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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Averkov A.N.

In the presented article, the author focuses on the factors, principles of the ideology of the Belarusian state, which today largely determine the prospects for the development of educational work in educational institutions, since the ideological and educational orientation of the activities of teachers is aimed at updating the Slavic values necessary for the formation of patriotism, an active life position.

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УДК 37.017.7


Competitor of the Department of Content and Methods Education State Educational Institution «Academy of Postgraduate Education», Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Received 15 September 2022


In the presented article, the author focuses on the factors, principles of the ideology of the Belarusian state, which today largely determine the prospects for the development of educational work in educational institutions, since the ideological and educational orientation of the activities of teachers is aimed at updating the Slavic values necessary for the formation ofpatriotism, an active life position.

Keywords: ideologiya gosudarstva, ideologiya vospitaniya, tsel' ideologicheskogo vospitaniya, osnovy proyektirovaniya vospitatel'noy raboty.


соискатель кафедры содержания и методов воспитания

ГУО «Академия последипломного образования», г. Минск, Республика Беларусь


В представленной статье автор делает особый акцент на факторах, принципах идеологии белорусского государства, которые во многом определяют сегодня перспективы развития воспитательной работы в учреждениях образования, так как идейно-воспитательная направленность деятельности педагогов нацелена на актуализацию славянских ценностей, необходимых при формировании патриотизма, активной жизненной позиции обучающихся.

Ключевые слова: идеология государства, идеология воспитания, цель идеологического воспитания, основы проектирования воспитательной работы.

1 Статья публикуется в авторской редакции.

Introduction. The ideology of the state is a national idea that mobilizes and allows people of different beliefs to come to an understanding of common values, to establish an atmosphere of harmony and creation in society. The ideology of the Belarusian state is a state-patriotic ideology aimed at shaping the consciousness of a prosperous society. The ideology of the Belarus-ian state covers the main spheres of public life -economic, political and legal, social and spiritual. In each of these areas, it defines the most important tasks of practical activity in the way of uniting society with the aim of developing the country. The main core of the ideology of the Belarusian state is the introduction of innovations along with existing traditions and Slavic values. Ideological education is a multidimensional process that includes a number of factors and basic principles that initiate the consciousness of a modern person in the process of hu-manization of the educational process in the modern Republic of Belarus. Innovative development is one of the important priorities of the country. Thus, Belarus occupies high positions in various indicators: «Development of mobile applications», Training of specialists in the field of science and technology, «Higher education», «Export of ICT services». And as a result, according to a set of indicators that characterize the prerequisites for development innovation sector in the country, Belarus is among the 50 best countries in the world. Thus, an important feature of the Belarusian ideology is the creation of human rights standards. Each person has the right to vital installations: education, security, etc. «... The people need not worry: education, healthcare, culture, sports will, as before, is available to everyone», - assured A.G. Lukashenko. And therefore, it is no coincidence that the principles of freedom, humanism, justice, democracy, law, labor and inalienable property are the basis for the development of Belarusian society. The ideology of the Belarus-ian state today largely determines the prospects for the development of educational work in educational institutions.

Main part. At present, ideological and ideological and educational work is intensifying in the educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus, which is aimed at instilling in students the fundamental values that reflect the essence of the Belarusian statehood, as well as the for-

mation of an active citizenship. The ideology of education of the modern generation is developing as a set of ideas and principles that form the basis of the social development of the state. The upbringing and education of the younger generation presupposes the existence of an ideology that answers the question «how to educate».

The ideology of the educational process includes a number of factors:

1) recognition of the personality of a young person as a value in itself, respect for the uniqueness and originality of each individual;

2) the creation by society of conditions for the development of the individual and new generations of young people as subjects of culture and their own life-creation, self-determination, self-affirmation, self-realization;

3) helping children and young people develop their inclinations and abilities;

4) social protection and protection of health, dignity and rights, social and natural habitat of the younger generation;

5) familiarizing the subjects of the educational process with the values of universal and national culture, creating an atmosphere of spirituality in society;

6) humanization of interpersonal relations between teachers and students on the principles of respect, compassion, tolerance, mercy, attention and kindness.

