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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kapsargina Svetlana Anatolievna, Shmeleva Zhanna Nickolaevna

In this article the authors analyze the key issues of implementing the project of exporting educational services. Developing the export of educational services has become a priority for Russian universities. The implementation of this direction in the field of activity allows universities to receive significant income, increase their positions in national and international university rankings, and qualify for targeted government grants for the development of the university. In May, 2017 a new state priority project "Development of the export potential of the Russian education system" was approved, which aimed to increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of Russian education in the international educational market. The project sets target indicators, including a 3-fold increase in the number of foreign students in Russian universities, a 3-fold increase in the number of foreign students attending online courses, and a 5-fold increase in the amount of funds received from the export of Russian education. The article analyzes the potential and specific ways to increase the volume of exports of educational services by domestic universities in the field of higher education, since the expansion of exports of educational services is the most important strategic task set for domestic universities.

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педагогические науки

Капсаргина Светлана Анатольевна, Шмелева Жанна Николаевна НЕКОТОРЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ РЕАЛИЗАЦИИ ПРОЕКТА ...

УДК 378.1

DOI: 10.26140/anip-2020-0903-0027



© 2020

Капсаргина Светлана Анатольевна, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, заведующая кафедрой «Иностранный язык» ЦМСиБ Шмелева Жанна Николаевна, кандидат философских наук, доцент, доцент кафедры

«Иностранный язык» ЦМСиБ Красноярский государственный аграрный университет (660049, Россия, Красноярск, пр. Мира,90, e-mail: shmelevazhanna@mail.ru)

Аннотация. В данной статье авторы анализируют ключевые проблемы реализации проекта экспорта образовательных услуг. Развитие экспорта образовательных услуг стало приоритетной задачей для многих российских вузов. Реализация этого на правления деятельности позволяет вузам получить значительный доход, повысить свои позиции в национальных и международных рейтингах вузов и претендовать на получение целевых правительственных грантов на развитие вуза. В мае 2017 г. был утвержден новый государственный приоритетный проект «Развитие экспортного потенциала российской системы образования», цель которого -повысить привлекательность и конкурентоспособность российского образования на международном образовательном рынке. В проекте установлены целевые индикаторы, среди которых увеличение в 3 раза численности иностранных студентов в российских вузах, в 3 раза - числа иностранных слушателей онлайн-курсов и в 5 раз - объема средств, полученных от экспорта российского образования. В статье проанализированы потенциал и конкретные способы увеличения объемов экспорта отечественными вузами образовательных услуг в сфере высшего профессионального образования, так как расширение экспорта образовательных услуг - важнейшая стратегическая задача, поставленная перед отечественными вузами.

Ключевые слова: образовательные услуги, иностранные студенты, высшее образование, экспорт образовательных услуг, интернационализация образования, глобализация, интеграция, конкурентоспособность вуза, государственная аккредитация.


© 2020

Kapsargina Svetlana Anatolievna, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor,

Head of the department of "Foreign Language" Shmeleva Zhanna Nickolaevna, candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor, docent of the department of "Foreign Language" Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University (660049, Russia, Krasnoyarsk, pr. Mira 90, e-mail: shmelevazhanna@mail.ru)

Abstract. In this article the authors analyze the key issues of implementing the project of exporting educational services. Developing the export of educational services has become a priority for Russian universities. The implementation of this direction in the field of activity allows universities to receive significant income, increase their positions in national and international university rankings, and qualify for targeted government grants for the development of the university. In May, 2017 a new state priority project "Development of the export potential of the Russian education system" was approved, which aimed to increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of Russian education in the international educational market. The project sets target indicators, including a 3-fold increase in the number of foreign students in Russian universities, a 3-fold increase in the number of foreign students attending online courses, and a 5-fold increase in the amount of funds received from the export of Russian education. The article analyzes the potential and specific ways to increase the volume of exports of educational services by domestic universities in the field of higher education, since the expansion of exports of educational services is the most important strategic task set for domestic universities.

