Научная статья на тему 'Stomatological status of preschool children in certain regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan'

Stomatological status of preschool children in certain regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan Текст научной статьи по специальности «Клиническая медицина»

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Ключевые слова
preschool children / stomatological status / primary prevention. / дети дошкольного возраста / стоматологический статус / первичная профилактика

Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — Akhrorkhodjaev Nodirhon Shahobiddinovich, Tadjiev Javlonbek Bahtiyorovich, Murtazaev Saidmurodkhon Saidaloevich

the article presents the results of a study of the dental status of 200 preschool children (3 to 6 years old) in 6 regions of Uzbekistan. A number of reasons for the violation of children's dental health have been identified, and the level of preventive dental care for children in the regions has been assessed. The data obtained by studying the dental status of preschool children indicate the need to increase the effectiveness of primary prevention in children's groups. The insufficient level of knowledge of parents about the care of the oral cavity in children indicates the need for active educational work among parents by pediatric dentists.

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в статье приведены результаты изучения стоматологического статуса 200 детей дошкольного возраста (3 до 6 лет) в 6 регионах Узбекистана. Установлен ряд причин нарушения стоматологического здоровья детей, дана оценка уровня оказания профилактической стоматологической помощи детям в регионах. Полученные данные изучения стоматологического статуса детей дошкольного возраста свидетельствуют о необходимости повышения эффективности первичной профилактики в детских коллективах. Недостаточный уровень знаний родителей по уходу за полостью рта у детей указывает на необходимость проведения активной санитарно-просветительной работы среди родителей детскими врачами-стоматологами.

Текст научной работы на тему «Stomatological status of preschool children in certain regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan»


STOMATOLOGICAL STATUS OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN IN CERTAIN REGIONS OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN Akhrorkhodjaev N.Sh.1, Tadjiev J.B.2, Murtazaev S.S.3 (Republic of Uzbekistan) Email: Akhrorkhodjaev566@scientifictext.ru

1Akhrorkhodjaev Nodirhon Shahobiddinovich - Assistant, THERAPEUTIC DENTISTRY DEPARTMENT; 2Tadjiev Javlonbek Bahtiyorovich - Master; 3Murtazaev Saidmurodkhon Saidaloevich - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Docent, Head of Department, PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY DEPARTMENT, TASHKENT STATE DENTAL INSTITUTE, TASHKENT, REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN

Abstract: the article presents the results of a study of the dental status of200 preschool children (3 to 6 years old) in 6 regions of Uzbekistan. A number of reasons for the violation of children's dental health have been identified, and the level of preventive dental care for children in the regions has been assessed. The data obtained by studying the dental status of preschool children indicate the need to increase the effectiveness of primary prevention in children's groups. The insufficient level of knowledge ofparents about the care of the oral cavity in children indicates the need for active educational work among parents by pediatric dentists. Keywords: preschool children, stomatological status, primary prevention.


УЗБЕКИСТАН Ахрорходжаев Н.Ш.1, Таджиев Ж.Б.2, Муртазаев С.С.3 (Республика Узбекистан)

1Ахрорходжаев Нодирхон Шахобиддинович - ассистент, кафедра терапевтической стоматологии; 2Таджиев Жавлонбек Бахтиёрович - магистр; Муртазаев Саидмуродхон Саидалоевич - доктор медицинских наук, доцент, заведующий кафедрой, кафедра детской терапевтической стоматологии, Ташкентский государственный стоматологический институт, г Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в статье приведены результаты изучения стоматологического статуса 200 детей дошкольного возраста (3 до 6 лет) в 6 регионах Узбекистана. Установлен ряд причин нарушения стоматологического здоровья детей, дана оценка уровня оказания профилактической стоматологической помощи детям в регионах. Полученные данные изучения стоматологического статуса детей дошкольного возраста свидетельствуют о необходимости повышения эффективности первичной профилактики в детских коллективах. Недостаточный уровень знаний родителей по уходу за полостью рта у детей указывает на необходимость проведения активной санитарно-просветительной работы среди родителей детскими врачами-стоматологами.

Ключевые слова: дети дошкольного возраста, стоматологический статус, первичная профилактика.

Caring for the condition of children is a priority state healthcare program in Uzbekistan. Dental health of children is one of the most important areas, which is in the focus of attention of scientists and practitioners of dentists.

The performed epidemiological surveys among preschool children indicate a high degree of oral diseases in children of this age in Uzbekistan [1, 3, 4].

