Научная статья на тему 'State of and Recommendations on training human resources for e-commerce businesses in Vietnam'

State of and Recommendations on training human resources for e-commerce businesses in Vietnam Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Pham Tien Dung, Nguyen Ngoc Tu

In line with Industry 4.0 (commonly referred to as the fourth industrial revolution), electronic commerce plays a very important role in the economic development of the world as well as in Vietnam, providing a new and highly effective business environment for enterprises. Facing this trend, e-commerce in Vietnam is being built and developed very strongly, especially in recent years, with the rapid development of information technology (IT) and the intensive and extensive integration into the world economy. There are many factors Influencing the development of e-commerce, the most important one is human resources for e-commerce. From 2008 up to now, although plenty of good signals in training human resources for e-commerce have been shown, this kind of resource is still "weak and needed". In the coming time, since the number of enterprises investing in e-commerce is increasing, the training of human resources for e-commerce becomes a central task.

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В соответствии с промышленной революцией 4.0 (обычно называемой четвертой промышленной революцией) электронная коммерция играет очень важную роль в экономическом развитии мира, а также во Вьетнаме, обеспечивая условия, необходимые для ведения высокоэффективной предпринимательской деятельности предприятий. Сталкиваясь с этой тенденцией, электронная коммерция во Вьетнаме строится и развивается очень активно, особенно в последние годы, с быстрым развитием информационных технологий (ИТ) и интенсивной и обширной интеграцией в мировую экономику. Из множества факторов, которые влияют на развитие электронной коммерции, наиболее важным является наличие людских ресурсов. С 2008 года по настоящее время, хотя и было показано множество хороших сигналов в области подготовки кадров для электронной коммерции, людские ресурсы по-прежнему «слабы и их не хватает». В ближайшее время, поскольку число предприятий, инвестирующих в электронную коммерцию, увеличивается, подготовка кадров для неё становится главной задачей экономики.

Текст научной работы на тему «State of and Recommendations on training human resources for e-commerce businesses in Vietnam»




КОММЕРЦИИ ВО ВЬЕТНАМЕ 1 2 Фам Тиен Зунг , Нгуен Нгок Ту Email: [email protected]

1Фам Тиен Зунг - кандидат экономических наук, специалист, Управление общественной безопасности, Министерство общественной безопасности; 2Нгуен Нгок Ту - кандидат экономических наук, специалист, Управление электронной коммерцией и цифровой экономики, Министерство промышленности и торговли, г. Ханой, Социалистическая Республика Вьетнам

Аннотация: в соответствии с промышленной революцией 4.0 (обычно называемой четвертой промышленной революцией) электронная коммерция играет очень важную роль в экономическом развитии мира, а также во Вьетнаме, обеспечивая условия, необходимые для ведения высокоэффективной предпринимательской деятельности предприятий. Сталкиваясь с этой тенденцией, электронная коммерция во Вьетнаме строится и развивается очень активно, особенно в последние годы, с быстрым развитием информационных технологий (ИТ) и интенсивной и обширной интеграцией в мировую экономику. Из множества факторов, которые влияют на развитие электронной коммерции, наиболее важным является наличие людских ресурсов. С 2008 года по настоящее время, хотя и было показано множество хороших сигналов в области подготовки кадров для электронной коммерции, людские ресурсы по-прежнему «слабы и их не хватает». В ближайшее время, поскольку число предприятий, инвестирующих в электронную коммерцию, увеличивается, подготовка кадров для неё становится главной задачей экономики.

Ключевые слова: электронная коммерция, людские ресурсы, предпринимательская деятельность, мировая экономика.



Abstract: in line with Industry 4.0 (commonly referred to as the fourth industrial revolution), electronic commerce plays a very important role in the economic development of the world as well as in Vietnam, providing a new and highly effective business environment for enterprises. Facing this trend, e-commerce in Vietnam is being built and developed very strongly, especially in recent years, with the rapid development of information technology (IT) and the intensive and extensive integration into the world economy. There are many factors Influencing the development of e-commerce, the most important one is human resources for e-commerce. From 2008 up to now, although plenty of good signals in training human resources for e-commerce have been shown, this kind of

resource is still "weak and needed". In the coming time, since the number of enterprises investing in e-commerce is increasing, the training of human resources for e-commerce becomes a central task.

Keywords: electronic commerce, human resources, entrepreneurial activity, world economy.

УДК 339 13 017

1. Overview of e-commerce human resources in Vietnam

1.1. Definition and roles

Definition: Human resources in e-commerce are understood as all people involved in ecommerce, e-commerce training institutions, state management agencies over e-commerce, e-commerce businesses, individuals who are trained in e-commerce and most of the people.

