Научная статья на тему 'Sphere of circulation: issues of restructuring'

Sphere of circulation: issues of restructuring Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Gunyakov Denis Yu, Gunyakov Yuriy V., Kuimov Vasily V.

This article gives the models and regularities of restructuring in the sphere of circulation, its features and role in the reproduction processes of the market economy formation.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Sphere of circulation: issues of restructuring»

Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 10 (2012 5) 1385-1397

УДК 339.3

Sphere of Circulation: Issues of Restructuring

Denis Yu. Gunyakov*, Yuriy V. Gunyakov and Vasily V. Kuimov

Siberian Federal University Krasnoyarsk State Institute of Commerce and Economics 2 Lidii Prushinskoy Str., Krasnoyarsk, 660075 Russia 1

Received 15.06.2012, received in revised form 08.09.2012, accepted 23.10.2012

This article gives the models and regularities of restructuring in the sphere of circulation, its features and role in the reproduction processes of the market economy formation.

Keywords: restructuring, sphere of circulation, adaptation, commercial activity, restructuring mechanism, physical distribution, civilizational and cultural trade crisis.

Regularities of restructuring. The

unprecedented changes taking place in the country during last 20 years are the results of the seeking of democracy, freedom and market economy. The content of these changes includes the establishment of a new economic system and property relations, radically different organizational and management tools, concepts of enterprise organization and management philosophy, and other fundamentals of motivation, economic behavior and efficiency. Its formation that has caused enormous social costs has been incredibly easy. For the greater success of conducted measures it is necessary, first of all, for the population to internally recognize the objective necessity of these transformations, and, secondly, it is necessary to disclose their regularities, specific features, define clear and understandable tendencies of changes in order to form an active social basis for their implementation.

* Corresponding author E-mail address: emploise@mail.ru

1 © Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved

In the conditions of economic liberalization domestic enterprises have acquired the status of market entity, for whom the commodity-money exchange has become the initial and final stage in the economic circuit, and commercial activity has become determinant along with production activity. So the key element in the reproduction process during the establishment of the market economic system is the sphere of circulation, where the relations of exchange are acquiring the total character: along with factor markets and consumer goods markets there is operation of huge amount of other markets. For enterprises that have radically changed the goals, principles and mechanisms of trade organization, it is vital not only to purchase the factors of production at a reasonable price and profitably sale own products, but also to solve, for example, problems with purchase of "cheap money", business insurance, bargain purchase of shares of the other companies and sale of its own shares.

For sequential transformation of the purchase and sale processes into the universal form of communication of the Russian economy and for the provision of sustainable reproduction process it is necessary to create general framework conditions for the formation of the system of dynamic economic, technical and economic and organizational relations that have to create the necessary conditions for economic growth under conditions of permanent changes.

The study of changes allows opening of new generating principles, the key endogenous sources of accelerated development of the productive forces. "The main driving forces should be sought not in the class struggle, but in the field of the economy, and even deeper - in commerce activity. At least, this applies to the modern period in Russia - a market economy", -E. Ladurie emphasized. We can agree with this opinion, because conducted research has led us to the surprising conclusion about the fact that the leading factor of economy development in modern conditions of the formation of market economic system is not the size of the country, power of natural resources and arable lands, but the restructuring of the sphere of circulation, aimed at the formation of a new economy .

In order to avoid one-sided interpretation, we have to answer a number of important questions related to the construction of the analytical system and maximization of the practical value of its knowledge. First of all, should we prefer identifying cause-and-effect relations during the study, or just confine ourselves to simple observation of the phenomenon? Secondly, will the analysis be strict, if the contradictions of restructuring are not detected, since they determine the direction of the study? Thirdly, how to use the classic time-space approach to analysis in order to maximize its utilitarian usefulness?

The concept of the study is to give proof of the relations between changes in the content of

the relations presented in the field of circulation, particularly trade relations, forms of its regulation and the establishment of institutional structure, oriented towards the market-economic system.