In this regard, prevention occupies an important place in the work of a children's dentist, where the main place belongs to the hygienic education of children, both at the individual and group levels, with the involvement of parents and carers. The main task of hygienic education is the development in children of manual skills for oral care. An integral and important component of hygienic education and prevention of dental diseases are the motivation of children, parents and carers. Knowledge of the main causes of diseases of the maxillofacial region by parents and educators, teaching children to brush their teeth and monitoring the quality of oral care will ensure the preservation of teeth in children. Based on the foregoing, for planning and organizing preventive measures in children's groups, it is important to know the initial level of knowledge of children and their parents of the main diseases of the oral cavity with the aim of early correction of the dental health of preschool children.

In connection with the foregoing, a study was made of the dental status of preschool children in 6 major, most developed industrial and agricultural regions of the Republic.

The purpose of the study is to study the dental status and assess the level of knowledge and hygienic skills in preschool children in oral care.

Materials and methods. A study was conducted of the dental condition of the oral cavity of 200 children aged 3 to 6 years.

To assess the dental status, the following tasks were set: to determine the state of the dentoalveolar system, risk factors and a number of reasons for the violation of children's dental health, to assess the level of preventive dental care for preschool children, and through personal conversations with parents to study the level of knowledge on the oral cavity of children, the basics hygienic dental education of children, conducting, together with educators and parents, corners of oral hygiene in each group of kindergartens visited by children in the studied regions of Uzbekistan.

Results and discussion.

To carry out preventive measures from early childhood during the formation of tooth tissue, and for rational planning, organization and implementation of effective prevention programs, data from an epidemiological dental examination, as well as a situational analysis of the dental morbidity of the population, climatogeographic, environmental, and social characteristics in each particular region are necessary. . The lack of this information makes it difficult to identify the needs of the children's population in various types of dental care and reduces the effectiveness of therapeutic and preventive measures.

Dental examination data were obtained for 200 children (118 boys (59%), 82 girls (41%) aged 3-6 years old, permanently living in rural areas of Uzbekistan (Fig. 1).







Kash kadarya

? 10 1? 20 2? 30 40 4? 50

Fig. 1. Distribution of children 3-6 years old by the regions of the Republic selected for the study of dental


As a result of the examination, the following risk factors for violations of dental status in children were studied:

- how was the child born in the family;

-feature of feeding;

- condition of the oral cavity: bite, frenulum.

According to numerous literary sources, there is a clear idea of the influence of the state of health of a pregnant woman and the number of births on the development and formation of the maxillofacial system of the child. Diseases of the mother during pregnancy and frequent childbirth can disrupt the normal development of organs and tissues of the oral cavity of the child [2,5,6].

These data, as risk factors for the development of the dentition, were studied in children in the examined regions.

Table 1. By what account in the family was the child born in the examined group

first second Thirdand more

amount % amount % amount %

107 52,5 65 32,5 28 15%

As the data in Table 1 are presented, the prevailing number of children born by the 1st child in the family was 107 (52.5%), the second was -65 (32,%), the third and more -28 (15%) children.

An important risk factor for dental disorders in children is the nature of feeding: artificial or breastfeeding. The data are presented in table 2

Table 2. The nature of feeding children

Artificial Feeding Natural feeding of babies (breast milk)

Amount of children % Amount of children %

97 48,5 103 51,5%

Analysis of the study of this factor shows that most of the children - 103 (51.5%) received breast milk, 97 (48.5%) were breast-fed.

One of the preventive measures aimed at the timely prevention of dental diseases is the correction of the frenum of the lips and tongue. A pathology of the structure of the oral cavity in the form of a short frenum of the tongue, called ankyloglossia, is common among children. Normally, the length of the frenum should be approximately 8 mm, just such a length is enough for



the proper functioning of the tongue, pronunciation of sounds and the absence of any consequences. The pathology of the development of frenulum significantly affects feeding, pronunciation of sounds and may even become a predisposing factor for the development of numerous diseases of the oral cavity. We conducted a survey of preschoolers and established the presence of this pathology (Table 3)

Of the 200 children examined, 47 (23.7%) showed violations of the attachment of a frenum of various localization (short frenulum of the upper and lower lips, tongue), the highest rates were found in children of the Yakkabog district - 9 out of 28 (32,1%) children.

Table 3. The condition of the bridles in children in the examined group

BridleCondition total: n=47 Short frenulum of the upper lip Short frenulum of the lower lip Short frenulum of the tongue

47 11 10 26

The most common pathology of the frenum is a short frenum of the tongue in 26 cases (13%), upper lip 11 (5%), lower lip 10 (5%).