The ideology of education meets the fundamental interests of the Belarusian society, the individual, and such relationships between them, when the Belarusian society sets the paradigm for educating new generations, creating conditions for its implementation, and the younger generation, the modern personality self-determines, asserts itself not by destroying, but by creating, self-realization in work, educating oneself in the proposed conditions of informatization, digitalization [1, p. 37].

The ideology of education is designed to promote changes in the mind of the individual, corresponding to the general direction of the social development of the state, since the educational moment is aimed at the formation of philosophical, spiritual, moral, economic, political, legal and aesthetic ideas about the image of the «ideal» person and the society in which he lives and acts. The "ideal" citizen is characterized by the following qualities: patriotism, striving for work and success, the will to win, taking full

responsibility for the results of one's activities, and devotion to the national idea. The goal of ideological education is to form a real, socially stable personality, capable of making a tangible contribution to the transformation of society and self-improvement in the new socio-economic and political conditions.

The goal of ideological education is achieved by solving specific tasks, among which the most relevant are the following: 1) the orientation of the individual to humanistic attitudes and life-meaning values in the new socio-political and economic conditions of society, the definition of one's place and goals of life, the formation of humanistic ally directed higher needs; 2) the formation of national self-consciousness, citizenship, patriotism, respect for law and order, internal freedom and self-esteem; 3) educating the needs of young people to master the values of universal and national culture, the formation of aesthetic values and taste, the desire to create and increase the values of spiritual culture, participate in the cultural life of the Belarusian society; 4) introducing young people to universal moral standards, national traditions, codes of professional honor and moral values of the relevant social strata and groups, cultivating an adequate self-assessment of the results of their activities; 5) identification and development of inclinations, formation on their basis of general and specific abilities, individuality of the individual, elevation of its creative potential and ability for self-development; 6) fostering the need for work as the first necessity of life, the highest life value and the main way to achieve success in life, purposefulness and enterprise, competitiveness in all spheres of life; 7) education of the need for physical culture and a healthy lifestyle, the desire to create a family, procreate, provide material security and educate a new generation in the spirit of humanism and democracy. An important tool of ideological education are such principles as: the principle of humanism, which involves treating the personality of a young person as a value in itself; the principle of individualization, which involves taking into account the individual characteristics of students in the educational process; the principle of variability, which includes various technologies and elements of the content of education, the focus of the education system is not only on the reproduction by the individual of samples of past experience of previous genera-

tions, their ideals and values, but on the development of their own views, approaches, values, making alternative decisions, readiness to act in unforeseen situation; the principle of democracy, which means the upbringing of a generation in the conditions of a democratic system of the country based on interaction, on the pedagogy of cooperation between a teacher and a student; the principle of tolerance, which implies the formation of tolerance for the opinions of other members of society, for the dissent of other cultures, not going beyond the requirements of laws; the principle of patriotism, which implies the formation of national consciousness among young people as one of the main conditions for the viability of the young generation and ensuring the integrity of the state, communication between generations, development and enhancement of national culture in all its manifestations; the principle of spirituality, manifested in the formation in a young person of meaningful spiritual orientations, the need for the development and production of cultural values, observance of universal norms of humanistic morality, intelligence and way of thinking of a Belarusian citizen; the principle of competitiveness, acting as a specific feature of economic freedom, freedom of entrepreneurship in a democratizing society, which involves the formation of an appropriate type of personality of a young person, capable of dynamic horizontal and vertical mobility, changing activities, mastering new professions, finding effective solutions in difficult competitive conditions fight. I note that in the educational institutions of the modern Republic of Belarus, the main direction of ideological work is civil-patriotic. An effective system of civic-patriotic education has been created, which has a specific goal, tasks, forms, and methods of work.

