Научная статья на тему 'Совершенствование технологических приемов повышения жизнеспособности потомства овец'

Совершенствование технологических приемов повышения жизнеспособности потомства овец Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Ахмадиев Г. М., Сафин М. А., Дмитриев А. Ф.

Для понимания сегодняшних тенденций формирования здоровья растущего организма, важно отметить, что основы жизнеспособности закладываются в наиболее ранние периоды жизни во время внутриутробного развития плода и впервые месяцы и годы жизни потомства животных и человека и во многом определяются здоровьем животных-родителей, прежде всего, матери. Установлено, что ягнят, полученные от овцематок, которые содержались в зимний период сезона года, а именно начиная со второй половины суягности на открытой выгульной площадке, с использованием глубокой соломенной подстилки (опытная группа), по уровню физиологической зрелости, содержанию общего белка, кальция, неорганического фосфора в сыворотке крови и среднесуточному приросту, и живой массе превосходили своих сверстников, рожденных овцематками с соответствующим физиологическим состоянием (контрольная группа), которые содержались в закрытом помещении для овец и на выгульной площадке, т.е. кошарно-базовым способом. При этом заболеваемость ягнят в опытной группе составила 14,3%, падеж 2,9%, а в контрольной группе соответственно 55,9 и 12,7%.

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To understand the current trends shaping the health of the growing organism, it is important to note that the foundations are laid in the viability of the earliest stages of life during fetal development and the first months and years of life offspring of animals and humans and is largely determined by animal health-parents, primarily mothers. It was found that the lambs received from ewes that were kept in the winter season of the year, namely since the second half suyagnosti the open backyard site with deep litter (experimental group), the level of physiological maturity, total protein, calcium, inorganic phosphorus in serum and average daily gain and body weight were superior to their peers born to ewes with an appropriate physiological state (control group) who were kept indoors for sheep and backyard area, ie, Kosharnaya-base method. Thus the incidence of lambs in the experimental group was 14.3%, loss of 2.9% in the control group 55.9, respectively, and 12.7%.

Текст научной работы на тему «Совершенствование технологических приемов повышения жизнеспособности потомства овец»

7. Соловьев В.И., Егоренко Г.Г., Фирсов А.А. Использование математической модели фармакокинетики при изучении функции печени у белых крыс методом бромсульфалеиновой пробы // Лаб. дело. - 1976. - № 9. - С. 538-542.

8. Руководство по экспериментальному (доклиническому) изучению новых фармакологических веществ. - М., 2005. - 832 с.

9. Темирбулатов Р.А., Селезнев Е.И. Метод повышения интенсивности свободнорадикального окисления липидсодержащих компонентов крови и его диагностическое значение //Лаб. дело.- 1981. - № 4. - С. 209-211.

10. Ушкалова Е.А. Место эссенциальных фосфолипидов в современной медицине // Фарматека. - 2003. - № 10. - С. 40-46.

11. Чевари С., Чаба И., Секей Й. Роль супероксиддисмутазы в окислительных процессах клетки и метод определения ее в биологических материалах // Лаб. дело. - 1985. - № 11. - С. 678-681.

12. Anderson M.E. Glutation: chemical Biochemical and medical aspects // Pt. A. - 1989. - P. 333-405.

13. Keeffe E.B. Treatment of chronic hepatitis C with pegylated interferon // Medscape Gastroenterol. - 2001. - Vol. 193. - N 2. - P. 265-275.

14.Omura T.Sato R. The carbon monoxide-binding pigment liver microsomes. Solubilisation, purification and properties // J. Biol. Chem. - 1964. - Vol. 239. - P. 2379-2385.

15. Pradhan S.C.ish C. Hepatoprotective herbal drug, silimarin from experimental pharmacology to clinical medicine // Ind. J. Med. Res. - 2006. - Vol. 124. - P. 491-504.


Ахмадиев Г.М.1, Сафин М.А.2, Дмитриев А.Ф.3

'Доктор ветеринарных наук, Набережночелнинский государственный торгово-технологический институт, 2доктор ветеринарных наук, Казанская государственная академия ветеринарной медицины им.Н.Э.Баумана, 3доктор биологических наук, Ставропольский государственный аграрный университет СОВЕРШЕНСТВОВАНИЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ ПРИЕМОВ ПОВЫШЕНИЯ ЖИЗНЕСПОСОБНОСТИ



Для понимания сегодняшних тенденций формирования здоровья растущего организма, важно отметить, что основы жизнеспособности закладываются в наиболее ранние периоды жизни — во время внутриутробного развития плода и впервые месяцы и годы жизни потомства животных и человека и во многом определяются здоровьем животных-родителей, прежде всего, матери.

