STATUS AND DIRECTION OF UKRAINIAN ENTERPRISES TRANSFORMATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Beketov O.M., Mamonov K.A., Prunenko D.O., Velychko V.A.

It is determined that peculiarities of fuel and energy complex enterprises include negative tendencies extension and reduction of energy-related materials and petroleum refinery products at the stock of consumers and suppliers. Construction industry is characterized by low rate of development, decrease of efficiency and performance results. Generally Ukrainian enterprises did not overcome consequences of financial and economic crisis, internal disproportions and unbalance are developed thereat.

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Wschodnioeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe (East European Scientific Journal) #3(19), 2017 sbasH 85

8. Национальный рейтинг состояния инвестиционного климата в субъектах РФ / [Электронный ресурс] - Режим доступа: https://asi.ru/investclimate/rating/

9. Об утверждении Инвестиционной стратегии Иркутской области на период до 2025 г. [Распоряжение Правительства Иркутской области от 28.08.2014 № 701-рп] / [Электронный ресурс] - Режим доступа: http://invest.irkobl.ru/ru/Informaciya-dlya-investora/Strategicheskie-dokumenti-razvitiya/Investicionnaya-strategiya-Irkutskoj-oblasti

10. Рейтинг качества стратегий социально-экономического развития регионов. Владимир Горчаков Рейтинговое агентство «Эксперт РА» / [Электронный ресурс! - Режим доступа: http://raexpert.ru/researches/regions/soc eco regions 04 2013/

11. Российская Федерация. Законы. О стратегическом планировании в Российской Федерации [Текст]: федер. Закон N 172-ФЗ: [принят Гос. Думой 28 июня 2014 г.].

O. M. Beketov

National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Kharkiv

K. A. Mamonov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Land Administration and Geological Information Systems

D. O. Prunenko, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Transport Systems and Logistics

V. A. Velychko,

External Doctorate Student of the Department of Business Economics, Business Administration and Regional Development

STATUS AND DIRECTION OF UKRAINIAN ENTERPRISES TRANSFORMATION Abstract. It is determined that peculiarities of fuel and energy complex enterprises include negative tendencies extension and reduction of energy-related materials and petroleum refinery products at the stock of consumers and suppliers. Construction industry is characterized by low rate of development, decrease of efficiency and performance results. Generally Ukrainian enterprises did not overcome consequences of financial and economic crisis, internal disproportions and unbalance are developed thereat.

Key words: fuel and energy complex enterprises, intellectual capital, transformation processes, corporate raiding.


In the current economic conditions deepening of negative processes in the Ukrainian economy, unstable social situation, political instability require rethinking of approaches to the development of enterprises. In particular, considering state-constituting economic sectors

- fuel and energy complex and construction industries, it should be noted that the index of industrial products in the field of electric power, gas and conditioned air supply in the percentage has decreased by 12 % as compared to the last year (as of January 1, 2016), volume of consumption of energy materials reduced in 2016 as compared to 2013 (coal - by 38.1 %, crude oil, including gas condensate - by 15.7 times, natural gas - by 71 %, motor gasoline - by 67,5 %, gas oil (diesel fuel)

- by 19.6 %), proportion of old and dilapidated heat and steam networks increased in the total amount of almost 20 %. In the construction sector there is noted a decrease in production and economic potential due to reducing technical readiness level of the fixed assets by 52 %, housing stock is slowly growing (housing stock has increased by 8 % in 2013 as compared to 2003, and only by 0.2 % as compared to the relevant period of the last year, by 13% in 2015 as compared to 2012). Along with this, the average single-family housing provision to Ukraine's population is three times lower than in Russia and four times than in Lithuania. Availability of housing in Ukraine is less by 3-5 times as compared to the Western countries.


A set of methods - generalization and systemati-zation, analysis and synthesis, is used in the study.

Topical issues related to the status and development of enterprises of fuel and energy complex are considered in the works of B. Holovakin, H. Darnopykh, I. Khrystych [1], N. Kovshun [2], H. Chernyak [3] and others.

