Научная статья на тему 'Сравнительное исследование максимального потребления кислорода и эффективности работы дыхательной системы бегунов на средние дистанции (800 метров)'

Сравнительное исследование максимального потребления кислорода и эффективности работы дыхательной системы бегунов на средние дистанции (800 метров) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Белькасем Чарби, Хадер Салих, Рахмун Тахар

Полевые испытания это реальный и эффективный способ узнать истинную ценность спортсмена и использовать соответствующие полевые тесты для диагностики соответствующего планирования, за выявление индивидуальных различий, а также наблюдения и контроля за спортсменом. Цель исследования: сравнить два полевых теста, тест Вамиваль Казорла и тест Брикки, чтобы определить, какие тесты лучше всего подходят для измерения максимального потребления кислорода и эффективности дыхания. Выборка исследования: средняя дистанция (800 м) в 2017 году для выявления индивидуальных различий соответствующей подготовки и прогноза для последующего тренировочного процесса. Методология исследования: в нашем исследовании мы использовали этот экспериментальный подход с одной конструкцией. Инструмент исследования: инструмент был найден в тестах Vamival Cazorla и Brikci. Статистические методы: для получения результатов была использована программа статистического анализа (SPSS) для расчета средних и стандартных отклонений и проверки индивидуальных различий. Результаты исследования: исследование "Вамиваль Казорла" является наиболее подходящим для расчета величины максимального потребления кислорода (vo2 max), а тест "Брикки" является наиболее подходящим для распознавания дыхательной эффективности бегунов на средние дистанции (800 метров).

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Текст научной работы на тему «Сравнительное исследование максимального потребления кислорода и эффективности работы дыхательной системы бегунов на средние дистанции (800 метров)»

Шебештин Олег Эмрикович — старший преподаватель, Федеральное государственное казённое военное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Военный учебно-научный центр Военно-воздушных сил «Военно-воздушная академия имени профессора Н.Е. Жуковского и Ю.А. Гагарина», ул. Старых Большевиков, дом 54А, Воронеж, Россия, 394064

Минин Павел Витальевич — курсант, Федеральное государственное казённое военное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Военный учебно-научный центр Военно-воздушных сил «Военно-воздушная академия имени профессора Н.Е. Жуковского и Ю.А. Гагарина», ул. Старых Большевиков, дом 54А, Воронеж, Россия, 394064, e-mail: divers9505@smail.com

Для цитирования: Шебештин О.Э., Минин П.В. Особенности формирования состояния психической готовности рукопашников к соревновательной деятельности // Педагогико-психологические и медико-биологические проблемы физической культуры и спорта. - 2018. - Т. 13. - № 1. - С. 147-154. DOI 10/14526/01 2018 293

DOI 10/14526/01_2018_294


Белькасем Чарби - доктор, преподаватель, директор лаборатории спортивной системы в


Институт физкультуры и спорта науки и техники, Ашур Зиан Университет, Джиелфа,


Хадер Салих - преподаватель, член лаборатории стратегий профилактики и контроля над

наркотиками в Алжире Институт физических и спортивных наук и методов, Университет Зиан Ачур, Джельфа,


Рахмун Тахар - кандидат наук, студент

Институт физической и спортивной науки и техники, Ашур Зиан Университет, Джиелфа,


E-mail: s.khader@mail. univ-djelfa.com E-mail: khseps2012@smail.com

Аннотация. Полевые испытания — это реальный и эффективный способ узнать истинную ценность спортсмена и использовать соответствующие полевые тесты для диагностики соответствующего планирования, за выявление индивидуальных различий, а также наблюдения и контроля за спортсменом. Цель исследования: сравнить два полевых теста, тест Вамиваль Казорла и тест Брикки, чтобы определить, какие тесты лучше всего подходят для измерения максимального потребления кислорода и эффективности дыхания. Выборка исследования: средняя дистанция (800 м) в 2017 году для выявления индивидуальных различий соответствующей подготовки и прогноза для последующего тренировочного процесса. Методология исследования: в нашем исследовании мы использовали этот экспериментальный подход с одной конструкцией. Инструмент


исследования: инструмент был найден в тестах Vamival Cazorla и Brikci. Статистические методы: для получения результатов была использована программа статистического анализа (SPSS) для расчета средних и стандартных отклонений и проверки индивидуальных различий. Результаты исследования: исследование "Вамиваль Казорла" является наиболее подходящим для расчета величины максимального потребления кислорода (vo2 max), а тест "Брикки" является наиболее подходящим для распознавания дыхательной эффективности бегунов на средние дистанции (800 метров). Ключевые слова: максимальное потребление кислорода-эффективность дыхательных путей - средняя дистанция.