Установлено, что ягнят, полученные от овцематок, которые содержались в зимний период сезона года, а именно начиная со второй половины суягности на открытой выгульной площадке, с использованием глубокой соломенной подстилки (опытная группа), по уровню физиологической зрелости, содержанию общего белка, кальция, неорганического фосфора в сыворотке крови и среднесуточному приросту, и живой массе превосходили своих сверстников, рожденных овцематками с соответствующим физиологическим состоянием (контрольная группа), которые содержались в закрытом помещении для овец и на выгульной площадке, т.е. кошарно-базовым способом. При этом заболеваемость ягнят в опытной группе составила 14,3%, падеж 2,9%, а в контрольной группе — соответственно 55,9 и 12,7%о.

Ключевые слова: технология, питание, человек, животные, совместимость, родительские пары, жизнеспособность, потомства, овцы, экология, загрязнение, чужеродные химические вещества.

Ahmadiev G.M.1, Safin M.A.2, Dmitriev A.F.3,

'PhD in Veterinary Science, Naberezhnochelninsky state Commerce Technology Institute 2PhD in Veterinary Science, Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after N.E. Bauman 3PhD in Biology, Stavrapol State Agrarian University



To understand the current trends shaping the health of the growing organism, it is important to note that the foundations are laid in the viability of the earliest stages of life - during fetal development and the first months and years of life offspring of animals and humans and is largely determined by animal health-parents, primarily mothers .

It was found that the lambs received from ewes that were kept in the winter season of the year, namely since the second half suyagnosti the open backyard site with deep litter (experimental group), the level of physiological maturity, total protein, calcium, inorganic phosphorus in serum and average daily gain and body weight were superior to their peers born to ewes with an appropriate physiological state (control group) who were kept indoors for sheep and backyard area, ie, Kosharnaya-base method. Thus the incidence of lambs in the experimental group was 14.3%o, loss of 2.9%o in the control group - 55.9, respectively, and 12.7%o.

Keywords: technology, food, people, animals, compatibility, parental pairs, viability of offspring, sheep, ecology, pollution, alien chemicals.

Technology to ensure the viability of human and animal health is a productive task of national importance in the agricultural sector, particularly livestock [1,3,5]. One of the most important determinants of health, performance, viability and productive human animal health is heredity, diet, and habitat conditions using efficient technology content of the sheep [1,3,5,6,7,8].

Analysis of the current state of sheep breeding in Russia shows that the bulk of the industry products made by traditional technology, is costly, mostly manual labor and funds for the maintenance of the animals, the irrational use of pasture and other forage land, which affects the profitability of the sector [9 ].

In the current economic climate, accompanied by a change in forms of ownership, the development of sheep farming in the country (farmer), and other personal subsidiary farms with weak material and technical base, demanded the development of theoretical and practical bases of low-cost technology of reference of the livestock industry.

The most important conditions for increasing efficiency of sheep, in addition to breeding methods is the development and improvement of production technology to increase productivity and reduce the cost of sheep production at all stages of the process.

Improving technology provides optimization methods, operations, methods of maintenance of sheep and introduction of new effective technological tools that improve productivity, reduce costs of feed, energy, material and financial resources for production in farms of all forms of property. [9]

In this context, the purpose and objectives of our research is aimed at improving technological methods of increasing the viability of the offspring of sheep.

It is known that the nature of food and feeding behavior in animals and humans have changed during evolution as a result of socioeconomic and human-induced changes. In recent years, particularly acute becomes the problem of the development of secure technologies providing the population of the Russian Federation with food-based safety of food raw materials derived from farm animals and poultry reared with (natural) natural technology designed to increase natural resistance [1,3,5,6 7.8].


The aim of this work is the development of processing methods that aim to improve the viability of offspring sheep.