The process of bite formation in a child has several important stages. Each of them is characterized by changes in the structure of the jaw and has factors affecting the formation of pathology. Malocclusion in children is diagnosed during routine examinations. It is important not to lose time and immediately start prophylactic or therapeutic treatment. In this age group of preschool children from 6 years of age, children begin to replace primary teeth with permanent ones. The development of malocclusion has a negative effect on both the health of the teeth and the entire body. In this regard, in the study group, we studied the state of occlusion in children.

During the examination period in the group (n = 200), 62.5% of the children had a milk bite, 37.5% were interchangeable. Malocclusion of varying degrees requiring dental correction was detected in 18 children with a milk bite and in 5 children interchangeable (Table 4)

Table 4. Malocclusion in children


distal mesial open deep

11 7 3 2

As presented in the table, distal malocclusion was more prevalent in 11 children (47.8%), mesial occlusion was observed in 7 (30.4%), open in 3 (13%), and deep - 2 (8%) children.

Professional help from an orthodontist dentist is mandatory for these children, however, for the most part, the parents of the babies do not pay attention to this problem, and most often they are only concerned with the aesthetic position of the dentofacial system.

By the age of 3, the child has already formed a bite and all milk teeth have erupted. Therefore, it is necessary that parents begin to instill in the baby the habit of caring for them as soon as possible.

Thus, the analysis of the dental status of preschool children in the regions of the Republic allows us to make a conclusion about the level of prevalence and intensity of various dental diseases of the oral cavity in children and taking into account the identified diseases, it is necessary to plan dental care for the children.

Conclusion In the course of the study it was found that the main problems were the insufficient staffing of pediatric dentistry and the insufficient coverage of children with preventive measures in the studied regions of the Republic. The data obtained by studying the dental status of preschool children indicate the need to increase the effectiveness of primary prevention in children's groups. The insufficient level of parental knowledge of the dental oral status of children indicates the need for active educational work among parents by pediatric dentists.

References / Список литературы

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2. Kalmataev, J.A. Kabulbekov, A.A. Kistaubaeva Zh.A. The development of dental care for children // VestnikKazNMU, 2015. № 3. S. 115-118.

3. Kamilov H.P., Zakirkhodjaeva Sh.A. Comparative assessment of the condition of the oral cavity and the effectiveness of the prevention of dental caries in preschool children // Stomatologiya, 2014. № 3-4. C. 60-65.

4. Kurbanhodzhaeva B.S. Dental status of children living in the Tashkent region: Abstract. Dis ... Candidate of Medical Science. T., 2015. 24 p.

5. Terekhova T.N., Melnikova E.I. Epidemiology of dental diseases - the basis for planning dental care for children: textbook. Method. allowance. Minsk, 2006. 24 p.

6. Chebakova T.I. Improving the provision of dental care for children in organized groups in modern socio-economic conditions: Abstract. Dis .... Candidate of Medical Science, Moscow, 2012.

MODERN ASPECTS OF CLINICAL AND LABORATORY METHODS FOR RESEARCH OF ACUTE RHEUMATIC FEVER Rustamova G.R.1, Muhamadiyeva L.A.2 (Republic of Uzbekistan) Email: Rustamova566@scientifictext.ru

1Rustamova Gulnoza Rustamovna - Assistant; 2Muhamadiyeva Lola Atamuradovna - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department, DEPARTMENT OF PEDIATRICS № 3 AND MEDICAL GENETICS, SAMARKAND STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE, SAMARKAND, REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN

Abstract: acute rheumatic fever (ARF) - is a post-infection complication A of streptococcal tonsillitis or pharingitis in the form of a systematic inflammatory disease of connective tissue with a primary localization in the cardiovascular system, joints, brain and skin wich develops in predisposed individuals. The prevention and control of rheumatism and rheumatic heart disease continues to occupy an important place in the WHO cardiovascular disease program [2, 3]. Despite the significant successes achieved in the fight against acute rheumatic fever, the problem of this disease still remains relevant and contains a number of unresolved issues [5, 6, 8]. Keywords: tonsillitis, cardiovascular system, C-reactive protein, Antistreptolysin O, acute rheumatic fever, fibrinogen.



ЛИХОРАДКИ 12 Рустамова Г.Р. , Мухаммадиева Л.А. (Республика Узбекистан)

1Рустамова Гулноза Рустамовна - ассистент; 2Мухамадиева Лола Атамурадовна - доктор медицинских наук, доцент, заведующий кафедрой, кафедра педиатрии № 3 и медицинской генетики, Самаркандский государственный медицинский институт, г. Самарканд, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: острая ревматическая лихорадка (ОРЛ) - постинфекционное осложнение А стрептококкового тонзиллита или фарингита в виде системного воспалительного

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