Scientists E. Hrytskov [4], D. Serobyan [5], Yu Tararuiev [6], E. Tarasevych [7], E. Shebunina [8] and others are engaged into studies of directions and determination of peculiarities of construction enterprises business.

The existing scientific studies include conceptual provisions regarding the status and directions of the enterprises development considering contemporary aspects of formation and use of their most important elements - the intellectual capital and capabilities to counter the negative phenomena, in particular the raider seizure. However, there remain unresolved issues of development of the companies through the use of appropriate tools.


Purpose of the study is to determine the main directions of the enterprises development considering specifics of transformation processes taking place in the fuel and energy complex and construction industry.

In order to achieve the purpose the following tasks shall be solved:


86 Wschodnioeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe (East European Scientific JournaI)#3(l 9), 2017 H3kl

1. Main directions and peculiarities of work of fuel and energy complex enterprises are determined.

2. Transformation processes taking place at construction industry enterprises are described.

Describing the state of fuel and energy complex enterprises there is determined that the index of industrial production as a percentage until the previous year for 2011- 2015 has been annually decreased and amounted to only 88 %.

This dynamics confirms the negative trends occurring in industrial production. In 2016 this dynamic continues: in January-May industrial production index in the area of electricity, gas and conditioned air supply has decreased by 2.7 % and amounted to 99.5 % [9].

During the study period a decline in the index for all items of industrial production in the field of electric power, gas and conditioned air supply is noted. In particular, in January-May 2016 industrial production indexes by items of industrial production in the field of electricity, gas and conditioned air supply has decreased as compared to the beginning of the year:

In the field of electric power distribution - by 1.6%;

In the field of gas production, gaseous fuel distribution through local pipelines - by 5.2 %.

Only index of industrial production in the field of electric power production has increased by 0.6 % since the beginning of the year.

In the structure of industrial production eclectic power, gas, steam and conditioned air supply in January-May 2016 makes 23.2 % of the total volume, reflecting the significant impact of this sector on the production processes in the whole industry. It should be noted that only the processing industry takes the largest share - 63.3 %.

Along with this, majority of the volume of industrial production of the given field is used within the country and only 0.4 % of the total amount was sold abroad in January-May 2016 [9].

In January-May 2014-2016 there was an increase in sale volumes of industrial production of the structural elements of the items of electricity, gas, steam and conditioned air supply. Thus the realization volume of production, transmission and distribution of electric power for the given period was increased by 1.47 times. Sales volume of gas production; distribution of gaseous fuel through local pipelines was increased by 2.9 times. The structure of the sale volumes includes electric power, gas and conditioned air supply, electric power production, transmission and distribution. Thus, importance increase of the given field ensuring energy-independence of the country was determined by the results of the analysis.

Therefore, during the analysis it was found that in the field of electric power, gas and conditioned air supply negative trends deepen, enterprises energy-independence and investment attractiveness decrease.

Describing electric power production it should be noted that during 2011-2015 there is noted decrease in its production by 19.1 % due to reduced volumes of fuel supply for electric power plants in connection with, but not limited to, the anti-terrorist operation and unavailability of raw materials diversification.

In 2011-2015 there was noted a decrease in the volume of electric power production for the following enterprises of electric power industry:

- Thermal electric power stations - by 39 %;

- Nuclear electric power stations - by 3 %;

- Hydroelectric power stations - by 57 %.

Therewith amounts of electric power production

by wind and solar electric power stations increase by 12.1 and 15.8 times, respectively. It proves growing importance of the so-called "untraditional" sources of electric power production conforming to the contemporary trends of electric power industry development. Decline in electric power production by thermal, nuclear, hydroelectric power stations is related to economic, political imbalances, external negative influences on the given industry.

During the analysis it was found that the largest share in the structure of enterprises producing electric power included nuclear and thermal electric power stations in 2015. Therewith a small share includes wind and solar electric power stations requiring considerable efforts for their growth and ensuring compliance with contemporary trends in terms of decline in raw materials stock. In addition, this structure proves the need to counter the possible raider attacks on the electric power enterprises and the so-called "privatization".

