STAGES OF HISTORY TEACHING METHODS IN UZBEKISTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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stages of history / methods / teaching / people / Uzbekistan

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Mahmudov A.

In this article highlights stages of history teaching methods in Uzbekistan.

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1. Гальперин И.Р. О понятиях "стиль" и "стилистика". "Вопросы языкознания" , 1973, №3

2. Abrahams P. The Path of Thunder . M.: Higher school publishing house, 1971.

3. Galperin I.R. Stylistics , Moscow , Higher School , 1977.

UDK 94

Mahmudov A.

Assistant of department Social sciences Namangan engineering-construction Institute


Annotation: In this article highlights stages of history teaching methods in Uzbekistan

Key words: stages of history, methods, teaching, people, Uzbekistan.

Throughout the millenniums, people have enjoyed the historic works of the history of our Homeland. Historical sources were used. History and teaching in the schools and madrasas are among the main subjects of history. However, while the science of Europe was developing, the methods of reading during the khanate were very old. First of all, it is necessary to point out some of the shortcomings of the system for the period when the problem of teaching in schools and madrasahs is rising. It should be noted that there was no single standard of education in schools and madrassas. In each school or madrasah, the scholars have come from many years of experience in teaching. Secondly, the situation in the learning rooms of pupils and students was insufficient. Third, penalties that are inadequate to pedagogy have been applied to pupils who are unlucky, aggressive, or inactive. One of the authors explained: "The children who were sitting in their schools repeatedly screamed, so the school would always be a noise. The housewife watched it, and when the child was scared, he shouted and warned him, and he repudiated it with great rebuke. Approximately 1 m. It was a long wooden tree, with two rings. The boy's leg stuck to the heel and went up to the sky. By the order of Domla, two clergymen (great forefathers) carry the child's legs on the rim. In this case the teacher begins beating the child's legs ... ".

As for teaching history in schools and madrassas, there are some shortcomings in this area. There is no systematic training apart from the lack of a single standard of education. That is, there is no news that the same historical information was given since the emergence of man. On the contrary, only some stories and personal stories that have left a bright mark in our history were ignored.

After the invasion of Russia, great changes took place in education. Russian authorities have begun to introduce educational institutions such as gymnasium and Russian-language schools to create a subordinate layer among the local population. For their intended purposes, they planned to drastically reduce the history of local populations or teach Russian history.

At the end of the XIX - early XX centuries M.M. Staslevlevich, a number of progressive methodologists, suggested the idea of revising the content of the history teaching methodology. They believed that studying history was not merely a matter of having historical knowledge, but of practical importance in personal life. It was a relatively advanced idea that history, as well as society, economic laws, and the role of the economy in the development of society.

Positive changes were also observed in the local Jadid schools. It is also natural that casteism was known as a cultural educational thread at the beginning of its birth. For, the leading Muslim intellectuals consider the underlying causes of social and colonial oppression as a backlash of modern science and school education. Therefore, the only way to address the existing social problems is by focusing on education reform and education, opening new schools, libraries and writing textbooks and manuals. In addition to foreign literature that has grown up in the rise of the socio-political activity of the Jadid Turkestan, the Jadids are in advanced countries, and they get acquainted with the existing system and procedures. M. Behbudiy, A. Fitrat, O. Mahmudov, I. Ibrat, M. Sufizoda, A. Ibadi, H.H. Niyazi and other Jadids are the central regions of Russia, Turkey, Iran, India, Egypt, China, Arabia, France, and Italy and other countries. They learned the lifestyle of people there, the extent and causes of the development of the states. All of them realized that the basis of development was science and enlightenment, and they began to promote this among the public.

Ismoil Gaspirinski, the founder of a new method of education, for the first time creates the first textbook for the pupils "Hoca-Sibyon" ("The Child Teacher"). The textbook consisted of 4 parts. In the first part, "Alphabet" has 27 lessons; and the rest of the story has been given a wealth of useful information and stories. Among them there are information about A. Navoi and A. Pushkin under the heading "Two great poets". I. Gaspirinsky believes that the following methods should be followed in the new methodology school.

