SOME THE ORETICAL AND LEGAL ISSUES IN EDUCATION IN THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Ichshanova Gulnar, Nursapa A.

The article is devoted to current legal issues in the field of education in post-Soviet countries. The author, by the example of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries, is the problem of the constitutional right to education, and proposes amendments to Article 30 of the Constitution of Kazakhstan. The article explains the need for systematization of legal acts in the field of education with a view to the adoption of the Education Code. In addition, the author rightly proposes to implement teacher training institutions to teach students new curriculum - Educational Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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Кругооборот капитала в текущем производстве начинается со снабжения и завершается распределением дохода, в котором цепь оборота замыкается - для возобновления и продолжения деятельности.

Аналогично кровообращению в живом организме, кроме этого-«малого круга» текущего оборота, есть Большой круг обращения, затрагивающий обновление и возрастание капитальных элементов клетки-ячейки [1, с.99].

На фундаментальной научной основе становится понятной современная социально-политическая экономия, показывается наглядно и понятно эффект явления стоимости и прибыли; доказывается балансовым методом «самовозрастание стоимости» и выводится Закон всеобщего исторического возрастания капитала в мировой экономике (даже с учетом военных разрушений). Поскольку «прибыль» - это экономическая оценка прибавления стоимости в экономике, «прибывшего» веществом из природы естественной и присвоенного предпринимателем, логично и оправданно обязать собственника, присвоившего через прибыль общественную природу (природа принадлежит всему обществу), делиться с обществом прибылью - посредством государственного налогообложения - в этом начала обоснования налогов.

На основе корректных научных знаний становится понятной спираль экономического развития- в фундаменте пирамиды (рис.3) с всё большим вовлечением природы в процесс создания новых искусственных материальных ценностей. Однако, военные разрушения следует вычесть из общей совокупности ценностей и добавить восстановленные за счет резервов.


1. Единый учебник экономики * Пролог к «экономиксу» * Начала экономической теории. М., ЛЕНАНД, 2014

2. Экономика: корректность теории и эффективность практики. Экономика и управление: проблемы и решения. 2014, №2

3. Экономика: становление науки. The Way of Science? 2014, №10

4. Новая экономическая классика. ЛАМБЕРТ- Германия, 2014

5. Теоретическая основа исторических свершений в экономике- в Современные концепции научных исследований». Ч.2. Экономические науки. #3, 2015

6. Новая экономическая классика - вхождение в историю экономических учений . Сборник «интерактив плюс», 2016, №2(8) ISSN 2411-8133.

7. Реальные истоки экономической статистики. Материалы конференции - Шарджа, ОАЭ, январь 2016г. сайт www.regionacadem.org

8. Российская авторская школа в формировании истинных научных представлений об экономике. Международный научный журнал «NOVATION» №3, 2016г.


PhD, Association professor of Law Ichshanova Gulnar

master of laws Nursapa A.

Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, NARXOZ University

Abstract. The article is devoted to current legal issues in the field of education in post-Soviet countries.

The author, by the example of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries, is the problem of the constitutional right to education, and proposes amendments to Article 30 of the Constitution of Kazakhstan. The article explains the need for systematization of legal acts in the field of education with a view to the adoption of the Education Code. In addition, the author rightly proposes to implement teacher training institutions to teach students new curriculum - Educational Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Keyword: state, law, education, education law, legal, constitution, rule of law, citizens, people, each article of the law, the right to education, regulation, rights, duties and responsibilities.

Education is one of the most strategically important issues of development of any country. This is due to the fact that the level of development of a society depends on the level of development of the state as a whole. U.S. economists have shown in their calculations that the success of the U.S. in foreign trade, exports of goods broad explained as highly skilled workforce and advances in research and higher education [1].

The rapid development of the former Soviet Union, its progress in the economic, and other spheres of public life were the result of careful attention to issues of education from the elimination of universal literacy and universal education up to receive all obliging at least secondary education, access to secondary and higher vocational education.

The high level of modern technology dictates the need to improve the educational level of the population as a whole, including employees in the workplace. Therefore, in Japan, for example, has achieved unprecedented success on the path of progress, 60% of all employees in the sector have a higher education in the U.S. - 27%, in the CIS - an incomplete higher and higher - 13%, and judging from the number of students per 10,000 inhabitants, the following picture will appear: CIS - 181, USA - 263, Canada - 278 [1, p. 3].