Technical and economic performance indices of gas supply enterprises for 2011-2014 are determined indicating natural gas losses in the network having a negative impact on their operation.

In 2011-2014 there was noted decrease in boiler stations aggregate capacity by 1.25 at the end of the year and reducing losses of thermal power by 1.36 times. However, the latter figure has a significant meaning indicating low efficiency of boiler stations performance. The given trends create the conditions for a possible acquisition of boilers at "lower" prices and the implementation of raider attacks.

The length of old and dilapidated heat and steam networks in 2011-2014 was decreased by 2.2 % or by 103.5 km. At the same time their share in the total length of heat and steam networks is increasing.

During the analysis it was found that the largest share of total old and dilapidated heat and steam networks among the regions of Ukraine in 2014 include: Sumy (39.5 %), Odessa (39.1 %), Ternopil (28.4 %), Kirovograd (27.9%), Lviv (27.2%), Chernihiv (27.1 %) Regions [9].

Integrate indicators characterizing the state of fuel and energy complex include criteria characterizing energy balance of the country. In 2012 - 2014 there was noted a reduction of the total primary energy supply, final consumption and non-energy use. This is due, to the greater extent, to the extensive factors affecting operation of the fuel and energy complex. In particular, this is due to deepening financial and economic crisis, political instability, carrying out anti-terrorist operation in the Eastern Ukraine, external influences, "seizure" of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, and reduction of the country's population.

Operation of the construction industry enterprises is determined by controversial trends. During inde-


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pendence years in most periods the indices of performed construction works showed a decline in the percentage as compared to the previous year, indicating development inhibition of the construction industry enterprises. Special attention should be paid to the fact that during 2008-2012 the indices of performed construction works were characterized by low values and reduction in their volume. Only in 2011 a value of the given index (111%) was characterized by growth. This dynamics is related to the influence of external covari-ates (financial and economic crisis, political and economic instability of the country, social disparities, etc.) and internal imbalances occurring at the construction industry enterprises.

In this context the main problem of development of the construction industry enterprises is increase in the cost of works due to growth of the major construction components. In order to maintain the level of profitability, construction companies increase the cost of works and services resulting in a negative impact on the dynamics of demand from customers.

Construction unprofitability reduces its investment attractiveness. A detailed analysis of changes in parameters describing the shifts trajectory as of 01.01.2016 shows ambiguous trends observed in the construction industry, where there are significant variations from growth to fall. In particular, the volume of construction works was increased by 12.5 % as compared to the previous year, but this figure did not reach the level of 2012 (only 91.4 %). Construction products index was 87.7 % as compared to the corresponding period of the last year.

For 2015 reduction of construction products index in the regional aspect was observed in most of the regions (16) conforming to the nation-wide trends and proving accumulation of negative phenomena in the construction industry.

For 2011-2015 low level of profitability or loss of activity was observed in the construction industry, indicating that the negative processes characterizing effectiveness of building enterprises operation.

Decrease in value of fixed assets by 33% is observed in the construction field, indicating a decrease in production capacity and slowing down the development trend of enterprises in the field provided.

For 2013-2015 the rate of fixed assets depreciation was increased by 1.1 %, the highest rate was observed in 2014 making 54.4 %. This proves decline in the technical readiness of fixed assets for the performance of production tasks set.


Now therefore, during the study it was determined that peculiarities of activities of fuel and electric power complex enterprises include negative tendencies deepening related to slowing down production volumes of electric power, increasing gas losses by gas supply enterprises, decreasing boiler stations aggregate capacity, significant proportion of total old and dilapidated heat and steam networks, reduction in stock of energy materials and refined petroleum products possessed by consumers and providers.

Construction industry is characterized by low rate of development, decreasing activities efficiency and performance. Moreover, accumulation of negative phenomena is observed at most construction companies, reflecting the state of social and economic development of the country. National enterprises are marked by low volumes of product sales and investment attractiveness as compared to the European countries. In general, national construction industry has not overcome consequences of financial and economic crisis yet, and internal disparities and imbalances are developing.


