M. G. Sergeieva
The article presents a didactic model of economic competence development for practice-oriented specialists able to work productively in a market economy.
Key words: modeling, economic competences of a graduate, development of economic competences of a graduate.
The issue of the formation and development of economic competence of a graduate of a professional education institution studied by us requires the determination of scientific approaches to developing a model of his/her economic competence development. As a theoretical and methodological basis of the developed Concept of Continuous Economic Education Development in the professional education system, the following approach has been selected: the system approach as a general scientific basis, the activity approach as a theoretical and methodological strategy, and the competence-based approach as practice-oriented tactics.
The Concept of Continuous Economic Education Development developed by us is a system of components. Let us consider them briefly.
The procedural component of the Concept is shown in the application model of the development of economic competence of a graduate of a professional education institution, including the related units: (1) a target unit is aimed at the acquisition of economic knowledge, skills, and development of economically important personality traits, needs, interests, incentives, and a system of values; (2) an activity unit is focused on professional activities, an essential component of which is economic activity. In the process of objective needs and interests, students develop certain economic behaviour, which is implemented through their activities. Economic activity is focused on rational work, using the obtained economic knowledge and economic behaviour is a set of actions and acts conducted in the course of such activities; (3) a substantial unit reflects the content of academic disciplines, through which the development of economic competences of a graduate is carried out in accordance with the professional education level and the training profile; pedagogical excellence of a teacher; (4) a process unit considers the development process of economic competence of a graduate and reveals a sequence of stages of this process (motivational-value, cognitive-activity, refl exive-transform ative).
The motivational-value component is aimed at formation of an attitude to the future professional economic activity as personal and social values; students’ understanding of the importance of the personality trait formation of an economically competent specialist; formation of needs in professional and economic and personal growth. The focus is on the development of students' key economic competencies.
The cognitive-activity component involves: learning by students of an appropriate amount of economic knowledge and skills and professional economic
functions of a specialist; development of the ability to solve economic issues at the level of innovation and creativity. At this stage, the main efforts are concentrated on improving the students' key economic competences and on the development of professional economic competences.
The reflexive-transformative component is aimed at self-regulation of reasonable economic behaviour and economic activity; student’s understanding and evaluation of their educational and professional and economic activities; updating economically significant personal traits; developing the ability to project their own professional and economic development.
The activity component of the model includes types of professional activities, an essential component of which is economic activity. In the process of objective needs and interests, students develop certain economic behaviour, which is implemented through their activities. Economic activity suggests the possibility to work rationally, using obtained economic knowledge. Economic behaviour is a set of actions and acts conducted in the course of such activities. The basis of economic behaviour and economic activity is economic culture, which is a set of economic knowledge, skills, beliefs, and conduct of their activities in accordance with them.
The substantial component reflects the content of academic disciplines through which the development of economic competences of a graduate is carried out in accordance with the professional education level and the training profile; pedagogical excellence of a teacher.
The process component is the formation of economic competences of a graduate as a continuous, long-term, complex and integral process, in which the continuous economic training is considered by us by educational level and stage: (a) a motivational-value stage is aimed at formation of an attitude to the future professional economic activity as personal and social values; students’ understanding of the importance of the personality trait formation of an economically competent specialist; formation of needs in professional and economic and personal growth; (b) a cognitive-activity stage involves learning by students of an appropriate amount of economic knowledge and skills and professional economic functions of a specialist; development of the ability to solve economic issues at the level of innovation and creativity; (c) a reflexive-transformative stage is aimed at self-regulation of reasonable economic behaviour and economic activity; student’s understanding and evaluation of their educational and professional and economic actions; updating of economically significant personal traits; development of the ability to project their own professional and economic development. The consistency of stages is based on the idea of personality formation of a student as a subject of the educational and professional economic activity in terms of professional training.
The verification component of the development process of economic competences of a graduate of a professional education institution includes levels of economic competence development, development criteria and evaluation of training of a competitive graduate of a professional educational institution, having economic competences.
In the course of research to determine the development of economic competencies of a graduate, taking into account three levels (low, medium, high),
the following criteria were developed: (1) a cognitive- informative criterion reflects the range of a specialist’s available economic knowledge, and assumes that students, mastering economic knowledge (knowledge of economic laws, economic reality, methods of economic research, methods of economic competence development), will be able to adequately assess the actual economic situation, and to find and use the information required for their solving, and to develop economic competence in the process of self-education; (2) a personal criterion reflects significant professional incentives and a system of values of a personality, his/her positive attitude to mastering economic knowledge and skills, the need for their application in practice; as well as economically significant personal traits: thrift, independence, rationality, diligence, entrepreneurial spirit, allowing a specialist to maintain a position in economically feasible decision-making; (3) an activity-creative criterion reflects the availability of economically-oriented skills that allow for organization of economic activity, identification of difficulties and determination of ways to improve it; it provides for a specialist to be involved in the sphere of economic interaction of society and production; it characterizes the direction of this activity in terms of its compliance with a set of social requirements put forward to strong economic behaviour, to effective economic under current conditions.
Experimental work organized by us on the basis of professional education institutions allowed us to describe the criteria and indicators of the development of economic competencies of students; to adapt and to learn various methods of diagnosing the economic competences of students at various stages of education; to identify the initial level of economic competences of graduates of experimental and control groups; to develop in accordance with the Concept proposed the target Complex Programme as a basis for the scientific and methodological and pedagogical support of the development of economic competences of students; to ensure achieving by students of the experimental groups the higher level of economic competences than by the students of control groups in the course of implementation of the Programme.
The process of the development of students’ economic competences (key, professional and additional) is staged (reflecting the procedural side) and level (characterizing the hierarchical side), since students cannot master the entire complex of economic competences simultaneously.
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The article includes materials obtained as a result of scientific research conducted under the grant of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation.
Translated from Russian by Znanije Central Translastions Bureas