As can be seen, the global experience shows that education and science are universal means of overcoming backwardness not only in socio-economically, but also politically. It should be noted that the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the address to the Nation «Strategy Kazakhstan-2050»: a new policy established state» is quite rightly a point out, «To become a developed competitive state, we need to become a highly educated nation» [2].

Announced by the president in this paper a new political and economic course aims to give the citizens of Kazakhstan «the best education, and therefore more worthy of the Future» [2]. The implementation of this course is based primarily on the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which is the legal basis of the national legislation of Kazakhstan, including in education.

In this aspect, I want to mention the erroneous assertion of individual researchers that «Article 30 of the Constitution establishes the right of everyone to education» [3, p. 88]. In fact, the authors apparently did not understand for themselves the problem. The right of everyone to education is one of the fundamental human rights to enable the individual to define their social status, place in life, to become involved in society, contributing to the development of national self-consciousness. Therefore, it must be fixed at the constitutional level, which is necessary because of the real importance of this right, and to bring the constitutional norms of the domestic legislation in line with international human rights standards.

The current Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan «guarantees citizens the right to education» [4] that, first, limits the subject structure of one of the basic human rights in the socioeconomic and cultural spheres, and secondly, is constituted not right, and guarantee the right to education that does not quite meet international standards. For example, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 26 establishes the right of everyone to education. In the present article emphasizes the need to provide primary and secondary education in charge [5, p.19].

The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of 19 December 1966 in Article 13 states: «Parties to the present Covenant recognize the right of everyone to education. They agree that education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and the sense of its dignity, and shall strengthen the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms» [1, p. 26].

In the Declaration of Rights of the Child, adopted November 20, 1959, as the seven principles celebrated the child's right to education, and it «must be free and compulsory, at least in the initial stages of» [5, p. 387].

In Art. 28 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child specifies not only the child's right to education, but also lists the basic guarantees necessary for the exercise of this right by each [5, p. 399].

In these international legal sources of the right to education is presented as one of the basic human rights and they are listed in the warranty that provide each person in the field of education, states that are members of the United Nations, respectively ratified these documents. As can be seen, international law establishes the right of everyone to education, which should be reflected in the national legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan as Kazakhstan is a full member of the United Nations and many other international NGOs, one of the fastest growing countries in the world that has declared the year 2050 the top thirty the most developed countries of the world.

The Convention against discrimination in education of 14 December 1960 in Article 3 clearly states: «In order to eliminate and prevent discrimination within the definition given in the Convention, States parties thereto undertake: ... e) give foreign nationals resident within their territory the same access to education as their citizens» [5, p. 145].

In real life in Kazakhstan have access to education to all without restriction. Reflection of the Basic Law states would indicate more in line with international standards, especially as in Article 1 of the Constitution of the Republic proclaims the desire to build the rule of law.

It should be noted that in the constitutions of other states the right to education is also assigned to each person. Thus, in accordance with Art. 43 of the Constitution of Russian Federation everyone has the right to education.

Thus, in accordance with Art. 43 of the Constitution everyone has the right to education.

In Georgia, according to Art. 35 of the Constitution everyone has the right to education and the choice of a form.

The Constitution of the Ukraine, the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus proclaim the right of everyone to education.

According to Art. 41 of the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan, Art. 41 of the Constitution of the Uzbekistan everyone has the right to education.

What can we say about the constitutions of a number of European countries, in particular in the constitutions of Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Greece and others the right to education is assigned to each person [6, p. 7]. The right to education is also provided for each Constitution of Japan [8].

As a result of recent constitutional reform carried out in the Kyrgyz Republic, the right to education is also constituted as belonging to all, without exception, that is, everyone. The right in question is one of the basic human rights that should be of constitutional entrenchment of the right to education, as well as the legal confirmation of the fundamental rights in international documents. Therefore, it would be appropriate to rule that guarantees the right to education, to edit in order to expand the subject composition of the right to education. This is due to the fact that in the science of law, as we know, there is a distinction between the concepts of «man» and «citizen». Range of human rights is asymmetrical circle of civil rights.

