SOME TRADITIONAL FAMILY CELEBRATIONS OF ABKHAZIAN PEOPLE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Abidjba Y.R.

Pedagogical faculty of the 2nd year Sukhum, Abkhazia SOME TRADITIONAL FAMILY CELEBRATIONS OF ABKHAZIAN


A holiday is primary form of human culture. Value of a holiday is determined by the value system uniting society. The holiday is universal and major line of a civilization; at the same time features of holidays reflect distinctions between civilizations.

The calendar nature of a holiday will approve rhythms of human life and rhythms of the Universe, helps to make a choice for benefit of an order, a sense, life and against chaos and death. The holiday is connected with the idea of existence of the certain perfect life essentially different from the grounded everyday life. The festive culture therefore often includes temporary refusal from the accepted in the society of standards of behavior, temporary deleting or a turning of social hierarchy.

Abkhazian holidays are the most important elements of tradition and in this quality play a role of the stabilizer of society, saving and transferring socially important information from generation to generation [1]. Participation in holidays acquaints members of the Abkhazian society with accepted standards and values of ethnos. Abkhazian holidays represent social integration mechanisms and is the stabilizer of the existing public order.

Traditional family celebrations are the form of holidays and act as a religious aspect of the life of Abkhazian people. They present upbringing and reeducation functions that plays an important role in Abkhazian culture [2].

As many other ancient nations Abkhazian people highly respect their elders and this fact distinguishes all Caucasians from other nationalities. When a child comes into the room the old man rises in honour of this child, showing his respect. They say children are the future of mankind and as elders behave they will behave in the same way in the future.

During several thousand centuries a lot of civilizations and cultures were mixing here. In spite of all difficulties the standard, the pivot and the ideal of behaviour was their etiquette, their rich spiritual world which is built on the high morality which is called "Apsuara".

There is the main thing in the foundation of the Abkhazian culture. That is the respect of elders, the authorities. and from this other traditions are spread: hospitality, great love to nature and protection of nature as well as improving the world around us, defense of the country, respect and appreciation of roots, faithfulness to the given world, dignity and honour and love to native places.

There are seven sacred places in Abkhazia [3]. One of them is "Lapirnikha" It is located between two villages called Barmish and Blaburkhva. The Tsimtsbas, the Abidzhbas, the Dbars and the Pkins worship this sacred place and honour it. This shrine is on the hill. And people who honour this place live around the hill.

On the last Thursday of summer the shrines keeper from the Tsimtsba family rises to this hill. He stays there for ten days and carries out the rite. In ten days on Saturday we from the Abidzhba family bake big cheese pies. Married women must cook cheese pies with oregano for each person of the family. For this celebration each family opens a new barrel of red wine.

First of all the head of the family lights a candle and prays for health and prosperity. After that he begins to carry out the rite for each person of the family. Neither a mother nor a wife takes part in this ceremony. At last all members of the family sit at the table and have a big dinner. After worship rite in all the houses the shrines keeper goes down from the hill.

There is an opinion that shrines communicate with each other. And not all people can see this phenomenon. Several years ago two days before worship celebration our informer (имя информатора) got up early in the morning. It was dark outside the house. Doing her works in the yard, suddenly she saw a shining ball with a tail. This shining ball flew over the house, over the yard and headed to the mountains. The informer did not understand what she has seen. But her mother, an honorable Abkhazian woman, explained that she had seen a shrine. Many people in the village saw it from time to time.

Abkhazians have another very important celebration called "Azhira" ("smithy" from Abkhazian) [4]. Some of the Abidzhbas family doesn't have an azhira in the garden. They celebrate this holiday after January 13 on the first Monday or Thursday.

Early in the morning the head of the family goes to azhira and sets to rights that place. Later at night he goes there again with cheese pies and wine and carries out the ceremony called "Apkhinnihara". After that the men of the family slaughter the goat and cook it for each member. In the evening the father and his children go to azhira. They take the liver of the goat and cock it together. The father lights candles for each person of the family. Returning home he asks God for health and prosperity for his mother and wife which have no right to come close to his place.

It is necessary to mention family celebrations are very numerous and different in Abkhazian culture. They represent many century old traditions of Abkhazian people and are worthy to study.


1. Анкваб М.Ф. Основы семейного воспитания в абхазской народной педагогике: монография / Новосибирск, 2015. - 160 с. Анкваб М.Ф. Специфика приемов перевоспитания личности в абхазской народной педагогике // Сибирский педагогический журнал. 2016. Т. 6. С. 2126.

2. Барцыц Р.М. Святилища Абхазии в современной обрядовой практике работа выполнена при поддержке РГНФ, проект 13-26-12002 «святые места абхазов и адыгов: традиции и современность» // Вестник Адыгейского государственного университета. Серия 2: Филология и искусствоведение. 2013. № 3 (126). С. 182-188.

3. Гумба А.Р. Абхазские традиционные верования в современных условиях // Традиционная культура абхазов - Апсуара. РУП «Дом печати», 2014. C. 211-245

Dvoeglazova A.A.

Kuzbass State Technical University named after TF Gorbachev




Ключевые слова: nano-pollutants, control, snow, the analyzer «Zetasizer Nano ZS», samples.

Novokuznetsk is an industrial center of Kemerovo region with large enterprises of ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, mining, thermal energy which have a significant negative impact on the environment. The main air pollutants are such enterprises as JSC «EVRAZ United ZSMK», JSC «Kuznetsk Ferroalloys», JSC CPP «Kuznetskaya», JSC CPP «Abashevskaya», JSC «Plant Universal», JSC «Kuzbassenergo» the subsidiary of «Kuznetsk cogeneration station», JSC «RUSAL Novokuznetsk Aluminum Plant», and also an automobile transport.

Nowadays a control and analysis of artificial nanoparticles in the environment is very important. When it comes in humans' body, for example, from the atmosphere air into the lungs it can cause various diseases. The reasons of the appearance of artificial nanoparticles in ecosystems can be a contact with nanomaterials during the professional humans' activity; nanoparticle emissions, contained in the fuel additives of vehicles as a part of the exhaust gases; industrial wastes of factories and power plants. In the industrialized regions the main nano-pollutants are aluminum particles of metal oxides, cession, iron oxide, etc.

It is necessary to identify the nature of nano-pollutants and to know their properties (eg, particle size) to reduce their negative impact on the environmental and on human.

The aim of this work was the research of a particle size distribution of the nanoparticles in the snow waters of Novokuznetsk by the dynamic light scattering.

The size of the nanoparticles was determined by the analyzer «Zetasizer Nano ZS» («Malvern Instruments», England) using backscatter technology registration.

Snow samples were collected in the Zavodskoy district of Novokuznetsk and Novokuznetsk district. The sampling points are located on the border of the sanitary protection zone of the northern industrial hub and experiencing different degrees of anthropogenic load on the territory. Sampling was carried out at the same time in the period of maximum moisture content (in the beginning of March 2016) immediately prior to the melting of snow. Snow samples were cut in the form of cores to the full depth of the snow cover, placed in plastic bags and transported to the laboratory. Then the snow sample were transferred into glass containers, which melts at room temperature. To determine the particle size distribution of the aerosol particles of solid snow water subjected to uphold, the

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