Список литературы
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Minavarov Husan Anorboy o 'g 'li - Undergraduate Student,
Abstract: this paper will give a brief introduction to Internet discourse on the examples of chatgroups, blogs etc. More specifically, it will focus on some of its major innovative features found in online communication in postponed (asynchronous) time.
Keywords: internet discourse, Netspeak, chatgroup, blog, online communication, asynchonous.
The Internet has undoubtedly appeared almost from nowhere to take a rather important role in our lives. Computers have changed the way people communicate. Electronic communication, also referred to as computer-mediated communication (CMC) has become a vastly popular. D.Crystal argues that Netspeak is a radically new linguistic medium [4, p. 43]. The nature of the impact which the Internet is making on the English language has not been thoroughly investigated since the emergence of the Internet. According to D.Crystal, "the fact that the Internet is an electronic, global, and interactive medium is crucial for the kind of language used on the Internet" [4, p. 24]. The term Netspeak serves as an alternative to terms such as Netlish, Weblish, Internet language, cyberspeak, electronic language, computer-mediated communication, etc. Netspeak is believed to be functional enough, as long as it is borne in mind that '-speak' here actually involves both writing and speaking, as well as the receptive elements of listening and reading. D.Crystal argues that "the electronic medium presents us with a channel which at the same time facilitates and constraints the human ability to communicate in ways rather different from any other situations" [4, p. 5].
According to A.AbuSa'aleek, "Discourse" is a language in a language" [1, p. 8], but presented as a special social given. Discourse exists primarily, and mainly, in texts, but such, behind which there is a specificity of lexicon, special rules of word usage and preference of syntactic structures-ultimately-a special world. This is a" possible (alternative) world "in the full sense of this logical-philosophical term; each discourse is one of the "possible worlds" [1, p. 8]. In our case, it is a dynamically developing world of the Internet, characterized by a special Internet lexicon, semantic processes in vocabulary, features of word usage and syntax. "Various genres of communication on the Internet represent the implementation of Internet discourse, because here there is a linguistic expression of the cognitive process of perception of a certain conceptosphere (the Internet, in its individual manifestations-concepts)" [2, p. 45]. The proof is the establishment of pragmatic, sociocultural, psychological factors, description of the purposeful social action of reciprocal approoach, identifying emotional relations to a particular concept, the interpretation of the assessment of this phenomenon, decoding of the means of forming a definite opinion about the described event or phenomenon, decoding of the factors of motivation of participants in a conversation to certain actions and reactions. As one of the types of electronic discourse, Internet discourse has its features, and also has its own
characteristics. E.N. Galichkina distinguishes the following constitutive features of computer discourse: 1) electronic signal as a channel of communication; 2) virtuality; 3) distance, that is, separation in space and time; 4) mediationality (carried out with the help of technical means); 5) a high degree of permeability; 6) the presence of hypertext; 7) creolizality of a computer text; 8) primarily status equality of participants; 9) the transfer of emotions, facial expressions, feelings with the help of "emoticons"; 10) a combination of different types of discourse; 11) specific computer ethics [5, p. 46].
The language of the Internet combines the features of written and spoken speech, and also has its own properties mediated by computer communication, so the language of the Internet is a new kind of communication, a new type of discourse. The language of the Internet, combining the features of oral and written forms of speech, is different from them. This means of communication can do what other means cannot do, therefore it must be seen as a new kind of communication. D.Crystal characterized the essence of this type of communication with the original formula: "oral form of speech + written form of speech + signs mediated by the computer" [3, p. 53]. This means of communication is more than just a hybrid of writing and speech. Electronic texts are not like other texts. They detect impermanence, synchronicity (being available on many computers at once), they have permeable boundaries (due to the possibility of the text being combined within other texts or containing links to other texts). All these features are imprinted on the language, and together with the features inherent in the oral and written form of speech, make the language of the Internet a real third means of communication.
1. AbuSa'aleek A.O. Linguistic Dimensions of Initialisms used in Electronic Communication. // Studies in Literature and Language, 2013. Vol. 6. Issue 3. P. 1-16.
2. Brown G., Yule G. Discourse Analysis. Cambridge: CUP, 1983.
3. CrystalD. Txting: The gr8 db8. Oxford: OUP, 2008.
4. Crystal D. Language and the Internet. Cambridge: CUP, 2001. [Electronic Resource]. URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/CB09781139164771/ (date of access: 26.12.2019).
5. Galichkina Ye.N. Spetsifika komp'yuternogo diskursa na angliyskom i russkom yazykakh. Dissertatsiya na soiskaniye stepeni kandidata filologicheskikh nauk. Astrakhan', 2001. 126 p.
Abstract: the article is devoted to the problem of translation of complex Internet terms (including compound terms, phrases, abbreviations) from English into Uzbek. Keywords: term, terminology, neoterm, concept, Internet, abbreviation.
Terminology is a layer of vocabulary, a system of terms related to a particular field of production. A term is a word or phrase expressing a particular concept, and is mainly intended to express precise scientific concept [3, p. 19]. If a term is created and used by certain industry experts, and if this term expresses new meaning or notion, like a neologism, it is called "neoterm". According to Dadabaev, "the Uzbek language in general, and its Internet terminology in particular, is like a complex sociotechnical system that works continuously and is constantly changing" [1, p. 24].
Internet terms can be divided by their structure: "a single-core term is a simple term, and if a term contains two or more cores - it is a complex term". The problem of translation of complex Internet terms is in their diversity of functions and content. For example, the following complex Internet terms, function to name something: "cable local-area network" - "кабелли ма^аллий тармок;"; "card with magnetic strip" - "магнит йулли карта"; while the terms "Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA / CD)" - "купчилик томонидан эркин фойдаланиш"; "character based information system" - "ахборотнинг нишонли тизими"; "classification of information and its bearers as secret" - "маълумотлар ва уларни ташувчиларни махфийлаштириш"; "Code Division