To understand today's trends shaping viable offspring of humans and animals, it is important to note that the foundations are laid in the stability of the earliest periods of life - during fetal development and the first years of life and posterity largely determines the health of the parents, especially the mother. Importance within the uterine development has been recognized only recently. The experimental results led to the unexpected conclusion that paternal genes responsible for the development of the placenta and the mother's genes - for the differentiation of embryonic cells in parts of the body [7]. Interestingly, in those cases where the placenta does not release active hormones, the attitude of the fetus to the mother's body are added, more positive (friendly and mutually beneficial). In other words, although maternal and fetal common goal, they often can not achieve a mutual agreement on how to achieve it, and what resources the mother should give their offspring. These disputes, conflicts continue and even after (birth of the fetus), the appearance of the offspring of mammals during weaning (weaning) from the baby (breast cancer) mother, and in other matters and all other age periods of human and animals.

Material and methods. During the experiment were divided into two groups of sheep during suyagnosti. Sheep in the period suyagnosti held in winter, since the second half of pregnancy (experienced) in an open area, with deep litter, and the second group of ewes corresponding physiological state (control) were kept in a room for sheep and backyard area, ie, . Kosharnaya-base method. On receipt of the offspring, as exponents morphophysiological development and viability of newborn animals use body weight, size, body type, manifestation of innate reflexes and some clinical parameters (heart rate and respiration). The intensity of growth and development of the offspring of sheep judged by the absolute increase and average daily gain.

Biochemical methods were used to determine the protein in the blood picture. Total protein was determined refractometrically; and protein fractions - agarose gel electrophoresis (P.Grabar, P. Burt, 1963) The amount of total serum calcium complexometric. Inorganic phosphorus in the serum - as modified by Briggs SI Ivanovo (1972). Reserve alkalinity plasma - Van-Slyayku (1969).

Results and discussion. Newborn animals in the species, breed, and individual aspects are born with varying degrees of manifestation of morphological and functional maturity of [3,5,6]. Defective morfofunktcionalnaja ability of some organs and systems of newborns, compared with adult animals, it may be due to how immunogenetically and with different conditions of intrauterine development. In addition, during the period of fetal development lack adequate life-saving irritants, providing morphological and functional maturation of mammalian offspring.

Newborn lambs body temperature immediately after birth was 39,3°, after 2 hours and there has been an increase of 0,3° C, and then followed by a decrease to 6 hours up to 39,2° C. In the more mature lambs morphophysiological live weight 4, 6 (experimental group), body temperature was at 0,4° C higher than that of lambs with live massu- 3.4 kg (control group). Limits of fluctuations in body temperature in lambs in the control group were - 1,1° C. established some minor differences between the groups at the time of getting up the lambs on a limb after birth [2].

The following scientific and industrial research have been created two groups - control, the lambs that had a body temperature at birth to 39° C, and experienced - the lambs born to temperatures above 39° C.

Studies show that the first hours of life the body temperature in lambs experimental and control groups regularly declined, but in the experimental group it was higher. In live weight differences between groups of animals: in the experimental and control groups are unreliable (P> 0.05).

The decrease in body temperature in lambs first hours of life in this case is apparently due to the thermal conditions of the environment, natural transfer of heat from the body of animals comes under the II law of thermodynamics. The temperature indoors was 10,5°S and a relative humidity of 78.9%. By increasing the temperature gradient increases the heat transfer from the body surface in different ways.

In subsequent age periods lambs experimental and control groups were significantly different from each other in morphological indicators - body weight and average daily gain.

When analyzing the results of observations of the Lambs was found that all the lambs in the control group was first months of life, there were various diseases of the respiratory and digestive system, while in the experimental group were registered with the pathology of the above systems - 4 out of 10. Mortality lamb lambs in the control Group 3 months of postnatal ontogenesis was 3 animals representing 30%. In the experimental group lambs deaths have been observed.

The results of morphological and functional assessment of the maturity of the animals showed that the change in body temperature in infants first day of life due to the fact that protective and compensatory mechanisms can not provide relatively constant homeostasis offspring sheep. If the body temperature in the newborn first hours of life is characterized by relatively constant, this indicates a more pronounced perfectly mechanisms thermoregulatory processes. Newborn lambs that can not keep the relative thermal equilibrium, especially the first hours of life, in morphofunctional for less mature and may manifest low viability. They especially are more susceptible to various diseases of different etiologies.

The mechanism of action of negative atmospheric temperature on the development of the fetus in utero and the manifestation of the physiological characteristics of maturity and viability are not yet fully elucidated, although there are interesting scientific and industrial developments and proposals in this regard.