Roles: Human resources play a crucial role in e-commerce, since despite the fact that a business has been facilitated by the Government in the development of e-commerce and has invested in modern machinery and equipment but has no people to operate, use and exploit the potential of e-commerce, that business or organization is still a non-zero figure [1, p. 102-105]. The reasons why e-commerce in Vietnam was previously not developed are not only the problem of infrastructure but also the lackage of human resources which is considered as a thorny issue. The majority of people are still unfamiliar with e-commerce; and businesses are beginning to recognize the significance of human resources for e-commerce.

1.2. The significance of the training of human resources for EC

- Human resource training is indispensable for the development of e-commerce. In order to truly promote the skills of human resources, they, first of all, should be trained in a thorough and methodical manner. E-commerce is a specific area; hence, e-commerce practitioners are supposed to not only have experiences in business but also need to possess the necessary basic knowledge depending on their position. Therefore, it is clear that training is an inevitable issue in the development of e-commerce.

- The benefits that e-commerce human resources bring to businesses are huge. The biggest goal of human resource training in e-commerce is to make the best use of existing human resources and to help them better understand their careers in order to perform their tasks in a self-conscious manner with a better working attitude. Training human resources in e-commerce is a prerequisite condition for enterprises to compete and survive in the current fierce competition [6].

- It is indispensable to train people who are knowledgeable about e-commerce and be able to apply that knowledge in practice of business. Recently, the state has recognized and imposed sanctions on the online business, but the number of enterprises has actually applied e-commerce to their business activities is still modest; and businesses are still not aware of the great benefits of e-commerce as well as the training of e-commerce staff. Serveral enterprises apply mutual learning approach among employees in the company, others includes their IT staff in doing e-commerce. In order for enterprises to truly apply ecommerce to their operations, their staffs must be equipped with e-commerce knowledge through various forms of training [3].

E-commerce human resources for enterprises not only include the existing resources but also the ones in the future, who are full-time students specifically trained in e-commerce, which can serve the application of e-commerce to businesses. Therefore, it is necessary to train people with knowledge about e-commerce, which really brings about great benefits for enterprises.

2. State of human resource training for e-commerce in Vietnam

2.1. Diversification and strong development of various types of training

The period from 2008 to present has shown the development of forms of IT and e-commerce training. This illustrates that businesses are increasingly interested in and aware of the benefits of e-commerce. At present, e-commerce training forms in our country include long-term full-time training, short-term full-time training, order training, online training and some other forms.

The amount of e-commerce training courses has been constantly increasing to meet the demand of e-commerce human resources. With a great demand for training in this area, ecommerce training institutions are also diversified such as state educational institutions, private educational institutions, businesses and other organizations [7].

In each period, the Prime Minister promulgated the master plan for e-commerce development, of which the training program played a prominent role. The master plan also introduces highly socialized models for the organization and implementation of human resources training on e-commerce that promote the strength of the associations and the business itself. In parallel with training activities of state agencies, numerous conferences on human resources training for e-commerce in Vietnam have been organized in various forms and of many different organizations.

2.2. Difficulties, weaknesses and causes

- A standard and consistent textbook on e-commerce has not yet been developed

Full-time and long-term training programs at universities and colleges are the sources of

human resources for e-commerce. The universites and colleges are also aware of this issue and have introduced e-commerce to teaching alongside other subjects; and there are even the ones establishing the faculty of e-commerce. However, the first difficulty of these universities and colleges is that they have no standard textbooks. Currently, in Vietnam, the unified textbook for universities in particular and for training institutions in general has not yet been built and developed. Since this subject is quite new, in several universities, its textbook is mainly composed by the responsible teachers themselves; and most of the materials are from abroad and updated through the internet [4, p. 165-178]. E-commerce personnel always need to possess knowledge of Business administration and IT. At present, plenty of different pespectives on e-commerce training have been provided in the world, but three outstanding viewpoints of such should be noticed, including ICT (Information and Communications Technology) training for e-commerce, business administration training for e-commerce and interdisciplinary e-commerce training programs. Regardless of which approach is chosen, the determination of the appropriate ratio of business administration/ecommerce in the training program is a difficult problem for the trainer.

- The Faculty of E-commerce is not only weak but also needed

For the development of training in e-commerce, one of the important factors is the teaching staff at the training institutions. Since the subject of e-commerce has been just established, the number of experienced and well-trained teachers in the country is still low. These trainers could be trained abroad or take online courses. In addition, the faculty members could be IT officials who have self-educated and researched on e-commerce. Therefore, to improve the quality of e-commerce training, the improvement of the faculty proficiency in this area is an urgent requirement for the coming years [2, p. 165-170].

