SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT OF TERRITORIES IN THE CONTEXT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE REGION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Kugan S.F.

The existing problems of the territories socio-economic development and the search for ways to solve them are becoming the subject of research of an increasing number of scientists and specialists in regional development. Studying the main issues of the territories spatial development allows focusing attention on the growing role of regional centers in terms of their influence on the spatial development of the regions. The transition to strategic forms of managing the socio-economic development of the territory permits to develop appropriate documents taking into account the priorities, goals and orientation of spatial development. Implementation of methodological provisions regarding the formation and assessment of the spatial development of regions allows us to solve the main tasks of improving the rational management of land use, the effectiveness of the functioning of the regional logistics system, solving the issues of compactness of residence and population density make it possible to realize territorial, functional and social integration. The particular importance of the spatial development of the regions is predetermined by their features: the size of the territory, the number of inhabitants, resources, their accessibility, industrial specialization, the availability of international transport corridors, and modern infrastructure. The implementation of the spatial development strategy, based on a professional and scientifically based approach, takes into account the whole system of natural, environmental and socio-economic conditions and processes, the projection of which on the territory determines its changes. The implementation of the spatial development strategy, based on a professional and scientifically based approach, takes into account the totality of socio-economic conditions and processes, natural and climatic conditions, everything that determines future changes. here for, it is necessary to define the spatial development strategy of the territory as one of the main documents regulating strategic planning, determining priorities, goals, objectives, scope and limitations of the development of the region; representing a set of measures of socio-economic development with their step-by-step implementation. The work in this direction will allow eliminating the tendency towards territorial differentiation, increasing the level of economic development of the regions and attracting additional investment through the implementation of the interaction mechanism between the state and business

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Bulletin of the Research Center of Corporate Law, Management and Venture Capital of Syktyvkar State University. 2020. № 1


Spatial development of territories in the context of economic development of the region

DOI: 10.34130/2070-4992-2020-1-95-100

УДК 330.331

S.F. Kugan, Brest State Technical University (Brest, Republic of Belarus)

The existing problems of the territories socio-economic development and the search for ways to solve them are becoming the subject of research of an increasing number of scientists and specialists in regional development. Studying the main issues of the territories spatial development allows focusing attention on the growing role of regional centers in terms of their influence on the spatial development of the regions. The transition to strategic forms of managing the socio-economic development of the territory permits to develop appropriate documents taking into account the priorities, goals and orientation of spatial development. Implementation of methodological provisions regarding the formation and assessment of the spatial development of regions allows us to solve the main tasks of improving the rational management of land use, the effectiveness of the functioning of the regional logistics system, solving the issues of compactness of residence and population density make it possible to realize territorial, functional and social integration. The particular importance of the spatial development of the regions is predetermined by their features: the size of the territory, the number of inhabitants, resources, their accessibility, industrial specialization, the availability of international transport corridors, and modern infrastructure. The implementation of the spatial development strategy, based on a professional and scientifically based approach, takes into account the whole system of natural, environmental and socio-economic conditions and processes, the projection of which on the territory determines its changes. The implementation of the spatial development strategy, based on a professional and scientifically based approach, takes into account the totality of socio-economic conditions and processes, natural and climatic conditions, everything that determines future changes. here for, it is necessary to define the spatial development strategy of the territory as one of the main documents regulating strategic planning, determining priorities, goals, objectives, scope and limitations of the development of the region; representing a set of measures of socio-economic development with their step-by-step implementation. The work in this direction will allow eliminating the tendency towards territorial differentiation, increasing the level of economic development of the regions and attracting additional investment through the implementation of the interaction mechanism between the state and business.

Key words: spatial development, region, territorial differentiation, strategic planning, economic integration.