Urgency: The maximum consumption of oxygen is considered as an important factor in hard sports such as: Half-long races(800 Meters) [1] as we already mentioned before relies on endurance to increase the capacities, and it is linked with physical performance. The importance in determining the maximum consumption of oxygen is to know the improvement achieved through a specific training and to know the necessary degree (of the maximum consumption of oxygen) for the training in order to increase respiratory and cardiac efficiency.

Many studies indicated that the maximum consumption of oxygen is an indicator to lungs efficiency [2].

Therefore, determining respiratory fitness is related to measurement and methods that can be applied on field, then judging the physiological fitness level. For this reason, appropriate field tests must be used for proper planning, identifying Individual variances, follow-up and monitoring [3].

The aim the study clarifies the importance of knowing these tests for the maximum consumption of oxygen (vo2 max) and concretize it in the field; this allows the coach to evaluate the performance in the half-long-distance races 800 Meters.

- Truck test Brikci and Dekkar (5 m) is one of the easiest and simple tests; it is a test of prediction.

- Truck test Vamival Cazorla is also one of the easiest and simple tests that contains several levels of gradient in severity until reach of exhaustion

Objectives. 1. Obligation to calculate the value of the maximum consumption of oxygen (vo2 max) which is considered as power production resource.

2. Recognize the efficacy of the respiratory system through the value of the maximum consumption of oxygen.

3. Identify and recognize the level of respiratory fitness based on the variable (vo2 max).

4. Following and controlling this


Terminology and concepts : Respiratory efficiency: The efficacy of the respiratory system is expressed by respiratory rate and air size [4].

The maximum consumption of oxygen. Defined as the largest amount of oxygen (maximum) consumed at the level of the in the unit of time during muscle exertion [5].

Truck test Brikci and Dekkar (5 m):

A test similar to 9 and 12 minutes test, running 5 minutes as far as possible at maximum speed [6].

Truck test Vamival Cazorla: A test similar to Boucher-Leger 1980, But the cones are 20 meters, the speed is increasing0.5 KM/H every minute [7].

800 Meters Race: It takes two sessions around the 400 meters stadium, the critical stage in this race lies between 400 meters and 600 meters, where the distribution in the most used effort is in the equality of the parts, the first part 400 meters = the second 400 meters [8].

Materials. Before proceeding on the ultimate application search tools and valuing the research problem, the researcher made the following steps:

- Determining the tests, the researcher chose the tests that are going to be on the study sample in order to identify, implement them, and the ability of runners to do it.

- The researcher has identified and agreed with the runners.

- To stand on the field and the means that the researcher has to use in his search to carry out the tests, as well as choosing the most appropriate time to do them.

Community study and Research sample. In this part, we find everything that concerns the research sample; the researcher chose the specimen that is composed of three runners specialized in the 800 meters.

Test Tools. A 5 minutes test. This is predictive test to the value of maximum consumption of oxygen for the runners. It is similar to 12 minutes test (Cooper) and 9 minutes test (AAHPER).

Organization and completion of the test. After a warm-up, that takes about 10 to 20 minutes, the runner runs as far as possible for five minutes. Calculating the distance is multiplying the length of the track by the number of cycles performed by the runner and increases the number of meters in the last lap

as mentioned in the next equation [9]:_

Vo2 max=8.67* v (km/h)-113

takes a start in front of the funnel and tries to adjust his rhythm until it matches the image of the declared signal and specified to the desired rhythm of the traffic cassette racer in front of the funnel while signaling it.

Organization and completion of the test: The test start from a weak to a medium rhythm which is considered as a warm-up then the rhythm increases by 0.5KM/H all the minutes , the aim is to reach the maximum of weak to medium rhythm until the highest limits of his abilities ,and when he can't keep up due to the audio rhythm imposed from one level to the other ,He has to stop, so if he is twice as far back as the rhythm control within 20 meters, he has to stop because he couldn't keep up with the sound signals. This test is gradually continuing to the fullest extent possible, and it depends on the abilities of the runners. The final result represents at the level that the runners have reached and we can identify the maximum consumption of oxygen as well as the maximum air speed as mentioned in the next equation [10]:_

Vo, max = 305*


Track test Vamival Cazorla: This test is to run at a gradual increasing rhythm every 0.5 Km/H in all minutes, each racer Research results and their discussion.

Weight Lenght

65 178 Runner 1

65 179 Runner 2

66 179 Runner 3

65.33 178.66 Arithmetic Average

0.57 0.70 Standard deviation

Chart № (1): represents the anthropic properties Through this chart, we notice that the Arithmetic Average for 178.66 length and the Standard Deviation is0.70, whereas the Arithmetic Average for weight is 65.33 and Standard Deviation 0.57.