The aim of this article is to provide a general understanding of the problem, show some of the results of its empirical study and describe the main features of the restructuring in terms of economic theory. Therefore, we confine ourselves to the analysis of transformations in the sphere of circulation. We use the new concept - the civilizational and cultural trade crisis that reflects the totality of fundamental changes in the process of formation of its market entity.

The necessary conditions of the study that determine its scientific type, are:

- Determination and application of adequate scientific method of cognition and its corresponding private methods and tools of research;

- The existence of events regularity that you can study and predict;

- Mandatory character of the internal structural regularities of restructuring of the sphere of circulation that are invariant in time and space;

- The ability of simulation modeling that illustrates the changes in the sphere of circulation;

- Bringing the theoretical conclusions to the practice of market economy.

We understand the restructuring as the adaptation of social reproduction to the current radical changes based on the structural changes in the national economy. Its modern need, including the sphere of circulation that is by nature a form of determining the economic connection between production and consumption through the mechanisms of commodity-money exchange (Fig. 1), is determined by the growing influence of scientific and technological innovations, modifications of the structure of production as

Social reproduction

Sphere of production Sphere of circulation Sphere of consumption

holesale markets of

'commodity producers

Subjects primary offering


Т - Д1

Wholesale markets of resellers:

Subjects of supply and demand

Д - Т- Д1

Retail markets of retail resellers:

Subjects of supply and demand

Д - Т - Д1


Subjects of final demand

Service markets Wholesale and

retail service producers

Consumers -



Fig. 1. The structure of the sphere of circulation

well as rapid institutional changes due to the creation of a new method, based on the market economic system.

We emphasize that in the study af the sphere of circutadfon that depends on tha actions of many market subjects, and therefore lias aie extremely complex structure;, not all thefahtors ohat detrsmine the oudcome of adaptive processes are amenable to study and measurement . Otherwisr, it is possible to I) e trapped in the scientific; illusions. Some of the effecting circumstances can be described only on thee qualitative empirical lepef Hpwrver, it doee not preclude ohe presence of objective scientific knowledge, enabling to provide for the consequences of possible actions. Despite these restrictions, the radical restructuring of the sphere of circulation is set to change the old system of management and create the necessary conditions for the rapid and sustained growth. It requires the necessity of replacement of the ineffective existing methods and tools of trade organization by new ones.

Thus, the problems of the organization of exchange processes, hssociated, for example, with the globalist tendencies, cannot be addressed through exisring tsaditional mechanirms, they requfre innovative approaches. In this; rase it should nob tie reduced to itr simple; improvement or adoption of existing mechanismr that have proven ;ts paogressiveness in the woald practice. It ii about the implementation of technological, organizafaonal and economic innovations that increase the potential of trnde processee and dramatically incteeee the possibility oa effieiency growth. Thus, tha primary targeted function of the restructuring of the sphere of circulation is to create the necessary conditions in order to expand the opportunities for economic growth. As a rough approximation we understand this category as the dynamic growth of the gross national product. Its expression in the studied is served, for example, by the well-known private criteria -long-term increase of volume and optimization of the structure of trade turnover in accordance with the tendencies of supply and demand, profit

Reformation of economy

Restructuring of the sphere of circulation

Globalization of economy

Fig. 2. Global regularities of adaptation ofthe sphere of circulation

maximization from the organization of mutually effective relations of enterprioe commerce acfivity.

This topic includes thr discussion of a wide raege of issues, its particular, the mainstream of the sphere development. Systemeesearch of the twenty years period of reformation processes ros the cfearion ri the viable and effectivs spheee od circulation that is adequate th the objectives and conditions (if economic growth, has mevealed some grberal rules that are tmportanl ib terms of determination of future strategic and alternative directions of its development, coordinated by market and opportunities of the management of changes occurring in it (Fig. 2). Their study requires the deep critical thinking.

We emphasize that, despite the urgent need for the restructuring for the capital-intensive industry (especially heavy industry),

establishment of the market economic system begins in fhe spbese oh circulation, since trade enSerprises by force of specialization and features of ite activity is eaoier to adapt to the new economic conditions (prese nce of particular business experience, rapid turnover and relatively low need ff ibve stment for the restructuring.) It meano that, in all probability, there should not tie the same approach to the restructuring of the vaoious sectors of economy.

