SOME ASPECTS OF INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL ECONOMY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Kruglov Vladimir

The relevance of the article is determined by the modern technological change in economic development, which is practically impossible without innovation. It is the search for the most effective combination of components of this happening with dynamics at the regional level and dedicated study. During the comparative analysis of applied systemic, integrated and process-based approaches. Provides prognostic factors of sustainable development of territories on the basis of the innovation component. Given the rating processes. Prior art adapted for use in similar territories.

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The relevance of the article is determined by the modern technological change in economic development, which is practically impossible without innovation. It is the search for the most effective combination of components of this happening with dynamics at the regional level and dedicated study. During the comparative analysis of applied systemic, integrated and process-based approaches. Provides prognostic factors of sustainable development of territories on the basis of the innovation component. Given the rating processes. Prior art adapted for use in similar territories.


investment, innovation, technological parks, the cluster approach, the spatial resource, dynamics of development, sustainable growth, business environment


Vladimir Kruglov

PhD in Economics, Professor at the chair of Economics Institute of management, business and technology Kaluga vladkaluga@yandex.ru.

In modern conditions of increasing difficulty geopolitical and economic nature to the management of any state in the priority task is to support the sustainable development of the national economy. This task is extremely relevant for modernizing the Russian economy, is quite susceptible to crises of internal and external markets. The confirmation of the slowdown in the first half of 2014, according to Rosstat data, the GDP growth rate to 0.8%. Among the main causes of sagging national economy, according to expert estimates, called the suspension and stabilization of world prices for hydrocarbons. Still unstable situation in the global financial markets, large scale reaches the outflow of capital (in the amount of 63 billion. for the first quarter of this year, [1]), reduced the business interest of domestic enterprises, due to their deficit of own investment resources.

The positive dynamics of the national economic complex is able to give the regions. Most of them in order to accelerate socio-economic development should carry out institutional reforms. Consequently, the regions are closer interaction between the state and the business community, will be provided by the implementation of targeted programs to attract investment, cluster and innovation development.

In accordance with the purpose of the present work will move further to the consideration of approaches by which it becomes possible now to achieve a sustainable pace of economic development of Kaluga region. It should first be noted that the starting conditions were not ideal for economic growth: a depression in the region, the lack of essential minerals, poor representation of small and medium businesses, low investment attractiveness, significant differences in the level of socio-economic development of the Northern and southern areas. In the few advantages of our region could be called the convenient geographical location, availability of advanced material and technical base of scientific and personnel potential (concentrated mainly in two cities - Kaluga and Obninsk).

The formation of an active economic environment at the regional scale starts over ten years ago with the adoption of regulatory acts aimed at attracting investment. [2] In accordance with these documents a wide range of support to foreign and domestic investors from the regional budget: concessions on regional taxes and levies, subsidies, grants, low cost loans. The region to invest their own funds in infrastructure investment sites - industrial parks (regional brand). So, in order to implement the largest investment project with automobile concern "Volkswagen Group Rus", in 2006. the regional administration has specifically adopted the law "On the Governor's investment program for the development of the industrial Park "Grabtsevo", according to which she bought from individuals 800 hectares of land for the construction of the production plant and groups of companies-suppliers. In addition, from the local budget funded the construction of the necessary engineering communications, as specified on the investment site and all of the subsequent: "Kaluga-Yug", "Rosva" (Kaluga), Vorsino (Borovsky district), "Malaki" (Duminichi district), "sosensky" (Kozelsky district), Kollontay (Maloyaroslavets district), techno Park "Obninsk" (Obninsk), private industrial Park I-Park lemminkainen" (Babyninskiy district, industrial zone "Gatchina" (Maloyaroslavets district), The SEZ "Development" (Lyudinovo district). Effective assistance in overcoming bureaucratic barriers in the design and launch of investment projects have a "Corporation of development of the Kaluga region" and "regional development Agency".

Listed institutional measures to support investment activity, as well as deep market sales of goods and services (within a radius of 400 km is home to 22 million people), a wide network of highways, skilled and inexpensive labor force result improving the regional investment climate. According to the National Rating Agency, Kaluga region marked by the index IC3 (high investment attractiveness - the third level, as at 10.12. 2013. [3]) In the region currently 140 investment projects, among which a significant share of foreign. The largest amount of direct investment (annual input to the regional economy is about $ 1 billion. [4]) of the leading European and Asian countries is the production of vehicles and equipment, metallurgical and chemical production, wholesale and retail trade, agriculture, construction. Tax revenues since 2006. amounted to 46 billion rubles, of which about 20 billion rubles entered in the budget of the Kaluga region. Only in 2013. started 17 new plants, which gave the economy of the region 20 thousand new highly paid jobs. [5]

Without a doubt the inflow of investments can give a positive dynamics of the regional economy, providing quantitative growth. Logical in this regard, the solution looks Vnesheconombank to buy from our region 25-interest share in industrial parks, as regards this project has high potential. However, foreign investment does not provide a technological breakthrough at the regional scale and in the long term, highlighting them as a priority without innovation bears the risk of preserving and even increasing the lag in technological terms. To keep the leading position in the rating of Russian subjects of the Kaluga region will be able to increase the orientation of its economy to innovative development of scientific, industrial, educational and social spheres. This new development will give her the stability and competitiveness.