1. The number of children in the class should not exceed 30.

2. Children can only be taken in two walks - summer and winter.

3. Do not hesitate to accept every one you get a dice class. 4. Let every teacher have a lot of 3-4 grades. 5. If the school is a 3-grade class, the classes must be in harmony and consensus. A child aged 6.7-8 can not read for 7-8 hours continuously. It's 5 hours for her. 10 minutes break after each class. 7. On holidays and festive days are rest. 8. It is desirable to have a rest on the hot summer days after reading the month. Do not be bored. You should teach five different disciplines in five hours. Meeting with a single lesson in five hours disturbs the mind. 10. It is not necessary to injure or injure the disciples. 11. Finishing the weekend at the end of each week, students who have a good part in the classroom should be rewarded. 12. The windows are large and large, and the interior of the room is large enough. Teaching a cold room is not a science training but an innocent punishment. The new schools have the following objectives: a) giving the younger generation what they need today. The use of contemporary teaching methods, without clinging to the curriculum. The difference between the new methodology and the school is that of

the classroom system in these schools. The use of visual aids in the lesson has yielded good results. Clean and bright rooms in the classroom and the introduction of party breaks in the parties were important. After the years of independence, history education system developed. In 1992 the Law on Education was adopted. In 1997, a new edition of the Law "On Education" was published. This law was also approved by the National Program for Personnel Training. The program outlines the existing shortcomings in training personnel. The system of personnel training, as well as the incompatibility of material and technical base and information base requirements; Lack of highly skilled pedagogical staff; quality educational and methodological and scientific literature, and lack of didactic materials; unequivocal integration of education system, science and industry; unresolved issues of the structure, stages of interconnection of educational and training process; unsatisfactory education and upbringing; There is a significant gap between the level of preparation of preschool institutions and the number of children attending school; a decline in pupils' independent thinking in the context of non-democratic and societal harmful environments; lack of adequate preparation to make wise living decisions; Young people who have completed grades 9-11 can not find their place in an independent life; only 10% of secondary school graduates are enrolled in higher education institutions; Eleven year general secondary education is unsustainable. "About 100,000 alumni of basic schools production and vocational training. Due to the lack of cohesion and inheritance between existing general education and vocational curricula in the education system, vocational guidance and employment skills are still lacking in basic and secondary school leavers. As a result, guys and girls are experiencing serious difficulties in determining their abilities, desires, creativity, and career. " The ways and means to overcome the existing shortcomings in the Law "On Education" and the National Program for Personnel Training are highlighted. Education and upbringing are humane, democratic; continuity and consistency of education; compulsory general secondary, as well as secondary special, vocational education; the direction of secondary special and vocational education: the choice of study at the academic lyceum or vocational college; the secular nature of the education system; public access to education within the framework of public education standards; a uniquely diversified approach to choosing educational programs; to be educated and to encourage talent; the harmonization of state and public administration in the education system was regarded as a fundamental principle .Recommendation also focused on the shortcomings and possible reforms. From the very first days of independence, serious changes took place in the history of teaching history. On June 26, 1998 I.A. Karimov met with prominent historian scientists. The meeting made a great turn in the history of history and determined the future of science. The president said: "I think that when we talk about the historical past, the identity and the spirituality of the Uzbek people, we have a clear scientific basis and a clear approach in certain issues. In scientific terms, there is no single concept. Get Started Knowing This unrealistic truth should be raised to the level of public policy. "In order to implement the Law" On Education "and the National Program for Training,

on August 16, 1999, the Cabinet of Ministers" On approval of State educational standards (DTS) ". The new educational standards set out the goals of history education in general secondary schools: "... enlighten the minds of students from the earliest times of human life to the beginning of the 20th century, the social, economic and cultural development stages embody the knowledge; building students' historical thinking into a historic process as a unique phenomenon (past -present - future), creating creative approach through historical knowledge; to educate students in the spirit of national, universal values, to help them to realize their identity by directing them to historical perception; to tell the reader that history is the key to a consistent study of the laws of the nation and of other nations' political, economic, cultural development. " The aim of the course is to teach "History of Uzbekistan": "Ensure that the students 'knowledge on the subject of history is at the level of state educational standards; - Students' national consciousness, political, theoretical - formation of the world outlook; educating a free - thinking adult who is able to respond to the past and present phenomena in accordance with the principle of scientific and unbiased principles and the principles of national identity; - the cultural and spiritual heritage of our people in the youth, upbringing of national traditions, national values, moral values, patriotism, contribution to world development and civilization, upbringing worthy successors and heroes of our great heritage; - To make students understand that Uzbekistan is an integral part of the world community and to increase the culture of interethnic relations in them; - Educate talented young people who are ready to make a personal contribution to the socio - economic development of Uzbekistan; to promote logical conclusions based on thinking, comprehending and summarizing historical material; Developing an understanding of their own rights; to educate a free citizen, a free person, who relies on his own strength and abilities, treats events that take place in the world - independent of events and at the same time sees his personal interests in the interests of the country and the people. The unit's method is long the road. This route, which began to be formed in the XIX century, entered a new era of Russian colonization. The role of the Jadids in the development of science and the survival of the nation was great. Although there were a number of shortcomings in the Soviet era, considerable work has been done in the history teaching methodology, but the issue of nationalism is loose. The method of history teaching has entered its new stage of development during independence. Only the foreign technical aid, which is aimed at the development of education, has exceeded $ 500 million.