For the formation of civil, patriotic qualities of the personality of students, a single apparatus should be created, consisting of the administration, social and psychological services, teachers and parents, for which it is important to observe a number of conditions: 1) the availability of an opportunity in an educational institution, simultaneously with the formation of knowledge about the scientific picture of the world and the ability to operate with this knowledge in everyday life, to carry out the education of citizenship and patriotism in students, the formation of a system of scientific views and beliefs about the goals, ways of development of the Belarusian

society, a person; 2) mastering by students in the learning process and in extracurricular activities of fundamental values, ideas, beliefs that reflect the essence of the Belarusian statehood; 3) significant changes in the level of national self-consciousness, in the level of attitudes towards citizenship and patriotism based on the involvement of schoolchildren in the active participation in the organization and conduct of various forms of the educational process that contribute to the manifestation of citizenship, patriotic feelings of students in relation to each other, to the Motherland, the anthem their country and state symbols; 4) increasing the professional readiness of teachers for ideological education, as well as increasing the civic culture of parents; 5) creation of an educational system based on mutual respect, mutual responsibility of all participants in the educational process and constructive interaction and cooperation of the pedagogical, student and parent communities; 6) the use of modern technologies, methods and means in the organization of the educational process.

At the heart of the modern system of ideological work are: the professionalism of teachers, educators, representatives of various fields of activity, which determines the quality of education; innovations that promote interaction and interconnection with educational institutions, culture, authorities, public and religious organizations in order to create a single educational space for the formation of political, spiritual and moral culture, civic development of the individual in an educational institution in the information age [2, p. 50]. Therefore, the methods that promote self-development and personal self-realization are fundamental in the upbringing of the «ideal» citizen. Teachers actively use methods of involvement in activities to develop consciousness and self-awareness, stimulate and develop the intellectual, emotional and volitional spheres of students. At the same time, methods of cooperation prevail, creating conditions for subjective relations, allowing the teacher and pupil to be partners in the exciting process of self-creation: open dialogue, free choice, collective analysis and assessment, brainstorming, introspection and self-assessment, improvisation, play. These methods make it possible to create that atmosphere of co-creation and cooperation that involves both the teacher and the pupil in beneficial creative activity to develop their personal qualities in the context of the existing hy-

brid reality [3, p. 95]. The basis for the design of educational work is the emphasis on civic-patriotic education (classroom and information hours, thematic events, joint events with various organizations interacting with the educational institution, holidays, lessons of Courage, excursions, viewing and discussion of films of a patriotic orientation, social actions, volunteer projects and etc.).

Let me remind you that civic-patriotic education is carried out in the following areas:

1. Historical and local history, which is aimed at understanding the historical and cultural values, traditions of the Belarusian people. Work in this area takes place in the classroom, extracurricular and extracurricular activities. Students regularly visit various museums, memorial complexes, meet with participants in hostilities, labor veterans, etc.

2. The artistic and aesthetic direction is responsible for the spiritual development of the individual. Education goes through participation in various competitions of local, regional, and international levels.

3. The sports, health and tourism direction is focused on the development of a strong and healthy personality.

4. The ecological direction aims to nurture love and protect nature. Students participate in various environmental events, in the improvement of the territory of the educational institution and the city.

5. The labor direction is focused on instilling labor skills, professional skills. The psychological and pedagogical service of the educational institution carries out a large career guidance work on the choice of professions.

6. The family direction implies close interaction between the educational institution and the family, which consists in the joint holding of various events and actions. Various activities, promotions, etc. are held together with parents.

7. Direction of information and digital security, protection of personal data.

Currently, the educational institution pays great attention to the field of information security. So, in the 21st century, humanity has entered a New Era, the era of global technological development, in which the main place is given to information resources, media space and the Internet. Computer technologies are being introduced into various spheres of human life. Society is developing and is beginning to acquire the

features of the information society, which actively uses the Internet. The nanoindustry, biotechnologies that affect the personality are developing, and under the influence of techno gen-ic factors, the security sphere is changing [4].

The creation of high-tech production in the era of the rapid development of computernetwork programs, the introduction of nanotech-nologies and elements of artificial intelligence into everyday life, the intensive use of modern scientific inventions, undoubtedly, changes the existing hybrid reality. And in this difficult historical period of development of the Belarusian society, in which information and knowledge become the main product of production, and the creation, storage, processing and transfer of information is one of the most important activities in the economic, political and cultural spheres, it is especially important to update the design of educational work in institutions education in new realities. It is in the process of a globalizing social space and the transition of a large flow of information to digital form in society that issues related to security sigma, information security of the individual are actualized [5, p. 87]. And as a result of the value reset and transformation of social relations, the fundamental factor in the development of society is the sigma of security, a person with intelligence, the ability to self-educate, focused on the observance of the moral imperative, possessing modern professional knowledge, skills, a high level of self-consciousness, tolerance, striving for harmony with nature, society, respecting the laws, state institutions and authorities, and the education of such a person is today a priority of the modern Belarusian state. However, in society, questions arise related to the socio-psychological and axio-logical deformation of the personality associated with the aggressive stereotype of human behavior, initiating the «digital danger» [6, p. 187]. In educational institutions, the issue of information security is given special attention. Each educational institution develops a system of measures aimed at protecting the information space and personal data from accidental or intentional penetration in order to steal data. The loss of information data can be considered one of the main threats to information security.