Currently, issues related to the socio-economic development of regions attract the attention of the scientific community, as the competent implementation of territorial development processes is directly related to the welfare of countries and territories. The use of strategic forms of territory management finds its implementation in terms of developing theoretical and methodological provisions and their practical application in the policy of regional authorities [1]. Attention to spatial development of territories, which is the most important component of the strategy of socio-economic development and the goal of regional governance, itself, requires a more thorough analysis of the content of this concept. The study of spatial development trends has identified a number of problematic issues that need to be addressed by specialists: strengthening interregional differentiation [2]; increasing population concentration in the capital city; the presence of imbalance between general economic

growth and infrastructure development in most centers of concentration of manufacturing enterprises [3], etc. The development of areas of spatial development at the government level involves identifying opportunities and resources available in the regions to obtain competitive advantages in socio-economic and natural resource spheres, the development of effective management decisions aimed at improving the welfare of the country's residents, the rational use of natural resources and environmental safety.

Theory/methodology of research

Spatial development of a territory implies management of economic activities based on spatial planning, which is a technology for choosing an effective development strategy applied to a given territory in the conditions of available opportunities and reserves. Taking into account the international experience of linking the territorial development strategy to urban agglomerations [4], we consider spatial planning as a component of strategic planning, which allows taking into account the priorities, goals and objectives of regional development, to organize the spatial zoning of various objects and economic entities in the most effective way. The theme of spatial development is considered in the works of a number of scientists, including T.V. Uskakov [1], S.V. Zakharov [2], G.A. Lebedinskaya [3], V.N. Lazhentsev [5], S.N. Rastvortseva, B.B. Fauser, A.A. Karakchiev, B.A. Zalevsky [6] and others. Despite the attention to this problem, there are still a number of unresolved issues, for example, in the part of non-formation of the system of interconnection of interests of cities and territories, which leads to intraregional differentiation.

Results of the study and their discussion

In the context of globalization, international economic relations are an important factor affecting spatial development. Dependence of the subject of economic relations, including a separate region, on the latter, as noted by S. Solodovnikov, is either the level of development, as the region itself, and the world system as a whole, or the level of development of the subject of the system of economic relations [7].

At present, the presentation of the definition of "spatial development of the Territory" is a matter of discussion. Some researchers consider this concept as a set of certain and safe living conditions for the population, providing a stable "territory development" [8], others assess the constituent elements of this concept separately. Representing the category "development" as a progressive movement, allowing to realize "transition from one state to another, more perfect" [9], we can say that the discrete process that takes place allows to realize a number of quantitative and qualitative changes both in the social and economic environment of the territory and in the system of interaction of many regional objects.

When it comes to the development of territory, it is necessary to define what we mean by "territory". If we consider this concept in terms of geographical reference, territory is the area through which flows of goods, information and capital flow [10]. In economics, by territory, we mean a system of economic integration, through which and, given the possibilities of logistics, the economic interests of the subjects of the system are realized [10]. In other words, territory is an area or regions united on any grounds [11].

According to Article 1 of the Law No. 300-3 of 05.07.2004, territory is understood as "a limited space possessing one or more elements of the environment ..., including territories of settlements, inter-settlement territories ..." [12]. This concept combines the natural, climatic and socio-economic components and allows us to present the development of the territory as the availability and realization of opportunities, resources and reserves, united in one word - potential.

In the modern world, the potential of the economic space (territory) defines the future development of the region itself, accumulating its reserves and resources and using the opportunities according to its needs. In this connection, the main thing in the spatial development of the territory is the precise definition of needs, assessment of the available results of entrepreneurial, production, logistic activities and effective management, which allows obtaining a synergetic effect from joint activities [13].

The management of social and economic efficiency of regional development should be understood as "a process that has a complex character" [6, p. 7], which provides for the consideration of regional development efficiency as a progressive process, which is realized under the influence of a large number of factors and determines the economic future of the territory. Thus, spatial development of a territory assumes management of economic activity, carried out on the basis of spatial planning, which is a technology of choosing an effective development strategy applied to a given territory in conditions of available opportunities and reserves. Taking into account the international experience of linking the territorial development strategy to urban agglomerations, we consider spatial planning as a constituent element of strategic planning, which allows taking into account the

Bulletin of the Research Center of Corporate Law, Management and Venture Capital of Syktyvkar State University. 2020. № 1

priorities, goals and objectives of regional development, to organize the spatial zoning of various objects and economic entities in the most effective way.

