SOME ASPECTS OF CASE-BASED LEARNING AS A TEACHING TOOL Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Ключевые слова
case-based learning / interactive technology / teaching strategies / higher medical education

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Glubochenko O.V., Glubochenko V.G., Dudko O.G.

The article focuses on discussion about the role and the place of case-based method in learning process. Providing of case-based learning helps to form clinical decision-making, reasoning and judgment in medical students, strengthen students study, make the educational process more real and relevant to clinical practice. Case-based learning provides a unique opportunity to study complex and professionally important issues in an emotionally favourable atmosphere of the educational process, that stimulate students to be more active, makes them independent learners and problem solvers.

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«ШУШШШУМ-ШиГМак» #Ш©&)), 202 а PEDAGOGICAL sciences


Таким образом, в данной работе мы выявили возможности обучения иностранному языку через социальные сети, а именно через Instagram, так как сейчас люди проводят много времени в Интернете в досуге, и исходя из возможностей могут заниматься саморазвитием. Изучив функции данного приложения, нами была разработана программа интенсивного обучения, которая развивает основные виды речевой деятельности (чтение, аудирование, письмо). Программа нацелена на изучение грамматики и лексики английского языка, а также на умение высказывать своё мнение на современные проблемы. Она составлена для тех, кто не занимается

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изучением английского языка, чтобы они могли вести разговор с нерусскоговорящими и знать его основы.

Библиографический список

1. Леонтьев В. П.Социальные сети: ВКон-такте, БасеЬоок и другие... - М.: ОЛМА Медиа Групп, 2012. - 256 с.: ил. - (Компьютерный бестселлер).

2. Хуторской А. В.: Дидактика: учебник для вузов. Стандарт третьего поколения. - СПб.: Питер, 2017. - 720 с.: ил. - (Серия "Учебник для вузов").

3. Английский язык: Ваш путь к успеху! электр. журн. 2014. Режим доступа: [http://www.engsuccess.ru] (Дата обращения 20.11.2020)

Glubochenko O. V.

MD, PhD, Associate professor Glubochenko V.G.

MD, PhD, Associate professor

Dudko O.G.

MD, PhD, Associate professor Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine



The article focuses on discussion about the role and the place of case-based method in learning process. Providing of case-based learning helps to form clinical decision-making, reasoning and judgment in medical students, strengthen students study, make the educational process more real and relevant to clinical practice. Case-based learning provides a unique opportunity to study complex and professionally important issues in an emotionally favourable atmosphere of the educational process, that stimulate students to be more active, makes them independent learners and problem solvers.

Key words: case-based learning, interactive technology, teaching strategies, higher medical education.

According to scientists and practitioners, the acquisition of knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities, the development of personal and professionally significant qualities in the training of future professionals are the most effective when interactive teaching methods are used in educational process. The main idea of interactive learning is based on providing in educational process constant active collaboration between all learning process participants.

The current medical curriculum requires medical students to have a broad base of factual knowledge. Usually, the education has typically been done through practical classes, lectures and rote memorization, but the developing of problem-solving skills, witch are important, are so minimal, as not many teachers are enough emphasis on that aspect. Some limitations should be set on the amount of factual information that students are expected to learn, with a greater emphasis on the development and training of clinical reasoning and communicating skills. This should motivate students to become more engaged, independent learners, and problem solvers.

One of the effective interactive teaching method in medical education is case-based learning (CBL). It was used in various educational levels, from undergraduate

to postgraduate. CBL is especially important in learning clinically oriented disciplines, as Internal Medicine, General Surgery, Orthopaedics, etc. It requires that students classrooms are located at the hospitals with a big turn-over of patient, that will allow students to see the real-life patients in time restricted conditions watching and participating in treatment process. To see rear clinical cases the learning process should be organised in regional and big city hospitals. Though the University Hospitals may be considered the better choice.

CBL is defined as an inquiry structured learning experience utilizing live or simulated patient cases to solve, or examine a clinical problem, with the guidance of a teacher and stated learning objectives. CBL and Problem based learning (PBL) are two main trends in education that goes along within whole educational process completing and assisting each other. The advantages of using CBL include more focusing on learning objectives compared with PBL. Another advantages are the flexibility on the use of a case, and the ability to deeper the level of learning by inducing more critical thinking skills [1].

