SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS OF STUDENTS WITH MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS (MSDS) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Chistiakova N.

The heterogeneous mental problem due to special educational needs requires systematic approach to the psychological and pedagogical support of students with musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). According to the Federal State Educational Standard under Limited Health Opportunities, it is necessary to account both the general special educational needs for deviant development and specific features of motor impairments. In this regard, the basis for providing additional guarantees of integrated learning by creating an adapted educational environment should be special educational needs of a child with disabilities. The individual learning design should be guided by potential mental possibilities, in accordance with the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF).

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активно корелюють демонструючи комушкативш навички особистостi та И здатшсть до взаемодп, а у процеа спiлкування - можуть не завжди мати одне i те ж семантичне значения.

Мiжособистiсне спiлкування мае свою специ-фiку, обумовлену метою комушкацп, обсягом ная-вно! у сшврозмовнишв шформацп, умовами взаемодп, ймовiрнiстю виникнення у них негативних псих1чних станiв (стресу, нервово-психiчноl напрут, тривожносп, агресивностi тощо) та !х iнди-вiдуально-психологiчними особливостями. Сшлку-вання не вичерпуеться лише вербальними засобами. Важливу роль вiдiграють i невербальнi прояви спiврозмовника. Для забезпечення устшно1 мiжособистiсноl комушкацп слад враховувати, що не можна аналiзувати людину тiльки за одним з ве-рбальних чи невербальних проявiв, а завжди необидно брати до уваги комплекс мiмiчних й поведш-кових ознак та ситуацш, у якш знаходяться спiв-розмовники.

Список лггератури

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4. Корнев М.Н. Сощальна психолог1я: шдруч-ник / М.Н. Корнев, А.Б. Коваленко. - К., 1995 - 304 с.

5. Максименко С.Д. Технолопя сшлкування (комушкативна компетентшсть учителя: сутшсть i шляхи формування) / С.Д. Максименко, М.М. За-броцький - К.: Главник, 2005. - 112 с.

6. Пашукова Т.1. Практикум i3 загально! психологи / Т.1. Пашукова, А.1. Дошра, Г.В. Дьяконов; за ред. Т.1. Пашуково!. - К. : Т-во «Знання», КОО, 2000. - 204 с.

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8. Улунова Г.е Культура профес1йного сп1лкування державних службовц1в: сутн1сть, функц1онально-культурн1 особливост1, пси-ход1агностика : монограф1я / Г.£. Улунова. - Суми : СумДУ, 2019. - 414 с.

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Chistiakova N.

PhD ofpsychological sciences, lecturer of the Psychology department,

Moscow International University, Russia, Moscow


The heterogeneous mental problem due to special educational needs requires systematic approach to the psychological and pedagogical support of students with musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). According to the Federal State Educational Standard under Limited Health Opportunities, it is necessary to account both the general special educational needs for deviant development and specific features of motor impairments. In this regard, the basis for providing additional guarantees of integrated learning by creating an adapted educational environment should be special educational needs of a child with disabilities. The individual learning design should be guided by potential mental possibilities, in accordance with the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF).

Keywords: musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), special educational needs, psychological and pedagogical support.

Children with musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are the focus of attention of defectologists, psychologists, special educators, speech therapists and clinicians. There is an actively developing network of special preschool and school institutions to ensure adapted quality education and effective rehabilitation of students in the system of general education [7]. The specific orientation of psychological and pedagogical support of students with MSDs is associated with qualified personnel, material and methodological organization.

Practice proves a success of integrated teaching of children with MSDs in mass school due to the organized individual learning trajectory with gentle day regime, supportive therapy, differentiated psychological,

correctional and pedagogical help [1]. The complex approach to form the system of targeted psychological and pedagogical support for students with limited health opportunities allows expanding methodological facilities of special institutions and improving prognostic diagnosis of children with motor pathology.

Integrated students with MSDs to the modern educational space, it is important to consider the recommendations of Psychological-medical-pedagogical commission (PMPC) to project an individual educational trajectory. According to the Federal State Educational Standard under Limited Health Opportunities, it is necessary to account both the general special educational needs for deviant development and specific features of motor impairments [5].

Motor deprivation causes specific difficulties in educational and cognitive activities associated with motor difficulties, lagging in speech, intellectual, emotional and social development, which determine special educational needs. Students with MSDs need to study an adapted basic educational program based on the PMPC conclusion, depending on the degree of intelligence and overall developmental assessment to evolve the universal educational actions [8].