In the future, production tests were carried out, covering a large number of sheep. The survey revealed that the degree of physiological maturity of newborn lambs from the ewes received, which were contained in the winter season, the second half beremennosti- suyagnosti (experimental group) in the open air, with a deep litter were higher than that derived from the offspring ewes corresponding physiological state (control group) who were kept indoors for sheep and backyard area, ie Kosharnaya-base method.

On live weight of lambs, the differences between the experimental and control groups were highly significant (P <0.001). In the control group lambs weight was 4.13 ± 0.21, and experienced 4.70 ± 0.16.

At body temperature between groups of newborn lambs at birth in the first hours of life: an hour, two, four, eight showed significant differences (P <0.001).

These results show that biochemical parameters (calcium, inorganic phosphorus, reserve alkalinity, total protein) between the experimental and control groups in lambs months of age no significant differences found (P> 0.05). At the age of two months between the two groups of lambs blood chemistry (total protein, calcium, phosphorus inorganic) differences were not significant (P> 0.05). On reserve alkalinity between experimental and control groups of lambs found a significant difference (P <0.05). In the control group lambs it was 654.0 ± 17.4, respectively, and experienced 582.0 ± 5.9. At the age of three months between the experimental and control groups in the number of lambs total protein and calcium significant differences were found. There is a difference in the content of inorganic phosphorus and reserve alkalinity levels. In animals of the experimental group the number was 86.0 ± 1.2 and 574.0 ± 3.2, while the control animals, respectively 77.0 ± 2.6 and 650.0 ± 13.9.

Pets experimental and control groups in the months of age in terms of the intensity of growth and development were significantly different (P <0.05). The two - and three-month age on these parameters between the experimental and control groups showed significant differences lambs (P <0.05).

The temperature of the outside air during the study period was within -10 -20° C 4-10°S indoor relative humidity 45.6 - 78.9%, the rate of air flow 0.1- 0.3 m / s.

Analysis of morbidity and mortality of lambs in the experimental and control groups showed that in the months of age in the experimental group of 25 sick lambs, while the control group -103. Thus lambs fell 6, and the control gruppe- 22. In two months of age in the experimental group of animals ill 15 in the control group, respectively, 49, from experimental animals fell 3, and of the control lambs,


respectively - 12. The age of three months in the experimental group lambs from sick 9, of which one fell, and in the control group correspond to - 26 and 6.

Summary and conclusions. Thus, lambs received from ewes that were kept during the winter season, starting from the second half of pregnancy-suyagnosti the open backyard site with a deep litter (experimental group), the level of physiological maturity, total protein, calcium, inorganic phosphorus in the blood serum and average daily gain and live weight exceeded their peers born to ewes corresponding physiological state (control group) who were kept in the room for sheep and backyard area, ie, Kosharnaya-base method. Incidence lambs in the experimental group was 14.3%, 2.9% deaths, and in the control group - 55.9 respectively, and 12.7%. Perhaps the reason for the birth of a viable offspring from sheep that were kept, Kosharnaya-base method is to influence not only the physical factors of air, but the effect of various biological factors, such as microorganisms living in deep straw bedding for a further correction, the formation and the formation of pregnancy pregnant ewes and on and immunobiological reactivity of functional system mother-fetus-newborn.


1. Ahmadiev G.M. Immunobiologichesky aspects of evaluation and forecasting viability of newborn animals. - Kazan: ruthenium, 2005. - 168 p.

2. Ahmadiev G.M. Estimation and forecasting viability of newborn calves, depending on the temperature of the body at birth // Journal, "veterinarian", Kazan, 2014, №1 - 4.

3. Ahmadiev GM Dmitriev AF, Safin MA Natural resistance of lambs depending on the age and allergic reactivity mothers // Features of occurrence and symptoms of infectious diseases in the conditions of industrial technology: Sat. scientific. Tr. / vetinstitut Kazan. - Kazan, 1983. -C. 50-57.

4. Borisov DN Effect of immunization on some factors natural resistance of lambs // Veterinary Kuban. 2013. № 6. S. 11-13

5. Dmitriev AF Ahmad GM Assessment of functional maturation of newborn animals. In the book .: Increased productive and breeding qualities of agricultural animals. Collection of scientific works of the Stavropol Agricultural Institute. - Stavropol. 1985 - s. 72-76.

6. Donchenko LV Nadykta VD Food Safety: A Textbook, 2nd ed. Revised. And add. - M .: print Delhi, 2007. - 539 p.

7. Ridli M. Genome: The Autobiography species in 23 chapters // M. Ridley; per. from English. And Ed. Ph.D. HE. Reva /. - M .: Eksmo, 2008. - 432 p.