So the CBL is a well-established methodology that students employ across disciplines to apply their knowledge to real-world problems. It results in higher



levels of cognition and effects further clinical practise. Students in CBL classes usually work in groups on case studies, tales with one or more characters, and/or scenarios. This is the higher level of educational process when the cases provide a clinical challenge for which students must find answers based on their previously received knowledge, but the instructor should follow students continuously assisting and helping when students are confused and cant move forward.

The main idea of CBL is that the use of virtual 'trigger' scenarios pique students' interest in a specific subject, and promote independent self-studying involving problem solving and analysis. Clinical situation solving and decision analysis are considered to be the important skills for graduated medical students. By means of CBL students apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios. It allows also to promote higher levels of cognition that are essentially important for successful everyday work of any physician.

When compared to PBL, case-based learning offers more focus on learning objectives, flexibility in case application, and the capacity to induce a deeper degree of learning by developing more critical thinking abilities that allows to chose the correct decision among many possible options.

In a review of the literature about modern learning methods, Williams (2005) describes a number of benefits of CBL use in the classroom, in particular: CBL utilizes collaborative learning, facilitates the integration of learning, develops students' intrinsic and extrinsic motivation to learn, encourages learner self-reflection and critical reflection, allows for scientific inquiry, integrates knowledge and practice, and supports the development of a variety of learning skills [2].

In the literature review about the effectiveness of CBL in health profession education, Thistlethwaite et al. (2012), accentuated on several benefits [3]:

• Overwhelmingly, students enjoy CBL and think that it enhances their learning.

• Teachers enjoy CBL, partly because it engages, and is perceived to motivate, students.

• CBL seems to foster learning in small groups though whether this is the case delivery or the group learning effect is unclear.

Chonkar et al. (2018) have hypothesized that students who participate in case-based learning gain deeper and more long-lasting knowledge than students who seek to mostly memorize (but not apply) critical scientific facts [4].

Basic, social and clinical sciences are studied in relation to the case, are integrated with clinical presentations and conditions (including health and ill-health) and student learning is, therefore, associated with reallife situations [3].

Academic Medicine will strive to publish case studies that are grounded in relevant literature, advance compelling arguments, offer critical analyses of underlying issues, identify and challenge assumptions, and present synthetic and interpretive discussions [5].

McLean SF. (2016) emphasizes that CBL is a tool that involves matching clinical cases in health care-related fields to a body of knowledge in that field, in order

to improve clinical performance, attitudes, or teamwork. This type of learning has been shown to enhance clinical knowledge, improve teamwork, improve clinical skills, improve practice behaviour, and improve patient outcomes [6].

A good clinical case should meet the following requirements:

- have an appropriate level of difficulty;

- be relevant today and according to current principle of evidence-based medicine;

- illustrate typical situations;

- develop analytical thinking;

- provoke discussion;

- correspond to the clearly set goal of creation;

By complexity cases are divided on:

- Illustrative learning situations (cases). The purpose of these cases is to teach students the algorithm for making the right decision in a certain situation on a certain practical example;

- learning situations (cases) with problem formation. This type of cases has clear formulation of the problem, which describes the situation in a particular period of time, place, and clearly identify and articulate clinical data. The purpose of this case is to do analysis of the situation and diagnose the pathology, than make an independent correct decision on the specified problem;

- learning situations (cases) without the formation of a problem. These cases describe a more complex and difficult clinical situation. In this type of cases the problem is not clearly identified and the main purpose of case is to determine the problem, to indicate alternative ways to solve it with the analysis of available resources;

- Applied exercises, in which the specific situation is described. It is proposed to find ways out of it; the purpose of case is to find ways to solve the problem.

By the goals and objectives of the learning process cases are divided on:

- cases that teach analysis and assessment;

- cases that teach problem solving and decision making;

- cases that illustrate a problem, solution or concept as a whole

There are next stages of the case:

1. Introduction session:

• A faculty announces information about case previously with explanation of purposes and giving the instructions for the sessions, setting rules and regulations.