Certainly, the range of civil rights wider range of rights is not a citizen, because of the existence of the policy, and a number of social rights inherent in the citizens. But «the world is full of people who have no nationality, as they do not belong to any state, and therefore does not have a special political and legal quality of citizenship (stateless). Even entire nations have their own statehood (ex. Palestinians)» [9, p. 69]. Does this mean that they are in accordance with constitutional law may be deprived of the right to education? As you know, in today's world of «rights and freedoms» have ceased to be subject to only the domestic jurisdiction of the state, and have become a thing of the international community [10, p. 134]. This means that, in all countries of the world that is defined by the scope of rights enshrined in international instruments.

«According to international law, all persons residing in the State party to the Covenant or to the jurisdiction of that State, have an opportunity to enjoy the rights contained in the Covenant, without distinction as to race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property or other status» [10, p. 135]. This is the basis for the harmonization of national laws of the Member Agreement in accordance with the norms of international acts.

With regard to the realities of present-day Kazakhstan, the problem is updated by the presence in the country a special category of persons - repatriates. Thus, under current law, ethnic Kazakhs returning to live permanently in the homeland, given the status of repatriates and the corresponding status of the documentary's license for a specific period, definitely. During this period, they are not even citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan. If we start from the meaning of Article 30 of the Constitution, the right to education in this period, they are not covered, and the norms of the Constitution, it is well known, have supreme legal force and are directly applicable. Based on the above, there is every reason to believe that in this case there is a gap in constitutional law, and this gap must be eliminated by replacing Article 30 of the Basic Law, the word «citizens» to «everyone».

In addition, the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the term «everyone» to refer to each person or individual. The use of this term implies the assignment called rights to any person, regardless of sex, race, color, origin and other characteristics, as the semantics of the word «everyone» in accordance with the dictionary S.I. Ozhegov's involves everyone, any of their kind [11], which is another argument for the need to edit the constitutional provision under consideration.

Undoubtedly, the constitution is a crucial legal basis of the right to education. However, as recorded in the Basic Law, only the most important rules of law and the process of education is multi-faceted, multi-functional, complex process, the educational relationship governed by an array of current legislation. The most important among them is the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Education», which «regulates social relations in the field of education, defines the basic principles of

the state policy in this area and is aimed at ensuring the constitutional rights of the citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as foreigners and stateless persons permanently residing in the Republic of Kazakhstan, to education» [12].

At the same time, of course, this fundamental law is not enough to deal with all legal relations arising in the field of education. Accepted and is a tremendous amount of legal acts adopted by the Government, the departmental authority, as well as a large array of other laws. These regulations often conflict with each other not only in terms of substantive law (regulation of education), but also on aspects of a formal nature, that is, on the procedures for the adoption of legal acts individually and regulation of certain areas of education.

Thus, the massiveness of the material law and the «white-space» clear regulation of legal education is difficult to generate a set of insurmountable barriers to the organization of educational activities. In our opinion, in this respect, there is a need to streamline, organize educational legislation in the form of codification act, the Education Code, which will incorporate all the legal rules aimed at regulating the educational relations.

Such systematization of regulations in the field of education will quickly find and correctly interpret all the necessary standards and will help fill the gaps, outdated, contradictions in educational legislation, existing at present. This legal act will not only improve the legal framework in the field of management education, but will also help to facilitate the citizens task clarify the legal basis of the right to education, to identify their rights, freedoms, duties and responsibilities in the field of education.

Especially because in this dynamic state, aiming to meet the requirements of the European system of education that is different from the well-known Soviet education system, there are many questions related to the implementation of the powers in the field of education, which is due to the transition to multi-tiered system of education, the emergence of new education standards new terms and concepts, the introduction of new information technologies, the integration processes taking place in this area of activity.

We believe that the problems of legal regulation in the field of education are the most relevant in the countries of the former Soviet Union and other countries and require deregulation. The education system is a complex multi-level unit of society. It is characterized, first, as a set of successive educational programs, national educational standards at different levels and trends, educational institutions, educational authorities, and secondly, as a system of normative legal acts regulating relations in the sphere of education, and thirdly, as a system relations in this sphere. From an educational system in one way or another, connected almost every person in connection with which each is recommended to know their rights, duties and responsibilities in this area.