8. Garmaeva ZH.TS., Tsyrempilov PB Influence of drugs of natural origin on the level of natural resistance of newborn lambs .// Bulletin of the Buryat State Agricultural Academy im.V.R.Filippova 2013, №2 (31), s.125-128.

9. Chistyakov, ND Clinico - biochemical, immunogenetic status of sheep in a pasture-stall technology content with lambing on pasture / ND Chistyakov, EN Barnash // Sheep, goats, wool business. - 2005. - №2. - P.48 -52.

Талипов Р.А.1, Крыжановская Е.М.2

'Студент, 2студент,

Институт Ветеринарной медицины и Биотехнологий ФГБОУ ВО Омский ГАУ им. П.А. Столыпина.



В статье представлены исследования по содержанию голубой австралийской квакши (Litoria caerulea) в условиях террариума; определены оптимальные параметры микроклимата.

Ключевые слова: австралийская квакша, бесхвостые земноводные, гигиена содержания квакш.

Talipov R.A.1, Kryzhanovskaya E.M.2

'Student, 2student,

Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology FGBOU IN Omsk State Agrarian University them. PA Stolypin.



The article presents a study on the content of the blue Australian tree frogs (Litoria caerulea) in the conditions of the terrarium the optimal parameters of the microclimate.

Keywords: Australian tree frog, tailless amphibians, tree frog hygiene content.

Содержание земноводных, как хвостатых, так и бесхвостых считается едва ли не самым сложным занятием в среде террариумистики. Это обусловлено в первую очередь их физиологическими особенностями и биологией, а именно гораздо большей зависимостью от условий искусственно создаваемой окружающей среды, нежели рептилий. Вместе с тем отработка методик успешного содержания и разведения амфибий, особенно бесхвостых, в настоящее время является наиболее актуальной в связи с угрозой их глобального вымирания в природе по различным причинам (воздействие человека на их биотопы, распространение смертельного для амфибий грибкового заболевания - хитридиомикоза, уничтожающего целые популяции видов и т.п.). Среди всего многообразия форм бесхвостых амфибий, древесные (именуемые собирательно - «квакши»), пожалуй, являются одними из самых привлекательных для содержания в неволе. Некоторые виды - такие, как голубая австралийская квакша (Litoria caerulea) за счет своего «игрушечного» внешнего вида, красивой окраски, крупного размера и относительной нетребовательности условий содержания, по всему миру стали классическими, традиционными террариумными питомцами.

Объектом для исследования послужили квакши (Litoria caerulea) из личной террариумной коллекции в количестве 6 особей, из них 2 самца и 4 самки, средний возраст животных составлял 2 года, содержание групповое. Наблюдения проводились за период с 10 февраля по 30 марта 2015 года.

Голубая австралийская квакша - это одна из самых больших древесных лягушек, размеры которой достигают 15 см (самки до 13-15 см, самцы - до 7 см).

Австралийская квакша имеет необычно широкую и короткую голову. Окрас от ярко-зеленого до темно-зеленого, встречаются каштановый и бирюзовый цвета. Иногда на теле можно увидеть мелкие белые или золотистые пятна. Живот и горло окрашены в молочно-белый или розовый цвет. Внутренняя часть бедра красновато-коричневая. Принципиальных различий в размерах и окраске самцов и самок не существует, но самки обычно крупнее. У самцов на первом пальце передних конечностей слабо выраженная брачная мозоль, темного цвета. Передние лапы самцов - мощные и мускулистые. Самцы обычно мельче самок.

Внутренняя сторона бедра имеет бледный буровато-красный цвет. Радужная оболочка глаз золотого цвета. У многих животных на верхней, зеленой стороне образуется рисунок из белых полос, идущих от края верхней губы под глазом до барабанной перепонки, более коротких полос по плечам и длинных по наружной поверхности предплечья и по заднему краю голени.

Ареалом обитания в естественных условиях являются Северные и восточные районы Австралии, юг Новой Гвинеи. Интродуцирована в Новой Зеландии. Населяет полупустыни, заросшие кустарником, тропические леса, фермы и садовые участки, поселки и города.

Во время охоты и в моменты опасности совершают прыжки до 1 метра.

В природе питаются, в основном, различными беспозвоночными, могут поедать мелких рыб и ящериц, мелких грызунов.


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