The maiis mistake of the restructuring of the sphere of circulation in the country, in our opinion, is the fact that it has been carried out without sufficient scientific evidence, proceeding from the mechanical performance of the standard recommendations of the "Washington Consensus", including the liberalization of prices of domestic and foreign trade, the rapid and complete privatization of all types of property,

Fig. 3. The restructuring of the sphere of circulation

maintenance of macroeconomic stability thoough tight monetary and cre dit constraints.

Now we will give some arguments of our vision of adaptation of the sphere of circulation and usage of the changes potensial in the transitional period oo the establishment of a new way of production.

1. First of all, with the emergence of multisectoral economy almost everywhere, there was the emergence of a new economic form of trade for the state, it was carried out as the commercial activity that is a system of economic, trade and technological relations of purchase and sale being organized to meet the economic interests of market participants.

However, in the specific conditions of primary accumulation of capital and the absence of the institutional infrastructure regulating the market, the new trade stimuli are maximized egoistic interests of sellers in the market that has presented the fierce Hobbesian "war of all against all", with all the ensuing consequences. The results of commerce activity in its converted form reflect not so much the action of the "invisible hand" of Smith, but the criminogenic factors and extortion. These circumstances have led to the negative tendencies of the formation of the market economic system. Its elimination has a

priori required the strengthening of the regulatory role of the state in this comprex and co nrradictory process (this aspect is left out of the article).

2. There is a dramatic increase in the seale and role or services, markets of which are acquiring independent significance in the sphere of circulation. Featute of this phenomenon is the asymmetrical movement of various economic processes that lead to an objective change in its structure and appearance of new features and factors of economic development and complication of economic relations. Thus, on the one hand, there are outstripping growth rates of fixed assets as compared with industrial production. But, on the other hand, in the previously dominant sector of the sphere of circulation that is trade their growth is not notable for high dynamism. It means that the rapid development of this field is provided mainly through the establishment of enterprises equipped with the modern material and technical resources that provide a wide range of new different services (Fig. 3). As a result there are changes in the structure of the sphere of circulation.

The model illustrates that the adaptation of trade and services sector of the sphere of circulation as the reproductive process links to new conditions depends not only on changes

in production, but also on the extent of their relations with each other. At the same time, in the relations between them there are increasing centrifugal tendencies due to the fact that the new forms of economic relations, separated from trade, have appeared and received inner drive for the development in the sphere of services. This fact objectively leads to the contradiction, for example, during the allocation of financial resources of the consumer between sectors, the resolution of which is a source of self-development of each trade subject and the sphere of circulation as a whole. But because any one of them will fall into dependence on external conditions, this movement can become difficult.

However, first of all, it is possible to assert that the active transforming and developing sectors of the sphere of circulation, as a response to its dramatic changes, can play a role of accelerator of the domestic economy. Secondly, it is possible to assume that since this trend is gaining acceleration, it becomes stable in the provision of effective reproduction process.

3. Noticeable fast growth in the number of trading enterprises (they have exceeded one-third of all enterprises in the economy) that nowadays takes place mainly at the expense of small and network business, leads to the significant increase in performance. The effectiveness of commerce activity is proved by five-fold increase as compared with the beginning of reforms, of its contribution to the gross domestic product and employment issues.

4. The most important role in the restructuring of the sphere of circulation is played by small business. Its activity that is characterized as «Start-up», is based from the beginning on the market principles and mechanisms, it is notable for its aspiration for economic independence and innovative activities. Therefore, the restructuring of it differs from the traditional enterprises, and means fast and constant search for new ideas,

products, technologies, due to its focus on the rapid satisfaction of diverse economic demand on the principles of mutual benefit and individualization of customers. With some assumptions it can be judged by the consistent tendency of the increase of completion of purchases factor and growth of sales volume. For example, according to the data of the territory statistics agency, retail sales turnover in the region over the last decade (2000-2010) has been divided as follows. In large and medium-sized enterprises, it increased by 5.2 times, small enterprises - by 8 times, entrepreneurs, selling goods out of the market - almost by 9 times and retail markets and fairs by 2.3 times.