800 meters specialty: The next chart clarifies the statistical parameters of the differences between the arithmetic averages of the track test (Brikci- Dekkar) and truck test (Vamival Cazorla) in 800 meters in the maximum consumption of oxygen:

Test Arith-metic Average Stand-ard deviati-on The calcula-ted « T» Value Degree -of freedom

5 M Track test 64.66 2.88 3.00 2

Track test Vameval. C 67.66 2.51

Chart № (2): The following chart illustrates Statistical parameters of the median differences for each of the track test (Brick & Dekkar) and track test (VameVal Cazorla) in the 800 meters for

maximum oxygen consumption

Information received from the SPSS programme and shown through the Chart № 2 for independent tests to determine the maximum oxygen consumption (VO2 MAX) in 800 meters. The runners got in a five-minute run on the average arithmetic (Brikci & Dekkar) 64.66 and Standard Deviation 2.88, while the track test (Vamival Cazorla), the average arithmetic 67.66 and Standard Deviation 2.51. The calculate T value is 3.00; the value T scheduled 2.92 at a significant level 0.05 and degree of freedom 2.

The calculated T value is bigger than the scheduled T value, so we conclude that there are no statistically significant differences and back to the difference between the two arithmetic averages for each of the tests, we notice that it is for the track test (VameVal Cazorla).

Discussion of the First Hypothesis: Checking the hypothesis that said, a constant continuous track test (VameVal Cazorla). reveals the value of the oxygen consumption in half-long-distance runners (800 Meters). We used test« T »to check the difference

group, the results obtained shows that there is a moral difference for the (VameVal Cazorla) shown in the table.

As mentioned the maximum consumption of oxygen is one of the important factors for the intermediates runners 800 meters, as indicated by (Mercier Leger 1989) that the value of (Vo2 max) is for half-long-distance runners a good factor for performance [11].

Analysis of the second hypothesis.

Checking the hypothesis that said, a constant continuous track test reveals the efficacy of respiratory system in half-long-distance runners (800 Meters). Tests were conducted for each group and then the value« T» was calculated for the two independent tests on both groups, illustrated in the following charts:

800 meters specialty: The following chart illustrates Statistical parameters of the median differences for each of the track test (Brikci & Dekkar) and track test (VamiVal Cazorla) in the 800 meters for maximum airspeed.

TEST Arithmetic Average Standard deviation The calculated T Value Degree of Freedom

5 Minutes Track test 19.66 0.57 1.73 2

Track test Vameval, c 18.66 1.54

Chart № 3 represents: Statistical parameters of the median differences for each of the track test (Brikci & Dekkar) and track test (VamiVal Cazorla) in the 800 meters for maximum airspeed.

Information received from the SPSS programme and shown through the Chart № 3 for independent tests to determine the maximum airspeed estimate (V.M.A) in 800 meters, the runners got in a five-minute run on the average arithmetic (Brikci & Dekkar) 19.66 and Standard Deviation 0.57, while the track test (VamiVal Cazorla), the average arithmetic 18.66 and Standard Deviation 1.54. The calculate T value is 1.73; the value T scheduled 2.92 at a significant level 0.05 and degree of freedom 2.

The calculated T value is smaller than the scheduled T value, so we conclude that there are no statistically significant differences and back to the difference between the two arithmetic averages for each of the tests, we notice that it is almost equal.

Estimate of the air threshold and non-air threshold: The air threshold: The following table illustrates the value of speed in the air threshold in 800 meters.

V.S.A Air threshold Standard V.M.A V.M.A

0.43 14.75 0.57 19.66 800 Meters

Chart № 4 represents the value o: From the chart, we notice that meters, average airspeed is 15.25 and st Deviation is 0.43. " V.M.A and the speed in Air threshold fo in 800 The non-air andard following table illustrates in the non-air threshold in 1 r 800 meters threshold: The the value of speed 500 meters.

Specialty Arithmetic Average V.M. A Standard deviation V.M.A Average speed of non-air threshold Standard deviation V.S.An

800 Meters 19.66 0.57 16.17 0.49

Chart № 5 represents the value of V.M.A and the speed in non-Air threshold for 1500 meters From the chart, we notice that in 1500 meters, average airspeed is 20.33 and standard Deviation is 0.57. The speed in the non-air threshold and standard deviation 0.49.

Discussion of the second Hypothesis:

Checking the hypothesis that said, a constant continuous track test (Brikci & Dekkar) reveals the efficacy of respiratory system in half-long-distance runners (800 Meters). We used test« T »to check the difference between the two independent tests on the group, the results obtained shows that there is a moral difference, but close to the two Tests.

(Jackson, Coleman) indicate the evaluation of the respiratory system endurance; this can be shown by running as long as possible using a muscular effort [12].