At present, there is a need for a separate sub-sector of Administrative Law - Education Law, which has as its subject and methods of legal regulation, and accordingly, the introduction into the curriculum of higher education training course «Educational Law». It is a tribute to Russian scientists, who, given the aforementioned facts have chosen to highlight educational course «Educational Law», which studies the social relations in the field of education. The curriculum for this course was developed in Russia in 1996. This course was introduced Academy of Labor and Social Affairs in the Faculty of Law of the program [10, p. 14].

The introduction of this training in the curricula of institutions of higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, at least, universities that train teachers, would be one way of improving the education system. Clarification of their constitutional rights to education, and in accordance with, the duties and responsibilities of citizens and the responsibilities of public authorities in ensuring the right to education only contribute to the promotion of education reforms. The study of this course, can significantly enhance the capabilities and lawyers in the field of education, revealing the essence of legal relations in the sphere of education, and will help to improve the legal culture of the teaching staff, which is absolutely necessary for the successful implementation of the country's right to education.


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4. Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan. - Almaty: «Lawyer», 2013.

5. International Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms: A Collection of Documents. - M.: Legal Literature, 1990.

6. Constitution of Europe. - Vol.1. - M., 2001.

7. Constitution of Europe. - T. 2. - M., 2001.

8. Constitution of foreign countries. - M., Beck, 1996. - 432 p.

9. Kozhomberdiev B.K. Constitutional and legal status of the person in the Kyrgyz Republic (the theoretical aspect): Diss .... cand. of legal sciences. - Bishkek, 1999. -136 p.

10. Shkatulla V.I. Educational law. - M., 2001.

11. Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of Russian language. - M., 1980.

12. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Education». - Almaty: «Lawyer», 2013.


к. ю. н. Кисельов А О.

Украна, м. Днтро, Днтропетровський державний унгверситет внутрШнХ справ старший викладач

Abstract. This article is devoted to current issues of communication with persons police officer in the performance of their duties. The study aims to identify and analyze the psychological and other characteristics of workers operating units of the National Police Criminal Police Ukraine conversations with people in the implementation of operational activities.

Represent the views of experts in the field of psychology, which enable us to establish objective and subjective features of employees of operational units of the National Police Criminal Police Ukraine conversations with people in the implementation of operational activities. The influence of these features on the progress and results of talks, followed by identification of the most effective conditions of its occurrence.

It is noted that the control will move the conversation to complete it properly, leaving the interlocutor appropriate representation of themselves and cause desire to continue communication. Tactically constructed properly is the key to productive discussion, constructive communication and conflict-employee operating unit of the National Police Criminal Police officials from Ukraine in the implementation of operational activities.

Keywords: operational units; features of conversation; rules of conversation.

В Укрш'т пщроздши, уповноважет здшснювати оперативно-розшукову дшльтсть, суворо визначеш законодавством (ст. 5 Закону Украши «Про оперативно-розшукову дiялъmстъ»). На iншi державт органи й недержавт структури дiя даних повноважень не поширюетъся [1].

Питання спшкування пращвника полщи з особами тд час здшснення оперативно-розшуково1 дiяльностi в наш час потребують детального розгляду й виршення з урахуванням специфши такого спшкування.

Метою дано1 статп е визначення та аналiз психологiчних та шших особливостей проведення працiвниками оперативних шдроздшв кримiналъноï полiцiï Нацiоналъноï полiцiï Украши бесщи з особами пiд час здшснення оперативно-розшуковоï дiялъностi.

Бесiду характеризуе наявнiстъ цiлъовоï ïï установки, плановости та вибiрковостi у вiдношеннi оаб, фактiв, явищ, якi залученi в орбгту оперативно-розшукових в!цносин; кола iнтересiв, професiйних знань; рiвня розвитку вольових якостей, темпераменту, свiтогляду й т.п. [2, с. 31 -32].

Бесща е методом отримання шформацп на основi вербально1' (словесно!) комушкаци.

Метод бесiди може дати гарш результати за таких умов:

- по перше, чгтке визначення полщейським мети бесiди;

- по-друге, ч^ке планування системи запитань;

- по-трете, система запитань мае вщповщати вшовим та iндивiдуалъним особливостям осiб, бути динамiчною, тобто змiст наступного запитання мае залежати вiд змiсту вщповщ на попередне тощо;

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