1. Кодиров Н. Туркистонда таълим тизимининг ислохрти тарихидан // Республика илмий-назарий конференцияси материаллари. - Тошкент, 2007. -Б. 127.

2. Кадрлар тайёрлаш миллий дастури. Узбекистон Республикаси Олий Мажлисининг Ахборотномаси. 1997 йил. № 9. - Б. 7.

3. "Таълим тугрисида"ги конун. - Б. 2.

4. Каримов И. Тарихий хотирасиз келажак йук. - Т.: Шарк. 1998. - Б. 5.

5. Умумий урта таълимнинг давлат таълим стандартлари. Узбекистан Республикаси Халк таълими вазирлигининг ахборотномаси. 2-махсус сон. -Т.: Шарк. 1999. - Б. 47.

6. Умумий урта таълимнинг давлат таълим стандартлари... - Б. 85 - 86.

7. Амалга ошираётган ислохдтларимизни янада чукурлаштириш ва фукоролик жамиятини куриш - ёруг келажагимизнинг асосий омилидир. Президент Ислом Каримовнинг Узбекистон Республикаси Конституцияси кабул килинганининг 21 йиллигига багшланган тантанали маросимдаги маърузасини урганиш буйича укув-услубий кулланма. - Т: O'QITUVCHI, 2014. - Б. 10.

UDK 793.3

Mukhamedova U.

Assistant of professor Tashkent Higher School of National Dance and Choreography

Uzbekistan, Tashkent city WOMEN IN CHOREOGRAPHY

Annotation: In this article described the role of women in choreography.

Key words: women, choreography, dancing, Tamara Khanum.

In the 1920s, the years when woman's professional Uzbek dance was being established, its performers had to be truly courageous, for the dance was a call to a battle for emancipation and a dream of bright and happy future. Many a women had fallen victims in their fight for freedom. Nurhon, Tupahon and Khalima were among those who gave their lives for dancing on stage without veil, with open faces. We pay homage to the memory of Tamara Khanum, Mukarrama Turgunbaeva, Gavhar Rahimova, Mariya Kuznetsova, Mahsuma Korieva and Rosiya Karimova who carried on the cause and stood at the original of the Uzbek dance.

Tamara Khanum was of Armenian descent. She was coached by artist such Muhiddin Kori Yoqubov, doira performer Usta Olim Komilov, Yusupjon-kizik Shakarjonov, Tukhtasin Jalilov, Jura Sultonov and Hoji Siddiq Islomov. By performing dances of the world's nations, Tamara Khanum also became a skilled choreographer. In 1932, together with her teacher Usta Olim Komilov, she staged a big program of group and solo dances for a traditional art festival held in Uzbekistan. The most interesting number in the program was the "Silkworm" dance produced for the accompaniment of ancient rhythms, which was to become one of the most popular Uzbek dances known far beyond the country through its performance by Tamara Khanum and her talented students Mukarram Turgunbaeva, Galia Izmailova and Khalima Kamilova.

In 1932 Tamara Khanum was awarded the title of the People's artist of the Uzbek SSR fir her services in training choreographers and developing the art of music and dance, and in 1935 Tamara Khanum and Usta Olkim Komilov received the Gold Medal for taking part in the Ist London International Festival of Folk Dance and Music. The audience called Tamara Khanum "The Pearl Of the East".

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