The position of the entrepreneurs in the definition of this factor is equally important. According to a survey conducted in 2010, it has been revealed that the assessment of the goods novelty by buyers is quite high. But the position of experienced retailers has been more critical. Nearly three-quarters of them do not tend to embellish the situation and consider their products as new ones for the customers.

Small business that includes predominantly new businesses is characterized by the focus mainly on fast-payback and active commerce activity in the recesses formed in the gaps between the mass of goods supplied to the market by large enterprises. Numerous studies of this area clearly agree that this is why the most attractive trade for business is the trade that holds now nearly 40% of the total number of enterprises and workers in small businesses. The turnover of wholesale and retail trade is more than 70% of total turnover.

Ultimately, the development of small trade business helps the saturation and mobility of the market, increase of competition and the relative stability of prices, employment of population, formation of the middle class and development of market economic system as a whole. But on the other hand, in order to determine the prospects and conditions of its development it

is important to take into account the observed ambiguous tendency of using the strategy of significant growth and non-significant focus on the international market, even in the Krasnoyarsk territory that is characterized by its high export orientation.

The 5th evidence relates to the foreign trade. Globalization processes put contradictory effects on the national sphere of circulation. On the one hand, it simplifies interaction with the business subjects of different countries, and promotes economic growth through the exchange of advanced technologies. On the other hand, due to the general decline and restructuring of the domestic industry and agriculture, domestic trade is experiencing significant difficulties in adapting to hypercompetition caused by the expansion of foreign products and firms. Restructuring of foreign trade has resulted in an active expansion of product export of extractive industries and import of consumer goods, leading to the formation of the different structure of the sphere of circulation. According to official statistics, an average more than 50% of commodity food resources, and almost three quarters of non-food resources in the total volume of supply are formed by foreign revenues.

Serious constraint to effective adaptation of domestic enterprises to the conditions and requirements of the international market is the lack of knowledge about the foreign goods and firms, the mechanisms of the organization of commerce activity, accounting and reporting standards.

Stable import dependence has not only increased competition, objectively encouraging the development of domestic enterprises, but has also given rise to the problem of strategic security of the consumer market that requires an immediate comprehensive solution. It can be assumed that with the commencement of the agreement on accession to the WTO that

expands the possibilities of foreign supply of high-quality and affordable products, including highly competitive multinational companies, the problem of the internal market dependency on imports will become aggravated. Its solution is seen in the combination of market mechanisms and improvement of public protection policy that is adequate to new economic conditions, expanding the freedom of trade with the full and rapid development of the domestic agricultural sector, ensuring the further growth of perceived increase in the share of domestic goods in the retail trade.

This statement is not consistent with the published views that foreign trade does not stimulate economic growth or, if helps, this growth is not self-sustaining, since the broad flow of imports destroys the traditional structure of the national economy. And this is it. But 30 years ago, Nobel laureate William Arthur Lewis proved by examining the experience of developing countries that have experienced similar processes that, over a certain time (the duration differs depending on the prevailing conditions) import and export come into balance. As a result, this negative effect of foreign trade is reduced to zero, and having wholly dialectical interaction with internal trade it becomes a factor of economic growth. However, this condition is vague, with a decrease in demand for export products there is violation of the existing balance in the sphere of circulation, and conditions for adaptation of trade are becoming worse.

One of the peculiarities of Russian export that is notable for prevalence of raw materials is due to the relatively high industry level of the wage fund in total costs and revenues that reduce the ability to adapt in other industries. In particular, it contributes to chronic state of unemployment in such industries. It can hardly be denied that as a result the emerging system of market coordination reveals its imperfection

that correlates with the conclusion of D. Keynes, because it does not ensure the stability of the structure. Therefore, attention to the restructuring cannot be weakened.

6. In the sphere of circulation previously unknownformats ofthe high-tech trade enterprises are becoming widespread, for example, the organizational integrations that form structured supply chains, optimizing product distribution process. Compared with the existing traditional trade actors, they signify system, though uneven, transformation of trade into the modern, diverse and actively developing effective industry. In essence, these organizations are transitional civilized forms to its innovative type.

