8. Ломов Б.Ф. Вопросы общей педагогической и инженерной психологий / Б.Ф. Ломов. -М.,1991. - 195с.

9. Алёхин И.А. Сборник учебных и методических материалов по организации рационализаторской работы и стимулированию профессионального творчества в образовательном процессе военного вуза [Текст] / И.А. Алёхин, Е.И. Федак, Е.А. Павлов. - М.: Лаборатория «ОП», 2014. - 160 с.

10. Барабанщиков А.В. Проблемное обучение: Итоги подведены - проблемы остаются [Текст] / А.В. Барабанщиков // Вестник высшей школы. - 1985. - № 11. - 20-31с.

11. Бабанский Ю.К. Учить мыслям или учить мыслить? // Наука и религия. [Текст] / Ю.К. Бабанский - 1987. - № 5. -86-95с.

12. Беспалько В.П. Природосообразная педагогика [Текст] / В.П. Беспалько. - М.: Народное образование, 2008. - 341 с.

13. Зибров Г.В. Научные и прикладные основы военно-профессиональной подготовки офицерских кадров в вузах Вооружённых Сил РФ: монография /Г.В. Зибров. - Воронеж: изд-во ВГУ, 2005. - 122 с.

14. Клопов А.В. Дидактическая система профессиональной подготовки офицеров в вузах силовых ведомств [Текст]: автореф. дис. ... д-ра пед. наук. М.: ВУ, 2012

15. Приказ Министра обороны РФ от 15 сентября 2014 г. N670 «О мерах по реализации отдельных положений статьи 81 Федерального закона от 29 декабря 2012 г. №73-ФЗ «Об образовании в Российской Федерации» (с изменениями и дополнениями): http://base.garant. ru/70791866/#ixzz6hyF1 JqiF


Romanchuk V.O., Larina T.V.

Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin

This article is devoted to the problem and importance of developing a competent and successful strategy for the quality of scientific and methodological support of Olympiads in English in military universities. The authors pay special attention to the modern socio-political climate that has developed in the modern arena of higher military education, which is aimed at conducting a variety of innovative educational activities in the field of organizing the educational process as part of the study of a foreign language. The article focuses on the tasks with continuity and multidisciplinary training of future military specialists. In a given context, the level of requirements for the development of scientific and methodological support for the Olympi-




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ad, presenting an integral complex consisting of interconnected and interdependent systems of scientific and methodological work and scientific and methodological activities, becomes more complicated. The authors of the article emphasize that the creation of optimal scientific and methodological support for the education of participants in the educational process of higher education is a difficult and time-consuming process, a complex and multifaceted task.

Keywords: olympiads, task, pedagogical principle, significance, military education, professional development.


1. Speech by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Shoigu S.K. dated December 7, 2012 on the issues of improving the system of military education. http://xn - d1acaykgvdf-0he1 a.xn-90anlfbebar6i.xn p1ai/news_page/person/more.ht-m?id=11514685@egNews&_print=true

2. Vazina K. Ya. Structural approach to the management of an educational institution / K. Ya. Vazina, Yu.N. Petrov, K.A. Romanova. - Nizhny Novgorod: VGIPI Publishing House, 2000. - 88 p.

3. Novikov A. M. Russian education in the new era / Heritage paradoxes, vectors of development. - M.: Egves, 2000. - 272 p.

4. Sokolov A.G. Theory and practice of managing a secondary vocational school. -M.: Higher. school, 1988. - 184 p.

5. Asmolov A.G. Strategy of socio-cultural modernization of education: on the way to overcoming the crisis of identity and building a civil society / A.G. Asmolov // Questions of education. -2008. - No. 1-65-86 p.

6. Klimov, E.A. Psychology of professional self-determination [Text]: textbook. allowance / E.A. Klimov. - M.: Academy, 2004. - 304 p.

7. Zeer E.F. Modernization of vocational education: competence-based approach / E.F. Zeer // Education and science. - 2004 -No. 3-42-53s.

8. Lomov B.F. Issues of general pedagogical and engineering psychology / B.F. Lomov. - M., 1991. - 195s.

9. Alekhin I.A. Collection of educational and methodological materials on the organization of rationalization work and the stimulation of professional creativity in the educational process of a military university [Text] / I.A. Alekhin, E.I. Fedak, E.A. Pavlov. -M.: Laboratory "OP", 2014. - 160 p.

10. Drummers A.V. Problem-based learning: Results summed up -problems remain [Text] / A.V. Drummers // Higher School Bulletin. - 1985. - No. 11. - 20-31s.

11. Babansky Yu.K. To teach thoughts or to teach to think? // Science and religion. [Text] / Yu.K. Babansky - 1987. - No. 5. 8695 s.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

12. Bespalko V.P. Natural pedagogy [Text] / V.P. Bespalko. - M.: National education, 2008. - 341 p.

13. Zibrov G.V. Scientific and applied bases of military-professional training of officers in higher education institutions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: monograph /G.V. Zibrov. -Voronezh: VSU publishing house, 2005. - 122 p.

14. Klopov A.V. Didactic system of professional training of officers in the universities of law enforcement agencies [Text]: author. dis. ... Dr. ped. Sciences. M.: VU, 2012

15. Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of September 15, 2014 N670 "On measures to implement certain provisions of Article 81 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N273-FL "On Education in the Russian Federation" (with amendments and additions): http://base.garant. ru/70791866/#ixzz6hyF1JqiF

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