Keywords: educational services, foreign students, higher education, export of educational services, internationalization of education, globalization, integration, competitiveness of the university, state accreditation.

efforts to integrate its higher education system into the global a downward trend Азимут научных исследований: педагогика и психология. 2020. Т. 9. № 3(32)

Kapsargina Svetlana Anatolievna, Shmeleva Zhanna Nickolaevna SOME PROBLEMS OF IMPLEMENTING THE PROJECT ...

pedagogical sciences

Russia have dropped from second to seventh place in the sphere of educational services export.

The Russian President's Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation states that it is necessary to increase the export of educational services and create conditions for foreign citizens to receive education in Russian universities (primarily from CIS countries) as a serious tool for strengthening Russia's cultural and intellectual influence in the world. "The National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation" sets the task of developing actively international relations in the field of science and education, increasing the export of high-quality educational services (primarily to the states that are CIS members) and making the Russian-language education attractive for the consumers of the educational services world market. "The concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020" developed by the government of the Russian Federation, declares the development of international relations in higher education as one of the key criteria for socio-economic development. The concept states that "... increasing the competitiveness of Russian education will become a criterion for its high quality and will also ensure the positioning of Russia as one of the leaders in the field of export of educational services". The prognosis of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030, developed by the Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, indicates the need to internationalize Russian higher education and expand the export of Russian educational services.

The issue of finding the non-resource export variants for the Russian Federation has become extremely acute recently. People start thinking that oil and gas should not be the main part of the Russian export. Thus, the project of the education export has become relevant and topical and is aimed at increasing the attractiveness and consequently enhancing the competitive position of Russian education in the educational services international market.

Exporting education for Russia (in addition to obvious economic benefits) has strategic advantages: through the training of the intellectual elite and the popularization of the Russian language and culture, our country's international influence on the world market increases. In 2016, it was the first time that Russia had been enumerated in the list of the 30 most powerful countries by the "soft power" criterion. The meaning of this criterion is the ability of any state to exert influence on other states not with the help of large amounts of money and highly-developed weapons, but with the help of cultural peculiarities, norms and values of civil society.

The relevance and topicality of the presented issue is proved by the fact that many scientists dwell on this problem in their theoretical and practical works. Currently, special attention is given to the export of educational services in Russian universities. Modern researchers G. A. Krasnova, A. L. Arefiev, M. Yu. Makhotaeva, O. A. Bakumenko, G. V. Varlamov, A.V. Kosevich, A. L. Kostyukov, N. V. Varlamova, N. V. Sedova considered the goals, objectives, essence and features of the export of educational services [1-8].

Russian universities are striving to increase their international competitiveness and increase the volume of exports of educational services. In recent years, state projects aimed at supporting and developing the export of education in Russia have been implemented. One of the latest initiatives in this area is the federal project "Export of education", launched in November, 2018. Over the 6 years of its implementation, it is expected to increase the contingent of foreign students in Russian universities by at least 2 times. However, as the analysis of sources on this issue has shown, there are a number of factors that serve as a restriction to the export of Russian educational services.


The goal of the article is to give the comprehensive analysis of the existing obstacles for the implementation of the project of export of educational services. The tasks

that the authors try to solve in the research are as follows: to analyze reveal the essence, origin and peculiarities of export of educational services; to justify the necessity of conducting this type of activity; to share the practical experience and show the results of the Krasnoyarsk state agrarian university on export of educational services. The following methods helped to solve the tasks: analysis, induction, deduction, generalization, observation, experiment.


Samsonova V. P. has demonstrated the factors that exert significant influence on the income growth from Russian education exports. Moreover, one can observe an essential decrease in the number of foreign students studying in Russia. The reasons for this trend are as follows:

- there is no fundamental systematic support for foreign students coming to Russia in order to get higher education;

- the activity aimed at promoting and making the system of Russian higher education more attractive doesn't have systematic character;

- the process of admission to domestic universities is characterized by excessive red-tape, consequently the students have to collect a great volume of documents;

- there is a necessity to form the managerial authority that would be able to coordinate and direct the efforts of universities on foreign students' attraction to national educational system in order to develop and implement state policies in this branch [9].

As A. N. Kozyrin points out, the lack of comfortable conditions for foreign students to stay in the Russian Federation is also a great problem that needs to be solved [10]. It means not only the construction of new dormitories, student dormitories and reconstruction of already existing ones, as wells modernizing university campuses (the unsatisfactory state of this sector at the moment has a very negative impact on the competitiveness of domestic education exports), but also issues of security, catering and leisure for foreigners studying in Russia, and visa support.