In Belarus, there is a growing gap between the level of socio-economic development of the centre and the periphery. Therefore, there is a need to develop the regions, making maximum use of geographical location, interaction with foreign partners and innovative developments. Today, strategic planning of the spatial development of a region is becoming the most effective method of ensuring the competitiveness of territories. Territory management is a complex mechanism of interaction of various structures, various components. Synergy of the strategy of spatial development, urban planning documentation and effective management, as well as the transition from a system of quantitative to qualitative assessments will change the attractiveness of regions, their centers of attraction (cities of regional importance) for the life and self-realization of their residents, to attract investment and will be an incentive for development and competition. This process is capable of bringing the Brest region to the forefront not only among other regions of the Republic of Belarus, but also to compete with similar regions in its neighboring countries, making its territory economically attractive.

The development level of the Brest region can be estimated through GRP (gross regional product). GRP in 2019 in current prices amounted to 12,453.7 million rubles. The GRP rate for 2019 in comparable prices was 102.8% (Fig. 1) against the forecast for January-December 2019 in accordance with Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 989 of December 29, 2018 - 104%.

Fig. 1. In % to the corresponding period of the previous year; in comparable prices. Source [14]

Despite the general growth of GRP in Brest region in 2019, there is a certain decrease (- 0.1%) in transport activity compared to the corresponding period of the previous year. This is connected with the "subsidence" of services in the sphere of transport activity and warehousing: the decrease in the number of transport enterprises, the volume of services rendered the decrease in the investments in fixed assets that took place due to the external and internal economic conditions. The growth of loss-making enterprises in wholesale trade, transport activity and warehousing indicates the underproduction in the sphere of services as well as their export. After all, the share of the Brest region in the total volume of exports of the Republic of Belarus in 2019 was only 7.8%, imports - 4.5% [14].

Taking into account the existing economic situation, we consider it justified to use foreign experience in the part of spatial development strategy development: to consider problems in a complex, to search for solutions that give a win once in several directions. It seems possible to use SymbioCity model for effective development of regional centers [15]. The Swedish model of sustainable urban development has existed since 2008 as an "export commodity", a programme that can be used by anyone in any country. Such a proposal is justified by the fact that as a regional centre develops; it automatically pulls the adjoining territories together, bringing together the interests of local communities, business representatives and residents around the idea of the city and region development. To get closer to the vision of strategic objectives, it is necessary to consider spatial development at different levels: in the global context, at national, regional and city levels. Provided that the spatial development strategy is implemented, the region and the regional center receive new opportunities for the development of an integrated sustainable regional and urban system that has synergies between industries and is based on energy efficiency, intelligent land use management, reduced consumption and renewable resources, convenient and efficient transport system, increased prosperity and multifaceted cultural identity of society [16]. This will create the conditions for concerted action within the city and the region, which are the basis for development, to adapt to climate change and achieve economic, social and environmental benefits.

The main objectives of the spatial development strategy are:

- improvement of quality of life;

- improvement of accessibility of urban and regional facilities due to their rational location, connectivity and permeability of territories;

- reducing the negative impact of transport and the results of production enterprises on human health;

- reducing the negative impact on the environment;

- improving the quality and safety of cargo transportation, including transit transportation;

- increasing the speed of communication and the level of comfort of public transport;

- provision and stimulation of economic development of the region [17].

Therefore, the spatial development strategy can be based on the transport network hierarchy:

- roads of the highest level of the hierarchy ensure the connection between the city, suburbs and the region, located at a sufficient distance from each other, trips between which are carried out at high speed in a precisely predictable time - these are highways of regional and international importance, main streets and urban roads;

- secondary main streets and collecting streets, which have intermediate characteristics and functionality. These streets "collect" traffic flows at the entrance to the city, combining them with city flows and "switch" between networks of streets of the highest and lowest levels of the hierarchy;

- local or neighbourhood streets permeate urban areas and provide maximum "permeability", with minimal interruptions. It is a street network (small neighbourhoods) in close contact with the urban network. The denser the network of streets, the higher the density of urban development can be. This rule works and vice versa, and should be taken into account in new construction and reconstruction of built-up areas of the city.