- Facilities requirements have not been met

Like other fields, e-commerce training courses are taught in the traditional way. However, the e-commerce training sector is characterized by the use of advanced technology and high demand for practical application skills. The majority of practical exercises for this subject are conducted on computers, which sets out a lot of technical requirements for training institutions, including the provision of a computer lab internet access and the use of specialized software for students to practice their knowledge. Meanwhile, the facilities for students to practice are nowadays lacking at the universities and colleges teaching e-commerce in Vietnam; and the training, in general, is still difficult due to the lack of e-commerce simulation tools for students to practice [5].

3. Recommendations to promote human resources training for e-commerce in Vietnam

3.1 Recommendations to the state

- Continuing to perfect the legal system: A complete legal environment should be established to create a development environment for e-commerce. Only then will enterprises be eager to invest in e-commerce, including investment in e-commerce human resources. In

2013, after a lot of efforts, a series of legal documents has been issued, marking a big turning point in e-commerce which is really significant in e-commerce activities. However, since e-commerce is an ever-changing field according to new technology trends, legal documents should always be updated and promulgated to promptly remove inappropriate regulations and amend unnecessary ones in a non-discriminatory manner between ordinary and electronic transactions.

- Strengthening the state support in training human resources for e-commerce: From 2008 up to now, numerous e-commerce training courses for all members of enterprises have been organized free of charge which are mainly online courses held by VCCI and the Ministry of Industry and Trade in coordination with other organizations. Projects and plans such as Decision 222 and Decision 1073 have been bringing real benefits for businesses. In the coming time, it is essential to further strengthen e-commerce propaganda and training activities in enterprises. The training should meet the requirements for the extensive application of e-commerce by enterprises that have been conducting business of ecommerce and attract businesses who are marginalized to participate in. These activities would contribute positively to the training of human resources in e-commerce for enterprises alongside other training organizations.

- Increasing investment in e-commerce training facilities: It is because the training institutions play an important role in the education and training of the people who have the capacity and knowledge of e-commerce, and could be able to apply these knowledge to business practice. These are also providers of background and in-depth knowledge for ecommerce. Therefore, for the development of e-commerce human resources training, the government agencies should coordinate with the training institutions (universities, colleges, research centers, etc.) to understand and grasp difficulties and obstacles in teaching ecommerce to make the right investment and support.

3.2 Recommendations to enterprises operating in e-commerce area

- Making proper investment in IT: Information technology is the basis for enterprises to operate in the field of e-commerce, as well as an indicator illustrates the level of ecommerce application in that enterprise. According to a survey by the Vietnam E-commerce Association (VECOM), most of the amounts of equipment procurement and IT application are invested in hardware; in particular, 42% of such is in hardware, while the investment rate in software is 24%, in personnel and training is 20%, and in the other is 15%. According to the above figures, enterprises have not paid much attention to IT training, which is the obstacle for enterprises to apply e-commerce. The reasonable investment in IT also facilitates and enhances the efficiency of e-commerce human resources training in enterprises; especially, inasmuch as to develop successfully the training of IT and ecommerce human resources for enterprises, the key is not only in the training of IT skills for employees but also in the ability and conditions for them to practice in their daily work.

- Making investment in human resources development for e-commerce at all levels: In any field, human resources development is the decisive factor for success as well as position of the business in the fierce competition market. E-commerce is no exception. The proper allocation and arrangement of human resources also affect the success and effectiveness of investment in human resources for enterprises. Human resources in e-commerce are supposed to converge all three factors: understanding of IT, knowledge of commerce and foreign languages skills; however, these requirements are difficult to meet for each individual. Therefore, in order to achieve the highest results, enterprises should coordinate with IT executives and staffs as well as the officials knowledgeable in the fields of commerce and international law to carry out e-commerce training. The organization of this combined training program brings the highest e-commerce performance to the enterprise, which is the strategy that enterprises need to implement.

- Making use of all support from state agencies on e-commerce training: The point of ecommerce development in Vietnam is to take enterprises as the core of all e-commerce development policies. Not only have the state agencies promulgated policies and programs

to support the development of e-commerce in Vietnam, but they have also provided with specific support policies for the training of e-commerce human resources in enterprises such as Project 191 and the master plan for e-commerce development through stages. 3.3 Recommendations to training institutions

- Making investment in material facilities: Material facilities are important factors to the development of e-commerce human resources training. Organizations providing training services therefore need to make reasonable investments in facilities, equipment as well as specialized software (such as software that creates e-commerce sites) so that students could actually apply learned knowledge into practice.

- Enhancing the qualification of faculty members: Lecturers are the ones who impart the knowledge of e-commerce to students. As e-commerce grows with more extensive applications, resulting in a great deal of training demand, the faculty qualifications should also be enhanced to meet that need.