Since the track test (Brikci & Dekkar) is similar to 12 Minutes test for Cooper and 9 minutes for (AAHER),the 5 minutes track test is a limited duration of (5 M) so it is close to the maximum air capacity as indicated by (Billat), the maximum airspeed can be estimated from 5 -7 minutes and according to (Billat) , we can evaluate the threshold and non-air threshold speed based on maximum

airspeed percentage V.M.A %. (Jürgen Weinek)indicates That the greater the value mmol/I 4 a high speed compatibility, the higher the air capacity, and hence the efficiency of the respiratory system. All this supports the hypothesis suggested by the researcher [13].

Conclusion. The subject matter in this search is the problem of determining the appropriate field tests in estimating the maximum consumption of oxygen to follow and monitor the respiratory fitness for medium-distance runners 800 meters. The researcher tried a detailed analysis of the tests results carried out and the collected data through the bibliographic readings, and the empirical study reached the following results.

- The need to estimate maximum consumption of oxygen by testing either in the field or laboratory for intermediate races 800meters

- The benefit of estimating the (vo2 max) is that the maximum consumption of oxygen is the best source for information on the air system to produce energy.

- Estimating (vo2 max) is necessary for the intermediate races 800 meters. Predictability for those with great values to direct them to the long or long half distances.


1. Bastoise Ahmed: Foundations and theories of sports training, Dar al-Fikr al-Arabi, Cairo. 1999, p. 27.

2. Ahmed Nasr El-Din El Sayed: Physiology of Sport, Arab Thought House, Cairo. 2003, p. 14.

3. Ibrahim Shehata: Fundamentals of Training, the Egyptian Library, Alexandria. 2006, p. 14.

4. Abu Alaa Ahmed Abdel Fattah: Biology of Sports, Dar Al-Fikr Al-Arabi, Cairo. 2008, p. 17.

5. Bahaa El Din Ibrahim Salama: Physiology of Physical Effort, Dar Al-Fikr Al-Arabi, Cairo. 2009, p. 19.

6. Brikci A, Hanifi. H. Dekkar: Technique d'évaluation physiologique, Comité olympique, Alger. 1998, p. 42.

7. Veronique Billat: l'entrainement en plain nature, Edition de beack, Bruxelles. 2005, p. 68.

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Подано: 02.02.2018 Принято: 05.02.2018

8. Osama Riyad: Sports Medicine and Athletics, Dar Al-Hilal, Riyadh. 1987, p. 60.

9 Brikci .A, Hanifi.H, Dekkar: Technique d'évaluation physiologique, Comité olympique, Alger. 1998, p. 66.

10 Véronique Billat : Physiologie et Méthodologie de l'entrainement, Edition de boeck, Bruxelles. 2003, p. 124.

11. William McARDLE , et all :Physiologie l'activité physique, Édition Maloine, Paris. 2001, p. 38.

12. Basati God's Order: Rules and Foundations of Mathematical Training and its Applications, Dar Al Ma'aref, Alexandria. 1998, p. 118.

13. Life of Sudan Ibrahim: physiology of member functions, University Youth Foundation, Alexandria. 2009, p. 55.

14. Kuznetsova Z., Kuznetsov A., Mutaeva I., Khalikov G., Zakharova A., 2015. Athletes preparation based on a complex assessment of functional state. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology support. SCITEPRESS. P. 156-160 (Scopus).

15. Kuznetsov A., Mutaeva I., Kuznetsova Z., 2017. Diagnostics of Functional State and Recerve Capacity of young Athletes' Organizm. In Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology support. SCITEPRESS. P. 111-115 (Scopus).

Белькасем Чарби - доктор, преподаватель, директор лаборатории спортивной системы в Алжире, Институт физкультуры и спорта науки и техники, Ашур Зиан Университет, Джиелфа, Алжир, e-mail: s. khader@,mail. univ-djelfa. com

Хадер Салих-Д-Р - преподаватель, член лаборатории стратегий профилактики и контроля над наркотиками в Алжире, Институт физических и спортивных наук и методов, Университет Зиан Ачур, Джельфа, Алжир

Рахмун Тахар - кандидат наук, студент, Институт физической и спортивной науки и техники, Ашур Зиан Университет, Джельфа, Алжир, e-mail: khseps2012@gmail.com

Для цитирования: Белькасем Чарби, Хадер Салих, Рахмун Тахар Сравнительное исследование максимального потребления кислорода и эффективности работы дыхательной системы бегунов на дальние дистанции (800 метров) // Педагогико-психологические и медико-биологические проблемы физической культуры и спорта. - 2018. - Т. 13. - № 1. - С. 154-159. DOI 10/14526/01 2018 294

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