СОЦИАЛЬНЫЕ И ПРАВОВЫЕ ОСНОВЫ ФОРМИРОВАНИЯ ДУХОВНОСТИ МОЛОДЕЖИ Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Mirzaxolov X.T.

In this article discusses social and legal bases for the formation of the spirituality of youth and appropriate proposals.

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UDK 37.035.6

Mirzaxolov X. T.

Мирзахолов Х. Т assistant of department "Social science " ассистент кафедра «Социальные науки» Namangan engineering-pedagogical Institute Наманганский инженерно-педагогический институт,


Annotation: In this article discusses social and legal bases for the formation of the spirituality of youth and appropriate proposals.

Аннотация: В данной статье освешено социальные и правовые основы формирования духовности молодежи и соответствующие предложения.

Keywords: Constitution, spirituality, national spirituality, society, basis social and legal.

Ключевые слова: Конституция, духовность, национальная духовность, общество, основа социального и правового.

The essence of the person's spirituality has been the subject of serious scientific debate at all times. Of course, we can give many scientific, philosophical, literary descriptions of the concept of spirituality. In general, it is natural to give many kind of descriptions by every civilized human according to their philosophical approach, political views and beliefs to this concept that embodied a very deep meaning and wide range of content. In fact, spirituality is multi-faceted in nature as much as the diamond stone. As diamond stone shows infinite beauty and sensitivity by every side you watch, spirituality also impresses the person according to which side they look. Spirituality has been extensively described in the book of President I.A. Karimov "High spirituality is an invincible force": "Spirituality is a strong power calling man's spiritual purification, heartily encourage progress, strengthens the inner world of a man and willpower, making whole man's faith and beliefs, awaking man's conscience, criterion of his all views"[1]. Uzbekistan gained its independence, the spiritual life of the community updates on the implementation of radical reforms. Eyes, social, political, legal, attitudes began to change. In particular, special attention to young people is the foundation of our future.

On 20 November 1991, the state youth policy in the Republic of Uzbekistan "framework" law. The law was a priority direction of activity of the state, the aim of the social formation and development of young, creative talent as possible in the interests of the community for the realization of the full socio-economic, legal and organizational conditions and guarantees. The conditions necessary for the

youth of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan for free legally. In accordance with Article 41 of the Constitution, monuments, everyone has the right to education. Free public education is guaranteed by the state. Schools under state supervision. The youth in science, encouraging the free expression of creative potential and are legally guaranteed. In accordance with Article 42 , freedom of scientific research and engineering work, the right to enjoy cultural benefits. The state shall promote the cultural, scientific and technical development [2].

In addition, every thought, word and the right to freedom of belief. Everyone shall have any information, the right to obtain and disseminate information directed against the existing system context, and with the exception of some other instances specified by law. Such laws are in the process of globalization, aimed at young people in a variety of negative ideology to poison the minds of their Hoya will serve as the main force to defend. In particular, the "principles of the state youth policy" violation of moral law among youth, including violence, pornography and cruelty any action aimed at promoting "the guarantees of the rights of the child" shall be dishonored, cruelty and violence the story of the human dignity of a discriminatory, harmful to children, and violations can lead to films, the distribution of literature to define prohibited al.

The families by social protection, protection of motherhood and childhood, as well as particular attention to the education of the young generation. To overestimate the role of the family in enhancing the spirituality of young people. "One of the most pure and good feelings, thoughts and imaginations of life for the first time, above all, in the heart of the family sheets" [3].

Institute also will participate directly in this neighborhood. "A child of seven communities both mother and father" does not deserving to apply. Without a local self-management model of national traditions, customs and traditions based on the great moral function [4]. In addition, the educational system, and on this basis, without altering consciousness does not develop spirituality. As well as the formation of the spirituality of young people, the history, customs and traditions of the ancient historical monuments, national parks, heritage and cultural resources is one of the main factors.

Young people in the socio-economic and material support to the chairman of the youth movement, the voice of the future youth initiatives center, Mehr Nuri Foundation and other organizations, plays a special role. At the moment, which is one of the favorite "Kamolot" youth movement among the largest public organization uniting more than four and a half million young people in the republic. If 60 percent of the population are young people considering that this movement is not difficult to understand the extent of responsibility.