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2. N. E. Kovshun, Vyznachennya prioritetnykh napryamiv derzhavnoyi innovatsiynoyi polityky u palyvno-enerhetychnomu kompleksi Ukrayiny [Priority directions determination of the state innovation politics in fuel and energy complex of Ukraine] / N. E. Kovshun, S. Z. Moshchych, Tvorchyi poshuk mo-lodi - kurs na efektyvnist [Youth's creative research -focus on efficiency]. Report themes of VII International Scientific and Theoretic Internet Conference of Young Scientists, Associate Professors, Students, Khmelny-tskyi, 2016, 446 p., 74-76 p. [in Ukrainian].

3. H. M. Chernyak, Otsinyuvannya rivnya ekonomichnoyi bezpeky enerhetychnykh pidpryiemstv v umovakh ievrointehratsii [Assessment of economic safety level of energy enterprises in terms of European integration] / H. M. Chernyak [E-source] - Available at http://www.google.com.ua/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc= s&source=web&cd=22&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahU KEwi [in Ukrainian].

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5. D. L. Serobyan, Upravlenie obiektami intel-lektualnogo kapitala stroitelnykh predpriyatiy [Management of intellectual capital objects of construction enterprises] / D. L. Serobyan, dissertation in support of candidature for an economic degree in specialty 08.00.05 - National Economy Economics and Management, Enterprises, Industries, Complexes Economics, Organization and Management - Construction. - Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg State Economics University, 2015 [E-source] - Available at http://une-con.ru/sites/default/files/dis-

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6. O. Yu. Tararuiev, Udoskonalennya mekhan-izmu otsinky intellektualnykh aktyviv budivelnykh pidpryiemstv [Improving the mechanism of assessing


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construction enterprises intellectual assets] / O. Yu. Ta-raruiev, synopsis of dissertation in support of candidature for an economic degree in specialty 08.00.04 - Enterprises Economics and Management (Construction Economics), Kharkiv, Kharkiv National Academy of Urban Economy, 2008, 21 p. [in Ukrainian].

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Ternvshchenko K. O.

candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of Economic security

Kuban state technological University Chirg D. N.

a student of the Department of Economic security Kuban state technological University

Тернавщенко Кристина Олеговна

кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры 'кономической безопасности ФГБОУ ВО «Кубанский государственный технологический университет»

Чирг Дарина Нурдиновна студентка кафедры Экономической безопасности ФГБОУ ВО «Кубанский государственный технологический университет»


Summary: The article considers the essence and types of external threats to the economic security of the company, the phenomena and processes that have a destructive impact on the economic security system and the main measures to mitigate external threats of economic security of enterprise

Key words: economic security, external threats, damage, economic security, minimizing threats

Аннотация: В статье рассмотрена сущность и виды внешних угроз экономической безопасности предприятия, определены явления и процессы, которые оказывают деструктивное влияние на систему экономической безопасности и определены основные мероприятия по минимизации внешних угроз экономической безопасности предприятия

Ключевые слова: экономическая безопасность, внешние угрозы, ущерб, служба экономической безопасности, минимизация угроз

Главной целью любого предприятия является получение прибыли, что возможно при условиях экономического роста. На результативность деятельности предприятия оказывают влияния внешние и внутренние факторы. Внутренние факторы предприятия могут контролировать, а также минимизировать внутренние угрозы. Однако предприятия не в состоянии контролировать и регулировать угрозы, возникающие во внешней среде его деятельности. В современных условиях процесс успешного функционирования и экономического

развития российских предприятий во многом зависит от совершенствования их деятельности в области обеспечения экономической безопасности.

Шутько Л.Г. отмечает, что экономическая безопасность предприятий в Российской Федерации в настоящее время сильно осложнена особенностями становления и развития рыночных отношений, существующим положением в российском законодательстве, повсеместно распространенной коррупцией, ростом организованной преступности. Криминальными элементами получены широкие

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