СОЦИАЛЬНАЯ ПОЛИТИКА ИНСТРУМЕНТЫ Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Adamkovičová Beáta

This paper focuses on social policy, its instruments. It highlights the social doctrine as a practical guideline for long-term socio-political activity.

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Текст научной работы на тему «СОЦИАЛЬНАЯ ПОЛИТИКА ИНСТРУМЕНТЫ»

Национальная ассоциация ученых (НАУ) # 10 (26), 2016

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5. T. Cselle, O. Coddet, C. Galamand, P. Holubar, M. Jilek, J. Jilek, A. Luemkemann, M. Morstein. New Generation of PVD-Coatings for Cutting Tools. Journal of Machine Manufacturing, Volume XLIX. 2009. Issue E1, Pages 19-25.

6. Sladkov D V, Aksenenko A.U., Vereshchaka A.A., Vereshchaka A.S., Sitnikov N.N. Control of structure and properties of nanostructured multilayer composite coatings applied to cutting tools as a way to improve efficiency of technological cutting operations. Journal of Nano Research, 2016, № 1, T. 37, Pages 51 - 57.

7. Vereshchaka A. A., Vereshchaka A. S., Mgaloblishvili O., Morgan M., Batako A., Nano-scale multilayered-composite coatings for the cutting tools, Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol., Published online: 14 February, 2014.

8. Golombek K., Dobrzanski L. Hard and wear resistance coatings for cutting tools, Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering. 2007, Vol. 24, No. 2, Pages 107-110.


9. Приказ Минтруда России от 12.04.2013 № 147н «Об утверждении Макета профессионального стандарта».

10. Приказ Минтруда России от 12.04.2013 № 148н «Об утверждении уровней квалификации в целях разработки проектов профессиональных стандартов».

11. Приказ Минтруда России от 29.04.2013 № 170н «Об утверждении методических рекомендаций по разработке профессионального стандарта».

12. Хисамутдинов Р.М., Хисамутдинов М.Р., Создание автоматизированного промышленного производства высокоэффективных режущих инструментов с нанокомпозитными, наномультислойны-ми и наноградиентными износостойкими покрытиями// -Материалы IV Международного Казанского инновационного нанотехнологическо-го форума (NANOTECH'2012). -Казань, 27- 29 ноября 2012г., Казань: изд-во ГУП РТ «Татарстан-ский ЦНТИ», 2012, -с. 130-134.

13. Khisamutdinov, R.M., Khisamutdinov, M.R., Automation System Goals for the Creation and Operation of the Tool//- Innovative Mechanical Engineering Technologies, Equipment and Materials-2013, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Scopus). -2014. -№69. pp1-4.



Ing. Beata Adamkovicova, PhD.


University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava Faculty of Social Sciences Slovakia

Беата Лдишковичова


Университет св. Кирилла и Мефодия Факультет социальных наук Словакия


This paper focuses on social policy, its instruments. It highlights the social doctrine as a practical guideline for long-term socio-political activity.


В статье основное внимание уделяется социальной политики, ее инструменты. Это выдвигает на первый план социальную доктрину в качестве практического руководства для долгосрочного социально -политической деятельности.

Keywords: Social Policy. Social policy instruments. Collective agreement. Social doctrine.

Ключевые слова: Социальная политика. Социальная политика инструменты. Коллективный договор. Социальная доктрина.

Social policy is a set of activities directed at improvement of basic living conditions of population as a whole or as the case may be of certain groups of population. The main mission, the target of social pol-

icy is creation of decent conditions for life and ensuring the same opportunities for all. [1]

The aim is to create a more homogeneous society. The concept of transformation of social security by three pillars of the social system, i.e. social


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insurance, social support and social assistance completely implements preventive function in the cross-cutting policy from macro-social prevention up to micro-social level. [4]

Social policy is being conducted by means of tools of social policy, which represent a certain system. This is being developed and its quality is getting improved towards the intentions of social policy. The target is to have the social policy effective so that the tools enable differentiated and direct and open solutions of concrete social situations of concrete individual persons or social groups. Krebs [2] has stated these tools of social policy:

- tools of legal nature: these are the legal standards, here belongs the Constitution of the Slovak Republic, Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms, various laws, national regulation of the government of the Slovak Republic, implementing decrees of the ministries and other bodies of state administration, self-government, collective agreements

- tools of economic nature: these are the measures directed at redistribution of resources, whether they are financial, human or material. Here belong fiscal tools (in the form of transfers on the one hand and relief on the other, which are being provided to various social groups of the population). Here belong credit instruments (various loans), price policy.

- social documents: various plans, programs, projects, conceptions for achieving the targets of social policy

- events of pressure groups: these are various petition events, strikes with the aim to enforce the interests of some social groups

Collective bargaining is also considered by us to be a tool of social policy. Stanek [4] is stating that collective bargaining is a process, which is continually taking place and which is based on compromises between the social partners. It is based on pluralism, it has been applied after 1989, after starting of democracy. Social dialogue is being conducted on three levels:

- macro level: concluding of general agreements

- intermediate level: is created by collective agreements of higher degree, sector level

- micro level: for example corporate collective agreements

Krebs is describing also the tools of application character: [2]

- social income: is an important tool of social policy, these are the benefits of pension security, insurance, sickness insurance, benefits of social support, monetary benefits of social assistance and unemployment benefits

- social services: create broad spectrum for various target groups, certain groups of population

- material benefits . these are mainly connected with protection of health. These are medicines, health care aids, protective work aids. The point here also is social assistance such as provision of clothes, food and other.

- special purpose loans: various advantageous loans are being provided for influencing various social situations (social fund)

- relief and advantages: are provided to various groups of population (travelling, study, etc.)

From the point of view of time a significant tool is a social doctrine, it is a certain long-term guideline for practical social and political activities. It delimits long-term orientation of social policy to a certain time period. It must be based on respecting human a social rights declared in the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the citizens. It must be based on such values that are characteristic for modern democratic societies, such as humanism, solidarity, equality of opportunities, justice. The aim of social doctrine is to search ways and manners how to achieve long term targets for fulfilling social policy.

The role of social policy is within of active and healthy society the target of social policy is to enforce an acceptable quality and standard of life. The areas of family policy, health policy, educational policy, housing policy, employment policy, poverty and unemployment belong to the social policy.

Social policy represents a compact system, it effects a colourful palette of public policies, i.e. health, housing and social sphere [3].

These have direct impact on the situation of the society and on the situation between the social groups. The centre of the social policy is a human being and its role is to prevent and mitigate, i.e. to solve improvement of living conditions of a human being - a citizen.


1. BOCAKOVA, O. 2015. The social status of seniors in the V4 countries. Vilnius: Versus Aureus, 2015. 130 s. ISBN 978-9955-34-582-4.

2.KREBS, V. a kol. 2010. Socidlm politika. Pra-ha : Wolters Kluwer CR, 2010. 544 s. ISBN 978-807357-585-4.

3. REPKOVA, K. 2012. Socidlne sluzby v kontexte komundlnej socidlnej politiky. Bratislava : Institut pre vyskum prace a rodiny, 2012. 176 s. ISBN 978-80-7138-135-8.

4. STANEK, V. a kol. 2011. Socidlna politika. Bratislava : Sprind dva, 2011. 342 s. ISBN 978-8089393-28-2.

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