• Students independently learn about the content of the case.

• A faculty provides to inquire of students about their understanding of content, aim of the case and problem statement.

2. The stage of directly work on the case scenarios:

• A faculty divides students into micro-groups (4-6 people), provides organization of work in small groups and defined the main speakers in each of them.

• Discussion of the content of the case in micro-groups.

• Presentation of groups decisions by one of its representatives.



• General discussion and discussion about received decisions. At the same time, a faculty teaching and guiding the discussion, ensuring that learning objectives are met.

3. The final stage is summarizing of the obtained results and acquired knowledge. A faculty provides generalizing speech.

The cases used in class must meet certain criteria: they must have the required level of difficulty, they must clearly correspond to the current topic of practical training, various features of diagnostic and treatment strategies must be considered, and they must be relevant to the time of their use (must be used applicable classifications, approaches to patient according to the newest guidelines). The work on the case stimulates development of new forms of analytical thinking and decision-making, provides an opportunity of students' discussion, and create of various options for making accurate decisions. CBL have showed to be useful for students on different years of studying mostly in strategic and deep learners groups [7]. For various clinical disciplines it was even more beneficial than basic medical disciplines [8, 9].

So, the use of CBL increase the interest of students in the study of discipline successfully complements the theoretical aspects of subject, promote dialogue between teacher and student on an equal level, strengthen students' learning and improve the quality of knowledge. It makes the learning more real and relevant to clinical practice. Providing of CBL help to form in medical students the skills of clinical decision-making, reasoning and judgment. It provides also a unique opportunity to study complex and professionally important issues in an emotionally favourable atmosphere of the educational process, promote independent self-study involving problem solving and decision analysis.


1. McLean SF. Case-Based Learning and its Application in Medical and Health-Care Fields: A Review of Worldwide Literature. J Med Educ Curric Dev. 2016;3:JMECD.S20377. Published 2016 Apr 27. doi:10.4137/JMECD.S20377

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2.Williams B. Case-based learning - a review of the literature: is there scope for this educational paradigm in prehospital education? Emerg Med, 2005; 22: 577-581.

3. Thistlethwaite JE, Davies D, Ekeocha S, Kidd JM, MacDougall C, Matthews P, Purkis J, Clay D. The effectiveness of case-based learning in health professional education. A BEME systematic review: BEME Guide No. 23. Med Teach. 2012;34(6):e421-44. doi: 10.3109/0142159X.2012.680939.

4. Chonkar SP, Ha TC, Chu SSH, Ng AX, Lim MLS, Ee TX, Ng MJ, Tan KH The predominant learning approaches of medical students. BMC Med Educ, 2018; 18(17). Available from: https://bmcmededuc.bi-omedcentral.com/articles/ 10.1186/s12909-018-1122-5.

5. Kanter, Steven L. Case Studies in Academic Medicine. Academic Medicine. 2010;85(4):567 doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e3181d953f3.

6. McLean SF. Case-Based Learning and its Application in Medical and Health-Care Fields: A Review of Worldwide Literature. J Med Educ Curric Dev. 2016 Apr 27;3:JMECD.S20377. doi: 10.4137/JMECD.S20377. PMID: 29349306; PMCID: PMC5736264.

7. Gul A, Khan RA, Yasmeen R, Ahsan NU. How Case Based Learning Promotes Deep Learning In Preclinical Years Of Medical Students? J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad. 2020 Apr-Jun;32(2):228-233. PMID: 32583999.

8. Dudko OG. (2018). Managing "Traumatology and orthopedics" educational course for foreign students in Bukovynian State Medical University. Medical Education., 1, 125-28. doi: 10.11603/me.2414-5998.2018.1.8692

9. Bi M, Zhao Z, Yang J, Wang Y. Comparison of case-based learning and traditional method in teaching postgraduate students of medical oncology. Med Teach. 2019 0ct;41(10):1124-1128. doi: 10.1080/0142159X.2019.1617414. Epub 2019 Jun 19. PMID: 31215320.

Годун В.П.

астрант 1нституту професшно-техтчног oceimu НАПН Украши, м. Кшв


Godun V.P.



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