M. G. Sergeeva
The model of formation of economic competences of graduates of professional educational institutions is represented by the following components: targeted, activity-based, contents-based, procedural and technological and assessment and reflection-based. The assessment and reflection component of the model serves as an assessment and reflection of the formation of economic competencies of graduates, and includes: levels and criteria of formation of economic competences, according to which the result of training of the competitive graduate of the professional educational institution can be assessed.
During the course of the study, the main criteria of the formation of economic competencies of the personality were singled out: (a) cognitive-perceptive, (b) activity-based-creative, (c) personal.
(a) The cognitive-perceptive criteria reflects the range of existing economic knowledge of the specialist. Pupils possessing economic knowledge (knowledge of economic laws, economic reality, methods of economic research, means of forming economic competences), should be able to assess adequately real economic situations, find and apply necessary information for their resolution, and also develop economic competences in the process of selfeducation.
(b) The activity-based-creative criteria reflects the presence of economically-focused skills which make it possible to carry out organization of economic activity, detect difficulties and determine methods for improving it; it proposes the specialist’s involvement in the sphere of economic interaction of society and industry, characterizes the direction of this activity from the viewpoint of its compliance with a set of public demands for confident economic behavior, and effective economic activity in modern conditions.
(c) The personal criteria reflects the economically significant qualities of the personality: thrift, independence, rationality, diligence, enterprise, which make it possible for specialists to stand by their decision in taking economically justified decisions.
The system of criteria developed by us makes it possible to establish levels of formation of economic competences of the specialist (see table).
* This report used materials obtained in academic research conducted under a grant from the Russian Humanities Research Fund.
Levels of formation of economic competences of graduates of professional educational institutions
Low level | Middle level | High level
Cognitive-perceptive criteria
Has limited theoretical knowledge., The majority of economic concepts are explained by the pupil by leading questions through a description. Experiences difficulties in studying material of an economic nature. Economic terms and concepts are in the pupil's passive vocabulary. There is no connection between the economic knowledge and practical activity of the pupil. There is a predominance of recognition, and distinction by external features. Reads graphs, tables, diagrams. Repeats economic laws. There is a predominance of mechanical repetition of economic knowledge at the level of individual facts. Not able to explain independently the meaning of economic terms and concepts. The pupil's active vocabulary contains concepts mainly used for analyzing educational material of an economic nature in a certain context. The pupil transfers knowledge to practical activity with the help of the teacher. Repeats economic knowledge at the level of understanding. Draws graphs, diagrams and charts. Detects laws of functioning of market mechanisms. Applies economic knowledge to solve stereotypical tasks. Independently makes use of economic knowledge and concepts and explains their meaning. Economic concepts are in the pupil's active vocabulary. Takes a great interest in the economic problems of the present day. Is capable of creatively applying economic knowledge in real economic situations. Has systemized, solid knowledge. Uses knowledge for characteristics of economic processes, detects main principles of economic relations. Understands the main economic laws of the development of the country and region.
Action-based-creative criteria
Is incapable of independently analyzing the economic situation and rationally planning expenses. Is incapable of setting priorities in economic activity in order to achieve results. Is incapable of independently determine goals and tasks of economic activity. Requires control from the outside. Passive in economic activity. Is scared of innovations. Proposes ungrounded versions of models. Decisions are based on empirical experience. Is capable with the help of the teacher of analyzing economic situations, but does not see possibilities for increasing their effectiveness. Does not always plan expenses rationally. Arranges priorities to achieve a result. Goal-setting is distinguished by imitation. Does not always apply optimum methods of solving tasks. Needs outside leadership in activity. Prefers short-term projects. Models activity based on equivalents. Decisions are standard. Is capable of independently analyzing economic situations and finding ways to increase their effectiveness. Is capable of planning expenses independently and rationally. To achieve a result in economic activity, is capable of sensibly arranging priorities. Shows independence in setting goals, and a creative approach to choosing a path to achieve a goal. Shows self-control and adequate self-esteem. Has initiative in activity, and prefers innovative projects. Economic thinking is developed.