- Developing more intensive instructional content: Currently, most e-commerce lectures are self-developed by the lecturers, with foreign teaching materials being taken from the internet. The contents of the lectures mainly cover basic knowledge about e-commerce; and intensive subjects such as application skills, information security and e-commerce development strategy are not paid attention. In order to meet the needs of enterprises, the training institutions besides investing in facilities should invest in the development of in-depth teaching contents for lecturers [8].

- Cooperating with foreign countries in training: With difficulties and obstacles of organizations providing human resource training services for e-commerce, the cooperation with foreign professional training organizations is a right direction in the training of ecommerce human resources.

With the benefits that e-commerce brings to businesses in the recent time, no reason could be found for enterprises to miss the investment opportunities in e-commerce in Vietnam. Also, a lot of enterprises that are keen to invest in E-commerce have achieved encouraging results. In the coming time, the number of enterprises participating in ecommerce application would increase and the application would be at different levels, requiring a human resource basically trained in this field. Especially, a number of univeristies and colleges have established full-time and specialized e-commerce training courses in corperation with foreign countries, promising a plentiful and quality human resource in e-commerce, which would contribute significantly to the development of ebusiness activities of enterprises.

References / Список литературы

1. E-Business curriculum // Под ред. Факультет информационных технологий Технического педагогического института Хынгиен, 2014. 132 p.

2. Nguyen Van Hong, Nguyen Van Thoan. The basic E-Business curriculum, 2013. 512 р.

3. Promoting the development of human resources of E-business // Industry and Trade, 2015. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://baocongthuong.com.vn/thuc-day-phat-trien-nguon-nhan-luc-thuong-mai-dien-tu.html (date of acces: 20.06.2015).

4. Tran Thanh Hai, Tran Dinh Toan, Nguyen Van Thoan and other authors. Handbook of E-Business for business - Institute of Information Technology for Business, 2014. 217 p.

5. Vietnam E-Business: Potential and challenge / Vietnam Business Forum, 2017. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://enternews.vn/thuong-mai-dien-tu-viet-nam-tiem-nang-va-thach-thuc-107099.html/ (date of acces: 27.02.2017).

6. Solutions to improve the quality of human resources in Viet Nam in the context of integration // Journal of Labor and Society, 2016. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://laodongxahoi.net/mot-so-giai-phap-nang-cao-chat-luong-nguon-nhan-luc-viet-nam-trong-boi-canh-hoi-nhap-1304507.html/ (date of acces: 29.09.2016).

7. Vietnam is pushing for the development of high quality human resources // Electronic media of Vietnam radio stations, 2017. [Electronic resource]. URL: https://vov.vn/xa-hoi/giao-duc/viet-nam-dang-day-manh-phattriennguonnhanlucchatluongcao707314.vov/ (date of access: 14.12.2017).

8. Website of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam. [Electronic resource]. URL: www.moit.gov.vn/ (date of access: 17.04.2018).


1 2 Rakhmonov Sh.Sh. , Doniyorova M.B.

Email: [email protected]

1Rakhmonov Shukhrat Shavkatovich - Student; 2Doniyorova Malika Bobir qizi - Student, SERVICE AND TOURISM FACULTY, SAMARKAND INSTITUTE OF ECONOMICS AND SERVICE,


Abstract: youth tourism has become one of the fastest growing segments of international tourism. Its growth represents tremendous socioeconomic opportunities for local communities as youth travelers stimulate local tourism businesses, foster closer social interaction with host populations and champion environmental protection. The social, cultural and economic value of youth, student and educational travel is increasingly recognized by employers, educational institutions, official tourism organizations and governments worldwide. Young people, recognized by United Nations as a major force for development and social change, have the potential to drive sustainable development in the tourism sector. Youth travel has the most to contribute through the innovation required of it by pioneering, heavy tech-using, socially and environmentally conscious customers. This article depicts the development of youth tourism in the world, the international receipts from youth travel and shows prospects of the youth tourism. Keywords: youth, tourism, travel, UNWTO, WISE Travel Confederation.


12 Рахмонов Ш.Ш. , Дониёрова М.Б.

1Рахмонов Шухрат Шавкатович - студент;

2Дониёрова Малика Бобир цизи - студент, факультет сервиса и туризма, Самаркандский институт экономики и сервиса, г. Самарканд, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: молодёжный туризм стал одним из самых быстрорастущих сегментов международного туризма. Его рост представляет собой огромные социально-экономические возможности для местных общин, поскольку молодежные путешественники стимулируют местные туристические предприятия, способствуют более тесному социальному взаимодействию с принимающим населением и защищают окружающую среду. Социальная, культурная и экономическая ценность молодежных, студенческих и образовательных поездок все чаще признается работодателями, учебными заведениями, официальными туристическими организациями и правительствами во всем мире. Молодые люди, признанные Организацией Объединенных Наций в качестве одной из основных сил развития и социальных изменений, могут способствовать устойчивому развитию в

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