Describing the process of forming the regional innovation infrastructure, it is necessary to emphasize the role of Technopark, Obninsk, residents of which are engaged in research in nuclear physics, nuclear energy, radioecology, aerospace science, biology, medicine. According to its organizational-economic essence of this zone of technical innovation type system of relations, optimizing innovative business activities integral with a technological focus. Creating an extensive network of domestic and foreign innovative companies with a small flexible and knowledge-intensive production, the organizers of the Park are committed to carrying out and completion of the survey, bringing them to technologies and prototype implementation of developments on the market of high-tech products. In accordance with the target program [6] for the construction of Obninsk

Technopark only from the Federal budget goes to 1.4 billion rubles (complete project scheduled for this year). Among the 26 innovation Park resident-companies specializing in biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, clearly distinguish domestic enterprises of Rosatom and the Russian Academy of medical Sciences. Social impact this project is the creation 4600 jobs, which will reduce the outflow of labor in the Moscow agglomeration.

Note that the Technopark in the sphere of high technologies is one of the links of the innovation infrastructure. For a comprehensive state support of innovative enterprises in Obninsk established the Centre for science and technology business incubator. Along with Obninsk business incubators are created in Kaluga, Lyudinovo, Kirov, Maloyaroslavets, Vorotynsk. An important place in the organization of investing in small, fast-growing innovative companies registered in the Kaluga region, given a Closed mutual investment Fund of venture investments, organized on the basis of state-private partnership. Its volume is currently 280 million rubles One of the first, supported by the Foundation of enterprises, is the Obninsk plant protection materials", which received 42 million rubles for the project (implementation period: 2013) to create an innovative energy-saving materials using ultra-light inorganic filler micron sizes. Continuing the series of institutional formations of innovation infrastructure, also highlight the Foundation for assistance to small innovative enterprises in science and technology (Bortnik Fund). The task of the regional office of the Fund is to attract young scientists to innovate. Many of them take part in competitions under the program SMART. For the period 2007-2013, more than 70 young innovators became winners of the competition by awarding them grants projects Fund in the amount of 400 thousand rubles for two years. [7]

Among the factors contributing to the achievement of sustainable economic development of Kaluga region, should engage in constructive cooperation with the countries of near and far abroad. Priority directions of development of regional foreign economic activity is the improvement of the commodity structure of export-import operations (increase in the export share of production of high-tech industries, machine building, instrument making, wood processing, agro-industrial complex); institutional support innovative business entities, opening to foreign markets. Among the partners of the region currently 109 countries of the world. The most closely Kaluga contact with the business circles of Germany, France, Czech Republic, China, Republic of Korea, Belarus, Kazakhstan. A relatively high proportion, in the commodity group of regional exports of machine building products, timber, raw materials. The product range of imported products from CIS countries includes food products, products of chemical industry and from abroad machinery, metals and products from them. In the first half of 2014. foreign trade turnover of the Kaluga region was 4705,6 million, including export - 236,1 million, import - 4469,5 million. [8] Given the digital value indicates the presence of a negative trade balance. In order to overcome such trends requires diversification of regional economies. Along with this, the regional leadership is passed on the implementation of the import substitution strategy in relation to consumer goods and food (in response to the introduction of sectoral Western countries ' sanctions against Russia).

Accession to the WTO not only tightened competition, but also highlighted the many unresolved problems within the sphere of activity. For more than two thirds of the price reduction was due to a weak development or complete absence of infrastructure for processing and implementation, development of which is not provided either in government support programs, nor in any concessional lending.

Building horizontal ties diversified management will improve the competitiveness of domestic producers on the domestic market. But in the foreign market without state support is necessary. So, in the US, gas and petroleum products by 10-15%, and electricity by 20% cheaper than in Russia. Meanwhile climate risks and the costs much lower.

Predicting further development of the sphere of activity can be noted that if the profitability of production will not increase and will remain within the current 10%, the

payback period of investment projects will increase from 5-8 (at 20%profit margin) for up to 10 years. And that can lead to bankruptcy of domestic producers and increase in the share of imports to 40-50% in the next few years.