7. There is a rapid development of domestic tradenetworksofdifferentlevelsandtheoccurrence of the tendencies of its market dominance over the individual business in connection with it. Its movement in the country is accompanied by the appearance of large shopping centers, distribution warehouses. They offer the more efficient organization of commerce activity, diversification of risks through redistribution of means between different parts of the system, usage of different logistics systems that contribute to the increase of sales and reduction of costs per unit of sales. All these factors promote further intensification of competition with regional players in the market, promoting their development. On the other hand, it leads to the significant change in the structure of trade turnover. Thus, in the Krasnoyarsk territory the share of federal, regional and local networks in 2010 has reached almost a quarter of the total retail sales turnover of food products, while for the foreign companies, it is only 3%. But the most important role in this market is still played by non-chain enterprises.

The most important thing here is that the result of this progressive tendency is the formation of the conditions for economic leveling of the territorial development of the domestic trade.

8. The restructuring of the sphere of circulation is based on the introduction of modern processes of purchase and sale and technologies of value increment, including electronic and logistics technologies. They are becoming crucial factors of impact on trade. For example, the usage of electronic information systems has led to the fact that the response to changes in market conditions is becoming effective if the enterprises are vigorous, and commercial activity is carried out with "the speed of thought."

The economic importance of new ways of organization and application of technologies in the sphere of circulation lies in the fact that they are responsible for reducing costs (especially by the scale of activity), and increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of domestic enterprises. Thus, the centralized model of commercial trade relations that use electronic information systems, allows us to consolidate orders to suppliers, to quickly form range of products depending on the dynamics of supply and demand and reallocate it between the shops of the given economic system. The consequence of this approach is more accurate and complete records of expenditures and its saving during the purchase, transportation and storage of goods, reduction of the cycle of their turnover. And as a consequence, there is an increase of economic mutual benefit for all participants of the product distribution chain (Fig. 4).

This model simulates the chain of value increment during the organization of movement of goods from the producer to the retail customer. In this process, there is the transformation of the traditional relations between the subjects: the formation of value and cost of the goods in the initial link of the chain and its transformation while moving to another link. Resellers and retailers through the development of direct interactions carry out increment of value of the product through various commercial and

Formation of value

Commodity producer

Mutual benefit

Value increment

Trade enterprise

___________; ■

Mutual benefit

Satisfaction of needs

End customer

Synergetic effect

Fig. 4 . Model of the chain of value increment

technical operations (eg., warehousing, storage, packing, packaging, etc.). Despite the increase in the costs for the increment of value of tht goons, the ret structuring of the relations helps too reduce overall costs and increase the volume of sales rS goods of high value. The latter .act is a positive facto) of formation oS the synergetic effect.

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On the othes hand, mismatched innovations of the otganization of commerce activity of trade enterpaise sare mostl. the results of spontaneous solutions leading to risks that often reduce the level of customer service system and the reproductive process as a whole.

The presented sketch chain of arguments allows making several conclusions.

Firstly, the sphere of circulation is not protected by the law of changes. A large number of circumstances of different nature can affect the development of restructuring and therefore should be considered. In addition to the marked changes there are also other changes, in particular, due to the action of destructive conflicts, the consequences of which that are obvious and not so visible, are also important for its development. For example, the collapse of the vast system of consumer cooperation, embracing all rural areas of the country with the trade network, destroyed its economic relations with processor enterprises and left people without trade service.

Secondly, the consequences of the Russian strategy of radical reformation of the sphere of

dirculation on the principle of «laisrez faire» hove been found to be extremely controversial. Rapid privatization of enterprises has created teli«; conditions fer the emergence of a new form of trade that is commerce activity and stimuli foi the display of individual econoimr initiative in the market, aimed at obtaining ihe immediate private egoistic profit. But, on tho other hand, the liberalization of pricing, bringing it closer to the world level, ihat is combinod with the imperfection of state involvement in the establishment of the market economy, have created hyperinflation, economic chaos, one-sided redistribution of resources and have become devastating for most of the remaining and new enterprises. Further adjustment of the economic changes helped to outline the new structure and relative stability of the sphere of circulation and to smooth its criminal nature.