6. The family direction implies close interaction between the educational institution and the family, which consists in the joint holding of

various events and actions. Various activities, promotions, etc. are held together with parents.

7. Direction of information and digital security, protection of personal data.

The creation of high-tech production in the era of the rapid development of computernetwork programs, the introduction of nanotech-nologies and elements of artificial intelligence into everyday life, the intensive use of modern scientific inventions, undoubtedly, changes the existing hybrid reality. And in this difficult historical period of development of the Belarusian society, in which information and knowledge become the main product of production, and the creation, storage, processing and transfer of information is one of the most important activities in the economic, political and cultural spheres, it is especially important to update the design of educational work in institutions education in new realities. It is in the process of a globalizing social space and the transition of a large flow of information to digital form in society that issues related to security sigma, information security of the individual are actualized [5, p. 87]. And as a result of the value reset and transformation of social relations, the fundamental factor in the development of society is the sigma of security, a person with intelligence, the ability to self-educate, focused on the observance of the moral imperative, possessing modern professional knowledge, skills, a high level of self-consciousness, tolerance, striving for harmony with nature, society, respecting the laws, state institutions and authorities, and the education of such a person is today a priority of the modern Belarusian state. However, in society, questions arise related to the socio-psychological and axio-logical deformation of the personality associated with the aggressive stereotype of human behavior, initiating the «digital danger» [6, p. 187].

In educational institutions, the issue of information security is given special attention. Each educational institution develops a system of measures aimed at protecting the information space and personal data from accidental or intentional penetration in order to steal data. The loss of information data can be considered one of the main threats to information security. On July 2017 the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated May 2016 «On Amendments and Additions to Certain Laws of the Republic of Belarus» came into force, according to which the Law of the Republic of Belarus «On the Rights of the

Child» was supplemented with Chapter 4-1 «Protection of Children from information harmful to their health and development». In accordance with the addition, every child has the right to be protected from information that could have a negative impact on his health, physical, moral and spiritual development, including protection from information that incites to inflict bodily harm or suicide, describing the means or circumstances of suicide. In order to ensure the protection of students from information that is harmful to their health, development, it is prohibited to distribute content in the form of mass media products, print publications, audiovisual means, including computer games and programs on any type of media, or in the form of information distributed through cultural events, without assigning an age category sign, which is a visual or audible warning indicating the age category of children among whom distribution of information products is allowed, except when the presence of such a sign is optional in accordance with the legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus.

The work plans of educational institutions include the following measures to ensure the information security of students: 1) technical support; 2) anti-virus protection of computer equipment; 3) monitoring of Internet sites; 4) organization of classes on media security with teachers, students and parents.

Conclusion. Thus, the information society is not a distant future, since every citizen of our country is at the epicenter of its formation, which directly concerns the state ideology and the basics of designing educational work in educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus. And therefore, it is not by chance that the emphasis is placed on the ideological education of the individual and the formation of an active citizenship, the development of a socially stable personality during a global pandemic and value eclecticism in the existing hybrid reality [7, p. 500]. An effective system of civic-patriotic education has been created, which has a specific goal, tasks, directions, forms, methods of work [8, p. 99]. The rapid growth of information resources is becoming the reason for the increasing role of information culture in the life of society, so it is important to pay special attention to information security, the purpose of which is to develop students' skills of competent interaction with the media sphere, information technologies,

data, as well as the ability to use the necessary information resources, which is the basis for the design of educational work in educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus.


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Статья поступила 15 сентября 2022 г.

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