Therefore, in order to adequately respond to new threats and challenges against the background of cooperation with the WTO in the field of agriculture should take the following measures:

1) to develop and implement target-oriented software not only production, but also vertically related clusters - refining and marketing - as a necessary condition of creating a diversified infrastructure;

2) to restrict the lower limit of the tariffs of natural monopolies for agricultural producers;

3) to revise the existing system of quotas and customs duties in the best interests of not only the efficiency of domestic producers, but also to ensure national food security;

4) to lobby for the interests of Russian business entities in the WTO system, positioning their strengths.

Only in this case, Russia will be able not only to stand on the path of innovative development, ensuring its product national security, but also to take full advantage of all the lessons and benefits from WTO accession.

Best practices of innovative renewal of the Kaluga region is widely marketed in Russia and abroad. So, in July 2013 was held in Moscow international forum "INNOPROM-2013", which was attended by the Deputy Governor of the Kaluga region Ruslan Zalivatskiy [9].

He focused on the personal commitment of the regional team in creating a favorable business environment. After all, you first need to be a reliable partner and to respond promptly to queries and problems of investors. Culture relations, competence, experience - all this creates the impression of the region in the global business community.

In the continuation of the dialogue RSPP President Alexander Shokhin noted the importance of perceptions of the investment climate in the Russian regions, both domestic and foreign investors. As Chairman and managing partner of KPMG in Russia and the CIS Oleg told about the results of a study on the assessment of investment climate in Russia. "From the point of view of methodology, we tried to abstract away from the prevailing stereotypes and based on the empirical experiences of investors", - said during the dialogue Oleg. It was noted that investors see improved regional investment climates.

The business community has put in priority the desire and ability of the region to be successful. The so-called hard factors - geography and natural resources today are not essential. The focus has changed towards "soft factors" - the relationship with the investor, open dialogue with the regional authorities, the participation of the region in the business process.

Based on this approach to the gun, and line up high investment ratings of the Kaluga region today.

For example, in 2013, Kaluga region was included in the TOP 10 ranking of regional preparedness for public-private partnership, finishing in 9th place [10].

Rating of regions of the Russian Federation on the development of public-private partnership (PPP)was prepared by experts of PPP development Center at the initiative of the chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation and represents the dynamics of the development of the PPP market in the Russian Federation.

Rating prepared jointly with the chamber of Commerce, as well as with the expert community: bankers, consultants, government officials.

This rating is clearly independent and evidence-based tool for assessing the investment attractiveness of projects in the field of public infrastructure in the regions.


1. The stability of the budget system is an important task of the Ministry of Finance of Russia, Finance, 2014, № 5, p. 7.

2. See, for example: the Law of the Kaluga region dated 26.06.2003 №223-OZ "ON state support of investment activity entities Kaluga region"; the Law of the Kaluga region dated 10.11.2003 № 263-OZ "on tax on property of organizations".

3. Rating of investment attractiveness of regions of Russia [Electronic resource]: http://www.ra-national.ru/?page=regions-raiting-investment.

4. Investment portal of the Kaluga region [Electronic resource]: http://www.investkaluga.com/news/.

5. Protsenko, A. (2014) "Field of dreams" was overgrown with quinoa, Labor, № 50, p. 3.

6. Resolution of the Government of the Kaluga region dated 12.11.2012 No. 563 "On approval of the long-term target program "Creation of Technopark in the sphere of high technologies in the city of Obninsk, Kaluga oblast for 2012-2014" (amended on September 9, 2013).

7. Alexandrov, E.L. (2014) "To the question about the role of institutional support to small and medium-sized businesses in the Kaluga region", Development of management and information technologies, their role in the regional economy: proceedings of the first all-Russian open NPK (June 3, 2014.), Kaluga, FE Riflemen I.A. (published by Eidos), p. 8.

8. Foreign economic relations [Electronic resource]: http://www.admoblkaluga.ru/sub/econom/invest/vnesheconom/.

9. Kruglov, V.N. (2014) "Innovative development of the region: the cluster approach, Regional Economics: theory and practice, № 12, p. 19.

10. Voronov, A.S. and Kruglov, V.N. (2014) "Prospects of cluster development of innovative economy of the regions", Regional Economics: theory and practice, № 25, p. 27.




The paper deals with the results of studying of circumstances of life of two representatives of the senior generation of the author's family. Their destiny was directly connected with history and culture of the Far East suburb of Russia - the Vladivostok outpost. Reconstruction of biographies from archival and memoirs sources, it was succeeded to restore earlier unknown pages of history and culture of the South of the Far East of Russia and the Russian abroad.


the Far East, Primorye, fortress Vladivostok, the Far East operetta, the Russian diaspora in Harbin and Shanghai


Isabella Krylovskaya

PhD in Arts, associate professor Far Eastern Federal University; Vladivostok State University of Economy And Service

Vladivostok belcanto@bk.ru

2 The paper is performed within the grant of the Ministry of Education and sciences of the Russian Federation "Processes of cross-cultural communication in the Pacific Rim: interdisciplinary approach".

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