Thirdly, the restructuring of the sphere of circulation carried out on the basis of the maximum rejection of the theory of market socialism, despite its dynamic disequilibrium and contradictory nature of effects, showing the existence of an internal immunity, strategically plays a positive economic role, promotes the gradual formation of the market economic system and the establishment of conditions for the overall economic recovery and growth. It means that the radical restructuring eliminates the rapid achievement of outcomes, and shock

measures should develop into the long-term actions.

Stages of restructuring. The temporal dimension is important for the determination of restructuring. From the facts of changes in this field it is important to bring an explaining line, without which they will be confusing and unnecessary. The methodology of dialectical cognition has identified the stages of civilizational and cultural crisis of the sphere of circulation in the process of its adaptation to the new conditions that indicates the gradualistic nature of the restructuring. Its content consists of the trade and economic relations that characterize the replacement of its command and centralized by a market one (in the period from the extraordinary 90s up to the end of the relatively conservative changes of 2000s) that are successively connected with each other.

Civilizational and cultural crises were not the product of the thoroughly elaborated plans of changes, most probably they were the spontaneous reaction of desperate aspirations to cope with the economic crisis and chaos caused by the shock measures of the capitalist economic reorganization. They do not take into account the views and suggestions of the Russian scientists about the ways of its gradual reformation who did not offer the dizzying pace of changes, the complete destruction of economic relations and the rejection of planning as a mechanism of state regulation of the development of commodity-money relations, aimed at creating the necessary conditions for the operation of market mechanisms.

The restructuring of the sphere of circulation is characterized by complex and contradictory processes, ambiguity and unpredictability of results and therefore it cannot be reduced to the sporadic acts (both at macro and micro levels), it requires the systematic approach for its implementation. Focusing on the solution of particular problems and the problems of

restructuring does not provide the formation of a new integral model of the sphere of circulation adequate to the changing conditions.

Finally, the solutions and achievements of each stage give rise to new values while setting targets for the next stage. Establishment of the truly market economic system, that is free from the criminal raid of the period of primary capital accumulation, has become possible because the necessary preconditions had been created (first of all, multi-structural economy and competition) and there were mechanisms of restructuring in the previous time. In the process of transformation the deformed model of the sphere of circulation is actually replaced by the fundamentals of new system, which market economic laws have begun to form and operate.

Marked characteristics and relations are also extremely significant in another aspect. The restructuring ofthe sphere of circulation not only causes rapid changes in the economic structure, but also in other areas of life, in particular, urbanization, demographics, perceptions about the role of man in society, the selection criteria and assessment of success. This issue still needs to be thoroughly investigated. However, we can confidently assume that the widespread introduction of innovations into the sphere of circulation, the basis of many of which are scientific and technical advances and new ways of organization of the market relations, provides a positive connection between the self-developing sphere of circulation and economy as a whole.

Analysis has shown that on these stages there is a clear detection of the thread of the permanent transition from quantitative to qualitative changes in the process of implementation of adaptive expectations of restructuring.

However, the existence of a common line between civilizational and cultural crises in the sphere of circulation does not preclude its breaks.

For example, the restructuring was the response to the overall reformation of economy. Since its mechanisms had the unoriginal character, it reflected the general vague intentions and imposed dogma of "universal" changes, without intelligible and clear plan of implementation. The objectives and boundaries of each stage of the crisis of the sphere of circulation were unclear. As a consequence, its implementation that also does not take into account the features of the territories, has led to the extremely ambiguous results across regions of the country. Therefore, the line of restructuring represents the general trend of the process of stochastic adaptation of trade to the new conditions.

Study of intertemporal processes allows revealing the invariant structure of regularities of the changes and reorganization areas of the sphere of circulation. Finally, we emphasize, that it leads to the formation of the market nature of the new economy and economic system. But at the same time there is formation of the contrary signs, associated with the extreme underdevelopment of market relations that not only constrain progressive processes, but often give them wrong form, for example, this absolutization of economic interests of sellers during the implementation of trade deals, the criminalization of the sphere of circulation, the frequent use of actually forced labor.