The problem of social integration of children with motor disorders in a society is actual, the success of which depends on the individual characteristics. It lets to accumulate a social experience, overcome communication barriers, build up inner confidence in space orientation, adequate self-presentations and increased social status. In this regard, there is the need to solve, along with general, special tasks aimed at rehabilitation, correction and compensation of impaired and undeveloped psychic functions to prevent secondary developmental abnormalities [3]. The adequately created and adapted educational environment in the process of training and education provides effective social integration of children with motor pathology.

The presence of early psychogenic trauma due to the development pathology and negative impact of microsocial environment can provoke intrapersonal conflicts and, as a result, socio-psychological maladaptation. The important role is played by timely psychodiagnostics, prevention and psychocorrection of mental and behavioral disorders. It is necessary to account features and severity of various types of cerebral palsy using the systematic approach of psychological and pedagogical support of students with MSDs in a social rehabilitation. It should include the following areas:

1. clinical and psychological direction, with account of etiopathogenesis and clinical picture of the musculoskeletal pathology;

2. psychological and pedagogical direction in the process of training and education;

3. socio-psychological direction in order to organize an adapted educational environment;

4. psycho-correctional direction with a qualified assistance for needy families.

Polymorphic specificity of the musculoskeletal pathology is associated with a complex lesion of the central nervous system in combination with motor disorders. Cerebral palsy (CP) is the most studied muscu-loskeletal disorder. The pathological motor activity mechanism of CP is caused by the locomotion ontogenesis lesion and is associated with the entire vertical system damage of motor regulation. It determines the complex combined structure of neuropsychiatric disorders and disproportionate nature of mental development. The heterogeneous mental problem due to special educational needs requires systematic approach to the psychological and pedagogical support of students with MSDs [6].

Children with motor pathology may have different disability degree established by medical and social examination. In this regard, the basis for providing additional guarantees of integrated learning by creating an adapted educational environment should be special educational needs of a child with disabilities [4].

Associated with the principles of subjectocen-trism, continuity and development anticipation, a new subjectivity of education is aimed at creating an adequate choice and projecting an individual trajectory of learning due to the special educational needs of students with MSDs. In accordance with the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), the individual learning project should be guided by potential mental possibilities. The main factor of successful integrated training of children with MSDs in a general educational organization is a creation of such educational conditions that would meet special educational needs of students [2].


1. Activities of teachers, subject teachers, class teachers in studying children with disabilities in an educational space: methodic materials for teachers, subject teachers, class teachers of educational organizations (Series: "Inclusive education of disabled children, with limited health opportunities in general education organizations") / O.G. Prikhodko et al. - Moscow State Pedagogical University, 2014. - 227 p.

2. The Law "On the social protection of persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation": dated November 24, 1995 №181-FL (amended on December 28, 2013, amended on November 01, 2014). - Moscow: Normatika, 2014. - 194 p.

3. Organization of special educational conditions for children limited health opportunities in educational institutions: methodological recommendations / Ed. S.V. Alekhin. - Moscow City Psychological-Pedagogical University, 2012. - 92 p.

4. Letter of the Russian Federation Ministry of Education and Science dated March 11, 2016 №VK-452/07 "About introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard under limited health opportunities". URL:

http://ivo.garant.ru/#/document/71354376/paragraph/1 :0.

5. The Order of the Russian Federation Ministry of Education and Science dated December 19, 2014 №1598 "About approval of the federal state primary general educational standard for students with disabilities". URL: https://www.mos.ru/donm/documents/normativnye-pravovye-akty/view/174334220/.

6. Sergienko E.A. Mental model as a new research paradigm of cognitive psychology // Kazan University science letters. Series Humanities. 2015. № 4. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/model-psihicheskogo-kak-novaya-issledovatelskaya-para-digma-kognitivnoy-psihologii.

7. Fetalieva L.P., Shikhalieva S.Kh., Karaeva S.A. Teaching methods of students with special educational needs // Innovation Science. 2016. №1-2 (13). URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n7metody-obucheniya-mladshih-shkolnikov-s-osobymi-obrazovatelnymi-potrebnostyami.

8. The universal educational actions formation in a primary school: from action to thought. The system of tasks: teacher manual / A.G. Asmolov, G.V. Bur-menskaya, I.A. Volodarskaya et al.; ed. A.G. Asmolov. - 20th ed. - Moscow: Education, 2011. - 159 p.

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