Some scientists believe that a number of problems peculiar to the Russian higher education system have an impact on the positive image of Russian education system, as well as serve as a barrier to strengthening international cooperation. Let us now turn to these problems:

- the marketing policy methods in the sphere of Russian education export are not well-developed and well-thought over;

- unsatisfactory level of university websites design and adaptive characteristics for applicants from abroad;

- integration of the Russian education system into the Bologna process: recognition of Russian diplomas abroad;

- lack of perfect mechanism to ensure the educational migration;

- loss of connection with national associations of graduates who contributed to the promotion of Russian education;

- indirect impact of the imposition of sanctions on international collaboration in the educational and scientific-research field;

- insufficient number of Russian speakers (linguists) abroad;

- there is no possibility to transfer students from foreign educational institutions;

- the relationship between the entry of Russian universities in the world-famous rankings and their choice by foreign applicants for admission [11-21].

Krasnoyarsk state agrarian university does its best to provide the export of educational services. The Center for International Links and Business successfully organized such course for foreign students as "Russian as a foreign language". The most experienced teachers of the Russian language and literature conduct the classes in this course. Currently, the course "Russian as a foreign language" is attended by students from Iraq, Egypt, Nigeria, and Mongolia, with an income of 850,000 for the 2019-2020 academic year. The authors believe that this kind of activity


Azimuth of Scientific Research: Pedagogy and Psychology. 2020. X 9. № 3(32)

педагогические науки

Капсаргина Светлана Анатольевна, Шмелева Жанна Николаевна НЕКОТОРЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ РЕАЛИЗАЦИИ ПРОЕКТА ...

can lead to the attraction of foreign students to our agrarian university, bring additional investments and thus, increase the competitiveness of Krasnoyarsk state agrarian university in the market of educational services.


In conclusion, it should be mentioned that based on some researchers as N. V. Varlamova and other scientists we formulated the following ideas. In order to optimize of the process of exporting educational services, we should:

- improve the regulatory and legal framework for supporting the export of educational services;

- facilitate and make the visa regime for foreign teachers and students easier and less bureaucratized;

- create a national agency or bureau (governmental or non-governmental) and delegate the authority of promoting Russian education abroad;

- guarantee the international Russian education documents recognition;

- increase the effectiveness of organizational and informational advertising activities;

- make agreements on opening the affiliates and representative offices of Russian universities abroad;

- train Russian teaching staff in English to increase the share of courses taught to foreign students to 10%;

- ensure the quality of training of foreign students through the use of specialized training programs and adaptation of foreign students in new socio-cultural conditions;

- attract foreign faculty members and scientists within the framework of international inter-university collaboration;

- provide the attracted faculty members with comfortable living conditions, reasonable salaries, well-equipped laboratories with access to internet, multi-media;

- guarantee visa obtaining and visa support for the invited scientists;

- improve the infrastructure and living conditions of foreign students.

The essence of the above mentioned is reduced to the fact that the main reasons that hinder the development of international relations of the Russian higher school are:

- the actual absence of a unified state policy in this area;

- insufficient budget funding;

- the information support for international cooperation is not well-developed and is often based on personal relationships;

- little or even no experience in international activities in some Russian universities;

- the stability of relations with international organizations, funds and programs in the field of education and science leaves much to be desired.

Thus, for Russian universities, attracting foreign applicants is one of the priority tasks, since increasing the export of educational services, participation in global processes of development of science and education contributes to the realization of socio-economic and geopolitical interests, is a source of additional economic benefits, and intellectual capital, in turn, determines the direction and dynamics of development of countries and their competitiveness in the international arena.

Despite the fact that the popularity of Russian education is growing, problems that reduce its attractiveness for foreign citizens remain and serve as a barrier to further export of educational services. It is obvious that the export of education should be considered seriously as one of the most important directions of Russia's foreign policy and given priority attention to it.


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Статья поступила в редакцию 26.02.2020 Статья принята к публикации 27.08.2020

Азимут научных исследований: педагогика и психология. 2020. Т. 9. № 3(32)


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