SPECIALIZED CREDIT AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Ibragimova. Z. N

In a market economy of any type, financial and credit operations, in addition to banks, are carried out by other non-bank financial institutions. Such financial institutions are called specialized financial and credit institutions. The growth of influence of specialized credit and financial institutions is facilitated by three main reasons: the growth of personal income, the active development of the securities market, the provision of special services by these institutions, which cannot be provided by commercial or specialized banks.

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UDC 336.226.46

Ibragimova. Z. N. master student 1 course faculty of "informatics and information technology " Technologies,

Dagestan State University, Makhachkala, Russian Federation SPECIALIZED CREDIT AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS

Annotation: In a market economy of any type, financial and credit operations, in addition to banks, are carried out by other non-bank financial institutions. Such financial institutions are called specialized financial and credit institutions. The growth of influence of specialized credit and financial institutions is facilitated by three main reasons: the growth of personal income, the active development of the securities market, the provision of special services by these institutions, which cannot be provided by commercial or specialized banks.

Keywords: credit and financial institutions, leasing company, pawnshop, pension and investment funds, investment companies.

Specialized credit and financial institutions - the third link of the credit system. In recent years, specialized non-bank credit and financial institutions, which have taken a prominent place in the accumulation and mobilization of money capital, have played an important role in the national capital markets of developed countries. These institutions include insurance companies, pension funds, building societies, investment and financial companies, charitable foundations, credit unions. These institutions significantly pressed banks in the accumulation of savings of the population and became important suppliers of loan capital.

Three main reasons contributed to the growing influence of specialized nonbanking institutions: income growth in developed countries, the active development of the securities market, and the provision of special services by these institutions that banks could not provide. In addition, a number of specialized non-banking institutions, unlike banks, can accumulate cash savings for quite long periods and, therefore, make long-term investments

Specialized credit and financial institutions are financial organizations that are not banks, which base their activity on attracting customer funds and placing them on the terms of repayment, maturity, and payment. Such institutions are pension funds, insurance, trust, leasing, investment companies, investment funds, pawnshops. If non-bank credit organizations carry out their activities mainly for commission, specialized credit and financial institutions earn on the difference between the cost of placement and the cost of raising funds.

A leasing company is a commercial organization carried out in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation and with its constituent documents of leasing functions. The founders of leasing companies can be legal entities and individuals, both resident and president. Leasing refers to a type of business

activity aimed at investing temporarily freely attracted monetary funds, when under a financial lease (leasing) agreement the lessor undertakes to acquire the property of the contractual property and a certain seller, to provide this property to the lessor during use for business activities.

Lombard is a legal entity specializing commercial organizations, whose main activities are the provision of short-term loans of citizens and storage of things

The pawnshop has the right to accept movable property belonging to the borrower with the exception of items withdrawn from circulation, as well as things for which the legislation of the Russian Federation establishes restrictions on pledge and deposit. The pawnshop is prohibited to engage in any other business activities, except for the provision of short-term loans of citizens, storage of things, as well as the provision of consulting and information services.

Pension funds are based on contributions from employers and citizens. Most of their liabilities are long-term. Therefore, they have the opportunity to invest funds raised in long-term securities. The legislation establishes requirements for the diversification of their investments (assets), as well as the inadmissibility of high risk.

Investment funds are joint-stock companies whose activity is to raise funds and invest them in securities, bank deposits, etc. The share of each investor is proportional to his investment.

Investment funds are divided into mutual funds (PIF) and equity.

PIF is an organization uniting investors with an investment share.

An investment share is a registered security certifying the right of its owner to present its management buyout requirements to a management company, that is, it is a security that confirms that the investor has a certain share in the mutual fund assets.In addition to shares, the mutual fund may include cash, including foreign currency in accounts and deposits of a credit institution, as well as shares of Russian joint-stock companies, securities of foreign countries and international financial organizations, and others.

Joint-Stock Investment Fund (AMF) is an open joint-stock company, the exclusive subject of activity of which is property investment in securities by law. AIF has the right to carry out its activities only on the basis of a special permit (license).

Investment companies differ from investment funds in that they place their shares, as a rule, among legal entities and often take the form of a holding when they specialize in managing controlling blocks of shares.


1. About banks and banking. Federal law of 2 dec. 1990 No. 395-1 (ed. 03/21/2002). // Bulletin of the Bank of Russia. 2001. October 3rd. No. 61. P.22-42.

2. Money. Credit. Banks: Textbook for universities / Ed. E.F. Zhukov. - 2nd ed., Pererab. and add. - M .: UNITY-DANA, 2003. P. 224-254; 543-570.

3. The current state of financial institutions in Russia // Society and the economy. 2003. №3. Pp. 3-79.

4. Specialized credit and financial institutions.- Access mode: https:// studopedia.ru

UDC 3788

Inomiddinova D. teacher of foreign languages department Namangan Engineering Construction Institute


Annotation: This article discusses the dictionary as an aid to the translator.

Keywords: language, translation, dictionary, learning, method

Translation as a complex analytical process is associated with the recreation of the original thought. "A translator for this activity involves enormous thought processes. He has to do a variety of work: to navigate the content of the text and critically interpret it, use a variety of translation techniques and monitor the result, checking the translation with the original. "It has already been noted that dictionaries play an important role at all stages of information analysis. They are the primary aid to the translator. The translator is forced to turn to the dictionary, as in the process of translation he encounters a variety of the original language, idioms, polysemy of words, non-traditional phrases, in general, everything that reflects the national character of a foreign language [8].A dictionary is a specially organized collection of words, usually with comments assigned to them, which describe the features of their structure and / or functioning. Most often, the semantic (semantic) structure of words is commented, i.e., explanations (interpretations) of their meanings and uses are compared to words in a dictionary, but many other types of comments are possible. In addition to words, objects of a vocabulary description can be their components (such as morphemes dictionaries, for example), phrases of various types, stable maxims -proverbs, sayings, quotes, etc. There are also dictionaries in which there are no special comments for each unit of the dictionary description. The term "dictionary" also refers to the entire set of words of a certain language (in other words, its vocabulary) and is opposed to the term "grammar", denoting a set of rules for constructing more complex language expressions from words.

Dictionaries may be useful to the translator for several purposes. The dictionary does not provide a ready translation of the word, but it indicates in which direction the context-related meaning should be sought. The main purpose of the dictionary is to reveal the main direct and contextual meanings of words for their correct use in speech. Dictionaries, as we know them, are of relatively late origin.

They belong to the period that followed the modern discovery of typography in the middle of the 15th century. However, in previous centuries, people made up the glossaries; these were handwritten lists of foreign and unusual

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