SOME DEFICIENCIES WHICH CAN BE DIVIDED INTO DETAILS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Прочие социальные науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по прочим социальным наукам, автор научной работы — Jurayeva B.M., Jo’Rayeva B.M., Ergashev T.A.

This article provides information on some of the shortcomings that can lead to the breakdown of drawings into details. From the topics in the Drawing section, there are ways to explain the errors that can be made in breaking down assembly drawings into details.

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UDK 004.02:004.5:004.9

Jurayeva B.M. assistant teacher

of Karshi branch of Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural

mechanization engineers Jo'rayeva B.M. assistant teacher

of Karshi branch of Tashkent Institute of irrigation and

agricultural engineers Ergashev T.A. teacher

of Karshi branch of the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural

mechanization engineers


Abstract: This article provides information on some of the shortcomings that can lead to the breakdown of drawings into details. From the topics in the Drawing section, there are ways to explain the errors that can be made in breaking down assembly drawings into details.

Keywords: spatial, project, cylinder, rod, shape, chamfer, typical, assembly, object, body.

Introduction In Uzbekistan today, the integration of education and upbringing remains one of the main ideas of education. Educating the current generation in the spirit of patriotism and shaping them as scientifically sound people is the first goal of every coach and professor. The knowledge acquired at a young age, that is, during school, is important for today's young generation to have a career in the future. Drawing is one of the subjects taught in general secondary schools. As far as we know, drawing is taught in grades 8-9. For those who think that this science can contribute to the professional development of students: first of all, this science encourages students to develop a broad spatial imagination, to be able to imagine any project, and to develop students' self-confidence. serves to increase.

It is important to understand the construction projects currently underway in all regions through the drawings and to be able to read the construction through these drawings. At the same time, when assembling household appliances produced in industrial enterprises, it is necessary to learn how to assemble, use and follow the rules of safety using the technical manual. To do this, you need to study the science of drawing in depth, to master every subject in this subject.

Literature analysis and methodology. At school, drawing subjects are chosen for school-age students. Including the information provided in the assembly drawing, drawings, drawing procedures, sizing, and so on. When we

draw every detail of life together, it becomes an object. Improper assembly of the above household appliances can lead to negative consequences.

Most science teachers cite assembly drawings as one of the most difficult parts of a drawing course for students to master. There are a number of objective and subjective reasons for this. Demonstrate the assembly diagram and poster, as well as the assembly unit itself or model, so that students can easily master the topic. Students will be less likely to make mistakes when reading assembly diagrams and will be able to complete assignments with understanding.

Anyone unfamiliar with assembly drawings may not understand them at first sight. It is difficult for him to understand from which of the confusing lines in the diagram he begins to read, the process by which the unit depicted in the diagram works. Knowing this feature, the teacher tells students the importance of sequential, step-by-step reading of assembly drawings, including projection links of images, barcodes in clippings, various auxiliary images made in the drawing, specifications and others should be noted to be of great help.

What are the most common mistakes students make when reading assembly drawings? These include trying to determine the shape of a detail on one of the images, usually trying to find it in the cut shown on the output line, which indicates the position number of the detail. Avoiding such mistakes should always be the focus of the teacher. Often, when the reader moves on to identify the incomprehensible shape of a detail from another image, he forgets the rules of projection connection and searches for the image of the detail where it cannot be located.

One of the most common errors in the detailing process is that the contour lines belonging to another intermediate detail are retained in the contour of the detail being depicted. The reverse error is that students are not in the assembly drawing, but do not show in the drawing the lines that appear after the detail that has been removed is removed. An example of this is the section of the unit through which the stock passes through the cylindrical hole of the housing in Figure 1. By doing this cut without a rod, the reader leaves the transition line (formed at the intersection of two cylindrical holes) without drawing. An error similar in content is shown in Figure 1.

The simplifications to be used in the assembly drawings by the STSs allow a number of elements, such as chamfers and scales, not to be shown in the drawing. Also, the gap between the hole and the stem is not shown. When students draw on assembly drawings, they often forget the need to recreate these "unspecified" elements in the drawing, i.e., to show the chamfer at the end of the shaft or in the hole.

Results and discussions. In the above, we have focused on the typical errors that students encounter in graphic work on the main topics of the drawing course. Of course, such mistakes are made while studying the course. Seeing these mistakes in time and correcting them will guarantee a perfect course.

Figure 1

Conclusion. In general, the drawing teacher should always carefully check the graphic work done by students in order to form the correct graphic literacy of students, analyze and correct mistakes with the student, if necessary. need This work should always be the focus of the teacher when teaching a drawing course to students.


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