Taking into account the above, the spiritual formation of young people, protection of their rights and role model 's increasingly contributing to the villagers, specifically on the following aspects are worth noting:

- To encourage and support young people to create a real mechanism;

- To promote the development of young people's legal awareness and legal culture;

- Youth to enable them to improve the quality of vocational training;

- Secondary institutions in specific businesses provide a strong bond with the creation of a system of specialized secondary and vocational education;

- Institutions of the family in society and to strengthen the role of local self-government;

- Young families, women and young people for mutual support;

- Family businesses, private businesses and home-based crafts, folk art, and other forms of business activity to ensure the participation of youth in development, especially in remote rural areas;

- Youth entrepreneurship, especially in vocational colleges and higher education institutions to create conditions for attracting graduates;

- Rested in the generation of spiritual values, their worldview, moral ethics, self-awareness, and involvement in national and universal values, and to strengthen the feelings of others.

One of the major problems now is education of young generation in the spirit of national and universal values, in pride to the richest moral, to historical values, in love and fidelity to the motherland. Modern youth has sufficient maturity to understand the need for the spiritual life. The problem of youth spirituality - is not only the definition of high-level human exploration of their world, relationship to nature, to society, to other people. This is the answer to many vital questions: Who am I, what I came into this world, what is my place in it, what is the meaning of my life based on what values should I choose their way of life, to define the purpose and meaning of their activities to choose means to achieve them and evaluate their results. The crisis experienced by our country, caused to some extent the loss of humanistic moral values, moral subordination of political and ideological interests. It is necessary to form a new outlook. And religion has considerably weakened their influence, bringing its moral requirements absolutely, that no one should be. The spiritual condition of our youth today is very fallen. There are no important moral principles, there was a lot of perverted youth cultural trends that attract pupils, students and lead them to the degradation of the mental, intellectual and spiritual. Along with such qualities as resourcefulness, creativity, efficiency, speed, life optimism is closely coexist rudeness, indifference, laziness, self-confidence[5].

Thus, improvement of the national spirit develops on the basis of high-spirited people.



2.The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. - T. 2017.

3.Karimov I.Highly spirituality is an invincible force.- T.:Spirituality,2008. -B. 52.

4.Karimov I.Highly spirituality is an invincible force.- T.:Spirituality,2008. -B. 61.

5.Farhodjonovna F. N., Islomovich I. T. FACTORS OF FORMATION SPIRITUALITY OF YOUTH IN THE PROCESS OF GLOBALIZATION //Мир науки и образования. - 2016. - №. 1 (5).

UDK 37.032

Nurmatov A.R.

Нурматов А.Р. assistant of department "Social science" ассистент кафедра «Социальные науки» Наманганский инженерно-педагогический институт, Namangan engineering-pedagogical Institute Uzbekistan, Namangan city Узбекистан, города Наманган ANALYSIS OF SOME ASPECTS THE CONCEPT OF "HARMONIOUS DEVELOPMENT OF PERSONALITY" АНАЛИЗ НЕКОТОРЫХ АСПЕКТОВ ПОНЯТИЯ «ГАРМОНИЧНО РАЗВИТАЯ ЛИЧНОСТЬ»

Annotation: This article describes the development of a person to reflect the influence of the social environment and conditions.

Аннотация: В данной статье описывается развитие человека, отражающего влияние социальной среды и условий.

Keywords: development, harmony, person, philosophy, spirituality.

Ключевые слова: развитие, гармония, личность, философия, духовность.

It is quite natural and justified that the starting point for the successful implementation of algorithms for the harmonious development of man is to elucidate and explain what constitutes "harmony" and "harmonious development" as phenomena and as concepts that constantly interact. By "harmony," such concepts as "communication", "harmony", "consistency" and "proportionality of parts", as well as the "merging" of various principles into a "single whole" and "organization", are most often referred to.

Harmony - a category that reflects the natural character of reality, internal and external consistency, integrity and proportionality of the content and form of aesthetics. Harmony - the connection that represents the exact proportion between the parts that make up a whole [1]. Meanwhile, such definitions are themselves in need of explanation and explanation. After all, not every "connection" can be considered harmonious. And "harmony" is a certain An evaluation and too general concept. Indeed, in "harmony" there is no merging of different principles into something "one whole", in principle such principles are preserved. "Proportionality and consistency" - these are not the starting points, but to a greater extent they represent a process having a certain effect and result. From our point of view, harmony as a matter of fact is a special kind of interaction of various beginnings, in the final analysis, material and spiritual, interpenetrating each other and preserving at the same time its certainty (genetic and functional),

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