Boundaries of restructuring. The full analysis of the impact of restructuring raises questions about its limits. Changes in the structure of the sphere of circulation, causing both loss and gain, are spread to another group of the circumstances of modern economic growth that have been named by Simon Kuznets as the "criteria of activity selection". It includes, in particular, urbanization, demographics, overall employment. This aspect of relations deserves intent research. We will pay attention to some circumstances.

The impact of the restructuring of the sphere of circulation in the urbanization is controversial. Thus, the breakdown of the system of consumer cooperation and a sharp reduction in trading activity in rural areas have increased out-migration to the points of living with larger and greater opportunities that contributed to the decline of the national rural economy as a whole. But, on the other hand, to some extent the situation is mitigated by the emergence of the trade entities of a new type that are individual entrepreneurs who are at their own risk create market-based system of industrial relations in the sphere of circulation in rural areas. It is weak and limited, but it has brought the new economic stimuli in the form of commerce activity. It carries the inner source of growth that will ensure its efficiency during the development, and rural trade will objectively become a significant factor in the revival of agriculture. And this is the main positive result of the restructuring of rural trade:

The restructuring of the sphere of circulation has a direct impact on employment of population. Economic reforms in the country have led to the emergence of various forms of the reserve army of employees and owners of private property who are the employers. Their sharp differentiation on the nature of participation in the production and income level is the limiting factor of the usage of the potential of modern economic growth.

The value of the sphere of circulation in these processes is specific. The fact is that the scale and depth of its changes not only lead to an exacerbation of the problem, but in the long run, contribute to the removal of specified restriction. It is not difficult to notice that there is an active growth of the innovative class that is business entities in the sphere of circulation, due to the new economic stimuli and opportunities for rapid capital turnover, and, therefore, the accelerated development of trade and business services, forced formation of the market economic system.

As a consequence, we can say that the sphere of circulation has become a significant deterrent of increase of the growth of the unemployed people and the reallocation of labor resources - they are moving to the areas of activity in accordance with the structure of the aggregate demand. It helps to maintain a decent standard of life of the population, and to smooth on this basis the sharp interclass relations, to provide the necessary adaptation of population to changes. As a result, during the formation of the new structure of the sphere of circulation, the economy development moves in a new direction, appropriate for the market system. This positive effect of the restructuring as a process of movement to the new formation was difficult to predict, but its assessment is even more important. Its implementation is connected with the creation of necessary conditions for democratic economic development and economic growth.

Effectiveness of adaptation depends on the dynamism and flexibility of the processes. In this case, the restructuring of the sphere of circulation

should not immediately be ready for the rapid achievement of ultimate goals. It is not a short-time process, the primary goal is to achieve a certain stability in its new structure in order to provide further effective restructuring.

It should be emphasized that the stability of the restructuring of the sphere of circulation does not mean static nature, the changes are its necessary basis. Two opposites are combined in it - two interacting systems with different results, generating a variety of directions and ways adaptation to changes: one has the elements of modernity and strives to the heights of most developed countries, and the second has the archaic signs and elads to the level of the third world. That is why the most important feature of the restructuring is an active structural policy, the actual formation of the system of market relations and economic management that overcome any restrictions. Objectively, this struggle gives birth to a civilized market economy based on the full use of modern economic growth factors.


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Сфера обращения: вопросы реструктуризации

Д.Ю. Гуняков, Ю.В. Гуняков, В.В. Куимов

Сибирский федеральный университет Красноярский государственный торгово-экономический институт Россия 660075, Красноярск, ул. Л. Прушинской, 2

Показаны модель и закономерности реструктуризации сферы обращения, её особенности и роль в воспроизводственном процессе становления рыночной экономики.

Ключевые слова: реструктуризация, сфера обращения, адаптация, коммерческая деятельность, механизм реструктуризации, товародвижение, цивилизационно-культурный перелом торговли.

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