Personal criteria (economically significant qualities of the personality)
Thrift (economy)
Spends money without thinking of the families capabilities; sees no need in economizing or a thrifty attitude to material resources. Observes a regime of economizing from time to time. Makes savings without thinking about a goal. Only has a cautious attitude towards own property. Observes a regime of economy at the educational institution and at home. Has personal savings for goals important for him/herself and the family. Has a cautious attitude towards material resources.
Cannot plan and regulate behavior in economic situations, requires constant supervision. Can plan and regulate behavior in economic situations, but periodically requires supervision. Plans and regulates behavior in economic situations by him/herself without constant supervision and assistance from the outside.
Does not calculate expenditure of time and money on carrying out work or acts. Does not look for effective methods to solve economically problematic situations. Calculates effectiveness of work from time to time. When carrying out tasks, organizes work in such a way so that it requires the lowest expenditure of efforts, time and money. Always calculates volume of work and expenditure for carrying it out, and regularly plans personal budget. Looks for the most effective means to solve economically problematic situations.
Carries out entrusted work formally or tries to give the work to someone else, and requires constant supervision. Carries out entrusted work, but is inclined to look for the easiest ways to carry out, and requires occasional supervision. Also works enthusiastically and scrupulously, putting knowledge and experience into work, does not require supervision.
In carrying out work and solving problematic economic situations, does not show activeness, and does not support others' initiatives. In carrying out work and solving problematic economic situations, carries out executive functions, following the instructions of others. In carrying out work and solving problematic economic situations, looks for effective ways of overcoming them, and shows initiative in achieving results.
The low level is characterized by: unsystematic volume of knowledge, skills and ability among students; insufficient development of cognitive interests; unformed attitude to the future professional activity as a personal and social value; situational use of methods of self-regulation of behavior and activity; solving of professional tasks primarily by methods of imitation. For students of the lower level, fragmentary manifestation of signs of
economic competences is characteristic. Students have yet to recognize themselves as the subject of educational professional activity. An excessively low or high self-esteem is characteristic for them, and the ability to project their professional development is not developed. General civic qualities are at the development stage. They are characterized by a moderate expressiveness of motivation of study and professional activity, volume of knowledge, skills and abilities is not systematic, and cognitive needs are insufficiently developed. Students of this level do not always successfully apply knowledge, skills and abilities of a communicative nature, as their behavior is not yet sufficiently emotionally stable. Organizational abilities are poorly developed. A situational use of methods of self-regulation of behavior and activity is seen, and professional tasks are solved by methods of imitation.
The middle level is determined by the following characteristics: sufficient volume and quality of knowledge, skills and abilities among students; development of cognitive interests; formation of attitude to future professional activity as a personal and social value; ability for self-regulation of behavior and activity; solution of professional tasks at the level of innovations and creativity is not sufficiently formed. Students of the middle level show a sufficient level of formation of economic competences. For them, an adequate self-esteem is characteristic, and the ability to project their professional development is developed. They have skills of constructive professional and interpersonal communication, and their organizing abilities are well-developed. Students of this level show abilities for self-regulation of behavior and activity, but the ability of independently solving professional tasks on the level of innovations and creativity is not yet sufficiently formed.
The high level is characterized by significant volume and quality of knowledge, skills and abilities among students; developed cognitive abilities; prominently expressed attitude to future professional activity as a personal and social value; ability for self-regulation of behavior and activity; solution of professional tasks at the level of innovations and creativity. Students of the high level show optimally formed economic competences. For them, an adequate self-esteem is characteristic, and their ability of projecting their professional development is highly developed. They have a high level of motivation of education and professional activity, and the volume and quality of their knowledge, skills and abilities meet the requirements of the state education standard, and their cognitive requirements are well developed. They have skills of constructive professional and interpersonal communication, and their organization abilities are well developed. Students of this level are capable of selfregulation of behavior and activity, and can solve professional tasks at the level of innovations and creativity.