The basis of the Brest region's system of mobile stability should be formed by an intermodal approach in the organization of transport support. In the future, the regional center can consider the development of land rail transport within the borders of existing railway corridors in the directions from the Central Railway Station in the eastern, southern and northern directions with the formation of transport and interchange hubs. This will allow further linking the system of urban passenger transport with the suburbs (with further growth of the city), satellite towns, the airport and other settlements in different directions in the zone of influence of the regional centre. The reasonability of this transition is conditioned by the number of movements from different parts of the city and nearby areas, and it is important that the Brest-Central transport hub be a transit one. Creation of transport-transfer hubs will allow:

- to change and improve the system of public transport communications, which will not be tied to the final station (A, B), but will run around the transfer hub.

- to connect the separated, disparate areas;

- to create new public, commercial, cultural centres and residential areas in areas that were previously inefficiently used (railroads, warehouses, production areas, garage cooperatives, etc.) that are attractive for investment and residents.

Within the framework of spatial development, it will be justified to build a transport and logistics center in FEZ "Brest". The creation of the Peschatka-Vysokoye logistics centre will allow it to become one of the largest cross-border hubs between the European and Eurasian unions, on the Trans-European Motorway E30. Construction of a new section of the M1 high-speed transport highway is expedient north of the cities of Kobrin and Zhabinka to the north bypass of Brest. Withdrawal of the active transport highway from the city centre will increase comfort and speed of movement.

For successful implementation of the spatial development strategy, modernization of existing procedures and tools is necessary:

- formation of regional and city budgets in accordance with the priorities of the strategy with application of expert assessments in systematization and ranking of projects;

- establishment of a dialogue with city communities, public organizations, involvement in implementation of regional projects;

- development of spatial development projects, strategies for their promotion and implementation.

The structure of strategic projects implementation management should be based on the tasks formed and set. In order to implement the strategy of spatial development it is necessary to adapt the existing management system for the implementation of strategic projects [18].

In our opinion, the main criteria for selecting target indicators of spatial development are as follows:

- full consideration of the requirements for spatial development of territories imposed by international organizations. Orientation to modern regional development management documents in Europe, Russia and Kazakhstan.

- The rationale for choosing indicators;

- linking the indicators to the goals and priorities of national and regional strategies in the field of socioeconomic development and environmental security;

- illustration of main development trends in socio-economic and environmental spheres of the region;

- data availability and evaluability, as well as monitoring changes in indicator values.

If the spatial development strategy is implemented, the Brest region will get new opportunities for the development of integrated regional and urban systems, rational land use management, reduction of resource consumption, convenient and efficient regional logistics system, growth of social welfare:

- development of multi-sectoral and interdisciplinary cooperation between stakeholders;

- capacity development through exchange of knowledge and experience among stakeholders;

- maintenance of spatial development analysis and planning processes at local, regional and national levels;

- improvement of existing regional development policies, plans, procedures and practices [19].

To do this, it is necessary to: develop an action plan for the integrated spatial development of the Brest region, focusing on an approach that implies the development of a model of urban and regional symbiosis, stimulating investment, taking mitigation measures and ensuring well-being for all future generations. Implementation of the spatial development strategy will create favorable internal conditions and will allow increasing GRP by 1.2%, according to experts.


The development of a spatial development strategy for the territory, based on sustainable principles of symbiosis development of major regional and urban systems, in the medium and long term can be carried out in a process of dialogue, partnership and cooperation with all stakeholders, actors and policy makers aimed at creating practical and integrated strategies related to the social and economic systems of the city.

All of the above allows us to conclude that the presence of a strategy of spatial development of the territory forms a competitive advantage generated by a favorable business climate and investment attraction. The use of attracted investments in priority areas of the region's development allows developing interaction between groups of territorially concentrated organizations through business formations. Such interaction stimulates the development of interrelated sectors of regional and national economies, facilitating the effective use of reserves and resources available to the region. In addition, the study of spatial development issues should be continued, focusing on the development of theoretical and methodological provisions and methods for calculating the effectiveness of measures to implement development strategies.


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For citation: Kugan S. F. Spatial development of territories in the context of economic development of the region / / Corporate governance and innovative economic development of the North: Bulletin of the Research Center of Corporate Law, Management and Venture Capital of Syktyvkar State University. 2020. No. 1. P. 95-100. DOI: 10.34130/2070-4992-2020-1-95-100.

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